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/lit/ - Literature

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16339501 No.16339501 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading this weekend?

>> No.16339507

The Iliad and Demian

>> No.16339519

Thinking, fast and slow and Mein Kampf

>> No.16339528

A book called Magic in Boiardo and Ariosto. I'm on chapter 2 desu. Should get back to it.

>> No.16339531

Probably nothing because why bother. Nothing is even interesting anymore.

>> No.16339538

Demain is a horrible book.

>> No.16339553
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>> No.16339621

The Oresteia (specifically Libation Bearers) and the Bible (specifically 2 Samuel)

>> No.16339627

Mein Kampf, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Democracy: The God that Failed

>> No.16339632

Kuhn's Structure

>> No.16339662

Aristotle's Metaphysics, Ponty's Phenom. of Perception and Heidegger's Nietzsche Lectures.

>> No.16339685

Big brained weekend

>> No.16339714

You guys are all based.

>> No.16339721
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Dont know, will have to choose a book from pic related.

>> No.16339861

This. Based /lit/ posters.

Reading the Odyssey myself

>> No.16340102

I will be starting the Decline of the West

>> No.16340116

The Dictionary of the Khazars, Male Version.

>> No.16340135


>> No.16340142

I have this feeling too but why

>> No.16340148

on the Greeks myself (specifically between dialogues, read the Phaedrus today). On the side, I'm considering whether to start rereading the Iliad, as I reread the Odyssey last week and enjoyed it a lot. Other available options are tragedies or Herodotus.

>> No.16340149


>> No.16340152

Epicurus and Lucretius

>> No.16340176

low test edgy teenage angst grow up or kys no one cares see you

>> No.16340190

I’ll fuck you hard faggot

>> No.16340213
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>> No.16340215

Plato and a book on Protagoras and Gorgias

>> No.16340464
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Going to finish War and Peace bros, in epilogue 1 right now and the way the characters end up just... seem out of character? Why is Nikolai a dick and Natasha le epic trad wife now? Whatever, I'm going to oush through, I'm anxious to read Notes From the Underground

>> No.16340477

The First Philosophers and a history text book for my class.

>> No.16340530

Utvandrarna by Vilhelm Moberg and Introduction to Metaphysics by Heidegger

>> No.16340550

fuck him in half bro

>> No.16340608

Plato's Republic

>> No.16340825

Aristotle's "Politics". It's more entertaining than I expected, at least for now.

>> No.16340937
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>> No.16341874

Fucking nice dude. Got really lazy with reading last semester, but decided to step it up again, and am gonna hopefully finish Steppenwolf this weekend.

>> No.16341898

Very based anon. Just look out for Calypso and make it home!

>> No.16341912

Just finished Twelfth Night. Gonna follow up with Antony and Cleopatra. Rereading The Two Towers for brief spurts of downtime. Heading into next week, I might start The Trial, Rings of Saturn, or some stories by Thomas Mann.

>> No.16342200

I’ll finish the Poetic Edda, then I was going to pick up I am greywhite by Bjørn Rasmussen but they postponed the release. So I think I’ll go for Grapes of Wrath instead.

>> No.16342240

This side of paradise and finishing up Guermantes way of ISOLT

>> No.16342255

Tolstoy fucked up by including the epilogues

>> No.16342556

In the time since I posted this, I finished Antony and Cleopatra. 6/10 would fuck

>> No.16342660

It's time for a highly-anticipated and long-awaited motherfucking reading marathon this weekend

>> No.16342661

The Iliad but it's slow going although I really enjoy it. Just finished book 21 so I'm almost there. I loved Achilles' fight with Xanthos, it was a great way to show how mortals are always subordinated to the will of the gods, even the greatest mortal warrior can't beat a local river god.

>> No.16342668

How is the poetic Edda? Norse mythology is one of the subjects I'd like to explore at one point

>> No.16342674

My favorite part there was him saying he'd rather die by Hector even if Hector killed his friend/lover

>> No.16342721

A little bit of Introduction to Magic by Julius Evola.

>> No.16342734
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got it for free and extremely relevant to me so might as well

>> No.16342752
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>all this alt right shit

>> No.16343157

I find it hard to describe, some parts are mysterious, profound, some are farcical and genuinely very funny, other parts feel shallow, some are incoherent. It changes even within the same story/poem. But definitely worth reading overall. The stories about Gudrun are probably my favourites, or the Völuspa.

What are you going to read?

>> No.16343161

Short Stories by J.G. Ballard.
Miyazakiworld and The Great Tradition.

