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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.37 MB, 1960x3874, 20200911_183532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16340009 No.16340009 [Reply] [Original]

Last one died.
Post shelfs or stacks. Compliment fellow readers on their exquisite tastes. Foster good will among your fellow man.

Finally got a bookshelf so as to stop fanny flustering /lit/ with floor books.
I'll put guns on it later.

>> No.16340014
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>> No.16340145

Should read Gulag book 2 next, probably the strongest of the 3.

>> No.16340193

Storm of Steel is pretty good.

>> No.16340307
File: 49 KB, 500x330, Wooden-Bread-Boxes-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys how do I stop buying more bread than I can eat? Any tips to get through loaves faster?

>> No.16340313

Start baking your own loaves - both better and less expensive. Bake maybe two or three times a week. Freeze what you can't eat in a few days.

>> No.16340353

Make/buy more brioche so when it starts to get stale you can make God tier French toast with it.

>> No.16340513

Some very nice ones in there.

>> No.16340780

The brown ones are old Tolstoys

>> No.16340872
File: 1.65 MB, 4032x2861, B5D8582A-052E-4B14-9F79-684B5CA92D8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some books are missing

>> No.16340955

Just realized I'm missing Ship of Fools, Anna Karenia, 1984, LOTR, and a few Americanas. God damn it, I'm glad I'm never moving again.

>> No.16341490

Is 'The Rise and Fall...' any good?

>> No.16341505

It's fine, though Shirer is more of a journalist than an historian. I think he did a better job with "Collapse of the Third Republic" but I am in the minority there.

>> No.16341600

>physical books

>> No.16341632

Thanks, anon. I just got a second hand copy, and I wanted to make sure it was worth the time investment.

>> No.16341645

I have a pdf of technological slavery on my phone which is in my hand probably 10h a day :^}

>> No.16341713
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Religion/Philosophy, Fiction

>> No.16341730
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Econ /business/ Self help, other nonfiction

>> No.16341746
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3/3 I lied

Prole shit. Not pictured is the Dresden Files excluding the short stories and the most recent book, and some warhammer stuff

>> No.16341770
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tfw graphic novels included

>> No.16341784
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>> No.16341789
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>or stacks
Building a horror themed one for october with some other stuff thrown in

>> No.16341790

Could use Dostos Demons

>> No.16341798
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>> No.16341816
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>> No.16341839

also please don't judge me too hard on the fantasy. A close lady friend recommended it to me and I'm trying to get laid.

>> No.16341846

Judging you more for House of Leaves desu senpai.

>> No.16341866

Thanks, I think that’s my next Dosto but I’m trying to decide on the translation. I got redpilled on PV and wanna try someone else

>> No.16341875

oof. That bad? I haven't touched any of those yet. I'm currently reading
Elmore Leonard -Get Shorty
Terry Southern - The Magic Christian

>> No.16341904

Honestly I'm not really judging. If I were too that's definitely the tryhard pseud book. And honestly it's not that bad (I unironically enjoyed the parts about the house), but the formatting and structure of the book just scream 'look at me i am so postmodern and literate.'

>> No.16341945

It at least looked readable when I snagged it but I get it. I flipped through some of his other books as the bookstore and they were even more tryhard-looking than this

>> No.16341961

I read Garnett. It takes longer to get going than TBK but less the The Idiot. Good to read concurrently with The Will To Power.

>> No.16342416

Currently reading Lolita and Myths From Mesopotamia. Both very good.

>> No.16343405

Third from left, second shelf. What is it?

>> No.16344126
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>> No.16344212


>> No.16344228
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>> No.16344245
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>> No.16344251
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>> No.16344255

cringe and carbpilled

>> No.16344261
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>> No.16344267
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>> No.16344274
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>> No.16344278
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>> No.16344288
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>> No.16344299
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>> No.16344310

if you're gonna take a dozen pictures instead of just one, at least wipe the dust off so it looks like you've read them, autist.

