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16323134 No.16323134 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate Penguin classics?

>> No.16323149

They develop weird little creases all over and are generally overpriced with very poor quality.

>> No.16323154

Pros: cheap as far as new print books go, look nice lined up on a shelf together
Cons: poor quality everything. Binding is weak, print is blurry, paper is course and rough and gets everywhere.

>> No.16323166

penguin bad

>> No.16323167

They're fine if you want a minimalist experience. I like annotations though, and if you buy from norton or folger they include essays in the back which usually add depth and context.

>> No.16323173

yeah black spine and when it creases it's very noticeable

>> No.16323184

They attack

>> No.16323191

ya they end up looking like used whores. It's pretty hot.

>> No.16323221

Paperbacks only look aesthetic if they have creases. If you don't want creases then buy hardcover.

>> No.16323253

But hardcovers cost more.

>> No.16323272

because /lit/ is a Wordsworth Classics board

>> No.16323294

Because /lit/ is retarded and doesn't get that books are meant to be read, not collected

>> No.16323302

>Wordsworth Classics
Accurate, considering that's the shitposting equivalent of printing.

>> No.16323303

>NYRB classics
>New Directions
>Norton Critical Editions

>Penguin Classics
>Modern Library Classics
>Signet Classics
>Oxford World Classics

>Wordsworth Classics
>B&N Leatherbound Classics

>> No.16323356

I made the mistake of buying the Penguin Book of Haiku without inspecting carefully beforehand

>heavy use of cringe, modern vernacular

Don't buy it bros

>> No.16323403

Everyman is best though

>> No.16323553
File: 127 KB, 1484x1094, 1533157735516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EVERYMAN, I will go with thee,
>and be thy guide,
>In thy most need to go by thy side

>> No.16323712

i don't i love buying some old boomers complete collection for a few dollars after they die

>> No.16323727

estate sales must be on the rise because of the rona. I mean, just imagine, 180,000 collections now freed for the public.

>> No.16323743


>> No.16323798


>> No.16325023

I like them. Oh if only they weren't so inconsistent among printings.

>> No.16325206

Only get a penguin if it has the better translation

>> No.16325216

Not sexual enough on the bookshelf. They do not bring enough sexual energy.

>> No.16325221

I like penguins classics.

>> No.16325230

dover thrift is where it's at

>> No.16325238

why is Norton Critical pleb

>> No.16325250


>> No.16325257

What about Dover Thrift Editions?

>> No.16325259

Never in my life have I had a problem with a penguin book. Then again, I’m not a retard. I just buy whatever is cheaper with no useless introductions.

>> No.16325265



>> No.16325288

The true patrician option is to buy what you want from thrift stores. Penguin, Norton Critical, Oxford World Classics, Everyman's Library, insanely well made vintage hardcovers from some weird defunct publisher, etc. All the same price, all with the thrill of the hunt, never knowing what you're going to find, discovering a new favourite book from some author you've barely heard of. What a thrill.

>> No.16325289

My Tibetan Book of the Dead looks like that and I only read it twice.

>> No.16325298

Crime & Punishment was only read twice as well. The older build is less sturdy.

>> No.16325307

I reject your hypothesis.

>> No.16325311

what if instead of a penguin it was boobies

>> No.16325316
File: 822 KB, 1613x1145, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insanely well made vintage hardcovers from some weird defunct publisher
Heritage Press ftw

>> No.16325321

>paper... gets everywhere

>> No.16325325

I discovered this the hard way.
Penguin arrived in my country recently and their translation of Isaac Babel is almost unintelligible.

>> No.16325329

imagine not recognizing this as bait. Swap pleb and patrician and you have the true ranking.
Agreed. Found my 1930 Modern Library Moby Dick on a free shelf in a random neighborhood. Goodwill shelves are full of Norton editions and Readers Digest hardcovers, which are geezer-tier but have quality binding and paper.

>> No.16325330

Penguin Classics almost always have annotations and introductory essays.

>> No.16325340

>heavy use of cringe, modern vernacular
That's not a haiku.

