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/lit/ - Literature

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16320882 No.16320882 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the fantasy genre so dumb? Most "avid readers" I know just run through 400 shitty fantasy books per year and literally nothing else. I don't see how you could see reading fantasy as productive- you learn literally nothing about the world from the story and almost always the characters are poorly written exaggerations.

How is this shit popular? Are people really so dedicated to masturbatory escapism that they read this drivel?

>> No.16321248

It's a formula. That said, productivity is a meme. Fuck being productive.

>> No.16321291

Not having a drive to learn more about the world or do something outside of nihilistic escapism will destroy you and make your life a chain of consumption.

>> No.16321325

He said, on 4channel.org

>> No.16321386

>Are people really so dedicated to masturbatory escapism that they read this drivel?
it's the 21st century. A person can only be so important before fading away.
Engaging with the world is difficult when you are conditioned to avoid suffering.
And staring at yourself in deep shame as your hedonistic shell of a life unravels before you is not something the modern person would like to engage in.
people want to be validated and vindicated.
It's the trend of the post-modern time which hopefully will die within a couple of decades.

>> No.16321397
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I'm happy while you're baiting on 4chan.

>> No.16321405

just read tolkien and be done with it

>> No.16321423

4channel can be highly educational.

>> No.16321450

What was the last fantasy book you read?

>> No.16321477

The Bible

>> No.16321480

Book of the Long Sun by Gene Wolfe.

>> No.16321483

haw haw you must be an intellectual.

>> No.16321501

>I don't see how you could see reading fantasy as productive
Consider the following: stress reduces productivity, while entertainment reduces stress. Therefore, entertainment increases productivity.

>> No.16321510
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The way I see it, "productivity" is simply the measure of alignment of one's actions with respect to his ambition, and therefore entirely relative. The answer to your question I think rests in the answer to another: To what does the modern man aspire?

>> No.16321525

Imagine reading for fun LMAO

OP, just let people enjoy things. They don't read to show off or to be productive, they just enjoy it. Romances and novellas are less or more the same thing, if not all fiction. It's popular because people find it fun.

>> No.16321578

Hope she sees this bro
yeah bro we make everything relative to abstract concepts and make words meaningless so we can rationalize shitty decisions as wise. KYS
Imagine if you could reduce stress while being productive. What a concept!

>> No.16321599

>Imagine if you could reduce stress while being productive. What a concept!
One might argue that reducing stress is productive in itself. Think of a pressure release valve in a power plant; releasing pressure is part of the cycle of productivity.

>> No.16321645
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>> No.16321700

Yikes dude, get laid.

>> No.16321722

It's pretty easy for me, worry about yourself.

>> No.16321740

Reject Fantasy
Embrace Science Fiction
(Urban fantasy is okay though)

>> No.16321754

A lot of it is not drivel at all. It can be used to explore social constructs or circumstances that'd be hard to express clearly otherwise, or be too improbable to be taken seriously in a realistic setting. It can and has been used as a way to navigate around censorship as was the case behind the iron courtain. But for the modern day consumer, I think it fills a gaping hole where common history and cultural heritage used to be - just look at the Game of Thrones phenom - kind of like capeshit crudely fills in for fairy tales.

>> No.16321758

When people talk about "productivity" there is always an aspect of making yourself "marketable" in it. Like when people say they only read non-fiction because it teaches them about the world. Someone who reads only fantasy is most likely "productive" in some other way. Nobody lives in a world of pure escapism. If that were the case, what would they be escaping from?

>> No.16321763
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By what metric is your claim to righteous ambition more objective than to that of anyone else?

>> No.16321766

I bet you are fun at parties.

>> No.16321815

any difference between fantasy and sci fi is purely aesthetic

>> No.16321817

Your sexual frustration oozes through the monitor, anon, much like my seminal fluid oozed into your whore of a mother last night.

>> No.16321861

>It can be used to explore social constructs or circumstances that'd be hard to express clearly otherwise, or be too improbable to be taken seriously in a realistic setting. It can and has been used as a way to navigate around censorship as was the case behind the iron courtain.
so sjw fiction

The genre is so dumb because there are many shitty writers who just saturate the genre with substandard work.

>> No.16321877

>is purely aesthetic
Yes but I prefer the sci-fi aesthetic

>> No.16321937

You're projecting. I fuck literally whenever I want.
my metric is more valid because it exists outside the rationale of one person
Seethe all you want, you're getting less knowledge and wisdom from your actions.

>> No.16321980

>no arguments

>> No.16321998
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>my metric is more valid because it exists outside the rationale of one person
>Fails to see the glaring irony in this statement with respect to OP
I've never felt so embarrassed for someone.