>> No.16344315


>> No.16344348

I’ve read all but like 5 or 6 of them not including short stories which I space out.blows my mind how people don’t know how to read books without damaging them

>> No.16344354
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>> No.16344382

>Dude break your spines for no reason LMAO
My broken ones were bought used.

>> No.16344401
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Bottom shelf and floor are manga. Jude the Obscure is on my desk. I may make a thread about Jude.

>> No.16344411

I only buy new ones.its a bit OCD but used books give me the willies.ive seen too many books taken in uncleanly places or dirtballs handle them without washing their hands

>> No.16344428

What edition of that edition of Moby Dick?

>> No.16344432
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Yes I cum on my books, how could you tell?

>> No.16344440

What edition is that Moby Dick?*
Sorry, brainlet-tier right now

>> No.16344456

Are you really going to read a book to try and get laid? I could not bring myself to do this

>> No.16344471


worst then reddit

>> No.16344495

>dude self reliance is keeping you from min maxing

>> No.16344507
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>> No.16344531

University of California press

>> No.16344549

Was your grandpa one of those German scientists who moved to America?

>> No.16344551


I've got 'The Tunnel' sitting in my to-read stack. I don't really know anything about it or the author. What am I getting myself into?

>> No.16344565

hey phoneposting niggers, how about you learn to take a picture with your fucking phone

>> No.16344573

I see someone else got /dyingearth/-pilled. I love these books, love this specific genre and setting. Vance had me in tears as well as Wolfe, just for a different reason.

>> No.16344610

Not sure that's my wife's book. For some reason that's the one book she's read in the last 10 years.

>> No.16344619
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>> No.16344639
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>> No.16344660
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For me it's wasa

>> No.16344835

>The Gulag Archipelago
You know that's complete bullshit and was written by a seething Russian monarchist right?

>> No.16345221

Kill yourself tankie. I'd take Monarchy over Marxism anyway.
Cute kot

>> No.16345283

Show the Lolita cover.

>> No.16345389
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>> No.16345409
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That's a nice edition. I've already read Lolita, but only as PDF, so I was thinking of buying a physical copy, just because... but somehow, all the newer edition have hideous covers.

>> No.16345442

Why woulnt you buy a used copy., nvm i know.

>> No.16345491

Nice. I have to get that Fitzgerald book of short stories.

>> No.16345514

that first stack on the left is GIGA BASED.

>> No.16345521

>buying a used copy of Lolita

>> No.16345536
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>> No.16345569
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Lolita might have more shit covers than any other book I've seen. The Everyman's edition is just a picture of Nabokov. Sure, it's kind of lame, but half of the covers you can't post on a blue board.

>> No.16345863

I’ve been reading a lot of him lately.hoping to finish this side of paradise this weekend.a very underrated author on lit

>> No.16345927
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This is the best cover I've seen yet.

>> No.16345961
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What the fuck is a blue morpho?!

>> No.16346512
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God I need a new bookshelf
Also posting in 3 parts because fuck phone editing

>> No.16346521
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>> No.16346539
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>> No.16346650 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 456x320, colonel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gore Vidal
Didn't know he was gay til the day he tried to ambush me in the middle of a threesome with Gore Vidal and Wally Schirra!

>> No.16346664
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>Gore Vidal
Didn't know he was gay til the day he tried to ambush me in the middle of a threesome with Gore Vidal and Wally Schirra!

>> No.16346669

I've also got his explicitly gay novel, The City and the Pillar, because apparently Thomas Mann really liked it and there was no way I was ever gonna sit down and read all of Lincoln.

>> No.16346707
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>> No.16346762

Was Mann a boy lover? Death in Venice was pretty gay.

>> No.16346856

Mann was hardcore gay/bi.
There was a big scandal about it when his diaries were published way back when.

>> No.16346880
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What do you think of my stack? Am I missing anything?

