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/lit/ - Literature

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16340758 No.16340758 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/,

I have an embarrassing problem. I never learnt how to sit down and read for a long period of time.

How can I pick up this skill? Every time I sit down and try I get bored within a few minutes and reading becomes difficult. I don't even remember what the previous paragraph I just read was about.

A little guidance would be helpful.

>> No.16340784
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We have this thread everyday. Does /lit/ need to make a "how to read" guide for all these illiterate ADD newfags?

>> No.16340796

Maybe you have ADHD, see a psychiatrist?

>> No.16340801

block /lit/ lock ur phone away & imprison urself with a stack of books in a 50ft hole

>> No.16340806

I don't have ADD/ADHD. It's just a skill I've never learnt. Is there a guide on how to practice reading?

>> No.16340807

ADD and ADHD are meme diagnoses. It's literally to make stupid people think they are smart, and to prop up the pharmeucetical business

>> No.16340867

I am not a psychiatrist, I took a cognitive neuroscience course in high school, but it's definitely a real disorder. Nuerons either don't release enough serotonin, or they re-uptake too fast, I can't remember which. That's not how they are supposed to function in a regular brain. Why do you think it's just a meme diagnosis

>> No.16341115

It’s like running anon. You have to develop stamina. Try doing 10 minutes one day then 15 minutes next and in a year you might be at 1 hour non stop

>> No.16341291

>Set timer for 5 minutes and read uninterrupted
>Set 10, 15, etc. until you break
>Keep doing your max amount every day and try to go up every week
>Keep doing this

>> No.16341297

Just be yourself :)

>> No.16341322

Get two books. On opposite sides of the room. When you read two pages put of one, switch to the other. Repeat. Eventually you'll condition yourself to believe you were reading one book continuously for a few hours, and then you'll be able to do that

>> No.16341326

A mistake a lot of people make is thinking they need to give a book hours of attention at a time. There's nothing wrong with starting with a chapter here and there. Reading for half an hour before bed has helped me greatly with holding attention when reading in general certain books I'd say almost require you to sit with certain ideas for a bit before moving on instead of blasting through the whole thing in a sitting.

Take it slow.

>> No.16343151
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practice meditation, when you get good at it you can focus your mind on the book(or anything) and ignore the random thoughts. gl anon

>> No.16343883

Because literally every single little shit can get an ADD or ADHD diagnoses so their parents can put them on a drug which will pacify them. It's literally just there to prop up the adderall sales.

>> No.16344076

You have to improve your reading skills p to.level 10 and then use the "reading concentration improvement" perk

>> No.16344108

this board is for literature
it's not a support group for children with learning disabilities
go to >>>/adv/ or reddit for this shit

>> No.16344113

nah we should simply tell them to kill their fucking selves

kill your fucking self, this isn't your blog. oh you don't have an attention span? boohoo faggot, kys

>> No.16344351

If you need guidance to learn how to sit down and read words then you're a lost cause. If you can't guide yourself and you have to rely on 4chan posters to spoonfeed you, you're worse than worthless.

>> No.16345279

That's really a problem with the system we use to diagnose psychological disorders though. It's all interview based, so faking a diagnosis is really easy. You could say the same thing about faking depression to get ketamine.

>> No.16347224

you're literally asking "How do I self-discipline", everyone's different so find out what works for you and stick to it. also don't fucking fill the /lit/ catalogue with your needless blogpost, research things on your own, retard.