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16334021 No.16334021 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a "forbidden knowledge" thread? Let's talk about books that discuss fringe, counter-cultural themes that society as whole looks down upon or rejects.

>> No.16334043 [DELETED] 
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Serial pupper grinder here, pulverizing pooches is like pouring honeyed meth onto each nerve-ending

>> No.16334065

Loved this book

>> No.16334077

What's the book's thesis, OP?

>> No.16334085

>The specter of the marauding serial killer has become a relatively common feature on the American landscape. Reactions to these modern-day monsters range from revulsion to morbid fascination-fascination that is either fed by, or a product of, the saturation coverage provided by print and broadcast media, along with a dizzying array of books, documentary films, websites, and "Movies of the Week". The prevalence in Western culture of images of serial killers (and mass murderers) has created in the public mind a consensus view of what a serial killer is. Most people are aware, to some degree, of the classic serial killer 'profile.' But what if there is a much different 'profile'-one that has not received much media attention? In Programmed to Kill, acclaimed and always controversial author David McGowan takes a fresh look at the lives of many of America's most notorious accused murderers, focusing on the largely hidden patterns that suggest that there may be more to the average serial killer story than meets the eye. Think you know everything there is to know about serial killers? Or is it possible that sometimes what everyone 'knows' to be true isn't really true at all?

>> No.16334105

Spill the beans anon what is the secret connection. If I find it interesting I’ll give it a look

>> No.16334125

Sounds lame and retarded

>> No.16334140

You're fucking stupid. Get the fuck out of my thread.

>> No.16334146
File: 19 KB, 293x257, 1593194513209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satanic CIA agents are running are trafficking kids, drugs and extracting drugs from kids bodies through anal rape (adenochrome) oh and some MK ultra shit too.

>> No.16334150

>tfw I used to think the idea that the government would create killers to terrorize people was absurd
>be Canadian
>Portapiques happens
>that dude was clearly a shill by the Canadian government and once he went offline and started killing the mounties covered it up
>read about short selling in the days leading up to 9/11
>read about the Haliburton deal
>read about Tower 7
>conclude that while Bush, Cheney and Runsfield may not have literally knocked down the towers, that's still a real possibility that they did and they almost certainly just let it happen to justify massacring the people of Iraq and stealing their natural resources
>Jeffrey Epstein was a pimp for the rich and powerful, including Bill Clinton
>all rich people are peodphiles
>Contrary to what Qanon says, Trump is also a confirmed rapist, pedophile and serial abuser of women
>I just got my period
Yeah, I could see how our government would use various unstable cranks and either prompt or allow them to commit serial murder against boys, girls, and working class women in order to cow our entire population.
Why not? These demons have no issue with mass murdering their own citizens for their arcane blood rituals or whatever. Of course "arcane blood ritual" is the fantasy I have to tell myself because the Chasm of the Real that emerges when one contemplates Cheney massacred Iraqis for just a little more money is too black and horrible for me to contemplate without lamenting and crying.

Why haven't we guilotined these people yet? Why hasn't Ghislane Maxwell been tortured in the streets and mushed into pink paste under people's car tires? Why aren't we burning her until she names names? Why haven't we stormed the Cheneys and murdered the whole wretched family?

>> No.16334184

Samefag. Am I the only one that can't stop crying about this? I've been reading and watching documentaries about the Iraq war for the last two weeks, and everytime I see a dead Iraqi child or hear the screaming of old men and women sobbing over the remains of their home so that some rich fucks could get richer I just feel sick. I've gone for my nightly walks, contemplated things like the surge and the white phosphorus and the depleted radioactive compounds poisoning little children like my niece and nephew and I have to walk home because I start crying. This is literally the closet I've gotten to Lacan's Real and I've already had several frightening experiences (ex. Nearly drowned, etc.).

I'm starting to cry now. There's this sound you hear throughout the 9/11 footage that signals a firefighter is unresponsive for more than a minute, I believe? It means a dead firefighter. You hear it constantly throughout the video. I hear it when I'm alone and sitting quietly now. I hear the same woman screaming "Allah is my only hope for vengeance, Allah" over and over again after her house was bombed. I'm crying again.

>> No.16334235

I'm always carful when I engage in conspiracy theories as they're always larger than life, require literally millions of people to cover them up or they're just plain stupid and have the facts wrong.

Something that always gets me though is when some smug fucker smirks at the idea that the US government doesn't always act within the interests of its own people. The USA has literally funded genocides and coups that have cost the lives of millions of people. While not shocking recently, Trump being exposed for calling soldiers "suckers" while he also dodged the draft. What is shocking is the amount of people defending him. I understand your pain, if you aren't trolling anon.

>> No.16334332

>millions of people
That's what I thought too! Except they don't need that many people. You basically need like... the Bush family, the Cheneys, Rumfield... and that's it. By most accounts Condi Rice and a couple other people did act like they were caught off guard during 9/11. Condi kept trying to call Rumsfield. So she probably wasn't "in" on the "joke". Cheney and Rumsfield conspired with their team of lawyers to find legal justification to do whatever the fuck they wanted. So most employees of the government thought it was either (1) legal to do whatever Cheney and Rumsfield asked with no further questions and (2) that it wasn't legal but that the vice president and a member of the president's staff wouldn't ask to do something under the radar unless it was necessary. Voila. Like most of the major employees for the government weren't home on 9/11. They don't need to be conspirators, they just need to be willing to take a vacation day. Combine that with a handful of mercenaries (say... Black Water Mercenaries?) to plant bombs at the base of the towers and you got less than 100, maybe less than 50 people involved. That's workable. Especially if it gets these people everything they ever wanted.

I know comic books are considered very gauche and that the Joker is a meme character, but I can't help but feel Alan Moore called this shit back in the 80s when the Gulf War was on and he wrote The Killing Joke and Watchmen. In the Killing Joke, the Joker points out that WW2 happened because of telegraph poles, but this is so much worse. This is over fucking pipelines. "Why aren't you laughing? Can't you see the funny side?" Or the Comedian sobbing about how he did terrible things but that doesn't even come close to the extraordinary custody Ozymandias takes over humanity in the end. And call me crazy, but I never believed that Adrian Veidt truly meant to do the right thing, I think he just wanted relations with the USSR to normalise so he could join McDonalds and Levis shilling in Red Square. And isn't that the perfect symbol of 9/11? Literal psychopath rich boys killing millions, saying it's for our own good, while cynically counting their profits?

Anyway, you're 100% right about how fucking irritating people who say the government is nice are. Maybe it's because I'm a black woman but the government hasn't fucking looked out for me. It enslaved people like me. It sterilized people like me. It gave STDs and watched them fester for its amusement in people like me. And I'm not the exception. The American government has tested radioactive materials over Canadian towns, dropped bombs on miners.

Trump is wonderful because these murderous swine hate him because, to quote Satan in the Exorcist he demonstrates "far too vulgar a display of power", so far from Cheney and Rumsfield's "light touch".

>> No.16334382

Trump says what the ruling class have always thought about "da twoops <3", and they're mad because he's showing their cards to us. Say what you will about Micheal Moore, but the man hit the nail on the head when he went around asking congressman if it was their babies who were being sent to Iraq. Nope. Of course not. The same people who decide if there's war don't have to sacrifice their children into Moloch's bloody mouth. It's just working class people. The rednecks and the hillbillies and the niggers and the spics who are chewed - still alive - in the calf god's mouth while the Euphrates runs over with the tears of Niobe and all other mothers who know what love is. I hate these people. I don't care if I wax poetic or start typing like Lovecraft (the moon was gibbous when we invaded Fallujah...) no words could be melodramatic enough.

My point is that every politician laughs at the troops, and Trump is honest. He's always been honest. You think Bill Clinton didn't grab Monica Lewinsky - a bubbly confused intern barely a woman - by the pussy when he shoved that cigar inside of her, cunt slime dripping off it as he pulled it out and joked about it tasting good? Is that any more or less vulgar? Trump's never lied to me, I always knew what he was. Which is why the outrage around him is proposterous.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, thank you for the sympathy, but to go back to quoting comic books, I think "I've swallowed too much horror."

Now I'm thinking about my mom working as a psych nurse and the prostitutes who said they were in MK Ultra. It couldn't be a dream, right?

>> No.16334443

why would they need bombs on the towers when they got hit by two fucking planes? where's bin laden in all this?

>> No.16334485

Dude, watch the videos. The towers go into freefall. That means there's no resistance from the base, ie. demolitiond at the bottom. If they were just clipped by the planes the worst that could have happened is that the top of the towers (the floors above the plane crash) would have toppled over. The whole thing shouldn't have gone down because there is fire proofing all along the beams of any large building. Ask yourself, why didn't the Grenville tenement building in the UK collapse? There have been several major fires in high rises just like the Twin Towers and Tower 7 and we haven't seen anything like this.

Ask yourself... how did two planes knock down three buildings? Why was there no plane found at the Pentagon?

>> No.16334498

our minds have been hijacked. large scale mind control events are produced as needed to keep the herd in line. programmed killers are used to carry out the events as planned.

>> No.16334521

>t. Anthony Soprano Jr.
All jokes aside, remove yourself from this shit. It’s not doing any good. If you want to make the world a better place, improve your town or something. Help the poor, feed a beggar, get a homeless puppy a home, something. Reading and weeping is twice the injury, you’re crying about terrible things you cannot change as you harm yourself in the process.

>> No.16334653


>> No.16334784
File: 110 KB, 1200x630, 1200x630_302136_osama-bin-laden-as-you-have-never-see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think Bill Clinton didn't grab Monica Lewinsky - a bubbly confused intern barely a woman - by the pussy when he shoved that cigar inside of her, cunt slime dripping off it as he pulled it out and joked about it tasting good? Is that any more or less vulgar? Trump's never lied to me, I always knew what he was. Which is why the outrage around him is proposterous.
Stop watching so much American TV and reading so many conspiracy theories.
You're taking a consensual heterosexual (honestly this applies to Trump as much as Clinton) and extrapolating satanic conspiracy theories from it. It's the Madonna-Whore complex of political ideology.
All evidence points to 9./11 being an act of warfare against the Satanic ruling elites of America and their Zionist masters. Bin Ladin was in many respects a hero, and he proved that a small avant-garde of radicals with pure hearts and no fear of death could strike a dagger into the ugly beating heart of capitalism.
Don't let your enemies be more powerful than they actually are. Yes, the Iraq war was an act of slaughter. Yes, the ruling class is a clique of pedophile. Yes the government regularly uses false flags to justify wars, and Mossad has been guiding US foreign policy for years.
But right now you're on your period and letting yourself be overwhelmed by negative thought loops. You're giving these people, and they are people, just like you or I, almost omnipotent power and a level of cunning and subterfuge far beyond what they are capable of.
Bin Laden knew this, and he did something about it. He made the whole zionist pedophilic western elite tremble in fear, he helped to bring down two of the worlds most evil empires, and he did it all while living in caves and constantly on the run, with nothing but a close band of brothers and an absolute faith in God.
Don't let them take that from you.

>> No.16334870

> the same loser who calls Bin Laden a hero makes fun of a someone who legitimately speaks truth to power because hahahaha bloody vagina
do you clowns hear yourselves?

>> No.16335014

Where did I make fun of anybody? Periods suck, they screw with your emotions, they hurt like hell, it's an act of suffering every woman has to go through, and there's no shame in that.
And how are outlandish conspiracy theories "speaking truth to power"? Doesn't that kind of theorizing just create a world where these people, corrupt and morally sick individuals to be sure, are aggrandized into super human villains constantly operating behind the scenes and in total control of everything? America is not the only country on Earth after all, and the world does not revolve around the dinner parties of a couple Washington Elites, no matter how much they might think it does.
Why is it that Bill Clinton having sex out of wedlock is the most vulgar, disgusting, perverse thing you can possibly imagine? Obviously it was an act of betrayal to his wife, but you act like Lewinsky was twelve years old and that her vagina fluids are the single most disgusting substance in the universe. Have you turned on your TV lately? Or looked at what music is pushed on the youth? Hetrosexual sex between two consenting adults is not an act of rape, nor is it a proof of moral failure, nor is it some disgusting sign of abject debauchery. Cheating on your wife is obviously bad, but Bill Clinton doesn't owe me, or you, or America, an apology for that. It's between him, his wife, and God. I'm tired of listening to pearl clutching Americans act like a man in a position of power expressing any sexual desire is somehow equivalent to a rape confession.

>> No.16335626

1. Not the person you were talking to originally.
2. You were making fun of them, and now you're too pussy to admit it or too autistic to understand your lack of social skills.
3.Most of what she said was correct and was not "conspiracy theory".
4. These people aren't supervillains, but you're fucking retarded if you don't think our corporate overlords literally spy on all of us, manufacture wars, and have consolidated wealth and power.
5. Bill Clinton was not kicked out of office because he fucked someone who wasn't his wife. He was kicked out of office because he perjured himself in the Paula Jones case, among other things, so clearly you have no fucking clue what you're talking about so you should remain silent.

>> No.16336011
File: 6 KB, 366x286, A hurr-durr-HA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think Bill Clinton didn't grab Monica Lewinsky - a bubbly confused intern barely a woman - by the pussy when he shoved that cigar inside of her, cunt slime dripping off it as he pulled it out and joked about it tasting good?
That's hot

>> No.16336015
File: 34 KB, 315x475, 43AB8650-CDF1-4960-9053-E2D10CD735DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best conspiracy books, really gets into some of the esoteric stuff

>> No.16336261

>lamenting and crying
>reading Lacan
Whew. Weep more, crybaby faggots.