>> No.16346900

>Am I missing anything?
A brain

>> No.16346920


>> No.16346962

I think this guy might be fascist.

>> No.16346978

He must've felt so cool seeing all of these books in his Amazon cart

>> No.16347049

Camp of Saints and Hitler The Ultimate Avatar

>> No.16347284


>> No.16347347

>Hardcover Eco
Jealous. Can't find that shit anywhere IRL. Everyone is intent on selling the way too small softcover editions

>> No.16347394


>> No.16347456

>all that WWII lit
>no Irving, Weber, or Reitlinger
Intensely gay and bluepilled

>> No.16347507
File: 1.33 MB, 2235x2616, Goal bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those german books on ww2 good?
>das kapital

>> No.16347546

>Stalin 1-12
>Stalin 13

>> No.16347587

what's wrong with it?
I have them all digitally and intend to read them one day. Unless you just mean the cover, in which case i agree

>> No.16347601

He obviously just meant the cover you turbo-autist

>> No.16347604

Calm down retard

>> No.16347660
File: 600 KB, 650x994, 1599941042265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's that famous Jewish wit.

>> No.16347676

how long does it take for terracotta pots to age like that?

>> No.16347689
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I fucking love books

>> No.16347693

Couple years

>> No.16347702
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, basedstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stack is so based. Anymore based books I can buy to make my stack even more BASED?

>> No.16347720

just read for your own enjoyment bro. don't worry about other people's judgement.

>> No.16347729

HOLY BASED that's going to look so based on your shelf

>> No.16347741


>> No.16347749

Okay, now THIS is based.

>> No.16347848
File: 125 KB, 879x942, 1582410537939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some (YOU)s too please

>> No.16347874

Based and Garrisonpilled

>> No.16348028

Best taste ITT, very nice anon.

>> No.16348040
File: 42 KB, 1079x607, 1597543240911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually read this shit

>> No.16348348

The good people do

>> No.16348408

Based Defenders of EVROPA™ read them

>> No.16348520

stupid americans

>> No.16348526

>Dave Ramsey
>Intelligent Investor

>> No.16348571

Quiet, subject

>> No.16348663


>> No.16348669

Never heard of the rise and fall of empires. Sounds similar to fate of empires. Its a short treatise that I think pretty accurately describes the patterns and stages of world powers. You could easily read it in a night I recommend it.

>> No.16348678
File: 69 KB, 439x547, walden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Thoreau post, whether you knew it or not.

>> No.16348710

None of this shit is even theory. It's just rambling and wish fulfillment

>> No.16348740

pill me on HDT
and whoever is in your jpg

>> No.16348820
File: 741 KB, 797x634, forstfellr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is in fact an illustration of HDT himself on the cover of Time Inc.'s 1962 publication of Walden. If you need any more pilling other than the fact that he's the OG forest anon, then I'd be happy to go further and inform you of his conclusion that yeast is the thing of pseudo-bakers, and that most of his open fire baking sessions at dawn were successful without it's use.

>> No.16348930

You think they actually read them? lol. They just put them on their shelf and jerk off to another golden one work out video.

>> No.16348954

native burger? props if you actually learned german to competency

>> No.16350119
File: 2.65 MB, 2592x3996, 20200913_015417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I found my missing books.
Fuck unpacking, fuck moving, and fuck China.

Goethe books are Wilhelm Miester. Tolstoy is WAP.

>> No.16350183

based hermits. this photo of forestanon cracks me up idk why

>> No.16350268

that Thucydides edition looking kinda small

>> No.16350273

American white nationalists are such boorish idiots. They are all living in a fantasy world.

>> No.16350294

Yeah I bought the wrong one off Scamazon :(
I did listen to the unabridged audiobook though so replacing it is further down the list.

