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/lit/ - Literature

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1632066 No.1632066 [Reply] [Original]

I just spent six years getting a history degree.

Pic unfortunately related.

What are my options?

>> No.1632068

History Channel

>> No.1632073
File: 41 KB, 627x470, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are my options?

This is /lit/, not the stock exchange.

There is only one option here: literature discussion.

>> No.1632075

Become a history teacher. Also this is hardly related to /lit/. Actually it's not related to /lit/ at all.

>> No.1632076

Become a pe and history teacher at a middle or high school.

>> No.1632077
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Ge't a job

>> No.1632080

Sorry Mr Tripfriend I will try to make it more /lit/ related

>Spent several years getting a history degree
>Now I don't know how to get a job
>Was sat in a coffeeshop reading a history book when a girl came up to me
>She started talking to me and seemed really interested in history, she said she liked it a lot
>Mention Richard Nixon, she didnt know who that was
>Mention Winston Churchill, she didn't know who it was
>She kept touching my arm
>I got up to go and keep looking for jobs, she ran out the door after me
>She said that it didn't matter if I couldn't find a job, that she would be willing to support me
>I didn't want to talk to someone so ignorant about history so I just nodded and then walked away

So anyway /lit/ do you have any good history books to recommend? I always liked Howard Zinn even though he's kind of biased, general history chat I guess.

(I hope this is more on-topic Mr Tripfriend! See it's about history books!)

>> No.1632084

fuck yea, Zinn is amazing. It isn't bias if its true.

>> No.1632086

This is offtopic but everyone needs to find and read Mark Ames' book Going Postal

right now

>> No.1632088
File: 77 KB, 436x518, howard_zinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zinn is one sided, but he's also really great.

Ever read Herodotus?

inb4 tomharper recommends some book about Stalingrad

>> No.1632089

Picking your college major is not like choosing a character class in Diablo. Most people do not go into the career field that their major is in. You are not required to go into history. You can apply for any job you want and short of science, medicine, or law you will probably have no disadvantage compared to any other candidate. Even if your career field does not work out you can always go back to school for a medicine, law, or science degree, or a teaching credential.

Really fucking sick of this 'lol you majored in PHILOSOPHY???' bullshit.

>> No.1632097

>Even if your career field does not work out you can always go back to school for a medicine, law, or science degree, or a teaching credential.

Enjoy your crushing debt.

>> No.1632106
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Give me a run down on the French Revolution?

I'd love you long time.

>> No.1632111
File: 93 KB, 500x340, 1299464434907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol i'm the king i have dick trouble
>lol i'm the queen i have elaborate hair
>lol i'm the peasants i starve
>wait wtf am i starving for
>lol battles
>lol kidnap king and queen
>lol Robespierre
>lol guillotine
>victory for the peasants
>we did it for the lulz (and bread)

>> No.1632112

Not only is crushing debt from student loans a myth, debt really is not a good reason to not go to college or return to college.

>> No.1632113


I lol'd so fucking hard. Thanks.

On a serious note, why not try and get work in a museum? I am sure you could get a job talking about something in there. If not a museum, teach. God-damn, you can be making monies as a part-time teacher and further your studies and/or look for other work.

I am pretty sure you could get a job in pretty much any administrative possession as well -- presuming it does not need a legal background.

Stop stressing out, comrade.

>> No.1632114

Yes! The system works! Defend it! People SHOULD go into debt to pay college costs (which, like it or not, are necessary these days)! There's nothing wrong with that! And it doesn't disproportionately affect the poor at all! The system works! God bless us every one!

>> No.1632117

I don't agree with the cost of college or the way that college is treated as career training. I didn't even imply that I felt that way and you're a bit of a clown. However, in spite of that, student loan debt is not a big deal. The only people who suffocate under it are the idiots who immediately acquire a mortgage, a car, a credit card, and a list of other liabilities as soon as they graduate. They have issues with debt because they are bad with money.

>> No.1632123
File: 205 KB, 917x466, lit_myth_busted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1632133

cool shitty fonts bro.