>> No.16336342
File: 18 KB, 314x474, 417E1WJXYXL._SX312_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you'd like to learn about the war, this is where you need to go.

>> No.16336386

Too bad it's all steeped in holocaust denialism. Trash.

>> No.16336406


The holocaust, as system historians tell it, did not happen.

>> No.16336413

Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.16336427

Not going to take the opinion of anyone who calls Bin Laden a hero seriously.

No woman will ever truly love you and will you die fundamentally alone because at your core you are disgusting, and you know it.

>just ignore things that make you sad
Normies are fucking wild.

>you posted a bunch of stuff that stressed me out so I'm going to assume that you don't already do [insert generic nice person thing] and tell you to do that because they are mutually exclusive for some reason
Normies are really fucking wild.

>doesn't actually read but posts on /lit/

I'd say [citation needed] but if you like Irving you don't look into the citations.

>> No.16336430


No, because unlike you, I actually read books.

>> No.16336436

>if you like Irving you don't look into the citations.

Irving learned German to read the source documents. Among English-language historians, this is exceedingly rare, and he is one of the only ones I know who had done this.

You can fault Irving for a few things, but sources is not one of them.


>> No.16336490

>only knows one WW2 historian who learned German
Ian Kershaw, Mungo Melvin, and Richard Evans, the latter of whom actively resisted Holocaust denial.

>sources is not one of them
I didn't say sources, retard, I said citations. As in if you look at what Irving said and then checked his citations, he frequently extrapolates or outright lies. I was not saying that his sources were wrong - although he did definitely make up sources, thanks for mentioning that. That last historian I mentioned? He said that Irving manipulated the evidence so much that his body of work should be considered "worthless".

>supports Holocaust denial but won't even use the word "retard" when retards were some of the people the Nazi regime murdered
You're a faggot and a coward.

>> No.16336624

>Ian Kershaw, Mungo Melvin, and Richard Evans, the latter of whom actively resisted Holocaust denial.

_None_ of them are fluent in German.

>> No.16336829

They speak German.

>> No.16336857


The entire bibliography of Ragnar Benson

>> No.16336874

Meine Lederhosen ist Groß
See? I can "speak" German too, does that qualify me to be a WW2 historian now too?

>> No.16336902

Nice strawman, it's almost as flammable as you, faggot.

>> No.16336916

> speaking German makes you right about history
> most actual Germans agree the holocaust happened

>> No.16336920

>> most actual Germans agree the holocaust happened

All the ones who disagreed were tortured then shoah'd at Nuremberg.

>> No.16336933

If knowing German better doesn't make it more likely you read the documents correctly, then it stands to reason that varying degrees of understanding of German have no relevance whatsoever to understanding the documents, so long as one can speak it. Poking fun at the fact that your argument is vague and accepts things that are blatantly untrue by everyone's perspective isn't strawmanning, dumbass. Refine your fucking arguments.

>> No.16336951

If all that matters is that someone agrees that X happens it doesn't matter who that person is. Agreement is not knowledge, or argument. Agreement is just expressing an affirmative opinion. If there is evidence to the holocaust it is in the documents used to run the camps, which would have been written in German, and would require one to know German to read them. If you don't know German you can't read the documents. If you can't read the documents you don't know that the events happened.

>> No.16336968

Why do you bother? It's a good rec and I'm reading it through now but don't waste your time defending him because most likely you are arguing with JIDF or a fed. This whole thread is a light to those flies.
Haven't read programmed to kill but there's a great series on YouTube based off it if anyones interested.
I'd put the bible in forbidden knowledge nowadays.

>> No.16337249

I'm a Nuremberg trial denier.

Nice word salad. Still a strawman.

I agree with that. My point was that Irving is not the only English scholar who knows German and simply being able to read documents correctly does not mean one is representing said information properly. That other retard suggested Irving was the only major writer on the Holocaust that spoke German (wrong) and that speaking German well somehow renders Irving not a liar, which he's been proven to be by scholars who speak and read German.

Also there's a tangent I could go on about connotation that any English-native speaker would struggle with inherently, but that could go on forever and is probably not extremely prudent to bureaucratic papers.

Aawww, what's wrong sweetie? Can't handle a little rebuttal? It's probably the Jews fault you get so flustered. Also, stop samefagging, bitch.

>> No.16337299

>This book about debunking established narrative debunks an established narrative I happen to like, therefore it's trash
Why are pseuds like this?

>> No.16337344

>the book about discerning the truth of an event also denies the objective and well-documented truth of another event

>> No.16337356

>current year
>he still believes in things that can be proven to be objectively true without a doubt

>> No.16337447

>Am I the only one that can't stop crying about this?

I havent really found it in me to cry in quite some time, but what you have said deeply resonates with me here. I know the military machine grinds on yearly all around the world, but the sheer scale and vulgarity of the Iraq war uniquely brings on some sort of reaction- my intellectualizing shuts down, and my throat balls up a bit.

>> No.16337465

Lol I'm a different dude. Your feminine response shows me who and what you are.

>> No.16337467

Based OBL still making christkikes and their Zionist puppeteers seethe to this day

>> No.16337524

That just means you're soul is working.

Don't you have parents to disappoint, doubletexts to send and pornography to watch?

As much as I would love for their to be some retributive justice, OBL really is not it. He was buddies with the Bush family, they used him to profit off a war and then iced him. The only people mad about him are hicks in the US but even they're more preoccupied with sperging over BLM to care about OBL anymore.

The Iraq War happened after the invasion of Afghanistan which sent OBL into hiding. Americans didn't care. They still went into Iraq. When OBL died during the Obama administration Americans collectively shrugged and some even bitched about how Americans shouldn't be happy he was dead.

As for the Jews, they love OBL. The more middle easterners bitch about Israel, the more fodder their lobbies get. To say he makes people seethe demonstrates little knowledge of history.

>> No.16337527

>hurrr the USA is ruled by Satanists and corrupt oligarchs who manufacture false flag attacks on their own citizens to justify their insatiable lust for blood
>but don’t call the person who, in an attack of surgical precision, struck fear into their hearts, destroyed billions of their ill gotten dollars, and demonstrate that the beast can be killed a hero... that’s going too far :(
>also that didn’t even happen it’s all a conspiracy and we are all completely powerless and without agency in the face of this behemoth which is always five steps ahead
Do you really not see how hypocritical and self defeating you are?

>> No.16337574

KYS kike OBL was the last real american patriot

>> No.16337636

>surgical precision
Maybe a little too surgical- the towers are gone. but that 'beast' you refer to is still slouching along. Understanding 9/11 as a fatal strike or substantive act rather than a grand, theatrical moment is misguided imo. With the cold war over, the Pax Americana was going to deal with some sort of non-state insurgencies somewhere in our global hegemony. 9/11 was simply a very loud and obvious representation of that.

>> No.16337690
File: 42 KB, 300x450, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The book is great.

>> No.16337825

What do you think of the Adam Curtis documentaries? Are they accurate?

>> No.16337967

His ideas are pretty cogent but he tends to jump around world events wildly to make disparate events seem more connected than they are. IMO he frames things a bit too anthropomorphically as if these things are a result of a calculated conspiracy, whereas I believe a more accurate view is that systems of ideas can become self-sustaining to the point that they continue without a need for conscious human intention.

His documentaries are entertaining and worth watching, but if you want to dig into the meat of the ideas he presents, you're better off reading Baudrillard/Debord/Lyotard/Virilio

>> No.16337991

I'm not saying it killed America, but it demonstrated that America could be hit right where it matters. It was a grand theatrical act that only took a small group of insurgents to pull off, and it hit right at the symbolic core of American capitalism.

People say it was terrorism, and they're right insofar as ever act of war inspires terror, but it's not as though Bin Laden was striking at purely civilian targets. He was striking at the center of the American financial-military-industrial complex and demonstrating that these while technocrats might tower over the cities they rule but they are not invincible, and can be brought down. He also showed that this could be done, not by the Soviet Union or conventional shows of mobilization and power, but by a small group of fearless men who are willing to die for their cause.

Not only that, but he then managed to evade the USA for a decade. His friends in the Taliban beat back an American occupation of their country using nothing but Nagants and IEDs. Depending on how this next decade goes, we very well might say that he ended Pax Americana, after all, he baited them into a series of prohibitively expensive wars which destroyed their international prestige and has bankrupted them as a nation. It's very possible that future historians will look back at 9-11 as the event that signaled the beginning of the end for America's empire.

>> No.16338032

Based cryer
>The 24 year old cryer
>Doesn't know what to do about all the evil in the world, just cries
>Watches documentaries about zionisms crimes, cries
>Cries when he thinks about what could have been
>Cries out for vengeance
>Only God hears his cries

>> No.16338043
File: 52 KB, 600x635, something something.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objective and well-documented truth
>of the Holocaust

Meshe, I...

>> No.16338049

What book are you parroting?

>> No.16338103

>The 21 year old memespouter
>can only process reality using shitty recycled meme templates
>I'm referring to you

>> No.16338115

I know that already. 28, but still.

>> No.16338220

fucking pseuds baka

>> No.16338242

>reddit spacing
fuck off

>> No.16338292

great book

>> No.16338320

Been reading alot of isgp-studies articles , also been enjoying this book called the power elite.

>> No.16338322
File: 36 KB, 328x500, ISAIF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16338553

Wrong, I believe that only one thing can objectively be considered true and to have happened: the Holocaust. Everything else is merely pretension to truth. I’m anti-Semitic, by the way. If you understand, you understand.

>> No.16338574

lol i know this is either a troll post or something you posted then thought whoops that sounded very dumb.

>> No.16338604

This YouTube channel has been doing videos guided by that book.


They're interesting to watch.

>> No.16339379

>>I'm a Nuremberg trial denier.

You should be, considering it was a kangaroo court. None of the so-called confessions there have ever been borne out by history.

>> No.16339403

In the public consciousness, there are few things that are truly protected by the myth of being objectively true. The Holocaust is one such thing.

>> No.16339407

>Normies are fucking wild.
Worrying about global shit is the most normie thing there is. Don’t try to be special lmao

>> No.16339452

This is the best thread on lit right now. This is why I come to this website

>> No.16339469

I mean... yes, I agree with you that Nuremberg was really just the Allies covering their own asses, but that wasn't my point. Evidently that's over past your head.

>the OP said he wants to check out forbidden knowledge
>"he didn't uncritically accept it, what a pseud"

Bad trolling attempt.

>who struck fear into their hearts
>he actually thinks Bin Laden was the enemy of the people who planned 9/11
>implying the Bush and Bin Laden families weren't buddy buddy
I'm not hypocritical just because you misunderstood me. For example, retard, I literally said that the satanic metaphors used to describe the elite are entirely metaphorical. Try to keep up.

Seconding this.

He's pretty good. Has a center left bias that is worth keeping in mind, but ever since I found his documentaries in 9th grade I've loved his work ever since. Incredibly rewatchable. He also did a couple of interviews with podcasts like Chapo Trap House.

If this is my legacy I'd be happy.

This isn't Reddit spacing,but I'm glad you revealed that you just copy and paste buzzwords to win internet arguments.

Seconding this.

Man the normies are getting saucy tonight.

>> No.16339482


>> No.16339522

> I'm glad you revealed that you just copy and paste buzzwords to win internet arguments.
>Man the normies are getting saucy tonight.

>> No.16340949


>> No.16341096

>Evidently that's over past your head.

I knew what you were going for, because you are a retard. I just decided to play with it.

>> No.16341244

>Trump is also a confirmed rapist, pedophile and serial abuser of women


>> No.16343334

This book spouts insane and stupid shit like the McMartin case was real and the Menendenz Brothers were innocent and actually molested.

>> No.16343777

Haha, fair enough.


>he doesn't know about the flight logs

>because one or two arguments are wrong they're all wrong

>> No.16343790

Dude they found the tunnels under McMartin.

>> No.16343797
File: 58 KB, 640x360, Judas Goats-The Enemy Within-Collins Piper_000058 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically all of Michael Collins Piper.

>> No.16343908

Anything published by Loompanics

>> No.16343923

so a good book

>> No.16343927

I’d say anything by Ludwig Klages. There is not too much by him translated into English, but what there is has been pretty mind bending for me

>> No.16343942

Care to expound why ?

>> No.16344062

>McMartin case was real
That case was dodgy as fuck and everyone knew it. The whole "false memory foundation" or whatever that apparently "debunked" the kids' stories and blamed them on the adults goading them into it was also founded by a man whose own daughter claimed he sexually abused her.
And they conveniently also only listened to the experts claiming no tunnels were there and ignored the ones who said they did see evidence of tunnels being covered up.

>> No.16344103

It's also not in question that they were abused. They had physical signs of abuse, Like 400 of them...

>> No.16344115

You have your doubts about stuff like this but one day you download the wrong torrent file.

>> No.16344122


>> No.16344160

Satanic panic neo-revisionism is so tiring, spend you're time with something actually important like the ton of evidence alien abduction and extraterrestrial sexual abuse is real.

>> No.16344172

I mean, it actually isn’t too crazy considering the generally accepted tension between “heart” and “mind”, but his basic thing is that “reason”, “logos”, “spirit” etc. is an invader against life, and the development of history can be seen as a war between soul and reason, a battle which ultimately sees reason win. Generally the battle was over around WWII and there is not much anyone can do to bring soul back.
In the same vein, the ego is a product of reason and so the growth of atomisation makes sense as global (mechanistic) reason grows.
Now, his main main work, “Spirit as the Adversary of Soul” is untranslated. I ran it through DeepL but I have yet to read it.
Overall, very interesting guy. I might learn German just to read him. What he says is uncanny yet intuitive and seemingly accurate. It’s a shame he’s not read more but he challenges a lot of the basis of civilisation so it makes sense that he would swept under the rug.

