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16332456 No.16332456 [Reply] [Original]

What brave and powerful books do you want to read?
Pic is what I want

>> No.16332458


>> No.16332462

is there any New Zealand bros here that can give me a non-Outsider Jewed CNN opinion on her?

>> No.16332464

>on kindness, empathy & dilating

>> No.16332465

Literally a tranny like Obama.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4644RVI9Fd8

It's been going on for thousands of years, men put in place pretending to be women.

>> No.16332471

Aus here, she's just worthless and should be dragged into the mud and thrown off-shore into international waters to be eaten by sharks legally.

>> No.16332473

Uh anons, this is about brave and powerful books

>> No.16332475

No idea who she is, she looks a bit like Will Self, so she's probably good.

>> No.16332481
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Oh sorry, my mistake. See

>> No.16332483
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>> No.16332498
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God I hate this woman

>> No.16332516

>my guiding moonlight

>> No.16332517

Do you even live in nz

>> No.16332556

That is one powerful skull

>> No.16332585

I thought that was JP

>> No.16332621

About what exactly? She's just an effective politician who understands aesthetics, and presents herself as an "average kiwi" which does well with genx/millenial voters since most NZ politicians are absolute dullards.

She only got famous because of the Christchurch shooting, beyond that there's nothing very interesting

>> No.16332637


>> No.16334116

Yeah I don't like how much time she spends sucking up to foreign media.
I wish she'd done more of what she said she'd do, but instead she turned her back on the teachers, who won't get any other party to help them and she knows it, and they were literally dying of overwork and shitty wages, we desperately needed a capital gains tax to stop our absolutely horrifically expensive house prices from running rampant (I have literally never been anywhere less affordable than Auckland, even Hong Kong might have been better considering the wages were good), which is another promise she ditched, and the house building thing has just been a total failure.
I just wish she could match her apparent compassion with action, and I wish she would actually take real action outside of crises.
Still far better than John Key though.

>> No.16334236

Anyone who uses this term has nothing worthwhile to say.

>> No.16334248


>> No.16334662

Australia here, pretty sure she's just another neoliberal stooge. Kiwi Trudeau, no?

>> No.16334693

I'll give you an analogy. Suppose you join a company and in the interview they tell you "We have great culture, work ethic and reasonable hours".

Well, then there's a high possibility that none of those things are true. As you would not need to tell people about it if it was.

Source: That was told to me in my last job during the interview. Quit my job soon after due to how fucked the place was.

>> No.16334760

Literally Adam's apple and a mongrel face.

>> No.16335245

Competent, conventional centre-left neolib. Deft handling of multiple crisis events (mosque shooting, White Island, Covid) and good media image has swept her own and her governments failure to address growing poverty, housing shortage and inequality under the rug.

.t voted for Labour last time, but won't be again unless they're willing to give boomers the shaft

>> No.16335294

Good post

>> No.16335326

>she handles crises so well!
NZ is a fucking island nobody really goes to so of course it will be easy to contain a virus there. And the mosque post-shooting reaction was just her faking empathy like all power hungry sociopaths can easily do especially if they're women. She's just a female role model for aspiring heads of state who feminists desperately need now and Merkel is too masculine and conservative for them. She's 99% PR and 1% competence.

>> No.16335463

Mate a proper CGT isn't going to fix your housing bubble, just look at Aus. We need to ban foreign buyers, or at least introduce a land tax for non-residents. Shit's fucked aye

As for Jacinda, basically this >>16334693 >>16335326
People - politicians especially - who tout their empathic nature as their chiefest virtue are not to be trusted

>> No.16335996

Kiwi here. In terms of Policy, her Government is basically the usual center left labour govt, except the covid response has been very business focused, so perhaps even just plain centrist.

Her government is not transformational, nor do they want to be, they're very happy stealing the center from national.

Jacinda's PR is good enough to fool the average midwit. It's not flawless, i recall one video in which she claimed she'd come back from being a mum or some bullshit and everyone lost their shit cause she was in a hoodie - except she was wearing camera quality make up and the hoodie didn't have baby vomit or any of that shit on it, so was probably staged. Tbh, she's not so painful, it's people's response to her. And overseas media, fucking cunts know nothing about our country, but treat her like their progressive savior.

Tldr: in substance she's nothing special and actually not that bad, but people go retard for her image

>> No.16336029

>We need to ban foreign buyers, or at least introduce a land tax for non-residents

It's a bit late for that, the financial crisis is going to see boomers selling their houses to the Chinese at a rate never seen before

>> No.16336037
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>looks like a tranny larping a native-american tribal chief
>has the thickest accent ever discovered by man
>has a weird ass name

I might be in love bros.

>> No.16336053

>NZ is a fucking island nobody really goes to so of course it will be easy to contain a virus there

>And the mosque post-shooting reaction was just her faking empathy
The important part of any crisis response is nothing as pithy as a televised hug.

I'd rather see an asset tax. The sore thing with CGT is it was proposed pre-election and then conveniently forgotten about

>> No.16336802

she basically fluked her way into a coalition government/power (her party lost the majority vote)

she campaigned on being a "transformational" government, but it's just 3 years of center, marginally left more of the same. her government has widely been considered to have failed on everything it set out to do (eg, capital gains, housing, kiwibuild, child poverty, etc).

She comes off as empathetic in a crisis (i.e. talks to the dumbfuck population like they're a pack of preschoolers, which pacifies and comforts them goo goo gaa gaa).

She's politically impotent, but is so good at spinning her image and capitalizing on being seen (by idiots and maoris) as "aunty jacinda", that she'll get another 3 years, where she'll change and achieve fuck all again, and the country will further slip into inequality, mass immigration, foreign ownership, expansion of government and police powers, oppressive lockdowns, etc, etc.

I wouldn't at all be surprised if her entire emphatic persona is like skinwalker shit - just completely faked, to gain political power. I imagine her practicing her best 'frowny concerned jacinda face' in the mirror before a big interview.

Also: party vote green. Yes cannabis. Yes euthanasia.

>> No.16336805

It's become short-hand for "feeling with an agenda" more than anything else.

>> No.16336811


>> No.16336819


>> No.16336859

>Merkel is too masculine

>> No.16336864
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what's it about? transitioning an hrt, or his political life?

>> No.16336870


>> No.16336999

>her party lost the majority vote)
so she's like the author of the art of the deal?

>> No.16337007

Trump won by 304 votes to 227, a pretty clear majority

>> No.16337252
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>> No.16337261

Based Machiavellian roastie

>> No.16337504
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ahsley chadfield should write a book

>> No.16338188

(from the capital of NZ) She's the living embodiment of skim milk. Under any other circumstances she'd be completely forgettable but due to history's rude intrusion (Christchurch and Kung Flu) she'll be remembered as the strong hero. She's stepping in Helen Clarke's foot steps.

>> No.16338227

Hakas are the gayest fucking thing in the world

>> No.16338228
