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File: 186 KB, 500x780, mutt-americano-la-creatura-la-creatura-el-la-luz-monstruo-35549891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16345784 No.16345784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give me some /lit/erature on race mixing.

>> No.16345797

my diary desu

>> No.16345798

I died on el ogro de las americas. It explains everything.

>> No.16345801

dios mio....

>> No.16345810
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>Has to stretch Trump's picture to make him look worse.

>> No.16345822

Like science or opinion stuff

>> No.16345836
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>> No.16345849

I'm a pureblood Swede (99%+), and a firm eugenicist, but I don't see what the value of genetic purity is. We should seek to procreate with someone with good genetics, whatever their race or nationality is, and then we can have a genetically excellent (even if not pristine) society. Seriously, what is the advantage of my procreating with another Swede vs a French or German or even black woman? Providing they are beautiful, have upstanding characters, are intelligent, well-bred, etc., then our kids will also have those traits. Purity is not a value in itself.

>> No.16345861
File: 148 KB, 259x316, goop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We should seek to procreate with someone with good genetics
>whatever their race
thank you for proving the swedecuck meme

>> No.16345862

Our massive welfare state promotes procreation among genetic trash

>> No.16345877

Different races have different spirits anon, by mixing them you create monsters. Read Evola you materialist bugman

>> No.16345891

Bhagavad Gita covers this

>creating monsters is fine as long as they are powerful
Begone, Satan!

>> No.16345922

It's when I read shit like this when I realize that Sweden deserves to go rightfully extinct.

>> No.16345929

No it's the opposite, women are naturally attracted to people with good genes, when they have to choose partners based on financial factors this is eroded.

>> No.16345973

You see my swedish cuckold, people are also born with in-group bias to prefer people who look like them. So when you have multiethnic society different groups come together to compete for resources and everything goes to shit. Look at countries like Brazil or America for examples of this

>> No.16345985

Now post the 2016 forecasts that gave Hillary a 99% chance of winning.

>> No.16345992

>Bhagavad Gita covers this

>> No.16345993
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Häng dig själv bögjävel.

>> No.16346026
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>You see my swedish cuckold, people are also born with in-group bias to prefer people who look like them.
Racist lies.
Mixed race people are viewed as more attractive:
Those were accurate. See the pic.

>> No.16346047

>Mixed race people are viewed as more attractive
Of course fallen and wicked people are attracted to monsters, read the Book of Enoch

>> No.16346052


>> No.16346076

All literature is a derivative of Sacred Scriptures. It takes but a superficial understanding of the basic categories of Scripture (or indeed simply of category, or of understanding itself) to see that you're wrong.
Sending me to le spoopy subreddit doesn't change anything about that.

>> No.16346086

You're a fascist, supernaturalist, schizophrenic. You need to see a doctor.

>> No.16346090
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I highly doubt this guy is even swedish, but white liberals are mentally ill, it's no surprise you can't comprehend in-group preference and think it's a lie.

>> No.16346103

I dont know how you can look at America and claim that to be true

>> No.16346104
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>> No.16346125

Ngl, if I were a white liberal I'd probably dislile white liberals too.
Also I wonder how those "warmth" measures change when you use actual behavior to assess them (ie not self-reported feelings but befriending, hiring, spontaneous helping and other basic social behavior).

>> No.16346128

>pretending Donald isn't a fat abomination even for mutt standards

>> No.16346132

>viewed as more attractive
I meant spiritually. They are people trapped between two spiritual worlds. Two different histories and homelands. You are a bugman if you can't see that and what it entails to the spirit of a man. I'm assuming you are mixed yourself?

>> No.16346146

>conservatives prefers whites to black and vice versa for the liberal no matter their races, except for asians who generally prefer themselves
Seems legit enough.

>> No.16346155

>You're a fascist, supernaturalist, you need to see a doctor
I'm not him anon but well done. Just keep accusing those who see the world differently from you as mentally ill who need to be 'cured'. Are you another Marxist here from leftypol?

>> No.16346156
File: 38 KB, 525x375, Mental Illness 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really a firm eugenicist? If so you should know that they're more than twice as likely to suffer from serious mental illness compared to every other race.

>> No.16346171

More of a problem with society than with them. So basically something that will be mostly solved by the time racist boomers kick the bucket.

>> No.16346182

Race is a social construct. It isn't biological. And the mental illness can probably be attributed to social stigma of being mixed race. Mixed race people still face oppression.

>> No.16346195

Where in the Gita?

>> No.16346197

If race is a social construct why do doctors ask specific races to donate organs so they can match to people of their race? Why can you take a DNA test and have it show you what region of the world your ancestors lived in?

>> No.16346201

Dreams of my Father

>> No.16346215

Because he's full of shit and wants to believe his own lies. It is not only biological, but genetic and even spiritual as well. Anyone who's not a bugman can see that.

>> No.16346218

>why do doctors ask specific races to donate organs so they can match to people of their race?
Because race is still relevant in a society dominated by racism
>Why can you take a DNA test and have it show you what region of the world your ancestors lived in?
Where your ancestors lived isn't race

>> No.16346242
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Would you call dysfunctional interracial relationships and a lack of identity a problem with society? Seems to me like an expected outcome.

Wrong, but you already know you are.

>> No.16346266

>Because race is still relevant in a society dominated by racism
What are you serious dude? It's because their bodies are more likely to accept the organ transplant rather than rejecting it.