>> No.16344177

Well, I should not make its sound like spirit/reason is guaranteed to extinguish life/soul, but that is the conclusion he says is likely or unfolding

>> No.16344196

It's not revisionist. Everything I said is easily verifiable. For example, look up the founder of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.
Peter Freyd.
>The FMSF was created by Pamela and Peter Freyd, after their adult daughter Jennifer Freyd accused Peter Freyd of sexual abuse when she was a child.
That doesn't sound like an impartial expert to me.

>> No.16344205

His ideas sound like they are similar to alot of Neo Platonist and traditionalist thought Ive read about, hope his main works get translated, where do you recommend i start with him ?

>> No.16344208

Yeah there was a case where the kids had STDs for fuck's sake, and in a couple of these cases (might have been McMartin too) the kids were accurately describing sexual acts they just wouldn't know how to describe if this didn't happen.
Someone was absolutely abusing the kids, but because the story was so outlandish, people had a hard time believing the whole thing and in the end nobody got what they deserved.

>> No.16344307

He “criticises” Plato, Plontinus and many other idealists for succumbing to spirit at the expense of life. As someone who came from a Platonic position (Plato is still tied for my favourite stand-alone philosopher), seeing him critiques from the angle Klages does was part of why I said “mind bending” earlier.
Either way, there are six substantive works on or by him in English, two of them are published by Arkos or whatever the traditionalist publisher is. Those are called “The Biocentric Worldview” and “Cosmogenic Reflections”. The former is a collection of essays and is where I started. The second is more aphorisms and smaller selections. It is great too, but probably not as an introductory piece. Next, the is a book by Paul Bishop called something like “A Vitalist Toolkit”. It is a very recent work that provides an overview of his ideas and some translations of previously untranslated things. This is aimed at newcomers, but it is basically a big trigger warning because Klages was critical of Jews (but also Nazis and anyone working on Spirit).
The one full work by him in English is called “the Science of Characterology”. It is very substantive and introduces the ideas I talked about earlier. The other two I forget the names of but I have ordered. The publisher is not fulfilling orders until the plague goes away (?). I don’t remember the excuse, but I will look find them for you.
There are also a few scholarly articles on him which I have found and saved, but I haven’t read them yet.

>> No.16344330

Thanks for informative reply.

>> No.16344355

People not accused of doing things they didn't aren't interested in this stuff much and trust the legal system. The revisionism is going back to the primary accounts... false memories weren't a well understood idea in the 1980s and the original general narrative was "trust the children" and a massive wave of people who were accused of abuse were arrested, case closed... that gave way to more skepticism by the later 90s and studies on how children create false stories which changed how courts dealt with this stuff which is the mainstream account today... ya with the rise of the internet not surprisingly you got revisionists going back and expounding on the international underground Satanist conspiracy building tunnels and raping children again since there's all kinds of "proof" and it's more interesting than the alternative.

There was no real solid proof any kid had an STD that I'm aware of, there was "proof" of anal penetration but the methods used aren't that reliable (turns out the accuracy was 50/50 and just having a bigger than normal shit could be "proof" of anal penetration). How the interrogations were carried out is also what was extremely wrong so you could get them to describe anything basically.

>> No.16344397

>People not accused of doing things they didn't aren't interested in this stuff much and trust the legal system
That's not the point at all. The relevant point is that only a kangaroo court will treat the testimony of a self-proclaimed expert whose own daughter accused him of sexual abuse as in any way acceptable. He has a clear vested interest in discrediting children who claim they were sexually abused and can't remember things correctly, due to being accused himself, so he cannot be trusted.
>ya with the rise of the internet not surprisingly you got revisionists going back and expounding on the international underground Satanist conspiracy building tunnels and raping children again
This is not revisionism, since this evidence was available at the time.
>There was no real solid proof any kid had an STD that I'm aware of
That's fine if you're not aware of it, but there were nonetheless cases in this so-called Satanic Panic where the children tested positive for chlamydia.

>> No.16344406

Found them: two books through a Theion publishing. One is called “Chthonic Gnosis” and seems to take an occult approach, the other is a translation of Klages’ “Of Cosmogonic Eros”

>> No.16344630

>there's no shame in that.
everyone deserves to be shamed, sweaty
imagine a man that wouldn't accept your shame - disgusting, no?

>> No.16344753

She is completely full of shit.

>> No.16344849

??? What do you mean

>> No.16344858

>beating your meat to jailbait is a gateway to raping babies

>> No.16345125
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Those who are separated shall be mated (and) [the empty] shall be filled. Everyone who [enters] the Bedroom shall be born in the Light. For they [are not begotten] in the manner of the marriages which we [do not] see, (which) are enacted by night, the fire (of which) [flares] in the dark (and then) is extinguished. Yet rather the Sacraments of this Marriage are consummated in the day and the light. Neither that day nor its light ever sets. If someone becomes a Son of the Bridal-Chamber, he shall receive the Light. If one does not receive it in these places, he will not be able to obtain it in the other place. He who has received that Light shall not be seen, nor shall they be able to seize him; nor shall anyone be able to disturb this one of this nature, even if he socializes in the world. And furthermore, (when) he leaves the world he has already received the truth via the imagery. The world has become eternity, because the fullness is for him the eternal. And it is thus revealed to him individually—not hidden in the darkness (or) the night, but rather hidden in a Perfect Day and a Holy Light.

>> No.16345165

I thought it was funny.

>> No.16345272

It's not just "testimony", there's a massive body of scientific evidence backing up false memory. The revisionism is going against the mainstream understanding for a fringe alternative where the "evidence" was right and some jury of yokels got the truth right the first time.

>> No.16345282

Bin Laden in his sense was a hero in the sense Don Quixote is

>> No.16345321

kek whining is pathetic

>> No.16345348

The older I get the more I understand satanic panic was no panic

>> No.16345357

It was for >>16344160

>> No.16345375

>There have been several major fires in high rises just like the Twin Towers and Tower 7 and we haven't seen anything like this.

>> No.16345377

>It's not just "testimony", there's a massive body of scientific evidence backing up false memory
This is not true. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation was in fact criticised for exactly this reason. Most of its "evidence" was in fact anecdotal. It actually doesn't have a strict set of criteria (in fact hardly any criteria at all) for distinguishing between real memories of sexual abuse and false ones. It also doesn't specify specifically how a psychologist/psychiatrist can create these false memories. So there is no science going on here.
Not only that, but not only was founder Peter Freyd accused of sexually abusing his own daughter as a child, but members of the scientific advisory board, such as a man named Ralph Underwager, was found to have been at least a reader of a pro-paedophilia journal called Paidika. He actually had to resign when his an interview with him were found in one of their pro-paedophilia articles.
It starts to get more than a bit uncomfortable when the founder of an organisation made to discredit children's stories has an allegation of sexually abusing children made against him, and a member of the scientific advisory board is doing interviews for a pro-paedophilia journal.

>> No.16345619

bump for a very interesting thread

>> No.16345934

>require literally millions of people to cover them up
brainlet take

>> No.16345972

What's more reasonable?
A crack team working together to create the biggest secretive bombing in history
Terrorists and poor plane security

Its not like that the first plane to be kidnapped...

>> No.16345984

The first one. You think you can just pilot a 747 after a handful of small-craft lessons in some backwater?

>> No.16345989

Except she's right. Porn warps your mind and I'm sorry you're too much of a coomer to accept that.

Except Bin Laden wasn't tilting at windmills he was responding to the USA's real policies and Don Quixote didn't cause 3,000 people to burn alive or jump to their deaths.

Nice cope.

Did this tower have fire proofing throughout it like the twin towers did? It was made after the WTC in a completely different country with possibly completely different health and safety laws. You prove to me that this building was made to the same specifications as WTC, and maybe I'll take this seriously.

This guy knows what's up.

What's more likely? A group of very intelligent people with immense amounts of wealth who stood everything from 9/11 either caused it or allowed it to happen, or the US just got dragged into a massive war for no reason and Cheney got rich just....cause?

This. I mean, the alleged hijackers that hit WTC were apparently shit pilots, but actually skilled pilots have struggled to recreate the "corkscrew pattern" associated with the attack on the Pentagon.

>> No.16346002

To elaborate, consider the fact that the formula for coca cola is still a secret, despite the fact that millions of people have worked to produce the drink

>> No.16346009

>Trump never lied to me
How does this poorly made schizophrenic rant revolve from being a black woman to supporting trump. Pick an article subject please.
>I am going to build a wall
And btw
>Politicians never care about troops
Politicians never care about grunts, correction. Army always was a place for power, but not in the common soldiers.

>> No.16346032

>Trump is an evil racist who wants to build a wall but is stopped by heroic congressional democrats
>Trump doesn't actually want to build a wall
pick one

>> No.16346044

I like an idea of the universe to be just metastases of the dying god.

>> No.16346063

>Ego is a product of reason
Small kids can egoize before having the ability to reason two facts together. They can also reason before they have a full ego. They come into fruit together, not one from the other.

>> No.16346079

This is actually true, only in Subsaharan Africa instead of the US, with witch-doctors instead of CIA agents, and it's all on orders from middling African town officials instead of the US government.

>> No.16346085

>massacring the people of Iraq and stealing their natural resources
that's not what the Iraq war was about. It was for the US' special friend

>> No.16346160

It's worth examining the foundation myth that you've accepted.

>> No.16346168

>A group of very intelligent people
People are dumb.
People make mistakes. The bigger the organization, the more things fall through the cracks. To me it's insane some of the conspiracy believed on the pure fact that ive seen how incompetent governments are. Again, those are not the first planes kidnapped. Israel had one kidnapped and ever since then they refuse to trust security, placing an undercover guard on each el al flight. Atleast they used to. That's because security can be compromised, every one can be.
This >allowed it to happen is where I no longer follow conspiracies, because that's where the obsessive belief in an omnipotent power creeps in.

People get rich off of disasters. Rich people in positions of power tend to be the ones to hitch that ride. Its a shame, but well.

Like, I'm not saying people don't conspire. Only that you american have a fucking complex because your government lied to you for years. And you're Americans, so you're dumb. Why this endless, endless griping? It's like looking for god, only it's a mad obsessive god lurking in your own head. I've been obsessive, I've been manic, and honestly it all feels to me like a sad way to look for meaning. Atleast be obsessive about something you can prove. Atleast do journalistic work. Maybe you do, but 99% of conspiracies seem to just bash their head against the wall in loops. Snowden is a hero, those folks are just stuck.

This devolved into a rant and you're having a hell of a time with all your (you)s, so have fun.

Time for a real conspiracy theory. Why did jordan stop their advance in yom kippur??? They could destroy Israel easily if not for that one day or evening stop. Makes you think hmmhmm

>> No.16346176

I pick
>Trump was the first to bring the threat of china into the public eye, therefore if I was american I'd vote for him over a demented gramps

>> No.16346189

>supporting Trump
I don't support Trump, you fucking retard. Nor did I mean he literally never lied - of course he lied - but his lies are so transparent that one understands when listening to Trump not to take him seriously. The problem with previous administrations is that they were skilful liars. Compare Trump to either Clinton.

>Politicians never care about grunts, correction
Wow thanks for your pedantic little correction it totally changes the meaning of my post. When people read rednecks and niggers and spics I'm sure they were picturing the generals and captains. Thanks for clarifying that for everybody.

Are you so hypersensitive to the idea that someone could say something about Trump other than "orange man bad" renders you unable to read? This is where you jump in to say that the issue was my writing, when of course, the real issue is you're autistic and can't write anything that isn't in a boring linear fashion with boring linear-brained standard grammar.

Eat shit.

>there are Mainlander fans on /lit/
I just want to say thank you, and that I'm seconding this recommendation to the OP.

"Special friend"? As in, "special relationship"? As in Great Britain? They were part of the coalition, but what the fuck evidence do you have for them being responsible for the war?

If you're completely unaware of the term "special relationship" and using it to apply to.... iunno, Israel, you're still wrong. America shills for Israel, but it doesn't just shill for Israel just 'cause they like matzah or whatever. Nobody likes matzah. Not even Jews. America shills for Israel because (1) the Arab states were shilled by the USSR so America decided to shill their enemy because fuck communism, (2) Jew lobbies in America, (3) capitalism needs some stability in order to function and America wanted to keep Israel somewhat in tact so they could keep extracting oil from the general region as a whole.

>you're Americans
I'm not, but nice assumption.

>something you can prove
There are literally American universities analysing the engineering and physics of the WTC and it's collapse. It's provable, we just have to get some people on the record.

>maybe you do
I'm a geologist so I work in oil and I can attest to most people in the field being lunatics.

Most of your post reads as "omg why do you read stuff that makes you sad" which is peak normie nonsense. I'd rather feel something than be blissfully ignorant.

Anyway, I don't know much about the Yom Kippur War despite the basics. Might check that out now. Thanks.

>> No.16346235

No, you should read my post as 'the pleasure you feel when you connect stuff does not mean the connection is true'.
And also, that rich 'intelligent' people tend to be dumb sops, used to their power. Its all one big catfight in the 0.00001%. if you're in the oil business you should how all the oil barons act. Some of them are smart, but how many are wise?

>> No.16346265

>Except she's right. Porn warps your mind and I'm sorry you're too much of a coomer to accept that.
This is an unfalsifiable statement.

>> No.16346328

>the pleasure you feel when you connect stuff does not mean the connection is true'.
Duh. But I have consistently backed up everything I said with facts. Someone asked about the towers. I answered in detail. So how is that me just connecting things for the thrill of it all? Am I wrong? Yes or no?

