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16341139 No.16341139 [Reply] [Original]

>Free will? Doesn't exist, bro. Everything is simply a reflection on the material world, therefore our reactions are too.

>> No.16341145

I will FUCK froy in the mouth, then cum all over his freckles

>> No.16341146

Okay, go back to your vidya and cooming. Don't think about this stuff, anon.

>> No.16341152
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Retard. At the quantum level the universe is nondeterministic. Things have to be modeled by probability, not certainty. Humans are often modeled effectively with similar devices used to model electrons. Determinism is just an approximation of free will

>> No.16341157

Based Chad

>> No.16341158
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>Unironic STEMcel
Kill yourself retard this is a philosophy discussion.

>> No.16341175
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That doesn’t go nearly far enough to prove the rigidity of absolute determinism.
Compatibilism works perfectly fine in our material world

>> No.16341176

>Humans are often modeled effectively with similar devices used to model electrons
that statement sans any reference, ipso facto you are a tremendous piece of shit

>> No.16341181

>The entire argument for determinism comes down to "durr I can only picture the universe working mechanistically, with infinite causality, like what Aristotle said"
>Science has shown that nondeterministic forces exist, despite their counterintuitive nature, undercutting the logic that all determinist arguments are based on

>> No.16341183

I refuse to believe that you make any choice freely, it's only in reaction to the material world that you "make choices".

>> No.16341187

Imagine not trusting the only thing you know to be 100% true (consciousness)

>> No.16341199

It feels like there’s some wiggle room to me. All I’m saying

>> No.16341202
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>Science has shown

>> No.16341205

trite, maybe, but what is truth, or what does it mean for your conscience to be true?

>> No.16341216

Compatiblism seems like a huge cope desu

>> No.16341263

So either this thread is dead or the /sci/ refugee is seething and writing 10 paragraphs

>> No.16341274

There's a /sci/ thread about /lit/ not knowing numbers right now.

>> No.16341281

Why would I care about numbers? That's why we have fucking nerds in the first place.

>> No.16341285

If the outcome of any physical process is random because of quantum mechanics, then it is also not your free will

>> No.16341288
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It's dead. I got bored and started touching myself

>> No.16341293

free will is a time based occlusion, a filter that prevents experience for a while

>> No.16341304
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Not only is it comfy to believe in (and there is no way of knowing which of the three is correct) it also has the advantage of pissing off both absolutists of the other ideas

>> No.16341324

>anything that happens is random
>therefore free will exists
dumb bugman

>> No.16341329

electrons are not random everyone is too stupid to notice the pattern

>> No.16341335

i know you wanna bait but that´s pure basedness
probality still doesnt make will free.
in the best case it would be arbritrary.

>> No.16341355

I could kill that "Chad" twink in one strike lmao.

>> No.16341356

At least you've finally admitted you dont care about truth

>> No.16341370
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>Nuh uh, wrong.

>> No.16341480


Facts lead me to the truth well enough. This darkened room isn’t all that necessary. It seems we’ll be left wondering about it forever and we must chalk it up to a faith in one or another. Whichever facilitates the best lived life, I advocate.

>> No.16341516

Go back

>> No.16341538

True, but only if you're specifically talking about libertarian free will. Kantian free will (which I find very convincing) and compatibilist free will, instead, are not refuted by determinism.

>> No.16341931

Fuck you, bitch.

>> No.16342088

Based quantum anon destroying materialists and hard determinists.

>> No.16342401

Science is based on philosophy, brainlet.

>> No.16342443
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Free will exists or doesn't, either way I can't know so it is totally irrelevant to me. I'll do what I can and suffer what I must.

>> No.16342462

Imagine thinking oh I'm free when you're just a slave to the roll of a dice. That's arguably even less free than hard determinism.

>> No.16342466
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Very based. Also refuted Kant btw

>> No.16342476

I've only seen a couple of your posts before and I'd just like to know which philosophy you most subscribe to.

>> No.16342477
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>> No.16342482
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>> No.16342483

>reducing quantum randomness to the roll of a dice

>> No.16342491

>it's a special kind of randomness that isn't blind caprice at all

>> No.16342499

are you suggesting that quantum entanglement somehow disputes the deterministic nature of human behavior is errant?