>> No.16350810

More Giovanni Gentile

>> No.16350826
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>Tolstoy is WAP

>> No.16350858

should have stopped at 3

>> No.16351028
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>> No.16351044


>> No.16351346

Very nice collection but the amount of translations is cringe

>> No.16351361


>> No.16351373

Where is part one of the codex

>> No.16351382

What a pretty steel guitar anon! ive considered learning slide myself

>> No.16351387

>the magic mountain
Extremely based. Is The Red Book worth reading? I really like Jung but I was thinking about reading Man and His Symbols first

>> No.16351553
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I like you

>> No.16351672

>Reading prose in any language other than English

>> No.16352710

You're reading translator's interpretations of texts, not the texts themselves.

But enjoy your translations if it makes you feel good.

>> No.16352828

Yeah read it later in your Jung journey but it's worth it.

>> No.16352948

Dum gatekeeper

>> No.16353302

>You're reading translator's interpretations of texts, not the texts themselves.
Yes but in a language worth reading. Reading prose in any languages other than English is pathetic.

>> No.16353369

Extremely based. Did Ducks, NewburryPort live up to its name?

>> No.16353374

Agreed, and I actually think Paradise was his best book

>> No.16353605

>>Intensely gay and bluepilled

People who refuse non-system narratives know what they are doing.

>> No.16354270

Your high school Spanish doesn't give you the competence to claim something like that

Go back

>> No.16354299

Nah bro, I want a cute girl on the cover.

>> No.16354588
File: 826 KB, 2448x3264, 0911202217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single shelf organized properly

>> No.16354608

I only read The Goblet of Fire. My grams gave it to me and I read it to be polite and gave her a book report.

>> No.16354662

Goddamn nigga how much money do you have for all those everymans

>> No.16354668

why do so many people place their books horizontal instead of on top of each other, such a waste of space

>> No.16354680

>darth bane
hola departamento basado

>> No.16354695

This lol. Or just read on your laptop. Why the fuck are you phaggots spending $1000 + annually on books when its all free online?

>> No.16354750

I buy a handful of new books every year and everything else I buy used. My last 10 books cost $50 total.

>> No.16354790

I doubt that's actually your stack but (you)'re a faggot in any case

>> No.16354814
File: 333 KB, 1080x778, Screenshot_20200907-090105_WhatsApp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriends shelf lads, rate it

>> No.16354824

Can't read the title but I like those covers. What company?

>> No.16354832

But it's all free online? Or free in libraries? It might not cost a lot but you're also cluttering your house.

>> No.16354847
File: 457 KB, 1079x609, Screenshot_20200913-222720_WhatsApp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penguin clothbound editions

>> No.16354848

I don't see it as clutter. Books are about the only "frivolous" thing I buy and they look nice on a shelf imo. I often go through my shelf and flip through books or just browse to think about what I've read and the memories are nice. Flipping through a bunch of jpgs or filenames isn't the same.

>> No.16354854

Aren't those Penguin hardcovers like $20 each?

>> No.16354859

Everymans are my favourite man, I have loads. They ain't that expensive, though war and peace split into 3 volumes is. Really want it though

>> No.16354876

Yeah but the website was having a sale so she bought them all in one go.

>> No.16355006


Nice Rise and Fall. I wish I had my dust jacket.

>> No.16355009

ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you all waste shelf space?

>> No.16355199

Is it still clutter if you live in a mansion? Or does space make that statement relative?

>> No.16355218
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>> No.16355224

I'll be the one laughing once the solar flare annihilates all your pdf's.

>> No.16355426

Better for the spine or something.

>> No.16355541

>the poltard starter pack

>> No.16355798

no it's fucking trash. Shirer randomly inserts his own biases in the book, only to contradict himself.
>Hitler was a deranged psychopath pseud
>Hitler was a stable genius

Read Mein Kampf instead; Ford translation.