>dumb sops
Is George Bush smart? Well, I think he's probably of average intelligence, but are you honestly suggesting that goons like Cheney, and Rumsfield, and Wolfowitz, and Leo Strauss are dumb? 'Cause they're not. And they certainly weren't "used to their power". Cheney and Strauss, for example, had perfectly ordinary origins. So did the Clintons, for that matter, and look how powerful and demonic they are.

>Its all one big catfight in the 0.00001%
Yeah that's why Clinton and Trump have the same pimp. Are you crazy? The rich love each other and they love supporting one another. It's poor people who don't have class solidarity and that's how the goons at the top like it.

>how many are wise
Where the fuck did I talk about wisdom? I talked about intelligence. You know, the ability the solve problems. I never talked about wisdom, so you're strawmanning me. And I will assure you that these oil barons are very smart, or at least very good at surrounding themselves with very smart people.

It's not.

A study in 2010 suggests a link between porn consumption and rape-supportive attitudes in men (http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/comm/malamuth/pdf/00arsr11.pdf).).

Men who view porn are significantly less likely to intervene as a bystander, report an increased behavioural intent to rape and are more likely to believe rape myths (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10720162.2011.625552?journalCode=usac20#tabModule))

Men are at high risk of engaging in forced sexual behaviour when their use of pornographic material has instilled and reinforced attitudes normalizing such behaviour. (https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/pornography-and-the-violent-offender-importance-of-finding-the-offenders-pornography-stash-2157-7145.1000229.php?aid=26630).).

Porn linked to reoffending in child molesters (http://www.knesset.gov.il/committees/heb/material/data/H09-06-2010_13-44-46_maamar1.pdf)) “Both observational learning and conditioning processes suggest that repeated exposure to deviant forms of pornography, given the focus on male entitlement and power, help shape an individual’s fantasies, perceptions, rationalizations, and deeper core beliefs.”

2015 study found a link between porn consumption and physical and verbal sexual aggression (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jcom.12201).).

Pornography addiction: a neuroscience perspective

You want some more? 'Cause I got more. And then you can fucking eat shit, cumbrain.

>> No.16346380

Studies aren't proof.

>> No.16346435

>[extraordinary nonsensical thing] totally happened!
>uh i dont think so
>oh yeah? prove it

>> No.16346525

Nice cope.

Who the fuck are you even talking about? Because I've proven everything I've said and besides a few users most anons here have been fine.

>> No.16346577

>Did this tower have fire proofing throughout it like the twin towers did? It was made after the WTC in a completely different country with possibly completely different health and safety laws.
pathetic cope

>> No.16346588

>nice cope

>> No.16346592

Those are all entirely valid questions. The WTC did have fireproofing, which is why the NIST explanation that it was "rubbed off' by the plane makes no sense. Especially in the context of Tower 7, which wasn't struck by a plane. If anyone's coping, it's you. I'm really sorry you
>>>>>>actually trust your government.


>> No.16346701


Superb read, Irving is an intellectual and first rate historian.

>> No.16347133

>I just got my period
lmao what

>> No.16347469

>Africa instead of the US
>witch-doctors instead of CIA agents
>middling African town officials instead of the US government

Conspiracy theorists are so fucking exasperating. How do you fucking know the Adenochrome kid sodomy stories in america are false?

>> No.16347485

So magic the gathering is satanic then?

>> No.16347508

Unironically yes
D&D as well

>> No.16347532

You're putting normal porn and violent porn into the same bag.
How convenient.

>> No.16347537

Prove it.

>> No.16347566

Okay I guess I'm being a little ironic about magic since I don't know anything about magic, but my experience in D&D seems satanic, it's all about constructing an alternate reality within a groupthink in which you use magic to overcome obstacles and rely on real-world divination techniques to do so

>> No.16347599

>real-world divination techniques to do so
Such as?

>> No.16347614

Dice throwing, the most fundamental mechanic of the game. Querying a random variable from the universe is exactly what divination is

>> No.16347629
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>Dice throwing, the most fundamental mechanic of the game. Querying a random variable from the universe is exactly what divination is

>> No.16347674


>> No.16347777
File: 170 KB, 360x346, pepe laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bait right, in d&d dice throwing has the same function as picking a new route to work or picking a new destination for the holiday.
Your definition of what divination is wrong.
Divination is interpretation of natural things having supernatural meanings. For gambling and d&d are not divination because the dice aren't be thrown to communicate with supernatural entities or get information from the future, they are being thrown to get a result corresponding to the winning one.

How the fuck is deciding to take a walk any different from dice throwing?

>> No.16347798

Nice digits.
I would say that if you throw dice or interpret some other sign to decide which route to walk, you are practicing minor divination. To my knowledge, divination does not require communication with supernatural entities.
And I'm not saying that that's a bad thing. I said D&D is satanic, not that it's bad. Of course I'm being a bit contrarian / devil's advocating here, but it's not bait.

>> No.16347806

>"T-there's no proof porn damages your brain..."
>dumps citations you
>"O-okay, but my NTR hentai isn't v-violent..."

1. All porn is violent.
2. It doesn't matter. All porn warps your brain.

Teen is the most commonly searched porn term (https://flowingdata.com/2013/09/03/most-popular-porn-searches-by-state/))

- 88% of scenes contained physical aggression, including spanking, gagging, and slapping.
- Women were overwhelmingly the targets of aggressive acts, and men the perpetrators.
- Following instances of aggression towards women, in 95% of cases the women expressed pleasure or neutrality.

I can personally cite up to twenty examples of where pedophiles, rapists and murderers of women and children attribute their actions to pornography.

Youth who look at violent x-rated material are six times more likely to report forcing someone to do something sexual online or in-person versus youth not exposed to x-rated material. [12]
Middle-school aged boys who view X-rated content are almost three times more likely to report oral sex and sexual intercourse than boys who do not use sexually explicit material[13]
Experts have warned that the rise in the viewing of pornography was implicated in a variety of problems, including a rise in the levels of STDs and teenage pregnancies. Additionally, males aged between 12 and 17 who regularly viewed pornography had sex at an earlier stage in life and were more likely to initiate oral sex, apparently imitating what they had seen. [9] [10]
Internet pornography was blamed for a 20 percent increase in sexual attacks by children over three years.[6]

further decline in dopamine levels
further decline in opioids and endorphins
drop-off in GABA, which is an anti-anxiety neurotransmitter
rise in brain stress hormones CRF (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2819562/)) and norepinephrine (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2748830/))
elevated dynorphin which inhibits dopamine and lowers your pleasure response
One week after quitting the reward centre sprouts (https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/natural-and-drug-rewards-act-common-neural-plasticity-mechanisms-%CE%B4fosb-key-mediator-2013)) new nerve cell branches, which correlate with cravings to use
More sources on porn addiction: https://www.antipornography.org/addiction_help.html

“I’d like to really show what I believe the men want to see: violence against women. I firmly believe that we [pornographers] serve a purpose by showing that. The most violent we can get is the cum shot in the face. Men get off behind that, because they get even with the women they can’t have.” - Bill Margold

“There’s nothing I love more than when a girl insists to me that she won’t take a cock in her ass, because — oh yes she will!” -Max Hardcore, interviewed in Hustler (June 1995).

You want more?

>> No.16347811

....you've heard of periods? Right? You've spoken to a woman before, right?

>> No.16347845

Why would you put an ellipsis before a reply to a comment from 2 hours ago

>> No.16347858

Because when you're not autistic, you do things to convey an emotion or mood - like shock and contempt - and don't neurotically check whether a comment was made one or two hours ago before questioning whether a grown man knows what a period is.

Weird fun fact, but a Satanism / D&D tabloid story regarding a young man who went missing in Vancouver resulted in a lot of occultists setting up shop there. I've even heard it described as the most occult city in North America, but this was years ago, when people used to go to parties and watch VHS tapes.

>> No.16347868
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If divination does not require supernatural entities then how is it supposed to be satanic you dumb shitposter?

>> No.16347879

>Conspiracy theorists are so fucking exasperating.
The adrenochrome stuff is the conspiracy theory.
The witch-doctor thing is extremely well-documented, bodies turn up in the dump of the capital of Gabon on a weekly basis. It has been declared a nationwide issue even by organization outside the country.

>How do you fucking know the Adenochrome kid sodomy stories in america are false?
They may be true, just like the theory that there is life on titan may be true. However I have never seen any reasonable evidence that it's the truth, and unlike in Africa I fail to see what is the cultural and economic basis for this in America.

It makes sense for African potentates to use bodies parts (usually tongues and sexual organs, as well as eyes and occasionally other things) because there is a long-standing (centuries old) folk belief that those organ grant power. It doesn't make sense for billion-rich American elite to murder kids to obtain a composite that can literally be cultivated in vitro for a fraction of the cost. Especially since the culture of criminal impunity in subsaharan Africa is much greater than in the US.

So you see the difference is obvious. Live (recently cut) body parts that you can only get by actually people up, in a continent that has remnant of beliefs that it grants power, and with hundreds of disappearances and dozen of cases of mutilated bodies turning up, vs a compound that you can ask an average chemlab to synthetize for you (and that is legal for use and distribution to boot). Considering those "satanic elites" give a lot of funding to universities, what prevents them from setting adrenochrome setting programs under bullshit pretenses? Much bullshit research is being funded as we speak, wouldn't be much a hassle.

I fail to see the basis of that adrenochrome theory, besides people who like to scare themselves up with fancy theories of manga-tier abuse (perhaps in order not to have to look at the hundred ways they are economically fucked by their own values?). In fact even the theory that American elites just straight-up mutilate kids (like African elites do) is more believable than the adrenochrome story.

>> No.16347888

>every time you use a random variable you practice divination
Does that mean running a simple shuffling algorithm in Python is divination?
What about abtract probability theory? Is it 100% satanic lore?

>> No.16347889

............................it's actually really easy to check when comments were made if you're not a phoneposter

>> No.16347890
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Is doing something you don't usually do minor divination because you're interpreting random variables? dumbass

>> No.16347897

1. The original Africans were murdered by the Bantus.
2. IQ is as legitimate as any other sociological instrument, and g is somewhat heritable
3. On the other hand, 80% of social science constructs aren’t actually independent constructs. Implicit bias, sterotype threat, the Stanford Prison, ... all of it is bullshit.
4. Psychiatry is no better than placebo.
5. Science as a whole has not increased our standard of living since the 70’s, excluding iphones.
6. Samson option + Israeli nuclear artillery divisions

>> No.16347898

>Does that mean running a simple shuffling algorithm in Python is divination?
Yep, that'd be technomancy
>What about abtract probability theory? Is it 100% satanic lore?
Nope, i.e. saying the word "satan" is not itself a satanic act

>> No.16347901

>I can personally cite up to twenty examples of where pedophiles, rapists and murderers of women and children attribute their actions to pornography.
I agree with you on the rest of your point, but I wanted to point out that taking the perpetrator's word at face value in those case is a bad idea. They're often very skilled at deflecting responsibility for their actions, so naturally they would blame porn or other derivative activities for this. Bundy famously tried that trick in one of his interviews. Don't fall for it, porn is bad for you, but if porn turns you into a serial killer rapist, maybe you were going to become a serial killer rapists either way.

>> No.16347903

How is doing something you don't usually do "interpreting random variables"

>> No.16347910

> but my experience in D&D seems satanic, it's all about constructing an alternate reality within a groupthink in which you use magic to overcome obstacles
By that definition not only is all of fantasy Satanic, most of fiction is, as well as most of religion and politics. At that point the word stops having any definite meaning.

>> No.16347913

Tapping into supernatural energies does not necessarily entail contacting supernatural entities

>> No.16347919

*by actually cutting people up

>> No.16347921

is certainly related
No because you're just passively absorbing somebody else's constructed world
Video games, though, that's satanic. VR, hella satanic.

>> No.16347922 [DELETED] 

I'm not phoneposting. Pic related. But nice attempt to derail from the fact that you're a grown man who doesn't know what a period is because women don't talk to him. Well, outside of this woman. Which is probably why you keep baiting me into talking to you. Sorry, I'm not a tranny, so I don't have a Discord to give you. :(

And yet everyone seems to take rapists at their word when they say she was asking for it, she was a slut, she said yes, etc. But when the rapist admits to being a porn addict, using porn to groom children / trafficking victims, how "the culture did most of the grooming for me", etc. then suddenly we can't listen to these lunatics.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't be skeptical of what rapists say. Peter Sotos already explained perfectly in his opening to the Gates of Janus that you "certainly don't ask him why he does what he does". However, I find it pretty fucking funny that when people want to pretend rape is just something that happens or that it happens only to bad women, that suddenly the rapist's word is law. Then the rapist comes for something basically every man gets off to, and suddenly taking the rapist literally is fallacious.

And you know what else Bundy said? That serial killers and rapists were women's sons, husbands, and brothers. And he was right. And the Epstein case made it clear that it was our presidents, too.

>> No.16347928

Probability theory is the basis for most our probabilistic algorithm, therefore is using python is technomancy therefore probability theory is the fundamental lore for it and must also be considered satanic.

But there's a whole lot of confusion in your argument, for instance the idea that divination is necessarily satanic. It's an ancient, widely practiced pagan art, to call it satanic is to be recycling old Catholic propaganda that even Catholics don't take seriously.

>> No.16347939

>make sense for billion-rich American elite to murder kids to obtain a composite that can literally be cultivated in vitro for a fraction of the cost. Especially since the culture of criminal impunity in subsaharan Africa is much greater than in the US.
They're billions rich because they cut costs.

