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/lit/ - Literature

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16344514 No.16344514 [Reply] [Original]

Books where main protagonist being destroyed by side character by one paragraph

>> No.16344539

Storm of swords

>> No.16344544

imagine being so embittered you harass girls online. theyre just girls nigga why are you so mad

>> No.16344572

I mean he's not wrong but only a complete loser would write a whole paragraph about some random YouTube thot

>> No.16344596
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>> No.16344600

i mean, they deserve it regardless

>> No.16344754
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>someone does something i do not like therefore it's my duty to express my strong distaste for their hobbies and way of being
unless the girl is mentally retarded she is never going to waste time reading all that shit you write, why even bother wasting time like that you autistic basement dweller

>> No.16344784

thirsty simps posting on /lit/ about this idiot and the other ones like megan boyle or whatever her name is.

>> No.16344883
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>> No.16344885



>> No.16344893

No one simps for megan, she's a mentally ill attention whore who spams herself. If mods and jannies weren't useless shits that only delete on-topic threads that trigger them, she'd be permabanned by now.

>> No.16344897

that rat looking twink got rekt

>> No.16344926

>you harass girls online
Our culture relentlessly harasses boys and young men just for being boys and young men. All but a very narrow cross section of ways of being male are under attack as "toxic". Even things such as how men sit in public - "man spreading" - are being attacked by women and some men now. If you're male and you do anything that has - only since last Tuesday - been deemed "problematic", there's no end of young white women taking aim at you. All I heard during my adolescence was women bitching and moaning about "double standards" any time men and women were treated differently than women in a way that seemed to confer some advantage on men that women did not likewise enjoy.
Today it seems like the tables have turned. The world trips over itself to constantly make sure that young white girls are constantly made to feel provided for, safe, and happy. Women, just by virtue of having a female body have an enormous deal of social capital that men just simply don't have unless they are born into wealth and power. Our culture adores and celebrates womanhood to the point where you can't even criticise young women for their shortcomings. Instead you're called upon to rain down an ever flowing river of affirmation on their delicate, wonderful little hearts. The vast majority of these young women bring nothing of value into the world. They have nothing to say worth hearing, and they do nothing working caring about. But that's okay, because society exists for their sake and men should feel graced to merely enjoy their presence. Men should ask themselves what they can do for society; society should ask itself what it can do for women.

>> No.16344938
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>> No.16345112

attacking girls is not a manly trait, you fucking doofus. this bitch is not attractive and i dont find her channel appealing at all but to be a bitter faggot and type elliot rodger tier essays against her is absolutely a sign of mental illness
so what, are you some kind of faggot for getting all hurt because a girl said something on twitter? grow up.
>criticize young women for their shortcomings
>wah why arent all women perfect and up to my standards
>why cant i get girls
yeah grow the fuck up

>> No.16345117

just cause boys get shit doesnt mean you get to throw shit to women too, everyone's shitfaced and you making life worse for other people is not helping, no matter what faggot justification you may give yourself

>> No.16345419

Lol wow this is 2007 tier Incel drivel. Get off 4chan and meet some actual women you fucking sperg

>> No.16345441

>words words words words words

don't care incel, didn't read.

>> No.16346225

Thanks for the push back /lit/bros. I mean that. I've been having bad luck lately with dating and it's started going to my head. You comments helped me think about where these thoughts were starting to take me.

>> No.16346268

>words words words words words
that's all your beloved youtuber says, though.

>> No.16346960

I'd vote for you anon.

>> No.16347178

I feel bad for her because it is probably the first time she was ever criticized in her entire life. Women have it so easy.

>> No.16347198

totally agreeable but as to why this wall of text isn't also a call for attention?

>> No.16347558

>no you can't just make a lighthearted booktube channel! here is what you actually think!

>> No.16347564

And you know this how? Do you have any experience being a woman?

>> No.16347597

yeah, im a tranny

>> No.16347709

Not simping- but that guy’s a total jerk. Again, not simping.

It’s so pitiful for bitter misanthropes to leave hurtful comments that directly target people. The world is already cruel enough as it is. Why make it any worse? There’s no good that can come from that comment even if you think she’s an attention whore. just ignore her. I agree that e-thots are trash. I agree that men who enable womens’ bullshit (simps) are the problem. I agree that women should be marginalized. But being a jerk for no reason is just wrong.

