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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 240 KB, 873x873, satre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16321132 No.16321132 [Reply] [Original]

He's 10x better than Nietzsche

>> No.16321140
File: 9 KB, 180x225, 263EF6D5-7B61-4443-8E32-2B2AF17FDF8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why couldn’t medicine reposition his eye?

>> No.16321142

Of course he is because he practiced what he preached

>> No.16321200

He is fucking terrible. All the existentialists are frauds and shouldn't be compared to real philosophers like Nietzsche.

>> No.16321210


>> No.16321215
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>> No.16321241

Not saying much

>> No.16321243

The label means nothing, first of all. As if they are the first ones to consider our matter of existence or our role in society. Also, Sartre is just
>dude responsibility lmao
aka he contributes nothing interesting.

>> No.16321256 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 2559x2148, hold on tight janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try maybe 3x, OP, sheesh

>> No.16321308

>dude responsibility lmao

Responsibility is everything in life. Its the only factor that gives us free will and meaning. You're retarded

>> No.16321320

He's closer to a self-help author than a philosopher. Deal with it.

>> No.16321326

>He thinks Nietzsche isn't a self author aswell who just piggybacked off everything Hegel and Stirner said

>> No.16321328

By your retarded logic Heidegger is also a self-help author than a philosopher.

>> No.16321333

0/8 bait

>> No.16321334

>Believing in free will in 2020 and not accepting your destiny to live as a pawn of God and/or your neurochemistry

>> No.16321341

Denying free will is blasphemy(according to the major sects of each religion) in Abrahamic religions

>> No.16321346

I don't think you retards have actually read any of these three.

>> No.16321347

Hard determinists like yourself deserve the gas chamber. I have no sympathy for your disgusting species

>> No.16321351


>> No.16321353

My nigga, living as a pawn of god assumes you have responsibility before God and therefore free will

>> No.16321365

Clearly. Anyone that thinks Sartre's writings on The Other and The Gaze weren't massively influential is deluded or not familiar with Sartre.

>> No.16321453

>Responsibility is everything in life. Its the only factor that gives us free will and meaning. You're retarded
Wow you're spooked

>> No.16321547

I like how you assume Stirner doesn't have ultimate responsibility towards the Unique. You clearly have 0 clue about what you're talking about

>> No.16321570

Junger was an extraordinarily brave man, an aristocrat of the soul, and a hero. No wonder Satre the ugly French degenerate hated him.

>> No.16321600
File: 92 KB, 777x652, 1596579539823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frenly reminder to filter and ignore the faggot butterfly

>> No.16321617

Tony Robbins is "influential" too. Who cares?

>> No.16321677

Satre is better than Junger in every way. Take your meds

>> No.16321746

>pedophile better than a war hero

>> No.16321757

I bet you never even Read Satre and you're just piggybacking off the meme that All french philosophers from the 20th century are degenerate pedophiles lmao

>> No.16321800

I like how you assume anything you said in this last post isn't pretentious pseud midwit talk.
If you were as enlightened as you seem to believe you are, you would answer intelligibly, not making allusions towards "metaphysical" things you read in some book, showing you have an actual grasp on reality. But you seem not very self-conscious.

>> No.16321967

>If you were as enlightened as you seem to believe you are, you would answer intelligibly, not making allusions towards "metaphysical" things you read in some book, showing you have an actual grasp on reality. But you seem not very self-conscious.

Not the same dude but people who only care about "phenomena" is retarded. Ergo, you're retarded

>> No.16321997

Sartre is writes exceptionally clearly and this is enough to put his books among the best in philosophy

>> No.16322543

Who said I only care about phenomena? What I was on about is that you should be able to talk about these things in simple, direct language, not with these esoteric terms from your existencialist club of nerds, which sounds more like an inside joke
>ultimate responsibility towards the Unique
imagine saying that out loud as an argument, and just that

>> No.16322603

>What I was on about is that you should be able to talk about these things in simple, direct language, not with these esoteric terms

I think you're just dumb anon

>> No.16322604

I dont know bro singing a petition to lower the age of consent to under 15 sounds pedophilic to me

>> No.16322698

>yeah bro they did one bad thing lets disregard all their philosophies!!