>> No.16355961
File: 438 KB, 900x1203, David_Irving_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ford is middling. Read Reynal or Manheim. That said, the rest of it is correct. The old "Vienna Vagrant" to "Teutonic Terror" pipeline is a common theme throughout Shirer's tome. There's a bunch of other oddities in there, too. The whole chapter on the experiments at Buchenwald and Dachau are bullshit, all the quotations from Trevor-Roper's translation are bullshit, The insertions from the Graebe trial (on the Kiev massacre) are bullshit, etc.

Still, you gotta love it for what it is. I think people ought to read it.

>> No.16356224
File: 2.33 MB, 3024x4032, bookshelf (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty fucking based thread so far, shout out to everyone here.
my contribution:

>> No.16356255

You left a nice comment so I hate to have to do this but........CRINGE

I don't think that's actually your shelf anyways

>> No.16356256

based. I was wondering when you would show up

>> No.16356261

How race differences in intelligence?
>The Mist
I live in the town it was based off of. Haven't read it though. Or any King..

>> No.16356267


I've said it before, but you've got a based shelf, my man. I think I would get rid of the bust and instead put a gun cabinet there or something, but different strokes.

>> No.16356293

it is indeed my shelf

>> No.16356304

oh definitely, i would have a gun cabinent if my state even allowed you to have a gun without 1 year of waiting, multiple background checks at every stage, more waiting, at least 2 references to call (lol, no friends or family? no gun!) and then to top it off it can only be a less than 10 round capacity. no handguns without a special permit either. yes i plan on getting the fuck out of here soon.

>> No.16356314

My collection was built over ~4 years so i spend like $20-30 a week on books about.EL aren’t crazy expensive either.my favorite publisher because you get the most bang for your buck.ive been eyeing folio society but I just can’t justify it

>> No.16356315

maybe if you actually read your books you would have another metric to organize them by.

>> No.16356327

the one true way to organize books is
SUBJECT --> SIZE (big to small)

>> No.16356349


This reeks of New Jersey, my home state. I know your pain. Luckily, I'm about to fuck off to the Midwest and take my Hitler lit with me.

>> No.16356374
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Clutter is a weird term. I have 25k books but also live in a 17k sq/ft barn complex with my wife, cat and horses, so “clutter” isn’t really a problem. Nor is cost, to be frank.

I’m curious: do you have any criticisms of book collecting beyond cost or space?

>> No.16356390


Is that you, Pykewater?

>> No.16356418
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Aye, it’s the pyke. Posturing against this dude cause he seems to suck:>>16354832

I also hate this:

>> No.16356444

i hate you too

>> No.16356461
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Ah, yes the dick shelf.

>> No.16356634

>I also hate this:

That's your prerogative, but I like the guy's angle.

>> No.16357027
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>> No.16357194
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2nd shelf, i need more shelves

>> No.16357463
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>> No.16357495

Highly recommended:]

>> No.16357524

Is there anywhere to find Irving's Hitler's War for less than $50?

>> No.16357676

only in 'acceptable' condition.....i would advise against it, as i got burned on a 'good' copy for 50 bucks and it ended up being 3 page turns away from splitting in half. and it did. just buy it new from his site, its a quality book.

and on his site it -does- say that if you are in a tight spot you can give shoot him an email and ask for a discount. he's lenient with it.

>> No.16357691

jealous of the charrles murray human accomplishments book. i want that badly, just dont want to drop 100 on it

>> No.16357856


>> No.16357979

Waifu got it for me for xmas.

>> No.16358019

Why did you waste money on those awful B&N bindings?

>> No.16358087
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>this level of coping

>> No.16358274

so above your reading level then?

>> No.16358351

Well being obsessive about books you won't read anymore. What are you doing with 25,000 books??? wtf just give them to the local library.

>> No.16359267


The new copies on his site are the best for the money. You cannot do better than this -- I've looked.

>> No.16359412
File: 3.35 MB, 7936x5952, bookshelfbsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but I think they look quite nice.

this is mine, sorry if its a bit unreadable cant be bothered to post multiple images. i also have a fiction one with mostly classics.

