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16324036 No.16324036[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16324116

god, asians are so retarded.
they don't realize they are the ones with the most to lose out of this type of analysis. Even more than white people.
Look at how they've been done dirty by affirmative action. Yet they still support this shit.

>> No.16324132

It's quite simple. He feels entitled to all Asian women and them choosing a white man is literally an attack on all Asian men.

Also, if white women are not sexually attracted to him that is racism too.

It's so simple.

>> No.16324138

Can you expand more on what you disagree with in the OP picture?

>> No.16324153

Mishima would have hated people like this.

>> No.16324155

yeah it's transparent projection, none of the well adjusted asian guys I know would ever express a thought like this. Let alone draw a fucking comic about it and put their name on it.
He's outlining problems which don't exist, except in the mind of an extremely online guy who is saturated in identity politics and incel rhetoric. I'm pretty sure there's some reddit pages about this stuff.

>> No.16324159

Are you Asian? If not where did you get your degree in Asian anthropology?

>> No.16324163

How about Asian women aren't the property of Asian men, and Asian men aren't "entitled" to them?

How about advocating for patriarchal racial purity as the ultimate good is racist and proto genocidal? There is no world in which this is an acceptable tack. If you feel differently post that opinion with your address attached.

>> No.16324178

nah dude I'm normal
classic extremely online asian, drop your credential fetish and you'll be that much closer to actualization

>> No.16324179

Are you arguing that Asian men have a right to bar Asian women from sex that displeases them? What other races have this right? And which Asians have a day over which Asian women?

>> No.16324182

Yeah. I got it from your mom's panty drawer after I fucked her.

>> No.16324183

under the radical liberal academic analytical structure it's acceptable for non-whites to hold these opinions.

>> No.16324186

>prefering Big White Cocks over tiny Asian clits is white supremacy under the guise of racial preference
just when I was thinking woke culture warriors couldn't possibly outdo themselves. this is what woke politics always entangles itself in - at some point they find out that you cannot explain the whole world using their reductionist schemes, that Asian women prefering white men over Asian sissies has nothing to do with white supremacy or opressive social structures but rather that it's due to natural preferences of any woman for bigger, stronger, more masculine men. you see the same thing with so-called "toxic masculinity" - calling out toxic behaviors in men and subsequent raising of a whole generation of emasculated sissies who cannot assert themselves did not result in women being more interested in dating them, to the contrary - they're now orbiting the few remaining "chads" who arguably embody traditional view of masculinity.

>> No.16324190

Why can't these pseuds write coherent sentences, Jesus Christ.
I read the words over and over and have no idea what the "how we hurt" means.
Or what reconciliation and retribution imply or in what arena, these Asian women and men 'fight' this thing.

>> No.16324202

in the US, asian girls mostly date asian guys, this "asian girls crave white cock" is a porn and sex tourism thing.

>> No.16324204

Why would a degree in anthropology be hidden in a panty drawer? This is not very logical anon.

>> No.16324208

Haha yeah keep telling yourself that. Everyone laughs at Asian men trying to use progressivism to enforce patriarchal racial purity. I showed this comic to Asian women before and they roll their eyes and laugh.

Then I fuck them

>> No.16324210

Where does it say he advocates for racial purity?

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington

>> No.16324213


>> No.16324220

Josh Luna probably has some form of paranoid personality disorder. Read his rant on how his brother "stole" all his work, it sounds like a schizophrenic breakdown.

>> No.16324221

Only a fool would think that what women say they want and what they actually want are the same thing, but then again we've been raising a lot of fools. Now that women are competing with men in the workplace (to the detriment of both sexes), it's not that surprising that they're trying to weaken the competition. Either that, or they're attempting to see which men remain uncompelled by such pressures, and which are therefore the strongest.

>> No.16324224

And yet it's not taken seriously. Just a heads up exactly no Asian women have ever been convinced to date an Asian man by a comic or by men whining to be "loyal"

>> No.16324225

I moved to portland oregon in the middle of my freshman year due to my dad losing his job, and finding one out there.
I go to a much bigger school than my rocky mountain small town roots had ever exposed me to, much more racially diverse than my last school which had white kids and an insular group of mexicans.
I join the swim team. On the swim team is a senior dude, an asian, who saw I was fast as fuck and took me under his wing socially.
He and his bro took me out to dinner after our first meet, scored me some jello shots from this bar that didn't card them. some quotes from him that night:
"Dude, if you're going to make it in life, you've got to smoke weed. Practically everybody smokes weed. Girls get horny when they're stoned."
"I don't know how these fucking hipster guys get laid man. A few years ago chicks just liked jocks, if you were buff you could get pussy. Now you've gotta wear tiny jeans and a gay hat."
Forever based, forever appreciate that young man for helping me out with adjusting to my final years of high school in the liberal hellscape. I haven't spoken to him but I'd do anything for the dude.
To this day when I see asians being soi, I just wonder why they didn't act like my based asian bro and try working out and being genuinely nice and funny dudes.