>> No.16342503

>ipso facto

>> No.16342506

Dices are deterministic dumb dumb, they are predictable, quantum randomess is not, your example is invalid, quantum randomness cannot be reduced to roll dices.

>> No.16342513
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Epicureanism with some slight modifications of other life affirming sorts. Looked and liked a bit of Robert Anton Wilson’s thoughts.

That’s the spirit. Interesting thought experiments is all it really can be.
I hope the goddess had her fill of fun that day

>> No.16342575

Not this shit again. Even if there is s as element of quantum randomness at work in the universe, that's still not something that you or me or anyone else has control over. It doesn't imply free will.

>> No.16342598

Chance doesn't make you free.

>> No.16342663

Are you trans?

>> No.16342943

What about Böhm's theory? I think that there isn't very good evidence either way desu, we can't really know if determinism is true or not, but it's easier for both science and metaphysics to assume it is which is why it has become a popular viewpoint. What do you think about pluralism btw?

>> No.16342957


>> No.16343603


Freedom of will is not freedom of action.

>> No.16343633
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Based, thanks Chad, I needed that.

>> No.16343642

Check out the appendix in Jonas' "The Imperative of Responsibility". The couple it with Arendt's wonderful point about psychologically privileging the past with its perceived certainty and non-contingency over the future with its uncertainty and contingency when constructing intellectual schemas while being a bitch autist in The Life of the Mind.

>> No.16343644

Give me a logically consistent definition of "random".
"Random" is just a massive cope for "don't understand".

>> No.16343660

Randomness is free will.

>> No.16343684

based and truthpilled

>> No.16343685

>At the quantum level everything is non nondeterministic
Except the law that at the quantum level everything is nondeterministic, gotcha!

>> No.16343723


Specifically, there is zero sum between freedom of will and freedom of action. In fact, that is precisely why the former is self-evident. This argument would be almost unassailable if they were one and the same. Had my will been "free" in implicitly being made manifest, then I would have to concede that it would be Epistemologically indistinguishable from a will totally subordinate to an autonomous Phenomenal. But I and the Phenomenal can disagree and, indeed, though it quantitatively binds my action, it cannot qualitatively bind my will.

>> No.16343735

Determinism isn't so bad. At least all my fuck ups aren't my fault.

>> No.16343825

It does not, but it completely disproves the claim that everything is deterministic and that Laplace’s Demon would be God.
And the claim that everything is deterministic is the ONLY counterargument to free will existing.

>> No.16343835

Electrons have no more basis in reality than unicorns. Only difference is one is useful to the scientific fiction

>> No.16343888

It is tho

>> No.16343998

This. What truly matters is what can be known, such as our relative freedom compared to others in the world.

>> No.16344727

Free will can't exist so free will can exist. If the universe wasn't deterministic, things would just happen at random and their wouldn't be enough coherence for you to meaningfully choose anything.

>> No.16344780

Scientific Laws are not Platonic Forms floating around in the ether, they're man-made statements.

There is no Little-You in your head pulling the levers. There is no Real You living on Jupiter beaming your thoughts via satellite to the radio in your head. Dualists are in-human bugmen, believing their minds to be computers. They reject beauty, and life, and love, and goodness, and believe themselves sterile, weak, castrated. Good things MUST be something separate from them, for nothing good could come from them. It's schizophrenia made into a philosophy.

Your life is yours, and is not controlled by some secret force controlling you from afar.

>> No.16344794 [DELETED] 

Imagine interpreting the OP like that lmao.

>> No.16344805

Find in my post where I was talking to OP, bugman.

>> No.16344906


The probabilities aren't exactly random. Besides, it''s not chance on quantum level goes against determinism on bigger scale.

>> No.16344931

Determinism is subjective.

>> No.16344941


>> No.16344973

Read Kant and Schopenhauer. Time, space, and causality are subjective.

>> No.16344997

I don't give a shit about non scientists opinions on reality.

>> No.16345007

Suit yourself. Determinism is still subjective.

>> No.16345018
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>> No.16345025

Might as well be. Doubt we'll be able to tell anytime soon.

>> No.16345030

no such thing..

>> No.16345040

You don't understand it.
Scientist are apes that conclude experiments.
They cannot draw any reasonable conclusions. Your post shows that. So, please, stick to what you can do, and leave the thinking to someone competent.
Thank you for your time.