I AM NOT SIMPING i swear. I don’t watch porn, i don’t give money to e-thots. I am NOT A MORALFAG. But it pisses me off seeing someone go out if their way to be cruel.

Yes women should be kept inferior to men. Yes women should be subordinate to male authority. But attacking some random young person (female or male) is shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.16347727
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>Just stop pretending this is a channel about books.
Just stop pretending this is a thread about books OP.

>> No.16347744

Cool, man. I'm rooting for you. Just because most women suck doesn't mean all of them do.

>> No.16347895
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lol BTFO
my fucking sides

>> No.16347940
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/lit/ btfo. they cannot recover.

>> No.16347959

>wtf i'm a simp now

>> No.16347987

dangerously based reply

>> No.16347996

Based. Why do people think this is going to accomplish anything? All you're doing is giving this obviously attention-starved (if this is even true) chick the thing she wants: attention. Negative attention is still attention.

>> No.16348005
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I knew anime was autistic but this is just next level

>> No.16348064


>> No.16348097
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Read pic related. Also, read the book I am about to reply to this post as well.

>> No.16348105
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>> No.16348106

>Not simping
>not simping
>But attacking some random young person
Nigger, this isn't attacking anyone.
This is what criticism looks like.
If that vapid whore can make this videos, then anons can write criticism of her.
Sure it's retarded to waste your time doing that instead of reading, but it could've been worse. You could be a vapid whore yourself, or a simp.
Oh wait, you already are a simp

>> No.16348112

But often the only way to get better is through constructive criticism like the OP was giving her.

>> No.16348117

The author, a woman, also said:
>So I hadn't imagined broadly enough the isolation I would find myself in after writing this book. Nor had I envisaged the consequences which it would have for subsequent writing and even for my private life—violent threats have not ceased to this date

Read it boys.

>> No.16348139

>when u have down's so you pretend to read books so guys will pay attention to you

>> No.16348141

I love women. They are so based. They are so smart. They are so sweet. I will treat them with kindness.

>> No.16348276

>a nasty and vindictive personal message on someone’s youtube does not constitute ‘attacking anyone’

She made a video. But it’s not targeting any specific person. Her video and his comment are NOT comparable. It’s not fair play. Maybe she acted cringey in the video. Who cares? Men act cringey for attention too. Almost everyone lives for validation besides a few hermetic monks.

>you are already a simp

Dude I said that i’m not a simp. If i say i’m not simp, then I ain’t one. Simple as.

But the point is being nasty and mean to random people online is just wrong and should be discouraged. All it does is make things worse for everyone. It lowers the level of discourse by destroying nuance and subtlety. There’s a time and place for cruelty, but youtube is not that place.

You are a retarded blackskinned nigger. Go get lynched.

>> No.16348386

It wasn't a bad critique to give her though. She was acting very childish.

>> No.16348469
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Anyone who produces content is a valid target for criticism and the guy's criticism is accurate to boot. If Kat was a guy /lit/ would call the guy's comment based and redpilled and would absolutely trash him. So why the preferential treatment? It's because she's a woman and simps whiteknight for her and so are you.

>> No.16348491

The response of someone who has nothing to say. She know's he's right. If it didn't affect her she'd let him sink to the depths of the youtube comments.

>> No.16348533

In fact, the meaningless response proves him right.

>> No.16348541

must be retarded then

>> No.16348543
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bruh that is so goddamn cringe, like lol just don't watch the video if you don't like it. goddamn nigga, you gonna waste that much time commenting on every attention whore on the internet, so you can screencap it before it gets deleted, just so you can repost your screencap to an anime porn forum where we talk about books? Nigga, go read a book or step outside

>> No.16348549

I mean I agree but why be mad or care about girls being harassed online

>> No.16348578

If you hold reading books in such high regard try writing as if you've ever read one

>> No.16348579

Imagine you and her just chilling out in your own home library, she's laid out on the futon. You're sitting in your comfy Chesterfield armchair. She is laying face down, with a plaid dress on and tights. You glimpse her feet kicking back and forth above the brim of your book and lower it. She is deep in her reading session but the round hump of her behind makes you tense up. You cough to try to rid yourself of the sensation which arouses her attention. "Are you ok honey, do you need some water?" "Erm I'm ok...". She looks up, she sees your lust filled animalistic eyes locked with hers. She instinctively knows. She closes her book and dances over. You barely have time to close your book before she has burrowed into your pyjama trousers and revealed your throbbing penis which she immediately begins to lap on with her tongue.