>> No.16324239

>This is not very logical anon.

Neither is stating that someone needs a degree in Asian anthropology in order to understand Mishima. There are probably people who have such degrees who have never read him, and if you talk with most contemporary Japanese you'll find that they simply think he was a weirdo.

>> No.16324247

Mishima readers are lanky homosexual whites.

>> No.16324250

good post anon, I've been thinking the same thing . feminist politics is fundamentally a massive scam to filter gullible men

>> No.16324252

I'm not the anon who stated that, and other's inconsistencies are no excuse for your own. My mom is now frowning upon you anon.

>> No.16324263

He'd give Luna a fourth trimester sudoku.

>> No.16324270

in australia asian women definitely love white dick

>> No.16324276

>Ugh asian chud! Stop feeling entitled to asian women! Her body her choice! It's not racism it's just a preference she only prefers white guys tee hee xD
also /pol/cels:

>> No.16324285

You posted this on /fit/ too. What's your endgame?

>> No.16324295
File: 137 KB, 450x692, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fucking comic this faggot makes has some sort of cuckold shit involving an asian woman and a white man. I don't know if this is his way to cope about being undesired by females, or if this is a genuine cuckold race fetish.

>> No.16324296

Funny how you attribute this comic to "all asians" but when a white incel makes a comic about "roasties" or "mudsharls" you don't attribute that to all white people and say "all whites are retarded"

>> No.16324302
File: 65 KB, 681x602, 34765774575757657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You posted this on /fit/ too


>> No.16324307

probably a complicated mix of the two

>> No.16324309

Filipinos are the Mexicans of Asian. If I was one I'd hate myself too.

>> No.16324314

actually, I do. Funny how you assume I don't blanket accuse entire races of retardation in almost all of my statements, you faggot.

>> No.16324315

But asian women do prefer white men even in asian countries. And no it's not just because they're "exotic". They only worship whites. It's obvious they would rather want to be white than asian.

The whole ricel thing is just a small subsection of the larger incel community but all their observations are right desu. Asian men and ethnic men in general are at the bottom of the dating hierarchy, particularly EA and SEA

>> No.16324331
File: 2.40 MB, 4392x4252, 1599676677968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure that's part of it. Also when Asian men come to (or grow up in) white countries, they try to ape white culture but this conflicts with the realization that they aren't white. They could probably blame their parents I suppose. How could you think moving your children out of their ancestral homeland wouldn't fuck with their sense of identify, how they're perceived by people in the new country, and whom they'll end up marrying?

>> No.16324337

talk to a therapist please

>> No.16324346

Lot of people who complain about being a "ricel" are hapas. Makes sense desu imagine your father only getting a wife because of JBW but you don't even get that advantage because you just look like a pale mexican with a recessed chin like leafyishere

It's over for hapas. Literally every mixed race offpsring looks whiter than hapas. Mulattos, half arabs, half indians

>> No.16324373

Dog I hate that fucking chink pretending to be a flip. He's fucking insane and pathetic. Slightly worse than the pathetic poltards going >muh dick ITT.

>> No.16324374


Female hapas are pretty much A okay though. They like to please.

>> No.16324382

Ricel alert

>> No.16324383

I'm a hapa

>> No.16324387

I know this one female hapa. I wouldn't necessarily call her good looking; not bad but she's a little on the heavier side. There's just something weirdly sexy about her though. And she looks like she could suck the chrome off a pipe.

>> No.16324395
File: 367 KB, 1100x1700, (pic related).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How could you think moving your children out of their ancestral homeland wouldn't fuck with their sense of identify, how they're perceived by people in the new country, and whom they'll end up marrying
You described the whole problem of identity within the American continent, if you ask me.
But regardless of that, i believe that you can still find a sense of identity by sticking to your people and doing your best to live according to your traditions, even in a remote and foreign land. The problem with this faggot is that he knows he is not white nor black, but he also has no connection at all with his own people (see pic related). That's the real tragedy here, he doesn't know what the fuck is he supposed to be, so he complains against white culture like a nigger, hoping that this would give him the identity that he lacks.

