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/lit/ - Literature

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16334129 No.16334129 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone noticed that criticism towards wokrs of literature tends to be a lot more scrutinizing and vitriolic than other mediums?
If someone thinks a piece of art sucks, they recognize that they still probably couldn't draw it.
Even if a film is abject garbage, the production side of things requires an immense skillset to manage.
Music is entirely subjective to the listener, and even objective faults can add up to the experience.
You don't get ANY of these luxuries when you're dealing with literature critics. It wouldn't be such a big deal if they weren't expending swathes of energy writing paragraphs about how much this plot thread doesn't make sense to them, or regurgitating meme terms like "pacing" as if I give a fuck.
>inb4 "wow anon really is seething"
Yes. Do you have a fucking problem with that? Just read the book bro, you know it takes a long time to write and read and proofread and it's usually one man job but nooooo you gotta be a little bitch about it.
For the record I am less referring to my own works and more to these dense fucking whores you see on GoodReads who don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.16334137

Agreed, critics can suck a giant dick. It's very easy to shit on something than to actually build a thing yourself.

>> No.16334139
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Imagine the dancey shapes cake frosting would make on her gust port

>> No.16334175

Even with generic writing I'll usually still admire the author for having put in the work to see it through and finish the novel, since I understand how much energy goes into it. Writing is as exhausting as it is fulfilling. With literary critics you have a bunch of elitist people trying to justify their job in a world that increasingly cares less about their opinion. They've never tried writing a novel themselves, so they don't get it.

I also see this board do that a lot as well. Almost every anon here will shit on Stephen King and not recognize the amount of work he has put in to get where he is now. They conveniently ignore the substances he abused to get novels out on time, and the hundreds of rejections he received before being published

>> No.16334181

Pacing is such a meme, fuck people that get annoyed by pacing

>> No.16334198

I have three words: Martin FUCKING Eden

>> No.16334293

People spend paragraphs criticizing fiction from every medium though.

>> No.16334321


>> No.16334648

A badly written novel steals 5 times more of your time than a bad movie, might pretend to redefine what good literature is, or even represents the audacity of demanding a place in the canon. A critic's job is to tell the authors to know their place, which usually is the garbage bin of history.

>> No.16334675

>Stephen king
>hard work

>> No.16334684

This, a bigger investment thus a book has to be better than the dozen other things you could have enjoyed instead with that time.

>> No.16334777
File: 857 KB, 731x1000, coominsnatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP..... my resolve......
But yeah I agree with the consensus here that it's due to the larger time investment.

>> No.16335262

Because films and music (most of it) are for brainlets.

>> No.16335278
File: 74 KB, 850x400, schopenhauer on literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just read the book bro
Retroactively refuted by Schopenhauer.

>> No.16335706
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>someone took days to dig those mudpies so it's beyond criticism

>> No.16336147

>Muh goodreads whores
Low quality thread anon. BTW can you tell me if coffee is good for me? I just think that people who criticize literature use more words compared to anyone else and so their critique seems harsher.

>> No.16336193

The only things misanthropists ever refute are their own arguments