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16333122 No.16333122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

One reason not to commit suicide?

>> No.16333125

There's so much to read.

>> No.16333130

Pretty girls.

>> No.16333133

you’ll go to hell

>> No.16333134

suicide is bad

>> No.16333143

I have two reasons

1. It might get better.
2. Life may be an eternal repeat where you live over and over again and everything that happens is the same. If you end it and this happens, you'll suffer the same hitherto and end over and over again. It just isnt worth it.

>> No.16333161

>Life may be an eternal repeat where you live over and over again and everything that happens is the same
Why would you think that?

>> No.16333164

The dead only know one thing: it's better to be alive.

>> No.16333170

Like, stuff, man.

>> No.16333174

Not OP, but clearly Nietzsche, "eternal return";

>> No.16333176

God is real

>> No.16333177

There isn't one :(

>> No.16333180

Death is meaningless.

>> No.16333182

You live in the most interesting times the world has ever seen. Over the course of the last hundred years, we've left the planet and developed devices that allow us to instantly send information anywhere in the world. We're living through a revolution with much larger consequences than the agricultural or industrial. If that doesn't excite you in some way, if it doesn't make you want to go out and find something new everyday, that's a you problem. Yeah, the world is shit. The only difference between now and 300 years ago is that the illusions that allowed commoners solace have been removed. Posting on 4chan is a sign of unimaginable wealth and capability compared to literally any other point in human existence. I understanding getting the big sad every now and then, but there's just too much to go out and discover. Genuine good people and things exist, and are more convenient and easier to access

>> No.16333185

you get to post on /lit/ with your friends

>> No.16333190

It’s a dumb concept thought by a schizo

>> No.16333196


>> No.16333197

Go watch a sunset

>> No.16333201

I actually can't think of any.

>> No.16333208

People care about you. Even if you don't think they do, they do.

>> No.16333210

i'm just the messenger.

>> No.16333212
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>> No.16333214

The Jews win.

>> No.16333221
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Imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.16333222

I mean, why would you? If things are bad economically or you are bored or you can’t find yourself in this world of ours, simply say fuck it and start over somewhere else. Work as a trucker and travel around your country. Wait a month or two until covid panic dies down and get a holiday visa to work across the world.
If you don’t want to move, switch things up. Cut the cord and become a carpenter or something else that allows you to create stuff. Most of our problems can be solved by saying fuck it and drastically changing your life - but it won’t be such a tragic change that you can’t take back.

>> No.16333224

You'll die anyway in a relatively unimportant amount of time, but there's no indication you can get back to life. Something might change if you stick it out, but definitely won't if you don't. And again, you'll probably end up dead anyway so what's the hurry.

>> No.16333232

I'm sorry you have no soul.

>> No.16333275

Yes sunsets, you lard assed legume brain

>> No.16333285

Easy: it goes against the Categorical Imperative.

>> No.16333295

If you die now you won't be able to read my novel when I finish it

>> No.16333300

>One reason not to commit suicide.
You have not realised your potential. If you have, on the other hand...

>> No.16333305

You're a dumb child birthed by a schizo.

>> No.16333316

What if there's an afterlife? What if you reincarnate?

>> No.16333338


>> No.16333343
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It's more aesthetic to become a ghoul. Live sarcastically, do everything people talk about just so you can say it's shit. Master skills and cultivate good taste for the sheer spiteful pride of looking down on others. Exalt your day-to-day suffering, cherish it, perversely. Look straight at your own personal evil and say to it "be thou my good"

>> No.16333381


>> No.16333387

You’re being overdramatic most likely, also if you kill yourself theres zero guarantee anything will get better or that your suffering will end, even if you arent religious.

>> No.16333410
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don't kys, take the sleazepill

>> No.16333427

You want to delay death as long as possible in case we find out more information regarding a possible afterlife. Virtually all religions and myths agree that if there is an afterlife, your experience there will be strongly dependent on your mortal existence. If you couldn't bear the limited suffering of the mortal realm, you would be powerless under the might of the supernatural. You need to live on to prepare yourself for what may lie ahead.

>> No.16333431

Keep some kind of job that lets you have money so you can buy stuff that makes you feel good for as long as you can

>> No.16333447

if you have enough determination to kill yourself, you can last one more day

>> No.16333452
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Sir, this is a literature board.

