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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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16328835 No.16328835 [Reply] [Original]

I wrote a comprehensive post about traditionalism in a Guénon thread, pointing out that anytime actual discussion occurs jannies are quick to terminate the thread, while actively promoting and leaving shitposts up.

they did it again. this board is a joke and jannies are subverting agents paid to undermine any type of discussion. this is beyond any doubt now, just leave this board, it is compromised by political actors. take a look at the catalogue and tell me jannies are doing their job.

>> No.16329001
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Hey, yeah, jannies what's the dealio?

>> No.16329025

it's all true except one part: the jannies aren't paid

>> No.16329053

That would be /hisphi/. Not /litphi/

>> No.16329060

that's fucking annoying I hope the jannies kill themselves. I swear with no moderation the board would be better. Jannies ! fuck ur nigger loving ways. fuck your little rules u fucking cucks we don't appreciate you we don't appreciate your time we don't appreciate your efforts go fuck yourself if u died no one would care

>> No.16330426
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you forgot the part where you referred to the POTUS as a treasoning nigger