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16320697 No.16320697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans so obsessed with the idea of academia (or any media, really) being "biased"? Being biased doesn't make you wrong. In fact, trying too hard to be unbiased can actually make you more fallacious because you are pretending two ideas are equally worthy of consideration when they aren't. For example, there are no "two sides" to deciding whether or not the Earth is flat. The Earth is round, and even implying that both sides are worthy of consideration draws a false equivalence to begin with. Flat Earthers undoubtedly think that all of academia and all of the media is "biased" against them but that's because they are wrong, period. The same applies to issues like evolution and creationism or climate change.

I don't really understand it.

>> No.16320715

okay but then apply that to more difficult topics like minimum wage or euthanasia without a "right" answer. both sides trot out stats that've been massaged and cherry picked to prove their bias.

>> No.16320768

I think it's disingenuous to reduce this criticism of academia to just uneducated hicks when even leftist intellectuals have been making the same criticism of Academia for over a century. Ideology within Academia exists primarily to defend ruling class interests.

>> No.16320790

Americans aren't allowed to have different opinions. It's a result of Liberalism. If you have a different opinion, it gets squished by the state church (Liberalism). You can't just say "I disagree, and am going to do my own thing over here, and leave you alone, and you will leave me alone" like you can in China or India. This leads to people instead adopting defensive positions in an attempt to not just get flattened outright.

So, it's not that you disagree (you're not allowed to), but rather that other people are biased. It's not that you actually BELIEVE something different, of course.

>> No.16320830

This, it wasnt even always exclusive to America academia historically has had some colossal issues in fulfilling its actual purpose. Its just that these days it cant even be under the guise of an institution of higher learning and particularly in America where we have a number of people in academia wanting to leave it and speaking their problems with it.

>> No.16320917

>Why are Americans so obsessed with the idea of academia (or any media, really) being "biased"? Being biased doesn't make you wrong.
how can you not know. wtf
religious rationalists were raped by their scientists, ie in the popular imagination, autistic twinks ''who only care about facts and not emotions so they are not biased'', so the non-STEM intellectuals wanted to pass as non-religious too, and they had to larp as much as scientist as they could. This is why the secular intellectuals put the word science in non-STEm fields, like ''economy'', psychology'' and since physics relies heavily on maths, for the secular retard, turning a field into a science means putting lots of maths in those. This is the rise of stats.The world would be better off without statistical science. It has inflicted immeasurable suffering and destruction.
With stats there is no knowledge, no truth, no ethics. Stats are just stats you cant derive any certainty from this. This is why positivism is dead and so secular intellectuals have no ideology to sell.

>> No.16320928

>why are Americans
Its hell anon. This is hell.

>> No.16321071

>In fact, trying too hard to be unbiased can actually make you more fallacious because you are pretending two ideas are equally worthy of consideration when they aren't
There is not a single major media provider in America that bills itself as biased.

>> No.16321084

Ok liberal

>> No.16321107

why are Europeans mentally retarded? if you can’t see why people dislike the universities, it’s because you support them. also, this board is for 18+

>> No.16321111

>being biased doesnt mean you are wrong.

Ok. Niggers have average IQs 1 or 2 standard deviations lower than whites, which corrolates with lower impulse control, which in turn tracks with increased violent crime and rape rates.

>> No.16321138

The lamentation about biases are that information given isn't whole, i.e. it's... biased. So, people aren't getting a fuller perspective on certain things. If the supposed goal of academia is teaching, then the material should not be biased.

Being biased isn't inherently wrong, but it comes with its own faults.

>> No.16321394
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>why are Europeans mentally retarded? if you can’t see why people dislike the universities, it’s because you support them. also, this board is for 18+

>> No.16321404

Americans are the most retarded country though

>> No.16321417
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>> No.16322394

Your reasoning doesn't follow. Do you think academia is a form of media? The difference between the two is important. But academically speaking, do you think an unbiased party would be more likely to arrive at a 'wrong' fact or solution to a problem?
There is no reason to not view "the Earth is round" and "the Earth is flat" as equally worthy of CONSIDERATION. The fallacy comes in precisely by excluding consideration, which is exactly where a Flat Earther could rightly consider an academic 'biased' against them, ie unwilling to consider their position. No matter if that position is false or highly unintuitive: in this case it's the simple duty of the academic (that is, the scientist) to uphold the truth. There is nothing dishonest in that process, unless the truth at hand is already flawed.
I think the trouble here is your taking examples from a mass media context, ie Flat Earth and climate change. Bias in media has an obviously different meaning than bias in academia; I think most Americans (to follow your question) would consider the former to actually mean political bias. Like >>16320715
says it's not a question of rather crackpot theories like Flat Earth but of more serious and wider-spread issues like crime and police forces, minimum wage, the real estate market and housing crisis, etc. Bias then means cherrypicking news stories or statistics to generate a political impression, so complaints about bias are basically arguments in favor of a 'neutral' and unpropagandistic news source. You could argue that such a thing is impossible under any political circumstances but the complaint is an understandable one, especially if you live in the States

>> No.16322408

Attempted neutrality masks the true ideology if the media itself and gives a facade of credibility.

>> No.16322429

Only virginal nerds are biased in favor of reality. Jocks and Chads know intuitively that the earth is flat. Simple as.

>> No.16322430

This is the biggest midwit opinion worldwide.

>> No.16322447
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midwit > dimwit, which is what you are.

>> No.16322462

The problem comes when media or academic types lie by omission.

>> No.16322488

But I'm only a dimwit according to a midwit which, since midwits tend to be wrong about everything, means I'm probably not a dimwit.

>> No.16322523

Or spread bold faced lies.

>> No.16322676

>dimwit logic

>> No.16322739

Niggers do not have the same impulses as me, its not that i mearly resist.

>> No.16322937

Because academics claim for themselves not only a monopoly on knowledge, but also a monopoly on values. They collapse the distinction between the two and pretend that anyone whose values differ from theirs is simply ignorant and in need of education. They push their values onto all their students in innumerable subtle ways, and, because the graduates of elite universities go on to staff the rest of the elite institutions in the country, have essentially turned themselves into independent centers of ideological reproduction in our society.
There is no way forward for any opposition force without recapturing the ideological arena. Academia happens to monopolize it.

>> No.16323012

Ah, a Euro, let me explain this in a manner you might understand. Academia in the US is not entirely run by that state. Now your Euro brain may be going “wow, that’s bad, imagine the state not running everything.” Everything not being run by the state means that the state cannot dictate what is real and fake according to science as easily as it can in Sweden, which might as well just start posting studies that anal sex is good for your health. This means that these organizations are intended to be “neutral”. Yet, without state funding oversight, money must come from somewhere. Often times that somewhere is companies, political parties, etc, who will gladly manipulate the sciences to show a result favorable to their interests. Smoking is good for your health is a good example. Now go back and listen to your reichschancellors report on how more Syrian refugees is good for the nation and doesn’t negatively impact you in any way.

>> No.16323699

uuhuhhhhh nigga poo poo