>> No.16348594

I will treat you with kindness as well, my friend.

>> No.16348605
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wow nigga you got me, i aint ever read no book b4; i'll stop bothering you and let you get back to your holy raison d'etre of typing long winded autistic diatribes on little girl's youtube videos.

>> No.16348626
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>> No.16348645

And the thing is I'd be OK with all that if women were extremely family oriented and wanted kids.

>> No.16348651

Did you seriously wrote all that to a bait post?

>> No.16348839

Thank you. I don’t care that you are a tranny, I will always be your friend, because you have promised to be kind to me.

>> No.16348889

eternally BTFO'd

>> No.16349129

No she read it and even left 2 replies and admitting to it making her seethe.

>> No.16349136

They deserve it.

>> No.16349163


>> No.16349193

post the part where everyone is defending her and saying she isnt upset and then she admits she's seething.

>> No.16349240

If he made a comment criticizing her analysis of a book than yes.
But he just went out of his way to give ad hoc arguments to why she is bad.

Maybe she is using it for attention, but at the end of the day thats all any if us want in one way or another. I started reading to get pussy, never happened but i still like reading.

>> No.16349242

My diary

>> No.16349851

10/10 bait

>> No.16351469

> All it does is make things worse for everyone. It lowers the level of discourse by destroying nuance and subtlety.
>You are a retarded blackskinned nigger. Go get lynched.

Were you trying to make an ironic joke or are you really this much of a hypocrite?

>> No.16351623

shut up faggot

>> No.16351631

>Spend all that time writing that
>Deletes your paragraph in 2 seconds.

>> No.16351750


>heh read this book sheeple

Yeah yeah come back when you've had 4 to 5 actual relationships with women that aren't anime characters.

>> No.16351759

id like to rape kat
consensually of course

>> No.16351942

You being retarded isn't an argument against her not being retarded. Harsh criticism can still be valid criticism.

>> No.16353037

I believe in humanity and sinple kindness but I hate blacks. Not a hypocrite.

>> No.16353440
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>her birth year doesnt start with the titillating number of 2
my whole world is falling apart. i am starting to question my feelings and affection for kat.

>his height doesnt start with 6

>> No.16353692

>uh durh he’s right but achully he’s wrong

Seething simps baka

>> No.16353711
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>I’ll save you m’lady!

>> No.16354372

>Horrible loser autist for doing the evil and completely vile act of speaking his mind in a paragraph that took ~3 mins to write.

>> No.16354420

Having to interact with women on a daily basis is what made me hate them.

>> No.16354491

>Dude I said that i’m not a simp. If i say i’m not simp, then I ain’t one. Simple as.
A tree is judged by its fruits.

>> No.16355380

>her IQ starts with an 8

>> No.16355947

Link to the video where this comment is? I want to see the replies and her response

>> No.16357316
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She watches that one porn series right

>> No.16357589

>harsh critisism can still be balid criticism
Hey anon your only on here because your mother does not love you and you have no other outlet besides this board for any from of human contact, you are a worthless human and an incel. And because of this anything you say about anything is discredited.

Thats your thought process retard

>> No.16357595

Yea you can tell by the eyes she loves the British Broadcasting.

>> No.16357623

You mean he has a taste for summer meat grilling parties? How odd.

>> No.16357822

cringe zoomer

>> No.16358411

based beyond belief

>> No.16358430

Sure, youtube is mindless, soulless drivel, but so is all of modern public life. Why not just get out from under the bridge and do something worthwhile instead of reeeing and frogposting?
At least she's not shilling car and gun porn to boomers like the rest of the mediasphere

>> No.16358465

is that comment still up?

>> No.16359160


>> No.16359925
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What porn series?

>> No.16359988

Rent free.

>> No.16360004

is this someone admitting fault on the internet? wtf

>> No.16360099

kek she's seeeeething

>> No.16361745

Stop being so mean to the mousy girl

>> No.16361770
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all people on YouTube deserve to be bullied

>> No.16361884

exxxtra small?