>> No.16359620

>Girls like pretty expensive hard covers
I can’t really blame them desu

>> No.16359885

I don’t have time to learn a new language.it would take me years to learn a language to the point of reading something dense.if I read a translation in English and I consider it difficult, imagine how long I would have to study to read the same book in its original language.

>> No.16360173


How are those Stackpole Histories? I see you have a nice little collection of them.

>> No.16360259

If you read that much you certainly have time to learn a language. It's rewarding in more ways than just being able to read untranslated literature.

>> No.16360298

I really want to see this. You have any pics of your library?

>> No.16360339

Based based based

>> No.16360368

how old are you guys ?? lol

>> No.16360397
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>hr morgan

>> No.16360411

People have different motives and I read for entertaininment and not academic purposes.i would love to read in multiple languages but I can’t justify it.i read about an hr or 2 a day and I squeeze that in between work, other hobbies, gf, friends and family.id rather not cut into my actual reading time.if someone says I’m not actually reading a book because it’s translated, I’m fine with that as long as the translation can convey themes and characterization.im not writing thesis or anything plus I live in Philadelphia where the only other language spoken is Spanish in the ghetto areas so it’s not like knowing a language will help me with anything outside of reading in it

>> No.16360634
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>> No.16360840

Have you read sun and steel

>> No.16360911
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>> No.16361022


most of their WWII collection is quality stuff. I really enjoyed the "In the Fire of the Eastern Front" book by Hendrick Verton. Excellent self-biography, and quite a tragic account of the war, to say the least.

>> No.16361030
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>> No.16361216


>> No.16362615


Cool, if I see some, I'll snag them.

>> No.16362641

this is just faggotry, nor organization.

>> No.16362917
File: 3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 20200914_172619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest finds

>> No.16362957

Saw story of civ collection for $199 but passed on it :(

>> No.16363020
File: 1.09 MB, 1890x2000, 20200914_153831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 new stack

>> No.16363059

Pretty good stack. I have to get that Penguin Complete Lewis Carroll. Are you in the UK?

>> No.16363176
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Feelin cute might delete later

>> No.16363183

is the whole series good? I just know Rousseau and Revolution is the best known and the one that interests me most

>> No.16363253

Some husky ones in there.whats included in the Faulkner and Melville collections?

>> No.16363283


I think I would kill someone for a complete Story of Civilization.

>> No.16363525

The Sailor is so good.
What's speed and politics? Adderall abuse in Congress?

>> No.16363534

>Moby Dick
>Israel Potter
Faulkner reader
>pic related

>> No.16363557
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shit. I forgot pic
And for the penguin Faulkner reader is this:
>Old people
>The unvanquished
>The last wilderness
>The peasants
>The end of an order
>Mississippi flood
>Modern time
>The undying past

>> No.16363598

>William Gayley Simpson
Based and National Alliance-pilled

>> No.16363805

>the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of speed and technology
Virillio was a Catholic anarchist who studied military architecture and the organization of space as it relates to speed - either harnessing it or attempting to hinder it. He thought that the logic/management of speed governs and shapes human society in an overdeterminate fashion.

>> No.16364165

Doesn't seem out of the question. Catholic anarchist seems a bit of a contradiction though.

>> No.16364269

Nice.ive read a lot of Faulkner this year and I’m looking for an anthology or collection of his less famous work

>> No.16364466

Branwell the legendary forest hobo

>> No.16364645

At first glance it does seem like a bit oxymoronic. There's been quite a few Catholic anarchists, though - Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin ran the Catholic Workers movement movement and Ivan Illich identified as one. In their view the Church is a justified hierarchy beyond men and the state.

>> No.16365240
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>> No.16365251
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part 2

>> No.16365384

>camp of the Saints in Amazon cart for like a year at $40
>Jean dies
>price goes up to $400

>> No.16365423

did that actually happen?

