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File: 380 KB, 450x618, dante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16347699 No.16347699 [Reply] [Original]

>if you were born before Christ you go to hell and then your soul gets axed
How was this guy smart enough to write a poem but not enough to figure out that's bullshit?

>> No.16347712

>in the first circle of hell you meet the Greek God who ferries souls to hell
Idk OP I thought it was a larp

>> No.16347726

Come on anon, this is basic shit. Dante's journey is obviously not real but it has an allegorical meaning. Dante was actually a christcuck and definitely believed that Homer, Lucretius, Ovid and all the others went to hell.

>> No.16347981

It looks like he really believed in a Limbo mewnt for non-Christian virtuos people. Virgil himself is not bound to Hell

>> No.16347989

Limbo is in Hell.

>> No.16348003

incel physiognomy

>> No.16348091
File: 198 KB, 900x701, gustave-dore-illustration-from-the-divine-comedy-by-dante-gustave-dore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit of both, Limbo is technically in Hell, it's just not a place of punishment and torment.

I've seen it put in this way: Limbo is full of the souls of the virtuous pagans, and Limbo, itself, is the "heaven" that the great pagans, like Aristotle or Cicero, conceived of. Limbo bears a really strong resemblance to the Elysian Fields of Greek/Roman myth, and that's not an accident. The virtuous pagans get the paradise they'd anticipated. It's just that, when they get there, they realize that there's a still greater paradise to be found in Christ, which they cannot have. Hence the note of peaceful despair in Limbo, in the first few cantos. The souls in Limbo are at peace, but they still yearn for what they could have had.

In general, in the Divine Comedy pretty much every soul gets what they actually want, what they actually crave. In Hell, in Purgatory, and in Heaven, every soul has gotten its justifiable reward. This is one of the geniuses of Christian moral cosmology. As someone once famously put it, "No one is in Hell who doesn't ultimately WANT to be there."

>> No.16348271

Yeah but, from what I understand, at the end of times their souls will literally be deleted from existence. That's a pretty big fucking punishment.

>> No.16348318

i mean i believe that dante actually went to hell
he was in a mentally distressed state and cast out into the wilderness
and solitude (which none of us have experienced) for weeks and weeks on end with nothing to read at all, because thoreau states that it is not true solitude if one has books, hed go insane
and since he was Italian and liked virgil, his mind conjured up virgil to be his guide, like a hallucinatory body pillow

>> No.16348583
File: 98 KB, 466x576, 81B67Qiin6L._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also pretty heavy speculation that Dante had a mystical experience that strongly informs what's in the Paradiso. So it's possible he actually did have a vision of Heaven.

>> No.16348591

my guess is that it was more of a collective unconscious outpouring
im skeptical to think that God himself would intervene since it was post resurrection

>> No.16348595

There is redemption past inferno , don't judge without finishing.

>> No.16348608

Good post anon. that was kinda my take away too.
> souls will literally be deleted from existence.
depending on who, thats not that big of a deal desu.

>> No.16348611

He put Trajan and Ripheus in heaven though

>> No.16348615

>the virtuous men who didn't get a chance to know God are sent to the top layer of hell, without any punishment, and get to have frat parties with all of their best bros for eternity
Idk, sounds pretty based to me

>> No.16348616

Don't forget, this is Catholicism we're talking about. There's tons of miracles/healings/apparitions/visions in the Catholic Church that happen post-Resurrection, even to this day.

>> No.16348617

>there is heavy speculation...
>so it's possible he actually did...
heavy speculation doesn't mean shit, i can speculate you went to heaven, doesn't mean you did

>> No.16348620

I thought the general consensus was that before Christ everyone went to Limbo/Hell and after Christ died he went to Hell and freed those good souls who were born before him and brought them to Heaven?

>> No.16348636

Based retard

>> No.16348639

holy shit are you dumb?

>> No.16348642

youtube comment tier

>> No.16348643
File: 110 KB, 413x395, 1597358774450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea id say it just that humans are very powerful entities in themselves, God even calls us gods, but i dont think that everything is God direct intervention, though everything occurs through God mercy, and though we have freewill, we also dont have freewill, since Gods will is supreme, so everything good done through us is Gods will
we attribute no good unto ourselves only unto God
pic related btfo cat lick
the thing is it that hes a jealous and spiteful God, so i dont believe thats any where in scripture, but thats a nice thought
the way it works is since we are all descendents of adam, some where along the line your ancestors had a chance to not rebuke God, and yet they did, therefore condemning their entire lineage to hell

>> No.16348700

>I disagree with genius poet and therefore he’s the one who should learn from me
midwit thinking in a nutshell

>> No.16348712

Yes but they were going to be resurrected on Judgment Day so it evens out.

>> No.16348719

He had a hard-on for well-managed empires, for personal and historical reasons. His treaty De Monarchia makes that very clear.

>> No.16348723

Limbo is not hell

>> No.16348734

>focuses on a retarded atheist argument instead of like a million other things wrong with that poem
I never thought I'd say this but atheists need to be sent off this fucking planet immediately