>> No.16343174
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will try to finish this over the weekend, about 100 pages to go

>> No.16343180
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>> No.16343214

You got this anon. What are you reading next?

>> No.16343218

> What are you reading this weekend?

>> No.16343230

either starting an old paperback of Cicero's Nature of the Gods I have sitting on my desk, or finishing one of the many books I'm halfway through but haven't touched in months

>> No.16343286

Reading the I Ching translated by Legge, the introduction is pretty poorly written so far.

>> No.16343296

is the introduction by Legge, or someone else? never really considered the I Ching to a book to be read front to back

>> No.16343322

Yeah intro is written by Legge also. I'm expecting the main part of the text which simply describes the 64 hexagrams to be pretty dry and I might end up skipping parts. I think the appendices which are attributed to Confucius and provide commentary on the main text will be quite readable though.

>> No.16343339

it's definitely a fascinating text (and personally i believe it still works), last month i read a book about the uncovered historical background of some of the hexagrams, hexagrams previously rendered as generic forecasts were in fact specific references to events

>> No.16343387

Will maybe finally finish Mere Christianity, though I have work tomorrow night.

>> No.16343451

That's really interesting, what was the book?

>> No.16343593

Thought and Language by Vygotsky

>> No.16343841


>> No.16343956

What's wrong with him?

>> No.16344068

rent free

>> No.16344605
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You should look into Michale Polanyi, guy whom Kuhn got much of his inspiration from. And I think Polanyi was actually a lot more nuanced and on the money scientific paradigms, but in how intelligence and epistemology work, from a philosophical sense down to much more practical problems we are still working through when designing artificial intelligent systems

>> No.16344609

epilogue goes deep into the nature of power and free will

>> No.16344622

to the lighthouse

>> No.16344626
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Monsieur Euripidés

>> No.16345122

The Canadian Constitution

>> No.16345127

How is it?

>> No.16345188


>> No.16345189

Same here. But I am starting to realize that perhaps the only way to allay the torment given to man as a rational and thinking being is constant distraction; either productive or not. I'm not too sure how I want to define productive and non-productive yet though but at least I'm less suicidal now

>> No.16345192

Batailles Peak

>> No.16345265

Have sex

>> No.16345286

Why is Jason and the Argonauts not on the list, is it not worth reading?

>> No.16345306

Well, it's not strictly from the classic Greek period, it's a Hellenistic work. Also, Callimachus and Theocritus aren't included either and they're more influential Hellenistic/Alexandrian poets than Apollonius.

>> No.16345322

I see

>> No.16345334

It's also not worth reading

>> No.16345345

It's no Homer, but Virgil's inspiration for his Dido can directly be traced to Apollonius' Medea.

>> No.16345996

I don't know what to read

>> No.16346217


>> No.16346248

Don Quixote

>> No.16346356

I was gonna read Warlock but I got so depressed that all I've done is watch Redlettermedia this week.

>> No.16346418

Hopefully going to finish off SPQR. Definitely picked up during the second half, but I probably should have read something less academic about Rome first.

>> No.16346531

Ten philsophical mistakes-adler
Blood meridian-Mcarthy
Being and some philosophers-Gilson
there are doors-wolfe
five proofs for God-feser

The reason I've got so many going on at once is that I read them all with different people. Blood meridian is with my gf, the gilson book is with a discord, and the feser is with another friend. Honestly, I love having so many books going at the same time. It keeps my from getting bored of any of them.

>> No.16346580

holy based

>> No.16346593

gulag archipelago
That book is so autistic and retarded. cyclical history is a retard myth.
Lewis writes that book like he's talking to a five year old, but it's got some good content nonetheless.

>> No.16346606
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30% in, so far it's extremely boring

>> No.16346618
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Reading this and enjoying it so far

>> No.16346645

once things start coalescing it gets even better

>> No.16346661

I find that the shorter a time frame I read fiction in the more I get out it. I usually have one fiction and one nf going

>> No.16346692

I'll take the under consideration. I have been taking too long on this gene wolf book.

>> No.16346997

Dude... Based....

>> No.16347787
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>tfw read for 7 hours today

>> No.16347805

State of Fear

>> No.16347810

Kawabata's short stories
Feeling gloomy now

>> No.16347861
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I'm reading Mr Palomar, Italo Calvino.

>> No.16347931

What's that like?

>> No.16348691


>> No.16348707

Metamorphosis and Other Stories
I’ve finished reading the Contemplation section and just after finishing Judgment. Next is The Stoker, but I’m not hype to read the first chapter in an unfinished novel. Looking forward to Metamorphosis.