How much does it cost to synthesis adenochrome?

>> No.16347943
File: 2.97 MB, 270x270, id make a mangia joke but youre probably too young to have seen this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not phoneposting. Pic related. But nice attempt to derail from the fact that you're a grown man who doesn't know what a period is because women don't talk to him. Well, outside of this woman. Which is probably why you keep baiting me into talking to you. Sorry, I'm not a tranny, so I don't have a Discord to give you. :(

And yet everyone seems to take rapists at their word when they say she was asking for it, she was a slut, she said yes, etc. But when the rapist admits to being a porn addict, using porn to groom children / trafficking victims, how "the culture did most of the grooming for me", etc. then suddenly we can't listen to these lunatics.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't be skeptical of what rapists say. Peter Sotos already explained perfectly in his opening to the Gates of Janus that you "certainly don't ask him why he does what he does". However, I find it pretty fucking funny that when people want to pretend rape is just something that happens or that it happens only to bad women, that suddenly the rapist's word is law. Then the rapist comes for something basically every man gets off to, and suddenly taking the rapist literally is fallacious.

And you know what else Bundy said? That serial killers and rapists were women's sons, husbands, and brothers. And he was right. And the Epstein case made it clear that it was our presidents, too.

>> No.16347945

I actually amend my statement -- the act of running the algorithm itself is not divination, the interpretation of the algorithm towards a course of action is the divination.
True, "Satanic" is being used very loosely here

>> No.16347958

kek I actually thought you might be a rare femanon but I'm now 100% sure you're a tranny

>> No.16347962

>And yet everyone seems to take rapists at their word when they say she was asking for it, she was a slut,
It is a common feminist talking point that those kind of excuses are bullshit. I don't where you live, but among people I know those kind of deflection only make someone sound more suspicious.
More importantly people being wrong doesn't mean you're free to apply their wrongheaded arguments to other areas.

>that suddenly the rapist's word is law
That's an old reflex (and perhaps not even that old, I believe many old priests wouldn't have believed it), but we're constantly lectured about how this reflex should be abandoned. Much as I dislike to be lectured I must admit this is a good development in this case.

>And you know what else Bundy said? That serial killers and rapists were women's sons, husbands, and brothers.
An hilariously obvious statement, the guy would really have told anything, true and false, to save his sorry ass

>And he was right.
Of course he was, rapists don't come at us from outer space.

So pretty much everything is satanic? What is the specific relationship of Satan to satanic things then?

>> No.16347965

you deleted your post so you could add an animated gif of some guy saying god knows what?

>> No.16347979

Satan is the thoughtform/incarnation of the types of energies harnessed by those activities

>> No.16348000

do you want me to use a trip fag so you can't mistake me for the anon you were perviously talking to.
i'm >>16347532 not the others.

If a woman or man can get pleasure from being slapped then i don't see what the problem is.
As long as it doesn't irreperably harm them and they both consent then it should be a problem.

Anyway the real problem with porn consumption is productivity and addiction, it's like cocaine.

>> No.16348020

Yeah, so you haven't seen it huh? Cute. Go to bed, sweetie.

Funny you should say that considering I'm a TERF.

>among people I know
Except people don't literally say "she was asking for it", they just say it some other way. A friend of mine lost her virginity because she went on a Tinder date. She was a figure skater, B student, and one of the most innocent people I know. Yet people hear the word, "Tinder" and even though she met this guy during daylight hours and only got into his car because "it was an emergency" people still said things like, "oooh...Tinder? That was really stupid." People say shit like that. Pay attention.

>More importantly people being wrong doesn't mean you're free to apply their wrongheaded arguments to other areas.
Did I? I literally conceded to you that rapist's words should be taken in context, but you've decided to ignore that because it gives you less opportunity to chastise me.

>That's an old reflex (and perhaps not even that old, I believe many old priests wouldn't have believed it),
It's an "old reflex" yet most rapists don't get punished and when they do it's not that servere. So what is it? Do we just not value women's lives, or maybe judges are juries taking the things rapists say a little too seriously? You know, stuff like "I'm sorry".

>An hilariously obvious statement, the guy would really have told anything, true and false, to save his sorry ass
You must not know much about Ted Bundy. The interview where he said that was literally the day or the day before he was executed. It was his last interview and there was no way it could have "saved his ass". Not disagreeing with you that he's a liar, but if you think his object was to save himself you are woefully misinformed about the context in which that quote was said.

>rapists don't come from outer space
Are you dense? He was literally challenging the popular conception of the rapist-as-strange-man-in-the-dark. At the time, popular conceptions of abusive men was that they were insane strangers who burst into one's home at night. When he said "your husbands and sons" he was literally reconceptualising the population imagination of the rapist and commenting on his own unique place within that discourse. Much of the upset about Bundy was how normal and accomplished he was in numerous respects. Although a lot of this has been exaggerated (ex. Bundy was charming but still picked his nose in court), the fact remains that part of the reason why Bundy was given so much leeway (he escaped prison at least once) was because he did not fit the profile of a rapist.

>If a woman or man can get pleasure from being slapped then i don't see what the problem is.
How about this, read the fucking study before you attempt to poke holes. It wasn't talking about how the women felt but how the actresses performed.

Oy vey, gotta make more shekels, you corporate cuck! Piss off, rape apologist.

>> No.16348055

>How much does it cost to synthesis adenochrome?
Can't find information about synthesis price, but you can order a 100mg injection online for 21 bucks.

Now imagine this is produced by kidnapping kid and applying some bizarre procedure to their bodies. Imagine the cost of hiring private kidnappers, covering their tracks, getting proper legal protection and/or buying the officials that might investigate on the cases. Keep in mind the public opinion is very touchy about crimes on children and that megacorps in the past have been severely hampered and sometimes brought down by a single murder case.
All of that and you can get it online for 200 bucks a kg? Do you imagine how many kids you'd need to kill to get an entire kg of the stuff?

For reference, normal adrenaline levels in the bloodstream is a hundred millionth of gram a liter, it goes up to a hundred thousandth of gram for patients with rare diseases, so at best you're looking at 1/20 million grams of adrenaline for an entire adult body, probably much less so for a kid. To get that puny 200-a-kg adrenochrome you'd need to murder an entire city. All that for a compound that is commonly used all over the fucking world to treat blood clot.

And where does the reputation of adrenochrome comes from, despite its common medical use? From a motherfucking Hunter S. Thompson novel. That's right, a novel written by a guy whose reporting is known to be unreliable even in his journalistic pieces. I suspect it's actually from the movie because I can't believe the people who cooked up this theory actually read books longer than a newspaper. The more I look into it, the more clownish it gets. We're reaching alien anal probe levels of ridiculousness.

>> No.16348071

So dice-throwing is satanic because it harnesses the energy of the spirit produced by dice-throwing-like activity?
Why even use the word satanic at this point? I could argue that meteo forecasting is Zoroastrian because I've defined Zoroaster as the being that is conjured when thinking of the weather.

>> No.16348108
File: 38 KB, 680x395, 4543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know d&d taps into satanic energies?
God you're fucking retarded, learning to read for the first time means associating random symbols with each other, babies learn what depth is and imagining 3d space by interpreting binocular vision and proprioception.
learning is processing information, as mammals we do this more than breathing.
Life is unpredictable and we you our brains to create mental tools for "divination" ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

>> No.16348121

>Except people don't literally say "she was asking for it", they just say it some other way.
And people I know instantly smell the bullshit for what it is. Different places, different cultures. But again the problem is not what bullshit people say, it is that whatever bullshit people say don't entitle you to believe unrelated bullshit.

>Did I? I literally conceded to you that rapist's words should be taken in context
Then why make that tangent about "shit people say". It was unrelated to the argument unless you were trying to use it as justification.

>to chastise me
Let's stop the BDSM LARP here, I'm just disagreeing with you, or not even really, I think there is just a misunderstanding.

>It's an "old reflex" yet most rapists don't get punished
They don't get because they often have more power than the victim and they knows them. But I don't see the relationship with the initial point, again.

>It was his last interview and there was no way it could have "saved his ass".
Narcissist like Bundy have a pathological need to save face, even if they're going to die (some of them even kill themselves to save face, as seen in many cases of murder-suicide).

>Are you dense? He was literally challenging the popular conception of the rapist-as-strange-man-in-the-dark.
Yes, and? Perhaps it was not obvious at the time, but it is now, and I fail (for the third time) to see the relationship with the initial point.

>the fact remains that part of the reason why Bundy was given so much leeway (he escaped prison at least once) was because he did not fit the profile of a rapist.
Yes, and that ties (finally) in my original point that those types are good at sounding sympathetic or excusing themselves. Which (at last back to my initial and only point) is a reason while we should not take their words on porn at face value, something you agreed with, which make me increasingly suspect we have no serious point of disagreement.

>> No.16348140

*1/20000 grams for an adult with rare disease that make the adrenaline level skyrocket
1/20 million grams is for a normal adult (in the entire bloodstream).
Apologies for the slight confusion, the point is unchanged however.

>> No.16348144

>Oy vey, gotta make more shekels, you corporate cuck! Piss off, rape apologist.

>Oy vey
yes productivity for work on a painting or an architectural project. Not everyone is dumb and servile enough to fail in school and go work in a factory.

Also who fucking own the porn industry you dumb flesh portal.

>> No.16348170

I'm >>16348055
Found a better link for the price of adrenochrome, the other was a bit confusing. It's 55 USD for 25 mg, so 2200 buck for 1 kg. An order of magnitude higher than the first estimate, still below the price of a single hit for a professional killer, not to mention for the millions of hits necessary to harness them from humans.

Link here:

>> No.16348228

>and the people I know
Okay, whatever dude. You either are the most sheltered person in the world or you're completely oblivious.

>don't entitle you to believe unrelated bullshit
And where did I do that?

>shit people say
Because the things they say correspond to the evidence. Most pedophiles groom children by showing them pornography first, even using it as pretense to get naked. Many battered women say that their husbands show them pornography. Basically every serial killer and rapist consumes large quanities of porn.

So... when people within the porn industry - many of who have sexual assault convictions - and convicted sex criminals say stuff like, "the culture did the grooming for me" we should listen not because we should trust rapist's every word, but because it corresponds with the empirical evidence.

>Let's stop the BDSM LARP here
And porn doesn't warp people's minds. It's clearly pornified your language. Gross.

>They don't get because they often have more power than the victim and they knows them
What are you even talking about? And how does this disprove my point?
>"We live in a culture where people take rapists too seriously."
>"I disagree. You see, rapists get away because they have more power over women."
You don't see the correlation between "having power" and "people taking you seriously"?

>Narcissist like Bundy have a pathological need to save face
[citation needed] Because other serial killers like Henry Lee Lucas inflated his kill count. Secondly, how is saying, "hey America, I gave myself a death grip whacking it to porn and that's why I murdered all those ladies" an example of "saving face"?

>Perhaps it was not obvious at the time, but it is now, and I fail (for the third time) to see the relationship with the initial point.
>he doesn't see how literal rapists, pedophiles, and murderers saying that they used porn in their crimes relates to my point about porn warping people's minds.
>he doesn't see how people being lenient on rapists and blaming victims doesn't relate to porn even though I literally cited studies that show how people who consume porn are less sympathetic to rape victims and less likely to intervene when they see a woman being assaulted.

>he actually thinks being "productive" is more important than protecting women and children
>he actually thinks he's going to be a painter or an architect
>he actually thinks there are still factory jobs
>he actually thinks that factory workers "failed in school" or are stupid despite the fact tradesmen often make way more money than the pseuds here on /lit/
A thoroughly embarrassing post.

>flesh portal
And yet flesh portals define your existence, dreams and wants. :)

1. Good post.
2. I honestly read the adrenochrome thing as a metaphor. A modern update on the vampire myth. Ever since Stroker vampires were symbolic of the wealth elite who "suck the blood" from the poor.
3. Possibly a connection to blood libel?

>> No.16348240

Damn, I keep fucking up my calculations. Sorry >>16347939, didn't mean to be so confused, I'm a bit too tired for this.
The estimated I given was for 1g. So 2200 a gram. The mistake was obvious but I'd rather make it clear here. You have the same info as me anyway now.

Nonetheless, again, the point stands. To get a single gram of adrenaline (necessary to produce adrenochrome), you'd need to harvest the entire adrenaline of 20 million adults at normal level (or 400000 adults under high stress, or 20 000 adults at high pathological level).
See below for adrenaline levels in humans:

>> No.16348250

>still below the price of a single hit for a professional killer, not to mention for the millions of hits necessary to harness them from humans.
YEAH i wonder how much it would cost to pay cultists and africans to harvest the stuff.

But seriously though, you have a good point about the pizzagate adrenochrome stuff.

>> No.16348255

> I honestly read the adrenochrome thing as a metaphor. A modern update on the vampire myth.
Yeah that's probably it. There is a definitely a "satanist conspiracy" vibe.

>Possibly a connection to blood libel?
Not impossible, although that would demand investigation to confirm.

>> No.16348299

What's the quintessential reading on waco?

>> No.16348341

>he actually thinks being "productive" is more important than protecting women and children
Can't protect a starving familly with unproductivity you nigger.
>he actually thinks he's going to be a painter or an architect
I cited them as examples of creatively fulfilling jobs that require productivity, something a nigger like you thinks is bad.
>he actually thinks there are still factory jobs
There are still factory jobs, people need to eat, but then you wouldn't know that wouldn't you nigger.
>he actually thinks that factory workers "failed in school" or are stupid despite the fact tradesmen often make way more money than the pseuds here on /lit/
factory workers are not tradesmen and i never wrote they make less money than the niggers posting on /lit/, stop implying implications you /lit/ posting nigger.

