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/lit/ - Literature

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16317190 No.16317190 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.16317202

I got a short story published earlier this year. Trying to get more out there, but corona is making it harder. Hoping to get another one before 2021

>> No.16317205

waiting until I’m 30 to write the great burgerpunk novel

>> No.16317206

I’m not gonna make it. I think I’ll just write stories for fun as a hobby instead.

>> No.16317237
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Awesome! Congratulations, Anon!

>> No.16317287

Thanks! I'd like to have a novel out by 25 but whoo whee does time fly

>> No.16317306

Going to study philosophy and one of the professors has already shown interest in my readings. Might actually get a proper scholarly work published by next year

>> No.16317317

Thats promising! Nice

>> No.16317322

NOT GOOD MY FRIEND, i am homeless right now, white people homeless meaning my parents have a house on the other side of the country i am free to stay in any time, but currently living in a homeless shelter in pandemic time wishing the libraries were open and still unpublished in anything but free journals hoping my resume will reach a tipping point where real editorials will start picking me up

>> No.16317353
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This thread makes me take stock of various things I am doing right now, writing-career-wise.

I have gotten multiple short stories and multiple poems published in the last five years, which has been quite nice. I even got a poem published in a pretty prominent intellectual journal, and I was even paid for it. That was pretty exciting.

I wrote a ton of poems all on a similar theme in 2018 and 2019, and my hope has been to get enough of them published that I can then collect them all and publish the collection. I've been working towards that, slowly but surely.

>>16317306 has also made me think that I am currently enrolled getting an MA in English Literature. I am writing a master's thesis as a result of this, and my thesis adviser believes that the work I am doing, and the subject I am pursuing, are both rather interesting and original. He has encouraged me to keep the thesis itself short, 40 pages or less, because he thinks if I do I have decent odds of getting it published in an academic journal.

Also, most excitingly of all, I am coming closer and closer to the end of a major work I have been writing for the better part of a year. It is a mixture of prose and poetry with Catholic symbolism woven throughout. When it is done, and when I have finished the editing process, I am eager to try and get it published. I actually have some contacts that should prove very useful in doing this, given the nature of the work itself. And this work is only the first work, the first of many more such works to come, in a huge story that will take me years to finish, all told. When it is done, if I'm lucky, it will be the greatest work of art of the 21st century.

>> No.16317377

Holy shit are you me anon? I put the burgerpunk project on hold, I didn't realize anyone on /lit/ still remembered that.

>> No.16318791

Good but I spend so much time editing my prose to get it just right

>> No.16318806

Thats cool as fuck anon, I recently decided to start writing in hopes of making a career as well. Im very inexperienced and not too well read yet but ill be trying my best to catch up since I want to write philosophy and metaphysics. If its okay can I ask how did you get your work out there? Did you put it online or did you manage to get it through word of mouth/connections?

>> No.16318818
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kafka couldnt even make it in the early 20th century how do you think u ever will in the 21st? this entire thread is predicated on the wrong mindset to go about it. only when you die will people bother reading your work

>> No.16318835

I made the ultimate fateful step of working on the second draft of my magnum opus. I can feel the mists of the future reconfiguring at the type of every letter. This marks a resounding break from a period of criminal procrastination from which I have made a striding jailbreak. All previous blockages and inhibitions have been nullified and discarded by the act, and I am thus entitled to march lightly into the halls of the gods without contest or argument.

>> No.16318853
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Just terrible.
Kidding, it's going along just fine and i'm learning to fine tune my style of writing.

>> No.16318871

Kafka was an autist who had almost zero interest in being published. He wrote stories to entertain himself and asked his literary executor to burn all his materials after his death.

>> No.16318880

Is self publishing real publishing

>> No.16318887

No but Im starting to think its the only publishing that matters