>> No.16333464

Its too late this board is already turning into another /adv/ but just more literary

>> No.16333535

“Only optimists commit suicide, optimists who no longer succeed at being optimists. The others, having no reason to live, why would they have any to die?“

-Emil Cioran

>> No.16333554

you will die.

>> No.16333565

mcnutt yourself faggot

>> No.16333573

what are some painless methods lads?

>> No.16333583
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>mcnutt yourself faggot

>> No.16333591

the Mcnutt™

>> No.16333597

I've been trying to hang myself but it's so fucking hard to get it right. Most of the times you just end up feeling like your head is going to explode. People say that if you do it right you lose consciousness in 10 seconds and die in 20 minutes.

>> No.16333600

can't even hang yourself properly. christ you must be a real fuckup

>> No.16333607

jesus christ.

>> No.16333609

Cioran was just coping
Plus think about the way he died, slowly forgetting everything over the course of many years and dying in a hospital bed

>> No.16333619

you're a sick puppy!

>> No.16333620
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Any lads here want to form the next Jonestown?

>> No.16333625

because you’re a fucking pussy and you know it

>> No.16333629

I googled it a while back when I was really thinking about killing myself and it seems the most reliably painless method is a shotgun blast to the head. Basically any gunshot straight to the temple is pretty surefire

>> No.16333630

>shooting yourself under the chin

>> No.16333638

Both jumping off a building and shooting yourself in the head are painless. Though you might screw up the shooting and end up surviving. Jumping off the 10th floor or higher will definitely kill you

>> No.16333644

Your death is already guaranteed, there isn't a reason to hasten it.

>> No.16333646

Spite life itself by dying of old age
t. the underground man

>> No.16333751

This might be the only thing you ever get. Billions of years of darkness and void on either side of you. Go look at a sunset and take up smoking

>> No.16333762

Yeah it’s coping

>> No.16333780

think about all the haumburgers you can eat

>> No.16333820

one more
than one less
the tragic end
could be so much more tragic
but the tragedy is you
and felt by you
endure the tragedy
until you are forgotten
and forget yourself
in old age
or catharsis

What will your sublimated desire for death motivate you to do?
what will the other side be like once you have broken past that 8 foot hole in the ground?
what is transcending death?
what does that feel like?

Failing that
there are probably other people that want to kill you just as much as you do.
And they lie to others and themselves as much as you do too.

I worry about missing out on all the good music.

>> No.16333823

>darkness and void
False. Nothingness means there is nothing, not even darkness.

>> No.16333834

Mom would be sad

>> No.16333843

>is nothing

>> No.16333850

Oh shit you’re right anon this is the ebst reason in this thread. Dont make your mom cry OP thats fucked up

>> No.16333854

>your brain on analytic philosophy

>> No.16333875

for a while. she'd get over it

>> No.16333877

This is why I can't kill myself. I know my mom and dad would be wrekt

>> No.16333884

>he doesn't know that nothing noths

>> No.16333887

Pussy motherfuckers. Why would you care when you're dead anyways

>> No.16333891

you wont care when you're dead.

>> No.16333903

But bros...mom would cry....

>> No.16333906

If your suffering isn't greater than the pain of your parents, then you're not really suffering. Shit gets real when your suffering numbs you so much that you don't give a fuck about your parents suffering anymore.

>> No.16333907

Can be more fun to play life knowing that you have literally nothing to lose.

>> No.16333914
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>> No.16333921

>Shit gets real when your suffering numbs you so much that you don't give a fuck about your parents suffering anymore.
I'm starting to get to that point non. I wont be here by the end of the year I'm sure of it.

>> No.16333953

Damn, my mom wouldn't even cry, she would absolutely die. She is very, very hysterical. I'm not sure if she would kill herself or have a heart attack, but that woman would not continue living. I remember when my brother had pancreatitis, she was screaming in the hospital while everyone was trying to get her to calm down, and he was doing okay. Wen her mom died, she kicked the fridge repeatedly and broke her foot, vomited all over the place and spent two weeks in the hospital. It was so bad that even my dad had to be hospitalized. That poor woman. Killing myself would mean taking her with me

>> No.16333960
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I was talking to my dad about wanting to kill myself everyday and he broke down in tears and said he would follow me straight away if I ever did it. Felt really bad man.

>> No.16334004
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2d waifus

>> No.16334014

how long until they are real??

>> No.16334020

Are you suggesting that life is like Transformers, Ninja Turtles, or Batman where our lives are a TV show that has multiple continuities?