>> No.16348738

its shite

>> No.16348744

the movie was finr though

>> No.16349306

nothing really just wanted to derail the thread into translation wars

>> No.16349360

(actual anon) I'm only 40 pages in, I'm enjoying it so far. Only other Crichton book I read was Andromeda Strain, which I enjoyed -- this one seems more character/intrigue based, less dry

>> No.16349377

What did you think of Andromeda Strain?
I’m a fan of his Jurassic Park so I’ve been meaning to pick it up.

>> No.16349389

It was cool. I really liked the scientific details. As I said it's quite dry, it's written like a non-fiction book about the outbreak, which apparently Crichton does in other books. Ending fell a bit flat for me.

>> No.16349661

>The Iliad

Dude, same

>> No.16349717

Finally got around to reading Dune since the film is right around the corner. Pleasantly surprised at the general composition of it; while the writing is not technically skilled it provides an interesting take on how abrahamic ideology and metaphysics may be synthesized by future civilizations. I am not particularly interested in sci-fi so it was refreshing to read a book i had been avoiding for so long and find that it was fairly competently constructed. Of course, the prose itself is nothing to write home about, but overall I'm enjoying it more than many other works that might be considered more high brow by this board. Perhaps I am a pleb.

>> No.16349836

Mere Christianity was a radio broadcast transcript wasn't it? Unfortunately it does affect the quality I agree, but good content.

>> No.16350249

pale fire but i'm putting it off can't quite get a grip on it

>> No.16350308

The Mandate of Heaven: Hidden History in the Book of Changes

>> No.16350524

Is it hard to read? Lolita was cool

>> No.16350536

Melville's shorter works. I didn't expect to like all of them so much, the temptation to reread Moby Dick is rising with every page I read.

Also reading HMS Ulysses, which is fine but often makes me wish I was reading The Cruel Sea instead

>> No.16350678


>> No.16350699

I just finished Ishi in Two Worlds. No idea what I'll start reading tomorrow.

>> No.16350712
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I got 200 pages into this huge book a friend lent me but i have too much on my to read list to go all the way. Rare chance anyone here read this? Might come back to it.

>> No.16350743

Same anon. Just started reading book 3

>> No.16350795

Read OP's pic related

>> No.16350805

I've read all of them that I have in book form except for Thucydides. I only read books in physical form. But I don't want to read Thucydides next; I'm not in the mental space for the Peloponnesian War.

>> No.16350808
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Communist Manifesto and maybe start Das Kapital.
I'm re-reading Zarathustra here and there, too.

>> No.16350812

Pick something from here http://sonic.net/~rteeter/grtbloom.html Maybe The Faerie Queene

>> No.16350819

> I only read books in physical form.
What are your available options?

>> No.16350843

Really it boils down to The Faerie Queene or Confessions. I'm going to go for the Fairie Queene, though, because I take >>16350812 to be a sign.

>> No.16350846

Stendhal's "the crimson and the dark"

>> No.16350868

that's definitely the worst translation of the title I have seen

>> No.16350879

i have it somewhere within one of my stacks, it came highly recommended, but the size of it is intimidating

>> No.16350921

Is this Lauterbrunnen? Swissfag here, I have about 1.5 hours car drive to go there, so I've been thinking about checking it out recently

>> No.16350934

Haha nailed it

>> No.16350937

I'm reading Schopenhauer

>> No.16350954
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>avoiding based Thucydides

>> No.16350970

You can't force yourself to read just anything. You have to be in the right frame of mind.

>> No.16350975

Stop making up excuses to avoid reading

>> No.16350981

wrong. you can force yourself, you just won't enjoy it.

>> No.16350995


>> No.16351001

>acting against nature

>> No.16351004

I read every day. What's so hard to understand that sometimes you don't want to read X?

>> No.16351063

Schmitt's 'Concept of the Political'

>> No.16351069

>I'm not in the mental space for the Peloponnesian War.

>> No.16351146

Based. How is it?

>> No.16351176
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What is the best English translation of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame?

>> No.16351793
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>> No.16352041

Walden, Can Life Prevail, Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy and Flowers for Algernon. Definitely should've read the Greeks before Descartes, would probably be easier to dissect if I understood the philosophies he was trying to subvert.

>> No.16352238

Just finished the Interpretation of Dreams today, such a good read: insightful, kinda crazy

>> No.16353152

I started it but been putting off while still being at his literature review stuff.. It's so long, what is it like?