>> No.16325347

They don't smell good and their papers don't feel nice to touch

>> No.16325352

>Norton Critical Editions

>> No.16325366


They'll always have intros but annotations are only for older more established classics. They're not paying some loser critic to annotate Thomas Ligotti or something.

>> No.16325379

Penguin are a step up from the cheap Bantam/Signet pocket paperbacks, the ones with the dark pulpy pages and smeary ink. But they're not much better. The edition I buy depends on the book/ translation if applicable, my attitudes toward the particular work/ whether I've read it before, and how I plan to use the volume in question. Penguins and Oxfords are for reading while /out/ or traveling. They're basically disposable so I pick them up cheap. Sitting at home, I like to have a nice hardback with ribbon bookmark and dust jacket. I may own a Signet, an Oxford, and a Folio edition of the same book, all for different purposes.

>> No.16325386 [DELETED] 

A densely creased spine is pretentious as fuck. Everyone will know just how fastidiously you read such a book on your bookshelf, but I strive to be humble.

>> No.16325388

Annotations are usually for foreign things with difficult words to translate.

>> No.16325401 [DELETED] 

A densely creased spine is pretentious as fuck. Everyone will know just how fastidiously you read that book; but anons, we ought to strive to be humble.

>> No.16325404

Textbook projection and insecurity masquerading as humility.

>> No.16325414

A densely creased spine is pretentious as fuck. One look and anyone will know just how fastidiously you read that book; but anons, we ought to strive for humility.

>> No.16325423

Ok I guess I'll pick up the Norton Critical Ligotti instead....

>> No.16325428

If I read the whole book and there's no visible crease, I feel cheated. I earned one. Fuckers

>> No.16325507

>used creased paperbacks, eh?
>I buy em up for 10 cents at the HBP Outlet.
>already creased (used), I don't care.
>I grab them off the squeeky wire rack that spins
>there are four of those racks, I body block them so other people will leave the area and go look at other sections.
>side-eye an old cunt with a basket full of Janet Evanovitch while I keep grabbing for 10 centers.
>Let out a huge ripping fart so she vacates my fucking rack space.
>The Evanobitch lady plus multiple other people in the area back away.
>start spreading my feet out so that my stance encompasses two wire squeeky racks worth of space.
>keep grabbin for 10 centers
>those yellowed edges like long, nicotine-stained acrylic press-ons
>cheap paperbacks fragrant like cheap whores
>I love a dirty, used up bitch. I love creases.
>Ten fucking cents like this is nineteen fucking 52.
>Bright ass bleeding green hi-lighter
>inferior translation
>ugly cover
>Peabrain NGMI English 101 annotations with some bitch named Katie Johnson's name in Crayola marker on the inside of the cover
>One just says AIDS, I buy it.
>love that shit, baby.
>Put em in the bag, sweetheart.
>Bye sweetie, have a good day.
>I have to fucking poop
>"can I leave my bag here?"
>uh... sure, ...sir? I'll hold it back here.
>go into bathroom, sit in stall.
>Infinite poop. You sit on the toilet to poop, but the poop never stops coming out of your butt.
>You have to start flushing the toilet every two minutes to keep up. You try to pinch your butt closed but that makes your insides hurt. The poop accelerates.
>You call 911. The paramedics call for doctors. The doctors call for specialists. The story trends on Twitter. You turn down talk show appearances. Your septic tank fails. People form a cult. Your toilet is finished. Volunteers arrive with buckets and shovels. You are completely used to the smell. The poop accelerates. You are moved to a stepladder with a hole in the top step. The poop accelerates. The shovelers abandon the buckets and shovel directly out the window. The poop accelerates.
>A candlelight vigil forms around your house. One of the workers falls over and can't free himself. The poop accelerates. A priest knocks over the stepladder and tackles you out the window. You land in the pile. The poop accelerates. The force now propels you forward and upward. >Vigil goers grab at your legs.
>The poop ignites from their candles.
>The Facebook live event hits 1 million viewers.

>> No.16325547

Jesus, you are a self-conscious.