>> No.16324396

because you're a chinlet who's attracted to asian women because they're "trad" but you paradoxically you still want a woman who's easy. Back to /pol/

>> No.16324405

In their defense, this guy is a particularly loathsome specimen. He's 4', the children of colonists, and his dad is a Flip.

>> No.16324422

Mishima is Japanese. Why do you think he gives a shit about some rootless Mutts in USA? Americans are really this dumb?

>> No.16324435

Literally every hapa I know is happy and dates whites. Male and female. You're a coping ricel.

>> No.16324474

Hapas are the result of some sexpat maxxer getting a white worshipping asian woman. You desperately want me to be a "ricel" instead of just a hapa because you want to perpetuate the meme that hapas are "based" and that they're basically white or something


>> No.16324478

I'm a 6'2" white athletic frat guy. Nice guess though.

>> No.16324482

>just trust me bro
Lookism disagrees. Most hapas look terrible and are perma virgins

>> No.16324494

>first imprasians
this like a cumtown bit

>> No.16324538

Looks like he forgot the part where the Americans went "yee haw" the second time.

This reminds me of that one meme, you know...

>They burst into our...nothing. Everywhere, leaving parks and universities.

>> No.16324556

I have met few well-adjusted hapas. Most Asian-Father/White-Mother hapas are much more well adjusted. In many cases it seems like Hapa males with white fathers struggle to relate and I think it is due to not looking like the father, or worse, your father is dygenic and found the first woman who would bone and she happened to be a FOB asian woman who needed to be taken care of, no matter who it was by. Hapa women with white fathers seem to be in a worse struggle for attention from their white fathers with there asian mothers than other races, besides Black women, of course. The only hapa I know who is well-adjusted with a white father and asian mother comes from a conservative family where both parents are doctors. He and his sisters are all over 6 foot and are extremely athletic, where as most hapas get the mother’s 5 foot height.
>moral of the story: the tragic mulatto archetype transcends black-white racial mix. Almost all children who are the product of mixing will have image issues. Hapas are kind of a new racial category, just like mulattos

>> No.16324655

This really, mix white trash and asian trash and people are surprised the kids are fucked up trash.

>> No.16324661

This is off. Half Arabs and Indians obviously look whiter, because they're fully caucasian. Plenty of Arabs are already indistinguishable from southern Euros.
Asians are a middle ground. I know 1/4 Asians who are already back to looking fully white. 1/2 is usually a genuine mix.
Blacks look black unless they're the rare Meghan Markle exception.

>> No.16324666

>person who is 75% white looks pretty white
Well gosh would would've thought?

>> No.16324696

Lots of 1/4 black people don't, although perceptions re obviously tied to the legacy of one drop rule and similar.

>> No.16324776

>you’re too tall and light
In all likelihood he’s one of those Filipinos with high Spaniard admixture. The fact that he probably quietly loves this about himself makes him hate himself even more

>> No.16324890

Literally from the subreddit copypastas. Fuck off ricecel. Everyone hates you, especially well adjusted Asians and hapas

>> No.16324907

t.hapa fetishist loser

>> No.16324951

Not even remotely an argument you strawmanning psycho. You aren't entitled to Asian women or white women, incel. Most white Asian mixed couples come from the professional class and ivy league universities where whites and Asians tend to mingle btw. Stay poor.

>> No.16324974

Cope. You're not special for being white. Go shoot up a school or something

>> No.16324977

>Most Asian-Father/White-Mother hapas are much more well adjusted.
Literally an r/aznmasculinity talking point to try to trick white women into somehow fucking them. They admit this is a blatant propaganda point they desire to spread so that it becomes common knowledge or whatever despite it making zero fucking sense. You need help. How about you send me your address and I'll reach out to the local psych ward for a quick observational stay?

>> No.16324983

They havent read a book written before the year 2000

>> No.16324984

Not him but statistically it's true and no one is fooled by you telling people not to shoot up a school when you are literally Elliot Rodger 2 with your bizarre entitlement and disconnection from reality. Get help.

>> No.16324997

Most hapas I've known were sociable. Is this some American specific thing?

>> No.16325013

No they are in my experience too. But this aznmasculinity loser is part of an incel hate group designed to make people online think they're all Elliot Rodger in training as part of a ploy to get white men to stay away from Asian women and for white women to fuck them... somehow.... even though they hate racemixing... unless they're doing it.

