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File: 76 KB, 356x502, 763BE23F-91E9-4F4C-ACAC-42F46CF8ADB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16321917 No.16321917 [Reply] [Original]

It makes me sad that one of the most influential philosophers in history was such a shit human being bros...

How to overcome this feeling? It’s just so sad

>> No.16321930

most human beings are shit human beings, the more so if they got power

not every famous person can ride the Keanu Reeves path and get fucked up into submission beyond recognition

>> No.16321952

what was he like?

>> No.16321960

a frogposter

>> No.16321989

Honestly can’t stop thinking about him ;(

>> No.16322038

>shit human being
slave morality

>> No.16322047

did he rape?

>> No.16322051


>> No.16322058

mental illness.

>> No.16322063

what did he do? Guy lived in the Black Forest fetching water and sitting on his bench

>> No.16322066

From what I've read about him he seems to have been a genuinely nice human being.

>> No.16322074

he wasn't a terrible human being at all. he was flawed and aligned himself with naughty groups which is hardly anything compared to many people.

>> No.16322099
File: 432 KB, 1280x1642, 1579032346537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love to hear you explain his love affair with the jewess Hannah Arendt as well her defense of him in spite of his nazi association.

>> No.16322236

I know. Betraying his people by going after a wench Jewess... it truly is horrible.

>> No.16322239

You're not butters. Fuck off.

>> No.16322254

Search the archive for my trip faggot

>> No.16322284

if anyone I give him a pass for supporting the Nazis. He probably read too much Aristotle in social isolation.

>> No.16322309

Snitched on his university colleagues and never expressed remorse for doing so, iirc at least one of them died in a concentration camp because of his informing on them

>> No.16322439

Hrs not bad
And he’s a true genius
Jews say he’s bad

>> No.16322486

Abandon Muslim perfect Saint theology. No perfect man is worthy to follow.

>> No.16322490

>explain his love affair with the jewess Hannah Arend
khazar milkers
>as well her defense of him in spite of his nazi association.
His deep icy aryan blue eyes.

>> No.16322599
File: 72 KB, 480x678, 00682EDA-B73F-43B9-98D8-134CA429AAB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His deep icy aryan blue eyes.
What an Adonis.

>> No.16322610

No, he wasn't.

He made a mistake and then he corrected his course. He was a humble man when he died.

>> No.16322669
File: 101 KB, 940x528, Martin with Fritz Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was one of the greatest, both as a thinker, and as a human being, and as they stand necessarily upon the other. He did nothing wrong, almost nothing wrong in his life.

>> No.16322685


>> No.16322689

He was a nazi who didn’t even come to his best buddy’s funeral cuz his best buddy was a Jew and it wasn’t Weimar Republic anymore but nazi Germany instead so he could openly be a nazi

>> No.16322702

He didn't make a mistake. The nazis did.

>> No.16322707

>then he corrected his course
He just became an even bigger hypocrite, that’s all. His own philosophy is inconsistent with his lifestyle

>> No.16322719


>> No.16322725

From the anecdotes in "At the Existentialist Cafe" he genuinely sounded autistic. Even ignoring the Nazi stuff he was just cold and aloof and rude to most people in his life.

>> No.16322727

have sex

>> No.16322734

>no u
Grow up.

>> No.16322812

im too lazy to open photoshop so pretend this is a meme

[image of heidegger]
>spends 400 pages explaining why the Being of Being is Being-There

[image of Nietzsche]

>> No.16322834


>> No.16322835


>> No.16322836

>From the anecdotes in "At the Existentialist Cafe"
Glad to see you made an actual effort to engage with Heidegger instead of spouting out someone else's pre-formed opinion.
>Laughing Heidegger.png

>> No.16322851
File: 61 KB, 600x330, Konrad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heidegger was as much a nazi as Konrad Lorenz. The notorious nazi mad scientist infamous for his twisted studies of the follow response imprinting behavior of ducklings to their mother ducks.

>> No.16322857

Have sex, incel

>> No.16322870

I've read Being and Time, which was a pretty big effort and engagement. Still it tells me nothing of the man's actual character.

At the Existentialist Cafe is full of biographical material including correspondences. Heidegger was a difficult man and a bad friend among philosophers.

>> No.16322907

>At the Existentialist Cafe is full of biographical material including correspondences.
it's also vapid pop philosophy written by a woman. read an actual biography of Heidegger, not salacious gossip

>> No.16322911

He lived in a forest with the peasants. How is that inconsistent with any of his work?

>> No.16322912

Honestly, you shouldn’t be evaluating a philosopher based on perceived morality. That’s like judging a surgeon by the health of his heart. I hate Heidegger because he didn’t do shit. Didn’t comment on it or make a big deal.
It just reinforces the notion that philosophy I useless. At least Adorno did. The real great.

>> No.16322916

Nazism is inconsistent with his philosophy

>> No.16322918

based retard

>> No.16322935

Very based and redpilled! Women blown the frick out!

>> No.16322939

you suck at reading comprehension...why are you even here in this thread? go suck Deleuze cock

>> No.16323182

>Reads being and time
>Still manages to be They and have inauthentic opinions
but did you really though

>> No.16323338

I don't think the work of an individual author has the everydayness of the they but maybe you think a multiperspectival historical sketch does, fine. Who better to provide an account of his PUBLIC character? And yes, I am criticizing him for his deviations from the they. I am not an anarchist. I believe in the sociable unburdening of convention. and morality. Heidegger was a backstabber who spoke ill of his friends behind their backs and rarely seemed to repay his debts.