>> No.16345056

You are not intelligent.

>> No.16345061

Sorry you failed the 5th grade.

>> No.16345300

We already can tell...

>> No.16345383

Based on anything substantial or the fantasizing of some dead guy who didn't even know about QM?

>> No.16345396

Based on the same laws that science is based on.

>> No.16345425

So how are you going to prove it?

>> No.16345437

More like it makes no discernable difference if free will is true or not and isn't worth even thinking about.

>> No.16345445

Kinda accurate but free will bullshit often leads to other harmful ideas.

>> No.16345519

Same way you prove the epistemological presuppositions underlying all science.

>> No.16345563

>epistemological presuppositions underlying all science
Not how any of this works. Take a break from reading clueless dead guys, m8.

>> No.16345581

Not how any of *what* works? Do you even know what's being referred to? Science rests on epistemological presuppositions that were designed by — you guessed it — philosophers. Said presuppositions are as demonstrably unproven to those who can't think as the rest of philosophy is.

>> No.16345628

>that were designed by
You missed the part when science left the philosophy bubble of verbal masturbation and went to testing hypnoses. "Determinism is subjective" isn't something science can measure or test, hence it's just some meaningless opinion.

>> No.16345650

Science never left, it still relies on a theory of knowledge (which relies on ontology) that can't be scientifically proven (since a subset can never be comprehensive enough to prove the superset).

If you want to understand how determinism is subjective, you have to leave the subset of epistemology known as science. The reason why is because "subject" is not a scientific term.

>> No.16345663

Science precedes philosophy. Egyptians were arguably doing science before the first Greek was born. How is it possible?

>> No.16345710

>Science precedes philosophy.
This is wrong. Science only precedes the academic notion of philosophy as a formal discipline beginning in Greece. Philosophy, which just means "love of wisdom," began with the first homo sapiens to live long and freely enough to reflect on things.

>> No.16345722

If we go by this science was born when the first living creature uses their senses to measure reality around them and decide based on these measurements.

>> No.16345763

This process starts immediately after the philosophical one. It's so immediately after that they seem to arrive at the same moment, but the reason why it has to come after is because "using the senses to measure reality" first requires a conscious formulation of what "reality" consists of. The mind has to first consciously decide on an "I" and a "you" and establish boundaries between the two. That is a philosophical process. Science follows, which would be the systematization of the philosophical presuppositions that were consciously decided on.

>> No.16345789
File: 194 KB, 751x738, Paramecium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a paramecium. It's organism is able to make decisions based on gradients of substances around it. By your account this thing has a consciousness and this constitutes "philosophy" in some way.
For me, you are just a coping moron. But that's just me.

>> No.16345838

causal determinism is retarded midwit philosophy that was refuted by Hume over 200 years ago. Give it up already man...

>> No.16345851

True, all of existence is action and reaction.
Our reaction to things is determined by our upbringing and genetics, neither of which we get to choose.
Therefore, free will doesn't exist.

>> No.16345857

Is this a greek paramecium at least?

>> No.16345892


Lel. I would like to see one of these "science is just philosophy" copers go to all the way down that rabbit hole though. Paramecia are interesting examples because they're slightly more complex than the average microbe, they have a "mouth" and an "anus" and reproduce sexually. The only possible coping strategy would be to claim they can't "decide" because they don't have a "mind" or a "consciousness" like more complex animals do.

And then you'd force them to explain how consciousness magically arose when a sufficient number of cells came together at some point in evolution, or similarly every time a human is conceived by mixing a sperm cell and an egg cell (both arguably less complex, individually, than a paramecium). They get together and start multiplying and dividing, all cells so far, all "robots" just like the paramecium, all receiving all manners of input and output from the environment around them, and then suddenly, by pure magic, they become more than just a bunch of cells, and now there is a magic property called consciousness that precedes environmental input.

I can forgive old philosophers for not going down this route because the necessary biological and physical knowledge was not existent yet, but for people living now it's just infinite cope.

>> No.16345926

I mean, if you spent 4 years on your philosophy degree, it's only natural trying to push it into everything. Assuming anon isn't just some faggot who read a few guys and tries to force the MUH PHILOSOPHY lens on everything.

>> No.16345997
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>Is this a greek paramecium at least?

>> No.16346401

I never said any of this had to do with anything other than homo sapiens.