And yes you're a flesh portal for saying productivity is jewish and ignoring jewish control of porn that is addictive and a productivity killer.

>> No.16348354

>You either are the most sheltered person
Maybe I'm surrounded by progressive-minded people? It's not so rare.

>And where did I do that?
Bad choice of words, sorry, I meant to say "to give weight to bullshit (the porn allegations by Bundy and his ilk).

>serial killer and rapist consumes large quanities of porn.
But the reverse isn't true by far. I don't mean to deny the perverse effect of porn, but here pedophilia is the discriminating factor, not porn. A person watching porn doesn't become a pedophile in more than 99% case, while no pedophile is rendered unable to harm children just because he suddenly lost his porn collection. And there's a massive disproportion between pedophiles and porn users.
You can make a similar argument for say, Islam and terrorism.

>So... when people within the porn industry - many of who have sexual assault convictions - and convicted sex criminals say stuff like, "the culture did the grooming for me" we should listen
Okay this I can agree with unreservedly.

>And porn doesn't warp people's minds.
I explicitly agreed it does, besides, that was obvious acerbic banter in 4chan style. Given the nature of our conversation one doesn't need to be warped by porn to think of it. It was also a way to mock the seriousness of the word "chastise", I never meant to chastise anyone itt.

>What are you even talking about? And how does this disprove my point?
That's what I'm telling you, we don't disagree on essentials, the rest of this conversation *is* besides the point.

>You don't see the correlation between "having power" and "people taking you seriously"?
I never I disagreed, it was merely a change of emphasis. But I see how that could give you this impression. I apologize for the confusion.

>he doesn't see how literal rapists, pedophiles, and murderers saying that they used porn in their crimes relates to my point about porn warping people's minds.
I see it, but I don't see it as a very good argument given the unreliable nature of those people, that's all. I find your argument centered on the porn community to be much more believable. Perhaps you think it is the same argument, but to me it doesn't concern really the same category of people, there is small overlap, but one is much more extreme than the other. Minor but not insignificant distinction.

>he doesn't see how people being lenient on rapists and blaming victims
I'm going to stop you here, you're the one who mentioned blaming the victims and I still don't see what it has to do with my original point. Actually, blaming the victims is one of the strategy killers use to deflect responsibility, like with blaming porn. That would be the link for me, but I doubt it was the one you were trying to dwell on, unless I have misunderstood you.

>I literally cited studies
I understand now, you must have mistaken for the poster you were arguing with originally. Understandable mistake, but I'm on your side with the bad effects of porn.

>> No.16348362

>YEAH i wonder how much it would cost to pay cultists and africans to harvest the stuff.
We're talking about hundred of thousands of victims at least. There's no way you can do that for less than 3000 dollars.

>> No.16348414

What about using your knowledge of interpret a course of action when outside and it starts to rain?
Is that divination?

>> No.16348424

You're telling me the exchange rates don't make up for it?

>> No.16348428

>yfw you realize the adrenechrome meme really is a meme.

>> No.16348449
File: 895 KB, 1280x1200, 7ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said the main problem with porn was that it messed with productivity. Now you're trying to backpedal and say that it is just a means to an end, but you also said that your definition of productivity is painting. You're gonna support your family with your paintings? Really? I doubt you could feed yourself with your art.

>factory workers are not tradesmen
Yeah, so I guess the sheet metal workers I knew who worked in factories weren't tradesmen.

>Jewish control of porn
Hey, you know who controls porn even more than Jews? Men. Yet suddenly your retarded little conspiracy theories don't extend that far.

Anyway, I'm sorry that my posting about porn hurt your feelings. You can go masturbate now. It's what you always do and always will do. You'll never escape.

>he actually thinks progressive men aren't rapists
Pic related. Men of all political positions consume porn.

>give weight to bullshit
And I already demonstrated that Bundy and others' testimony corresponds with the empirical evidence, so no, it's not bullshit.

> A person watching porn doesn't become a pedophile in more than 99% case
No, but the question was "does porn warp your mind" and I cited multiple studies showing that porn does increase aggression, correlates with violence and abuse, and makes people less likely to intervene when crimes are being committed. So, is it really such a leap to say that pornography may be the impetus for a potential rapist much like how the "warrior gene" usually only "turns on" after abuse? Or that abusers who have greater self control than Bundy would choose to enter the porn industry (ex. Max Hardcore) to find a "legal" outlet for their same impulses?

>paedophilia is the discriminating factor
Read Sotos because you're wrong.

>Islam and terrorism
Well, I think all religion is shitty, however I think if you interviewed Muslims in-depth you would find things like poverty and PTSD are stronger correlates for terrorist behaviour than Islam. Likewise, you would find those correlates appear in non-Islamic terror. With porn, however, you're talking about it being the primary correlate for a variety of abusive behaviours and thought patterns, and there are very few examples where abusers don't consume porn. In other words, your analogy is fucking retarded and doesn't hold up to scrutiny.

>Given the nature of our conversation one doesn't need to be warped by porn to think of it.
You described a bit of banter as "BDSM". That's gross and indicates to me you've been getting off to disgusting shit. I don't know if chastise is a fucking buzzword in BDSM circles because I don't follow that.

>I don't see it as a very good argument given the unreliable nature of those people,
And what about their victims? Because abused women, abuser children and trafficked people have a lot to say about how porn was used in their abuse. Or how their abuse was used to make porn.

>I'm going to stop you here
Uh, no you're not.


>> No.16348458


>> No.16348480

Again, we're taking hundred of thousands if not dozens of millions. You need pretty much to raise an army. What level of exchange rate allows you to raise an army for 2200 dollars (less than that, because you need to turn a profit)? Do you think I could raise an army in Africa right now just with the 10k I have in saving?

To give you an idea, you can find an AK-47 in Africa for 50 bucks. So if you imagine ten thousand witch doctors, each harvesting hundreds of children, with 2200 you can pay less than one bodyguard/enforcer with AK-47 for each two hundred witch doctors. That's not counting harvesting and kidnapping fees, salaries, instruments, covering up and bribing of officials, etc. Even if you exchange each AK-47 for 50 full-time henchmen with machete (and at that rate those guys are barely paid the median salary of their own country) that's still one henchman for each 10000 children (low estimate). And you can only pay them for a month. And you still haven't paid the witch doctor or bribed the police.

It's vastly, and I mean vastly out of scale.

>> No.16348490


>you're the one who mentioned blaming the victims and I still don't see what it has to do with my original point.
Because you said, "uh I don't see how rapists' words matter here, aren't they all crazy", and I pointed out that in the cultural context of victim blaming that suddenly deciding the rapist's words don't matter is oddly convenient. Especially when blaming porn is one of the only times that rapist's words actually correspond to empirical evidence and the testimony of abuse survivors. It stinks of "I just want to protect my porn please don't like what I like to bad people".

>like with blaming porn
>comparing porn to victims
1. Gross and tactless.
2. Do you not see a difference? If I say that I'm not resposible for a crime because I was baited, that actually counts as a mitigating factor in a court of law. On the other hand, just blaming video games or porn would not count as a mitigating factor unless you proved you were uniquely pathologically obsessed. My point is that you're trying to argue that these are both equally good defences when in reality one is a good defence and the other is not. Case in point - you tried to say that Bundy was trying to save his own ass..... when he was hours from death....and admitted to the crimes....and was using them to explain the crimes. Like I said before - how the fuck is that saving face?

I think the real issue is that people don't want to face up to the reality of the situation - which basically is a bunch of mediocre rich people fuck kids to collectively shame each other silence and complicity ala Full Metal Jacket.

With that said, is it possible that instead of getting kidnappers and hitmen, the adrenochrome theory could work but with farmed children? Plenty of children are born into brothels and Epstein apparently wanted to make a sex farm. Couldn't the theory argue that the children of sex slaves are used? No kidnapping fees. Butcher them like animals. I don't think it's true - I don't believe the adrenochrome myth - but Iunno, just thought I'd throw that out there.

>> No.16348493

Then d&d is not divination and dice throwing are not divination.

>> No.16348557

I agree that the word "satanic" is unfortunate, but I don't know a better word for it. I'll go ahead and refer to it as Zoroastrian.
As I said way earlier in the thread, D&D is satanic because it is a group of people collectively creating an alternate reality, one which involves much magic and violence (two things strongly associated with Zoroaster), and using real-world diviniation techniques to inform the decisions in the game, namely rolling dice, also known as astragalomancy.

Here's a slightly different take, which actually aligns with actual Zoroastrianism/ According to Wikipedia
In Zoroastrianism Asha (truth, cosmic order), the life force that originates from Ahura Mazda,[6][19] stands in opposition to Druj (falsehood, deceit)
Think of Zoroastrian things as Druj. Then D&D is certainly Zoroastrian. But, then, all fiction is Zoroastrian and all art, and all imperfect human perceptions like this smarty >>16348108 would like to point out. But at least fiction and art are up-front about the fact that they are lies. In D&D, even though you know it's not really real, there is a deeper level of real-ness. The fantasy world you're all concocting needs to be consistent among all players for the game to work. And you're tying elements of the fantasy world directly to the real-world event that is the dice roll. So the lines between druj and reality are much more blurred.
You could still argue that loads of things are Zoroastrian under this definition, and you'd be right. We live in a very Zoroastrian world, as crazy people have been trying to point out for decades

>> No.16348569

I don't follow

>> No.16348580

>Men of all political positions consume porn.
This doesn't prevent them to being able to emphatize with rape victims. Your studies don't show consuming porn instantly make you incapable of believing a rape victim, it only shows it makes things more difficult, but sufficient education can counter that. If a woman tell me she's been raped, my first reflex is to believe her, because I know she's most likely to not be lying.

>And I already demonstrated that Bundy and others' testimony corresponds with the empirical evidence
You haven't, really. A porn consumption/difficulty to believe women that are victim of rape correlation, or even a porn/sexual abuse correlation isn't even close to proving that rapist become rapist in not small part because of porn use.

>No, but the question was "does porn warp your mind"
That was your question with the other poster. I never disagreed that porn has bad effects on your mind, see >>16347901.

> So, is it really such a leap to say that pornography may be the impetus for a potential rapist much like how the "warrior gene" usually only "turns on" after abuse?
I don't know what the "warrior gene" is. And no, it's not a leap if we talk about the most common kinds of rapist (ie knows the victim, is not a serial criminal or a murderer, often isn't planning the rape beforehand, isn't making an habit of it, etc.). This is not the same issue if we talk about serial killers or pedocriminals.

>Read Sotos because you're wrong.
The discrepancy between the two behaviors (porn consumption and pedophilia), despite their undeniable links, is big enough for me to stand by the spirit of my argument. I don't need to read an edgy musician for that.

>You described a bit of banter as "BDSM".
BDSM between consenting and responsible adults is supposed to be fun you know. The BDSM community is pretty autistic about safety standards, contraception, and consent.

>the primary correlate for a variety of abusive behaviours
Porn is too widely used to be the primary correlate of those things. The analogy of PTSD here would be childhood abuse and trauma which is fitting.
>very few examples where abusers don't consume porn
Very few examples where Islamic don't engage with Muslim dogma.

>That's gross and indicates to me you've been getting off
Get off your high horse, BDSM is a household acronym since the publishing of 50 shades of Grey. My mother has heard about it, your grandmother has heard about it, knowing this doesn't make me a pev (in fact you answer suggests that you have a pretty good idea of what it is, are you disgusting too now? let's be serious).

> I don't know if chastise is a fucking buzzword
I have never practiced BDSM or watched BDSM myself, but the connection is pretty much in the name. Dunno if the word is actually used.

>And what about their victims?
Yes, that would be a much better argument, but it wasn't the one I was answering to initially.

>> No.16348653

i'm >16348000 and >16348341

There's some confusion here, when i said porn consumption is a problem for productivity i meant productivity of the consumer not the performer, porn addiction actually causes brain trauma identical to gambling addictions, it destroys productivity.
Productivity is needed to get of the fucking pornsites and back to maintaining and growing a structured life.
Everyone needs productivity, children and women included, duh.
Also i'm euro, tradesman is an unfamiliar term, i meant to express that doing more with your life than (minimal training) low pay factory work isn't productive, unless your putting it elsewhere than your job (not the wisest thing to do).

Also porn doesn't make men retarded enough to ignore consent, this whole argument about porn is like video game violence. Stupid.
If a guy slaps a girl because he watches slapping porn ask yourself why does he watch slapping porn instead of normal porn? if something as simple as slapping porn can ignite a desire some other simple thing can too. Some people are just a lot more explosive than others (psychopaths)
Porn should be banned for minors not adults.

>> No.16348665

>Because you said, "uh I don't see how rapists' words matter here, aren't they all crazy"
I was talking about serial murderers and rapists, not your average drunk fratboy, and I was talking specifically about deflection strategies. Pedophilia and rape are much older than mass-distributed porn.

>deciding the rapist's words don't matter is oddly convenient
Make that argument with someone who believes in the 'she asked for it' narrative, not with me.

>It stinks of "I just want to protect my porn please
I really don't care about porn, if anything I'd be glad to get rid of it. I see where your suspicion comes from but it doesn't apply to me.

>comparing porn to victims
>1. Gross and tactless
I'm comparing blaming porn to blaming the victim, which are two commonly recognized way of deflecting responsibility. The comparison might be well chosen or not, but it's neither nonsensical nor offensive. Taking out "blaming" here is a misrepresentation of my point.