>> No.16321999

Was it good? I'm in the second half of Book of New Sun and think about picking Long Sun.

>> No.16322073

I'm not seething, and I don't typically read fantasy. But the idea of "productivity" is a scam meant to keep you on the treadmill

>> No.16322091

The Diary of Anne Frank

>> No.16322153

>No arguments
I did argue that it's more valid because it benefits more people than one but I guess if you want to ignore my argument and claim victory then that's what you're gonna do. I shouldn't expect more from imbeciles.
No, book of the long sun is not a good book.
Well, step off it all you look. Later in life when you've accomplished nothing and your brain is an empty vortex full of pop culture references remember this conversation. It'll be too late then.

>> No.16322165

I want such pure escapism I experience ego death. Fantasy does that pretty well. Classic literature reminds me that the 1800s were a shitty time and that the world is forever fucked.

>> No.16322171

You're acting like the only options are "productivity" and spending all day watching anime and masturbating.

>> No.16322174

Go ahead and tell me you're not a neoliberal globalist cuck and maybe I'll take what you say into consideration.

>> No.16322186

Being productive serves neoliberal globalism

>> No.16322206

Right. That's why you're here, posturing about what genre of book you like to piss your time away with.

>> No.16322212

Darth Plaguies.
Basically a noseless man has a plan while rubbing his hands

>> No.16322213

I am not a neoliberal globalist cuck and you should take what I have to say into consideration.

>> No.16322227

To consoom while keeping up with the Jones's

>> No.16322253

Well, in this context we're literally talking about reading fantasy books which have completely poisoned the younger generation's perceptions of both literature and thought. The reason I say it's "unproductive" is because it actually works backwards. Fantasy literature is rife with black and white moralism, poor character development, bad writing and world building intended to make you feel like the real world is lame.

Young people pretend like "any reading is good reading" but the fantasy books will literally demoralize you and make you feel like your life in the real world isn't worth living. This is how we get 20something holes LARPing as witches and pasty pink-stomached nu-males who compare any and all political discourse to Hogwarts houses and Voldemort's lackeys.

It's fucking pathetic and you know it, that's why you're here advocating for yourself. You'll claim it's "de stressing" but you know what's really relaxing? Working out. I bet you don't even do that.

>> No.16322294

being productive serves myself. I'm not getting money for funko pops, it's so I can improve my family and community.
Building, creating and influencing are more important than "keeping up with the jones's." You've developed a toxic attitude about work to the point where it's hand-in-hand with consumption, which is untrue.

If you drop your global aspirations you will see that improving the neighborhood is as easy as improving your neighborhood.

>> No.16323013

>reading as productive
Do you read anything but service manuals, white papers or academic studies?
If so you're not being productive in any semblance of the word.

>> No.16323052

yeah, because a book like moby dick doesn't teach anything.

kill yourself tranny

>> No.16323054

>do you even lift
Poisoning your brain with fantasy is infinitely better than what you've done to yourself. Again, I don't read fantasy, I am not "advocating for myself." Reading Dostoevsky is likewise "not productive." You seem like such a hateful and uptight bastard, I doubt you're doing much to improve the community.

>> No.16323110

fag detected

and yeah, dostoevsky is actually intended for the same demographic as fantasy- bitch boys and purple haired clams with cunt teeth.

>> No.16323195

>yeah, because a book like moby dick doesn't teach anything.
Nothing that makes reading it an act of productivity, no.

>> No.16323200

>OP is complaining that people shouldn't read fantasy because it's unproductive, even if they enjoy it.
>Same OP is posting shit threads in a mongolian imageboard that isn't productive in the most part.
>OP most likely browses said imageboard several timesa day to be able to frogpost.
>OP is a massive hypocrite and everyone who agrees with him.
>For OP to be coherent, he should be getting a PhD in philosophy or reading it in all of his free time. Also no type of escapism whatsoever, just learning science/philosophy and pratical skills.

>> No.16323444

Yeh bro I'm going to take life advice on 4chan from someone who is so depressed they cant even enjoy a fiction book. SIKE

>> No.16323458

Yes it's good but you should The Urth of the New Sun and Fifth Head of Cerberus before reading Book of the Long Sun and Book of the Short Sun.

>> No.16323581

>yeah bro I don't see having my values challenged really benefits me at all.
Fuckin moron lmao
Yeah, learning about historical events, processes and mindsets isn't valuable at all. I may as well read a book about "magic systems" in the Kingdom of Onan. Moby Dick is valuable because it teaches you about THE REAL WORLD.
I enjoy fiction, I'm just saying FANTASY is for queers and weaklings.