And where your ancestors lived is exactly race, race is nothing but genetic similarity, ie. shared ancestry.

>> No.16346271

>dysfunctional interracial relationships and a lack of identity a problem with society?

White girl dating some black guy by itself has zero negatives. Her racist family sperging out about it and his friends bitching about him going with the white chicks, creates extra tensions. Their vastly different experiences when growing up don't help either. It's basically inter-class relationship^10.

Same for the kids. If they live in a society that thinks shit like muh race matters, obviously being between and not quite belonging to one can make things tricky.

>> No.16346300

You can't keep blaming everything on society. How can you call yourself a eugenicist and deny all this shit?

Are you mixed race? If so this conversation ends because I don't want to deal with your literal coping.

>> No.16346336

It's ironic how racism and eugenics are such prevalent ideas in right wing groups when they usually are the ones crying about marxism and atheism being a big problem in current society.
Racism assumes a completely materialistic and deterministic worldview in which humans are nothing more than animals and their worth is measured solely on their genetic heritage.

>> No.16346367

That doesn't follow at all, racism is just the observation that different populations seem to act differently on average, probably due to genetics. Eugenics is just the idea that those with better genetics should breed more than those with less, something almost everyone agrees with on some level, they certainly do when choosing a partner anyway.

Determinism and materialism do not follow from this, plenty of people believe in both free will and souls as well as genetics having an impact on behavior.

>> No.16346376

>You can't keep blaming everything on society.
Because each of the points is obviously a fault with the society instead of the couple or the kid?

>> No.16346377

Plenty of people have contradictory beliefs

>> No.16346383

A lot of fascist were atheistic and fascism itself is materialistic philosophy. Meanwhile marxists assume blank slate and nurture being far more important then nurture (see lysenkoism), which is just anti-scientific cope at this point.
You were probably thinking about right wing christcucks like chesterton right?

>> No.16346387

Explain the contradiction if you will. Do you believe genetics have absolutely no influence on human behavior?

>> No.16346402

Damn meant to say nature, guess now that makes me look like a retard that needs to be culled heh

>> No.16346403

I don't think there's anything more materialistic than racism you huge faggot.

>> No.16346415

Do you think attraction is a societal thing too?

>> No.16346416

Fascism was not materialistic
>The conception is therefore a spiritual one, arising from the general reaction of the century against the materialistic positivism of the XIXth century. Anti-positivistic but positive; neither skeptical nor agnostic; neither pessimistic nor supinely optimistic as are, generally speaking, the doctrines (all negative) which place the center of life outside man; whereas, by the exercise of his free will, man can and must create his own world.
>Fascism is therefore opposed to all individualistic abstractions based on eighteenth century materialism; and it is opposed to all Jacobinistic utopias and innovations. It does not believe in the possibility of "happiness" on earth as conceived by the economistic literature of the XVIIIth century, and it therefore rejects the theological notion that at some future time the human family will secure a final settlement of all its difficulties. This notion runs counter to experience which teaches that life is in continual flux and in process of evolution. In politics Fascism aims at realism; in practice it desires to deal only with those problems which are the spontaneous product of historic conditions and which find or suggest their own solutions (9). Only by entering in to the process of reality and taking possession of the forces at work within it, can man act on man and on nature
>Such a conception of life makes Fascism the resolute negation of the doctrine underlying so-called scientific and Marxian socialism, the doctrine of historic materialism which would explain the history of mankind in terms of the class struggle and by changes in the processes and instruments of production, to the exclusion of all else.

That the vicissitudes of economic life - discoveries of raw materials, new technical processes, and scientific inventions - have their importance, no one denies; but that they suffice to explain human history to the exclusion of other factors is absurd. Fascism believes now and always in sanctity and heroism, that is to say in acts in which no economic motive - remote or immediate - is at work. Having denied historic materialism, which sees in men mere puppets on the surface of history, appearing and disappearing on the crest of the waves while in the depths the real directing forces move and work, Fascism also denies the immutable and irreparable character of the class struggle which is the natural outcome of this economic conception of history; above all it denies that the class struggle is the preponderating agent in social transformations.

>> No.16346426

the word 'racism' refers to a lot of different things, Evola style racism is obviously not materialist

>> No.16346432

>still believe in races


>> No.16346524

Ok but what about
>social darwinism
Those are all very materialistic concepts. I wasnt talking about historic materialism, although they acknowledged class struggle (not exactly in marxist way), they just thought it was solved with corporatism

>> No.16346584

Outside of biological shit like symmetry, it's hard to argue against it. Just look how the current times push fatties as THICC.

>> No.16346750

>biological shit
Biological shit does not affect humans though, did you not read what the coping ugly retard mulatto said? It is all about society pressuring people into liking symmetry. Surely nature does not incentivize people to spread their own genes instead of polluting their genome with those of other breeds, especially of inferior ones.

>> No.16346814

I asked him earlier and he didn't reply. Obviously he is and this is giga cope. I actually feel a little sorry for him.

>> No.16346822

>Racism assumes a completely materialistic and deterministic worldview
No it doesn't some of us believe in spiritual racism desu

>> No.16346823

That or his wife's son is mixed.

>> No.16346874

It has to be a coordinated effort from leftypol along with the Marx thread, it's too obvious. They type like women on twitter, very passive aggressive and they keep assuming a materialist framework for the world at every step.