This is why yall niggas handicap your learning process

>> No.16322706
File: 35 KB, 564x823, AB4C98FE-6BE2-438D-B116-013FEFD5E8E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont know bro singing a petition to lower the age of consent to under 15 sounds pedophilic to me
I fucking hate Sartre but come on.

>> No.16322718

>real philosophers like Nietzsche

>> No.16322723


>> No.16322751

>real philosophers

>> No.16322768

That's not butterfly, you retard.

>> No.16322774

Both are mere literary figures, not philosophers.

>> No.16322941


>one bad thing
You deserve to be lined up against a wall and shot


>being against pedophilia is reddit

Kill yourself

>> No.16322946

>>one bad thing
>You deserve to be lined up against a wall and shot
>>being against pedophilia is reddit
>Kill yourself
slave morality

>> No.16322956

redditor outed

>> No.16322958

reminder that Sartre converted to Judaism in his final years

>> No.16322962

>being against pedophilia is reddit
it is, go back and join your fellow teenage moralfags

>> No.16322968

>t. Woman in her mid twenties who has read no non-french “philosophers” and feels threatened by Nietzsche’s attacks on the morality at the core of liberalism

>> No.16322979

Im going to murder your mother

>> No.16322986

Sorry I dont enjoy fucking kids retards

>> No.16322998
File: 80 KB, 555x631, D1B95F50-9D5F-4590-BDCE-037312F6E10A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16323001

Based teenagefucker frogman

>> No.16323006

Thats the not what we are trying to tell you, you fucking retarded ape faggot

You're not separating the artist from art. You're extremely obtuse so no wonder you love Jünger

>> No.16323020

None of you will ever have a harem

>> No.16323026

>The art of sodomizing young children

Yeah I think ill pass

>> No.16323041

You post about child rape in a laotian crustacean farming forum, doubt you have the physical ability to rape people into being in a harem, much less the ability to convince them to do it willingly

>> No.16323049

Camus is Sartre except an actually good writer

>> No.16323082

Junger looked so much better when he was older, no wonder he lived so long

>> No.16323141

Not an argument.

>> No.16323148

>You're not separating the artist from art.
>preening screeds over actual philosophers now constitutes art
Only in the minds of /lit/ homos.

>> No.16323162
File: 64 KB, 972x972, IMG_20200828_104612_107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this for an argument libtard

>> No.16323171

Lmao what?

>> No.16323177

shut up libtard

>> No.16323186

I’m definitely not a liberal or leftist at all. Nice strawman.

>> No.16323190

leftie cope

>> No.16323199

Why are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.16323224

Why would you assume an anon who joked about rape and male supremacy is a leftist?

>> No.16323239

You're in so much denial its incredible lmao

>> No.16323246

In denial about what?

>> No.16323276

He’s a redditor pretending to be right-wing because he outed himself as a liberal social justice faggot. Ignore him.

>> No.16323282
File: 110 KB, 1024x1024, m18l7g7an5g11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16323296

Just admit you’re a liberal already kek.

>> No.16323299

Fitting, since they know nothing about life.

>> No.16323304

of being a liberal

>> No.16323323

why am I a liberal

>> No.16323329

You virtue signal by defending women’s rights on an imageboard, but supposedly I’m the “liberal?”

>> No.16323348

For one you had a breakdown over a rape joke.

>> No.16323357

meant for>>16323323

>> No.16323370

I just said I didn't like to fuck kids

>> No.16323376


How the fuck are you this retarded to not understand he's trolling?

Jesus Christ kys

>> No.16323378

Which is a virtue signal. None of us want to fuck kids.

>> No.16323407

You replied to like 3 different people who are you talking to

>> No.16323415

I just said I didn't like sartre because he likes to fuck kids.

>> No.16323452

Sartre admitted the French "existentialists" were poseurs after he became a Marxist and Heidegger knew it was ontic trash, a distortion of his teachings mixed illicitly with Cartesianism.

>> No.16323770

lmao newfag, /lit/ is pedo-friendly

>> No.16324329

Of the four (who we might group together as literary figures in this instance) who confronted similar seemingly irreconcilable walls in life, Kierkegaard was the only one who truly committed in action, as he wrote in words.
He devoted himself to it - the others were close, but ultimately fell short of total commitment to their responsibilities to themselves.