>2. Do you not see a difference?
You raise a good point. However in my opinion both are dishonest defences (I think that's where you'll disagree, which is fine), I'm not talking about their efficiency in a court of law, that's besides the point here imo.

>you tried to say that Bundy was trying to save his own ass
That was my mistake, however this would not be unusual for Bundy to try to deflect blame even on death row. People care about image more than we image (even normal people, but for people like Bundy it goes out of proportion).

>I think the real issue is that people don't want to face up to the reality of the situation
Yes it seems to be an issue of dealing with a depressingly mundane reality.

>is it possible that instead of getting kidnappers and hitmen, the adrenochrome theory could work but with farmed children

The economics of it don't make sense, as explained above. Adrenochrome isn't even that interesting, it's just makes the blood flow better.

>Epstein apparently wanted to make a sex farm. Couldn't the theory argue that the children of sex slaves are used? No kidnapping fees. Butcher them like animals.
I think that's more likely. The adrenochrome seems like a fancy addition for people who read too much science-fiction. I'm not sure (and I hope not) any butchering is taking place, but I'd bet on it much sooner than on any advanced chemical shit.

Just taking a step back, this conversation is extremely whacky, imagine hearing that in your courtyard (but that's 4chan for you). Anyway, I'm going to read and then sleep, thank you for the convo, and sorry for any perceived aggressivity or insults, that was not my purpose, but the internet sometimes gets the better of me. Especially sorry if the BDSM struck you as attempted offense, it was really just tongue-in-cheek.
I still think the porn-serial killer thing is a bit of a leap, but I'm willing to accept you know more about this than I do, and that it's probably much less of a leap than I thought.

>> No.16348668

video games desensitizing people to violence is absolutely real

>> No.16348676
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>> No.16348730

Hello smarty pants here, if human perception is zoroastrian (druj) then the dichotomy of Asha and Druj IS DRUJ.

And you're argument about d&d not being upfront about it' fictionality is moronic.

d&d isn't any different from open an umbrella when it starts raining or brushing your teeth.

>> No.16348750

Yes but video games alone can't desensitize enough to cause violence in anybody except the mentally ill.
But then anything form of violent media can do that such as a movie.

>> No.16348797

>And you're argument about d&d not being upfront about it' fictionality is moronic.
Why? I even meant it less flippantly than my earlier posts.
>d&d isn't any different from open an umbrella when it starts raining or brushing your teeth.
Yeah all of those things are exactly the same, no differences there

>> No.16348801

You don't think FPSes had anything at all to do with the increase in school shootings from the 90s to now?

>> No.16348949

Then it's not satanic and not divination.

yeah it totally isn't social and old media making school shooters (in)famous and giving attention to their plight and the violent solution they took to dispose of it. No FPS is to blame.
Also gun backtracking in america is dumb, they don't do it at gun shows and family member have guns. America has a mental health and gun tracking problem.

>> No.16348967

>Then it's not satanic and not divination.
I don't know to what statement this refers

>> No.16348973

>yeah it totally isn't social and old media making school shooters (in)famous and giving attention to their plight and the violent solution they took to dispose of it. No FPS is to blame.
Yes things have multiple causes, you are very smart for noticing

>> No.16349003

>Yes things have multiple causes
And you are very dumb for blaming video games for shootings and porn for rapes in-spite of this knowledge.

>> No.16349005

Yep, just cuz. That's almost always the most likely explanation when given a single simple alternative

>> No.16349025

I didn't say shit about porn causing rapes. I didn't blame video games exclusively, I blame video games partially. Do you have a problem with blaming video games partially?

>> No.16349035

Then why don't you click on the numbers in each post to read the conversation and find the missing statement, genius.

>> No.16349042

Oh it's you again, please have a read through this thread before posting and warn men when you're not other anons.

>> No.16349080

I recently download Steal This Book (pretty ironic amirite) to learn how to steal books, but found it to be much more interesting than that, even than most of its info is outdated.

>> No.16349099

Done, read the post three posts before the one you're referring to, it should clear up everything
Oh yeah, I remember you from that thread about niggers.
How about you stop treating this place like reddit and accept the fact that you'll never tell who anyone is

>> No.16349138

>that thread about niggers
what are you talking about?
>stop treating this place like reddit and accept the fact that you'll never tell who anyone is

>> No.16349159


>> No.16349170

>read the post three posts before the one you're referring to, it should clear up everything
There's nothing to fucking clear up, you're the one not understanding what post i'm referring to.

>> No.16349183

No, I absolutely understand which post you're referring to. Do you?

>> No.16349393

>blaming porn for rapes
Actually, Ted Bundy said in his last interview that porn was a major driving force in his desire to rape and kill.
Probably, video games do desensitize people to violence somewhat. A Slayer song inspired a sacrificial-style murder in the 90s. These things do influence people. But that doesn't mean they should be banned. Banning these things would be like banning knives because of stabbings (looking at you, UK) or banning the bible because of ancient religious wars.

>> No.16349430

>Ted Bundy said in his last interview that porn was a major driving force in his desire to rape and kill.
I always thought he was just goofing off because he was talking to a well known evangelical.

>> No.16349492

Could be, didn't think of that 2bh

>> No.16350189

Not him and not saying you're right or wrong but you act like before porn sexual violence, rape, pedophilia and teen fucking wasn't a thing or was less common before porn, which correct me if my cursory knowledge of history is wrong, isn't the case.
Though that brings to mind if there's been an increase of reports of these things since internet porn and how.much of that is more about people being less shamed and more encouraged to report abuses.
I'll admit I just like drawing porn, shits fun, I don't wanna say that hobby makes me a bad person. Though I know how personally frequent porn use can fuck with my head, but that may just be my individual neurochemistry as I cant speak for others, and I feel like someone lucid enough can prevent the lines between fantasy and reality from blurring (but I also know people are dumb).

>> No.16350269

Good post. I haven’t made up my mind about mcmartin yet but given the Air Force daycare std’s at the same time and posts like yours I’ve been more willing to unironically look into it

>> No.16350449

>What's more likely? A group of very intelligent people with immense amounts of wealth who stood everything from 9/11 either caused it or allowed it to happen, or the US just got dragged into a massive war for no reason and Cheney got rich just....cause?
What seems most likely is that Cheney and Bush already had plans drafted for an invasion of Iraq using false allegations of WMDs, then capitalized on 9/11 to shut down any criticism and push their war on the American people. Being an opportunist is normal for politicians, but everything in OBL's life points to him being a sincere Islamist acting in accordance with Islamist beliefs and doctrines which had already existed since the second world war. Perhaps this is hard to believe, but the world does not revolve around the United States and even guerilla insurgents in third world countries are capable of radical expressions of autonomy.

>> No.16350538

>the Arab states were shilled by the USSR so America decided to shill their enemy because fuck communism

Wrong. It was the other way around. It was our own deals with the IsraeLIES that pulled them into the Soviet sphere. Also, the Soviet Union was the first country to recognize Israel. The initial settlers in Israel constructed socialist communes. They also trafficked weapons from Soviet countries into Israel. The Soviets began to distance themselves later on.

We got very little materially out of Iraq, but Israel and the neocons gained a fuckton in terms of destabilizing old soviet client regimes. If it was for oil, we failed. If it was for pure conquest and destabilization, we succeeded.

>> No.16350555

>Bush, Cheney and Runsfield
They were useful goyim opportunists who lucked out on the plans of other men.


Check out who the writers of this paper were and what president they worked for on the day of 9/11

>> No.16351874


>> No.16352651

well, all three religions agree
but our society doesn't
which means there is another hidden religion in control

>> No.16352682


>I’m anti-Semitic, by the way.
)))))you(((( are a retard

sweeties you should really stop fighting each other
you both agree that usury is bad
so why the fuck you keep practicing it ?

>> No.16352711
File: 335 KB, 921x1606, 534_PDF Reader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my forbidden knowledge books are PDFs. It's impossible to find hard copies of any of these now and in some places illegal.

>> No.16352712

no u retard

>> No.16352747
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>> No.16352780

What are your sources to pirate this good shit senpai?

>> No.16352835

I think I got most of it from PDFdrive. Some of it is Paladin Press and some unknown.

>> No.16352859

Thanks anon, you’re a legend

>> No.16352983

tl;dr this bread is too long

>> No.16353196

>doesn't prevent them
Yes it does. Read the citations I posted.

>sufficient education
Because sitting in a room listening to a boring feminist lecture about consent is going to undo beliefs formed when you're having a massive dopamine spike.

It doesn't need to be instant. Boys start consuming porn around age 11. It could have a minuscule effect, but because it starts so young it adds up.

>"You haven't really"
>proceeds to completely miss my points
I repeatedly said that and proved that rapists, abusers and traffickers used porn in the grooming of their victims and that pornographers are abusers themselves.

>don't know what the warrior gene is

>BDSM is fine
Gross kinkster pervert and porn apologist coomer detected. If a white person loved watching videos of black people being lynched, we'd call him a racist. Ifa black man wanted to LARP out being a slave in a plantation theme park we'd get his head checked. Now all of a sudden it's fine to enjoy recreations of misogyny because the people involved "consented". I guess when there's an orgasm at the end things we'd normally consider wrong - like using slurs or hurting people - suddenly become fine.

Is Facial Abuse fine? What about Insex? You know the men who run those sites actually abuse women, right? BDSM is demonic and exemplifies the worst traits of porn. The fact you pretend to be anti-porn and they spew apologetics for BDSM is repugnant.

>rants insanely about how BDSM is totally normal
1. I can assure you that my St. Lucian grandmother who does not use the Internet does not know what BDSM is.
2. I know BDSM is popular. This is why I said that your gross little comment was a perfect demonstration of how pornified our culture is. You're literally proving my point for me.
3. Just because something is normal doesn't mean it's right, retard. But nice appeal to popularity. BDSM is still disgusting and so are you.

Anyway, you're a BDSM / kink apologist and I have no interest in talking to freaks. Go jerk off like you always do and piss off.

This dude knows what's up.

>I'm not going to do any research so I'll just support the apathetic centrist solution
Shut up.

>act like it wasn't a thing
Where did I say that?

>like drawing porn
I like to draw erotica too. I am a lot more lenient on 2D (3DPD) because there are no actual people involved, but you should still interrogate your sexual fantasies to see if they promote violence.

Explain Tower 7 before you try to Occam's Razor me.

Wrong. Roosevelt and Truman recognized the possibility of a Soviet-Arab connection and the potential Arab restriction on oil. The USA recognised Israel on May 14th, and the USSR recognised it on May 17th, 1948.

Eat shit.

>> No.16353869

>BDSM is demonic and exemplifies the worst traits of porn. The fact you pretend to be anti-porn and they spew apologetics for BDSM is repugnant.
Not him. Explain to me why then "50 Shades of Gray" is a major world best seller? Explain to me also the fact it was written BY A WOMAN and why most of its fanbase is COMPOSED BY horny WOMEN?
Or do you think is it men who are getting off to that shit?
Don't you think this might indicate something intrinsically feminine in its crave to be dominated or is this a product of mass media, too?

I think there's a darker side of the human mind you are unwilling to aknowledge, girl. It's been more than a hundred years since the formal begining of Psychoanalysis and yet we have to deal with people who willfully choose to ignore that much of our wills, desires and kinks are unconsciuous. Too much of our sexual consensus is tacit, there lies the problem.
That said, your way of thinking denies agency (as far as we can get) to adult sentient beings. We can never reach a point of true agreement.

>> No.16353948

>>like drawing porn
>I like to draw erotica too. I am a lot more lenient on 2D (3DPD) because there are no actual people involved, but you should still interrogate your sexual fantasies to see if they promote violence.
You should interrogate the Jaw if his way of living promotes violence. Huehuehue

>> No.16353977

anon share pls? These would make a great addition to my library

>> No.16354253

Bump for the best thread

>> No.16354533

>explain why
Why the fuck should I? Why does it matter to my argument if 50 Shades is popular? I know it's popular. It's gross that it's popular. It's indicative of the pornification of our culture.

>a woman wrote it!
And? Have you read 50 Shades? Because while all BDSM is shitty, the BDSM in those books is nothing compared to the brutal violence depicted in pornography made by men for men. In 50 Shades, the chick gets spanked a little. In male pornography, women are facefucked until they gagged and beaten. So if you're trying to make some gross little argument that women like BDSM because they like being abused, you can shut the fuck up right now.

1. It is a popular myth that rape is the number one fantasy of women. It's not even in their top 7. https://www.businessinsider.com/what-women-fantasize-about-2014-11

2. Just because women fantasize about being dominated doesn't mean that they want to be dominated in real life OR that this is woman's natural state and not the product of environment and socialization.

>I think there's a darker side of the human mind you are unwilling to aknowledge, girl.
Oh shut the fuck up. I'm a grown woman who's probably older than you. You want to talk about the darkness of human nature? Welll how about instead of your cutesy little fantasy where ~*~consent makes everything okie dokie~*~ we could talk about my vision of the world, where BDSM is male violence normalized to the point of routine. Don't condescend to me about darkness when you're the one with the pussy feel-good explanation.

>denies agency
Which one of us is okay with women being tied up and beaten? Not me. And yet I'm the one who's "denying women agency" because I think that women being beaten is grotesque. Am I denying other black people agency if I say a black person who agrees to be whipped as part of a slavery theme park attraction is an Uncle Tom? Or is the primary measure of agency how willing one is to submit to the ruling class? Is telling poor people not to give Jeff Bezos all their money denying them agency too? Fuck off.

I don't know who the Jaw is.

