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1633055 No.1633055 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still follow Nietzche's nihilistic "survival of the fittest" proto-Nazi ideals about ubermenschen when those ideals are obvious bullshit to any sane person.

Or is it just emo teens who want attention for believing in something written by a depressed atheist who hated everyone but himself?

>> No.1633059

that's a pretty rad misinterpretation of nietzsche you got there, dude, it's almost like your understanding of him comes from the emo teens you decry who read him to feel angsty and superior

>> No.1633063

This is the worst troll attempt I have ever seen on /lit/.
It's a pity how many unintelligent plebeians flocked here when /new/ and /r9k/ were deleted.

>> No.1633065

pretty far off, friend.

>> No.1633078

Like they weren't here before then.

See what your sage is worth? OMG. Nothing.

>> No.1633086

Speaking as someone who has never read Nietzsche, what exactly are the major themes of his philosophy?

>> No.1633091

you fucking cumslut, saging isn't about 'worthwhile'. it allows one to comment negatively on a thread without giving that thread attention or perpetuating its continuance. like this!

>> No.1633098

OP, check out Boyd Rice "standing in two circles". His collected works in one vol.
You'll shat bricks.

>> No.1633099

Sure beats reporting the thread.

>> No.1633102


Art is based on two principles, the Dionysian and the Apollonian. Dionysian art is based on chaos and primal emotions while Apollonian art is based on order and civilized ritual.

>> No.1633104


Hey bro, not sure if troll, but I'll bite anyway.

Nietzsche was arguably the most important philosopher of the last couple hundred years. His work eerily predicts the superfluous nature of modern life. When Nietzsche says "God is dead," he isn't making some vulgar statement in favor of atheism. He is saying that man, through democracy, has killed metaphysics. God is the peak, the culmination, of metaphysical virtue. By transitive, if we've killed metaphysics, we've killed God, and we've buried him as low as he was once high in the realm of the metaphysical.

So Nietzsche posits that the Übermensch, which very clearly refers to a race and not a single man, will arise only once we've acknowledged that we've killed metaphysics. Having done so, we may create a new system of morality and philosophy based on altogether new values. Thus will the dangers of moral relativism be overcome as man gives himself a new law.

So Nietzsche's nihilism is twofold: first, there is all of history, ultimately meaningless in the majority's embracing of relativism, and then comes the Turning (to borrow and give new meaning to a term of Heidegger's). Man recognizes that he has been wrong to embrace relativism, and posits a new system of morality and metaphysics.

Tell me OP, is there anything "bullshit" about that?

>> No.1633111

Misinterpreting one of the most straightforward philosophers FTW!

>> No.1633113

PRETTY FREAKIN MUCH. Nietzsche's work can be read as the recognition of the invalidity and hypocrisy of contemporary moral codes and values, and an attempt to found some new values and some new morality - the ubermensch is the man who is able to transcend herd morality and firmly establish a new morality. Nietzsche, however, was in the position of analyzing what had gone before using its own terms; he was in some sense trapped in the intellectual position of the times even as he attempted to go beyond.

>> No.1633125



>> No.1633142

the idea of "herd morality" is dumb and lazy

democracy doesn't somehow magically instill mediocrity it just means the imperative to not be mediocre is shared

dude was abdicating responsibility like whoa

>> No.1633144

don't think you 'get' herd morality

>> No.1633150

>he isn't making some vulgar statement in favor of atheism.
but it sounds a lot like he is. He knew how to appeal to the broadest possible public.
also, read the actual story and cut the bullshit:
he's pissed that German 19th century christians aren't the ancient savages that they used to be when they took the chrisian cosmology literally. Hence the cathedrals are to him the 'crypts of rotting God'.

>> No.1633154


by all means enlighten me, microdick

>> No.1633158

fuck that, enlighten yourself, shitnugget. or keep bein a dumbass little kid who doesnt get ressentiment or anything like that. i don't care.

>> No.1633176

the constitution is thus the crypt of dead founding fathers and china is the crypt of mao and marx.

>> No.1633180


>democracy doesn't somehow magically instill mediocrity it just means the imperative to not be mediocre is shared

This is not true. Lockean democracy encourages and rewards the individual pursuit of property (wealth, possessions, land) and not the pursuit of virtue, love, truth, etc. The end becomes monetary "success" rather than loftier, nobler goals. This encourages the growth of bourgeois immediacy and complacency (I use the word bourgeois as Rousseau did, not as Marx). Life becomes, as Socrates might have remarked, not worth living because nobody is prepared to examine his own life.

Traditionally the university played a special role in democracies - it was the reclusive guardian of wisdom, philosophy, thought. This was how it carried on in 19th century Germany, and perhaps this is why Germany during this time produced so many great thinkers. The university came to protect what was once guarded by the aristocracy under l'ancien regime - longing, learning, and philosophizing in the spirit of the ancient Greeks.

But the university has become a poor guardian. Professors have fallen asleep at the walls, so to speak. We saw this prominently in '60s, when feminist and black power movements succeeded in changing curricula and traditional ways of thought. Cultural relativism and a negligence of the humanities slipped into the foreground of the West's collective mind, and reason was besieged by popular idiocy.

Such is our situation today. How we handle it will determine whether the great thinkers of the future condemn or consecrate our memory.

>> No.1633191


If you think there's nothing more to Nietzsche than his being "pissed at 19th century Germans" you're an absolute fool.

The fact that he was an atheist doesn't prove that the part of Zarathustra concerning the death of God related only to his atheism. You should read Beyond Good and Evil or any Nietzsche, really.

>> No.1633193

>emo teens who want attention
emo? where did you came from? 2006?
Nowadays when we don't like someone we call him hipster.

>> No.1633195


this was actually p interesting but the notion that the rise of feminist and black history in academia is a harbinger of cultural decline is some tea party horseshit

>> No.1633196


The Birth of Tragedy is Nietzche's best work I'd dare say

>> No.1633200

Hey thanks for saying everything I wanted to say duder! Yeah although the rest of it had some interest, the notion that universities are somehow compromised as soon as they're not solely about white men is absurd.

>> No.1633202


I gave those movements as specific examples of a wave of cultural relativism that crashed down over Western thought and is currently drowning it.

No serious thinker actually considers that Black history or women's studies is of equal merit with philosophy or metaphysics in the Western tradition. But according to the modern university, they are.

>> No.1633203

On the topic of "God is Dead". From what i know, God is Dead meant what i think someone else said, man basically not believing in god anymore. They lose their will to live because if he doesn't exist, what is real. He didn't really want that to happen, but he predicted it. He didn't want humans to give up on life when they lost their faith in God who turned out to be a virtue they made up and created.

In my interpretation of the Master Race. Adding to what 1633104 said, that the master race isn't an Aryan type idea, but represents humanity. When humanity, or a person of that race, finally reaches the point of being able to understand how morals are hypocritical and wrong since they are based on a Choice "Good and Evil" system, and since humans are neither good or evil. He will make a new set of virtues and morals for humans to follow, and thus they elevate to that master race.

>> No.1633209

didnt his nazi ass sister married to a proper nazi get to his work after he died and nazi it up?

>> No.1633213


Heideggerian elitist alert!

>> No.1633223


sweet white privilege, bro! up top!

>> No.1633235

>No true Scotsman actually considers that Black history or women's studies is of equal merit with philosophy or metaphysics in the Western tradition. But according to the modern university, they are.


>> No.1633257
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>new system of morality
>some new morality

lol I guess they don't call him an immoralist for nothing XD