>> No.16365486
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x1908, 20200914_205645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few things are more valuable than an inhome library.

>> No.16365537

good one retard

>> No.16365659
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>> No.16365665
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>> No.16365682
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>> No.16365691
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>> No.16365697
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>> No.16365705
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>> No.16365713
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>> No.16365883

Your calc book and Origin of Species are the only books on your shelf not completely filled with stupid shit (yes evolution is true, fuck all fundy fucktards).
Fake shit (history and philosophy).
The cookbooks are obviously better literature than 99% of the books posted in these threads, but the literal, actual bread are also better, AS LITERATURE, than the books here as well.
Gay, boring, old fiction that's all the fucking same.
Fake News Shelf (1/5)
""""""""""Non-Fiction"""""""""" (2/5)
Retard shelf for babies
Fiction which is bad enough but also for babies.
All boring fiction
More endless, boring, and gay fiction.
Based on non-retard pilled
The first shelf with at least mixed as opposed to pure shit quality. + for Deo's Graph Theory, Royden Real Analysis, Dugundji Topology, and Rotman Theory of Groups, "Electronics Technology Fundamentals. Get rid of "The Jazz of Physics", typical boring fiction that all emulate each other, and F minus minus for the psuedoscience ("Freakonomics" for example).
All either ""history"" (definitely fake news) or "philosophy" (probably fake news).
Stupid fiction only
Nice cat, shit shelf, again the cat is better, AS LITERATURE, than the books you have.
F--- for the fake news books (Borges Selected Fake News", "Fake News From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung", Hegel, Fr(a)>>eud)
Yeah a garbage bin, wood chipper, or incinerator for those useless thomes and a good set of mathematics, physics, or chemistry books.
Impressively bad shelf
Equally as bad as communist-inundated stuff. No commie or fascist shit is real anymore lol.
People make fun of your shelf but Jared Taylor and even fucking Ben Garrison are LITERALLY, UNIRONICALLY more relevant to politics than Chomsky, Hegel, Zezek, Marx, or any of the other authors in your stack.
"""Theory""" is an auto-fellating name given to rambling and wish fulfillment written by """"""""leftists"""""""".
Garbage fake news + fiction as per usual.
Shit of course
Once again the guns and Trump chia are better AS LITERATURE than all of your books. The Bell Curve, even though it's a fossil, has better data presentation than all of your other "non-fiction".

It is probably better for forming accurate beliefs to just not be literate than consume the books that /lit/ does.

>> No.16365967

kill yourself

>> No.16365995

The faster you realize you’re a midwit the more you’ll enjoy your life.

I haven’t read the intelligent investor yet. Dave Ramsey prevented me from being a debt slave, at least I’m somewhat free to do what I want because of him. Piketty I got about halfway through, but I still have to decide whether his implied >inequality = bad equation is true— maybe he justifies it later. Taleb is a fun read if you resist the urge to act like a fag “I am very smart” type who namedrops taleb every chance they get

>> No.16366025

Post shelves nigger

>> No.16366067

Yes they're selling for like $1k+ for early editions now its absurd.
I'll give $100 for it.

>> No.16366091

>fiction bad
Ah, the autistic bugman has arrived.

>> No.16366093

once I read it i'll sell it to you cheap anon
might be a year though. It is towards the lower end of my priority reading list

>> No.16366278

I don't have notifications on so may take a bit if you email next year.

>> No.16366310

It’s obviously bait

>> No.16366438

Surely they're eventually going to print more though, right? I mean it's not like it's been out of print for decades, the latest edition was from 2018, I would think that especially after seeing increased demand, Social Contract Press would be more than happy to do another run in the future.

>> No.16366451

>colour-coordinated bookshelf
hello roastie booktuber!

>> No.16366575

I've been looking and everything is stupidly overpriced. If they do another run I'll get that. Time will tell.