To be clear, hapas are typically great people who do well. I just saw a hapa guy today, literally today, with a white gf. Do not buy the incel propaganda.

>> No.16325079

I'm white myself retard. Its just so obvious to anyone with eyes when some ugly fag is trying to make himself feel better about being unwanted. It's straight cope that he'll "magically become super wanted by all the submissive 10/10 asian waifus" if he goes to SEA.

>> No.16325080

No, the AMWF leads to more sucessful offspring because it is much less common and asian men are generally the least desired race. So if an asian man has a white girlfriend in western society, it usually means he is sucessful, rich and has a more dominant personality as opposed to the sterotype of asian men being meek and submissive. All the hapa, lookism, incels and aznmasculinity crowd have admitted this and agreed on this.

You're just making some fake strawman

>> No.16325100

no one will ever be fooled and in all the years posting your propaganda you haven't made fuck all difference in the dating patterns of anyone anywhere. in fact, i'd be willing to bet white/asian coupling is MORE common now than it was when r/aznmasculinity first launched. just LOL at your life.

>> No.16325108

How am I aznmasculinity when I said that asian men are the least desired and the only reason AMWF ends up "better" than WMAF is because it's much less common and usually the asian guy has to be in the upper tier of his race to attract a white woman as opposed to any white guy can go to asia, specifically SEA and get an asian chick?

>> No.16325125

your autism can't help you from repeating the propaganda line your cult leader taught you practically verbatim and in full, every time. LOL.

also as i stated already most white men date/marry asian women they met at harvard or dartmouth, you poor loser incel.


>> No.16325129

you are so beyond lost you can only be saved by being deprogrammed from your cult by the government. please listen to me. eurasian tiger is not a savior. he is a sick person who controlled you because you are a weak person. you can still lead a normal life.

>> No.16325136

More like, old right-wing men.

>> No.16325146

I am still white. I could care less about AFWM, but to claim that all asian women worship white people is fucking stupid. Only the bottom tier whores do that shit. Once again, I am not special for being white, and neither are you.

>> No.16325167

52% of all Asian women in the US are married to a white man, and of that 52% almost all are in professional classes and top tier univerisites. Cope.

>> No.16325175

>I am still white.
You are such a pathetic ricecel that even my opinion is lower now than I ever dreamed.

>> No.16325214

This is just a blatant lie

>> No.16325226

I thought you didn't care, ricel :( btw it actually is true

>> No.16325268

Hello, Tenda.

>> No.16325280

You fucking freak, you should honestly be banned for this post because it proves you are from a subreddit that coordinates spam on other sites. And that is what this hate filled post is.

>> No.16325384

Is this comic actually made by an Asian? What's with all the self-hate?

>> No.16325621

>spamming about da joooz 24/7 and using /pol/ rhetoric in every thread is fine, but sympathizing with hapa incels is a step too far dude!
lol grow up. I thought 4chan was about free speech?

>> No.16325629

Welll Tenda is the offspring of a WMAF relationship so perhaps he knows a thing or two about the dynamic of such relationships?

>> No.16325639

Yes the first part is true. 52% of asian american woman date outside of their race but do you have any proof for the second part?

Hapas males are ugly just like asians btw.The worst looking white mix. Lookism agrees on this

>> No.16325662

Or perhaps you are Tenda.

>> No.16325677

Does it really matter? You're always going to obfuscate or use insults that weirdly prove my point

>h-hah! You're a hapa ricel!
I mean uh yeah I'm speaking from experience

>> No.16326341

It’s not really a fetish; white people are just better looking

>> No.16326363

and hapas don't look white so you're admitting to making your child uglier

>> No.16326374
File: 104 KB, 788x1024, 57F7A555-C4C3-414A-82AC-89D254EA0ECF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a spanish
>comic with asian people

Mishima was a noble Jap, not a flip yankee/spanish vassal.

This is not literature.

Asking ‘what would *unrelated author* think about x’ does not qualify your absolute garbage post.

NOT /LIT/ gtfo. There’s plenty of sites for you to discuss your neurotic gook identity crisis, but 4chan ain’t one.

>> No.16326647

Me on the bottom right

>> No.16326696

>(((joshua))) luna

>> No.16326805

>muh dick
t. debased fetishists with molestation trauma

r/aznmasculinity seems more successful than the youtube channels of certain crazy cat ladies along with theirs and countless other fethishit marriages.