>He doesn't know how to write down the book's title and paste it into Google or Libgen's search bar

>> No.16354902

>He doesn't know how to write down the book's title and paste it into Google or Libgen's search bar
I looked for some of these books on libgen, IRC, and PDFdrive and I haven't been able to find any that's why I was asking anon to share

>> No.16355970

>Why does it matter to my argument if 50 Shades is popular?
Because sweet dreams are made of this.
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused


>> No.16355987

>In male pornography, women are facefucked until they gagged and beaten.
women watch this stuff as much as if not more than men. The rape fantasy specifically is more common with them

>> No.16356011
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>the McMartin case
>doesn't know the fbi released the files
The McMartins were guilty as fuck.
Secret tunnels, locks on all the doors (no knobs), animal bones under the floorboards, secret wallpannels.

>> No.16356026

it's insane how most normies bought the media lies about the case

>> No.16356048

>there's a massive body of scientific evidence backing up false memory
It's actually totally unfounded. It's often cited as an example of hyperstition and has never been accepted by any mainstream psychological association.

>> No.16356094

Seconding this, actually interested in book recs.

>> No.16356155


>> No.16356184

>people judge cases they haven't worked on based on reports and rumors they hear about it
It's not insane at all and pretty predictable actually.

>> No.16356207

I found the first one I searched for.

No, we don't. See the link I gave regarding female sexual fantasies and you will see how objectively wrong you are. Women's "rape fantasies" are "wow Edward Cullen couldn't resist how beautiful I am so he ravished me". Men's "rape fantasies" include Ghetto Gaggers, Insex, Facial Abuse, Crack Whore Confessions, etc. It's not the same. Men are objectively more violent in their sexual fantasies than women by every conceivable metric.

And even if women were masochistic.... so what? Being a masochistic is a sign of weakness to be sure, but being a sadist is gross moral failing. I would rather be a weak person with potential to grow stronger than a sadist. Furthermore, how does women watching porn counteract my arguments that porn is bad? Arguments, I should add, that also proved you wrong regarding porn viewership and demonstrated that men definitely consume more porn.

Try sourcing your arguments neck time, dolt.

>> No.16356208

i'm speaking more to the level of revisionism from there being a "satanic panic" to people now just parroting that it was an overreaction like it's gospel

>> No.16356287

People do the same shit with "McCarthyism" doesn't matter that McCarthy was right and that it's a plain observable fact. The meme is "McCarthyism = salem witch hunt for commies" so that's what people believe and propagate. Everything is just a meme.

>> No.16356303

>In male pornography, women are facefucked until they gagged and beaten.
So they facefuck them and then proceed to give some slaps while calling them "sluts" which surprisingly make some of them cum and fullfill completely their EMOTIONAL needs.
Is it really that much worse than hitting them with a leather whip (the 50 shades defense)?
Is it what you're trying to convey?

>So if you're trying to make some gross little argument that women like BDSM because they like being abused, you can shut the fuck up right now.
So, why do you think some women are attracted to this kind of stuff? I wanna hear your sincere opinion.
Plus, I wanna hear your thoughts about traps and fags in general, I'm just curious.

>1. It is a popular myth that rape is the number one fantasy of women. It's not even in their top 7.
I don't care about which place in the ranking it takes. To me is already a huge deal, a not negligible one, the fact it is still
one of your MAJOR FANTASIES. You women (men also) are really freak, man. Kek

>2. Just because women fantasize about being dominated doesn't mean that they want to be dominated in real life OR that this is woman's natural state and not the product of environment and socialization.
Show me a sucessfull society where women dominate, period.
I'll be here waiting for your nation of amazons. I really think you're inverting facts and effects, the current state of affairs is only possible with a really HUGE DOSE of socialization. Socialization (in western democracies) is exactly what frees women so they can do whatever they please (including submit). So feel liberated, you was born in the "right" place and time. If a meteor hit us and for some reason we descend to the habitual madness don't be surprised if our post-apocalitical societies don't give a shit for women rights.

>Oh shut the fuck up. I'm a grown woman who's probably older than you. You want to talk about the darkness of human nature? Welll how about instead of your cutesy little fantasy where ~*~consent makes everything okie dokie
Your way of reasoning leads to the abdcating of your sexual freedom in the hands of the all-powerfull State. Because we know pretty well who's gonna decide consent if not the people directly involved. Ask yourself if that's the world you wanna live in.

>> No.16356340

Just go 69 eachother already. Jesus Christ. Fucking bruised ego faggots can't ever let things go and will argue about this shit like 2 brick walls till the thread is dead, then seethe about it for the rest of the day. Take a fucking break from the internet.

>> No.16356437
File: 67 KB, 828x704, 89b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a grown woman who's probably older than you.

>> No.16356449

look up the pornhub statistics, women search stuff like rape, 'extreme rough sex', etc. You're obviously just an autist chick and you dont understand most girls arent like you

>> No.16356477

Oh that's just memetics, about half our literature is made of that (when a famous ancient Greek historian said the Medic wars might have been a bugger war than the Trojan war his readers were shocked because they were used to think of it as the most epic war in history, even though they had themselves lived the Medic wars).
And you have to admit there were some pretty cringeworthy stuff in that "satanic panic", like people playing rock records in reverse and being surprised it sounded vaguely ominous. The existence of pedophiles and child murderer has little to do with rock music, regardless of whether they draw pentagrams on their victims or not (a detail which is himself a meme: what really matter, the child murder, or the satanic drawing?).

>> No.16356503

>which surprisingly make some of them cum
>he actually thinks the women in porn really orgasm
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAhhehehehehHAHAHAHhhh aha....oh....hahaha....oh wow...hehehehehe....ha.....oh...You're not serious, right?

>he thinks getting spanked is just as bad as Facial Abuse
You're clearly a fucking retard and not worth my time.

1. I'm out of his league.
2. I'm married.
3. I replied to him once, so what the fuck are you talking about?

>he trusts PornHub to tell the truth
Good goym. Just trust whatever PornHub tells you. Porn is normal. Women love being hit during sex. Trust us.

If you actually bothered to read my posts you would have found a study across Canada that would have shown the top five female sexual fantasies do not include violence. I'm getting a little tired of spoonfeeding retards, so instead of giving you the direct link I'm going to give you the post ID of where I mentioned it and you can take as long as you want to read slowly though. >>16354533 Have fun, and try to fucking read next time.

>> No.16356521

You clearly need to be properly dicked this is all repressed anger that your husband can't fuck

>> No.16356528

why is this prude woman so angry

>> No.16356533

>I replied to him once, so what the fuck are you talking about?
You fucking spergs, however many of you there are, have been going on about porn derailing the whole thread for at least half as long as it's been up. Pornography and it's effects is not "hidden knowledge" nor have any of you provided books on the subject. You two want to argue about porn so much make your own fucking thread about it instead of sliding this one.

>> No.16356536

the rock music stuff is largely a distraction. the actual satanic pageantry involved in many sex crimes and serial killings is very much pertinent however. OPs book covers this in detail, including how many notable crimes occured on calendar days that are important to satanists, such as walpurgisnacht.

>> No.16356537

>Anonymous 09/12/20(Sat)13:08:33 No.16343797▶

>> No.16356539

Walpurgisnacht is a christian holiday.

>> No.16356578

Child sacrifices by the elites have been going on since the dawn of time. Why the fuck would things suddenly be different now?
There is nothing new under the sun.

>> No.16356585

this anon knows

>> No.16356597

it was pagan before it was christian. also
>Founder Anton Szandor LaVey states in The Satanic Bible that besides one's own birthday, Walpurgisnacht ranks as an important Satanic holiday, noting the Eve of May has been memorialized as "symbolizing the fruition of the spring equinox",[37] and chose the date well aware of the date's traditional association with witchcraft. [38]

>> No.16356618

Anton LaVey was a fag larper and a plagiarist. Nothing he says should be taken at face value.

>> No.16356627


Amazing that McCarthy has been entirely vindicated by history and yet his name is still a specter of so-called 'jingoism'.

>> No.16356633

>the actual satanic pageantry involved in many sex crimes and serial killings is very much pertinent however.
Okay but as said above, what actually matters, the pageantry or the crimes? Crimes in high places are nothing new, do we suddenly care about it because the rich are also doing tacky dessing-up now?

The root of my question is simple anon: I suspect that if there's a distraction it's that idea of the satanic itself. I'd bet 100 bucks most people who ever committed "satanic" crimes don't even know understand where satanism actually comes from. It's just an occasion for people to cry about whatever cultural trend they don't like and tie it (however shoddily) to crimes.

If you want to stop criminals do criminals investigations, hire competent police officers, etc. I've never seen a satanic panicker help law enforcement do their jobs in any meaningful way. And it's the same problem if law enforcement is corrupt, then the issue is fighting corruption, not getting scared by boomer rituals.

>> No.16356636

"Jingoism" itself is meant as an insult to Christians in the same vein as McCarthyism.

>> No.16356644

*child sacrifices by society
It used to be a communal ritual thing. Now it has taken the form of pedophilia (in all levels of society, let's not kid ourselves, the pharmacist and the drug store owner around the corner might be getting away with pedophilia as we speak) and child abuse.

At least we tend to be more aware of it now.

>> No.16356661

>it was pagan
No it wasn't. Walpurgisnacht commemorates Saint Walpurga, 8th century nun.

>> No.16356686

>I've never seen a satanic panicker help law enforcement do their jobs in any meaningful way.
where exactly are you seeing all this satanic panicking going on?

>The origins of the holiday date back to pagan celebrations of fertility rites and the coming of spring. After the Norse were Christianized, the pagan celebration became combined with the legend of St. Walburga

>> No.16356707 [DELETED] 

>this other holiday existed before so they're the same holiday
Walpurgisnacht is a christian holiday, it celebrates St Walpurgis. Walpurgisnacht is not Samhein. Christmas is a christian holiday, it celebrates the birth of Christ. Christmas is not Saturnalia. Easter is a christian holiday it celebrates the birth of Christ. Easter is not Passover.

>> No.16356712

you seem confused

>> No.16356715

>this other holiday existed before so they're the same holiday
Walpurgisnacht is a christian holiday, it celebrates St Walpurgis. Walpurgisnacht is not Samhein. Christmas is a christian holiday, it celebrates the birth of Christ. Christmas is not Saturnalia. Easter is a christian holiday it celebrates the resurrection of Christ. Easter is not Passover.

>> No.16356725

you still seem confused

>> No.16356734

You're a retard.

>> No.16356745

>where exactly are you seeing all this satanic panicking going on?
Right now? It's only a meme on the internet (although apparently it's al about memes nowadays so maybe it matters).
In the past it was a meme on tv and on the radio, which used to matter if I'm not wrong.

>> No.16356808
File: 98 KB, 700x466, 154990060218331967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he actually thinks the women in porn really orgasm
>AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAhhehehehehHAHAHAHhhh aha....oh....hahaha....oh wow...hehehehehe....ha.....oh...You're not serious, right?
Most don't but some might sometimes (mostly in the casual scenes) If there's chemistry between the people in the tape, of course.
Ohh, You don't believe me?
Look at this girl. Her name is Mayli.
She came from a wealthy family, she's pretty well-off, educated (can play the piano). So you might ask me what the hell is she doing in facialabuse.com ®.
The answer is:

Hoes gonna hoe, grill. No matter what you say.
The rest is mental gymnastics, verbal malabarisms.

>1. I'm out of his league.
Okey, now post butt or gtfo. Kek.
I'm from a latin country so where I came girls use to have nice asses.
You said you was black so I'm specting a pretty booty and good things. I like smart girls you seem to me like an acute one besides disagreeing with me. Lol.

>If you actually bothered to read my posts you would have found a study across Canada that would have shown the top five
So now this is in the TOP FIVE??
(It was in the top seven if I remember correctly). Not bad at all as a niche thing. If the social conditioning is as good as you think we might eventually get on the peak, don't you think?

>> No.16356824

This chick did the one video to piss off her dad.

>> No.16356825
File: 700 KB, 2508x3541, 1597345625496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his book about laurel canyon is good

>> No.16356862

>This chick did the one video to piss off her dad.
So Freud strikes again?

>> No.16356894

Rich chicks are just cringe and gay and never feel like they get enough attention from their dads.

>> No.16357355


>> No.16357373

That fuckin' lazy eye man. Those ugly cute chicks are the absolute worst.

>> No.16358732
File: 49 KB, 1024x621, 1595043392520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the just cuz guy. Even if I did more research the logic still applies. A house of cards of an explanation falls apart if just one of the schizo assumptions it relies on is false. Also that's not a centrist position you fuckin schizo mongoloid. Meds.

>> No.16358796
File: 2.95 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200914-062900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Combined with this.

>> No.16359351


Better to buy Vol I and Vol II new off his website. Support the old man while you still can!

>> No.16359367
File: 3.67 MB, 2480x8450, textbooks of the elite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16359518

>It is a popular myth that rape is the number one fantasy of women. It's not even in their top 7

I guess that means it's 8

>> No.16359723

Read about Saddam's regime, Republic of Terror or some other book
Someone had to end that man, it's a shame more people had to suffer for it but that couldn't be helped

>> No.16359745

Look up how many people the Manhatten project employed lol
They literally built fake cities and the entire thing was full of Soviet moles
And still the president had to be told about it when he was sworn into office

>> No.16359953

Rather convincing, I agree

>> No.16360165

*Textbooks of someone who enjoys Bertland Russel

>> No.16361748

Also Samhein is not Halloween, that's another misconception.

>> No.16361926

Samhein would have been the proto-equivalent to Walpurgisnacht, though they are two different holidays. Walpurgisnacht was never pagan in any way whatsoever, as St Walpurga, (the christian saint the holiday commemorates) was not a pagan figure.