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/lit/ - Literature

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16316237 No.16316237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ ever compete with this sub?

>> No.16316251

>1.134,220 members
No, /lit/ has like 60 unique users a day

>> No.16316256

faggot. I should've cropped that

>> No.16316257

I would actually want to know the amount of /lit/ visitors per day

>> No.16316267

that's an underestimate. there's too many retarded people on this board now.

>> No.16316311

lit is a cozy tavern in a winter eve tucked in between some evergreens with the window lit red with the chimney going waiting for anyone to come in through the door and reddit is like a cosmopolitan city. Hell, reddit even has exclusive private clubs that you can’t even look at without being a member. It’s apples and oranges. Although lit has a few faggot groups that like to come here and be all faggoty they’re not taken seriously.

>> No.16316344
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Every time i think "wow, /lit/ sucks!" i just go to reddit and im so disgusted by how horrible it is that i like /lit/ in comparison.
Reddit is only good for porn if you're a coomer i am, that's it. 4chan is superior in every other way

>> No.16316382

>Reddit is only good for porn if you're a coomer
I don't use reddit at all after /r/javdownloadcenter died

>> No.16316442
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>Reddit is only good for porn if you're a coomer
I don't know, I feel like Reddit is normie-tier even for porn. By that I don't mean that they don't have weird and niche fetishes, but more that the average post quality is mediocre. They're barely more explicit than a Playboy photoshoot, but with none of the class. OC is shit 100% of the time, and the comments make you want to gouge your eyes out.

I can find more interesting stuff by just typing what I want to see into a porn site and just browsing around, than I do by looking into the dedicated communities on Reddit. The intersection of basedboys and coomers is so brainless, even a shit-tier algorithm written for a porn site can provide more interesting content.

>> No.16316509

"Sure, I'll trust a guy with two "smug loli" pics saved to his drive. On the topic of porn, at least"

>> No.16316535
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/lit/ already got destroyed, there's no coming back.

>> No.16316539

Yes, they don't have Guenonfag, we have!

>> No.16316553

At least two "smug loli" pics. Nobody can tell how deep his "smug loli" folder goes.

>> No.16316557

At least 2

>> No.16316561

he probably does know lol

>> No.16316563

/lit/ is not beholden to views that can be swayed by social karma, i.e. upvotes because you hold a popular position and downvotes because you do not, etc.

So, yes, not only does /lit/ compete with it, but wins.

>> No.16316567

>1 million members only 2000 online

>> No.16316574

Imagine trying this hard to discredit a list made via a 5 minute survey on 4chan

>> No.16316597

Wow this dude beat us at our own game

>> No.16316609

he doesn't seem to understand, or maybe didn't know, that the list was made via a poll of everyone's favorite books, so obviously it's a common denominator thing. He's critiquing it as though it was one guy's list of his favorite books

>> No.16316662

I answer this:
>it's a democratic list voted for by every pleb who was online at the time, the real value lies in the hundreds of specific charts on the wiki, hand-picked by slave-laboring autists
>the poster has never been on /lit/, otherwise he would have noticed the completionist start with the Greeks meme
>for a view based on nothing but stereotypes he has a strong sense of self-perceived authority

>> No.16316802
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Mock the filename all you want, doesn't change the fact that Reddit has shit taste in everything, including porn. Maybe Reddit's culture of being a hugbox leads to a true democracy, where even mediocre posts are showered with praise, and any negative comment is downvoted to the point it gets hidden, whereas 4chan's culture of autistic elitism leads to a true aristocracy, such that plebeians who'd post nothing of value or are just looking for internet points leave, and anonymity means people can give their unfiltered feedback, and in turn both help with increasing the average quality of content. Of course, the downside of 4chan's lax rules is that you get swamped with "sissy hypno threads" and other retarded shit, but you can filter that junk out.

>> No.16316814

The writing threads actually prove that there is real talent on here

>> No.16316874


>> No.16316886

They are. Like all liberals.

>> No.16316938

Do they allow Holocaust denial?

>> No.16317009

/lit/ is called bad (mostly from people who use it), but at least the people here genuinely love literature (a group of books which includes both good fiction and non-fiction). They do not love literature as a means to "character", as a fashion accessory. They are willing to spend time writing posts daily that will be quickly forgotten about just because they have such a strong desire to find other people who love reading and share their thoughts or recieve thoughts from someone else. It really is wonderful that it works so well. Yes, there is garbage, but there are good threads and posts all the time, and even if such posts are not good in themselves, they can be used as a means to the crafting of a fuller idea. I don't believe I'm alone on this opinion.

>> No.16317091

why is no one talking about on how 90% of reddit are libertarians who watch Rogan and think SouthPark is great commentary?

just because they´re not /pol/ users doesnt make them progressives

>> No.16317144

Wasn't the list astroturfed by 5 or so dedicated shitposters? Otherwise there is no explanation to why there is non-fiction in the list. Including the presence of obscure works like Process and Reality and GR being higher than Mason & Dixon.

>> No.16317149

>Maybe Reddit's culture of being a hugbox leads to a true democracy, where even mediocre posts are showered with praise, and any negative comment is downvoted to the point it gets hidden, whereas 4chan's culture of autistic elitism leads to a true aristocracy, such that plebeians who'd post nothing of value or are just looking for internet points leave, and anonymity means people can give their unfiltered feedback, and in turn both help with increasing the average quality of content.
This is a pretty good description of the difference I think. Upvotes are cancer, and I think reddit would be improved immensely if only OPs could be voted on.

I think that with the introduction of (You)s, I think 4chan lost some of that aristocracy and devolved a bit towards upvote culture.

>> No.16317157

At one point we will have to admit that /lit/ is full of redditors that dislikewhat reddit represents.

>> No.16317160

>I think... I think
ignore the second one, I reworded part of my post without updating the rest

>> No.16317162

go back there

>> No.16317176

uhh where

>> No.16317283

I posted my neocities page on the writing general the other day and got 378 unique visits, if that indicates anything.

>> No.16317291

It's my job to keep /lit/ elite

>> No.16317536


But here they can't report a post to get deleted. Also we can call them jew faggots

>> No.16317610

>uhhh where

>> No.16317994
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>Upvotes are cancer
I think the intended purpose for upvotes has always been "this is good content" (objective evaluation) rather than "I like/agree this" (subjective evaluation), but for whatever reason, people (came to?) understand them as the latter, and now it's too late to reverse the damage.

With Twitter it's even worse, they saw that a feature was being mis-used by a sizable amount of users, and changed the design accordingly. Stars used to work as bookmarks, but then people started using them as "likes", and they were changed to hearts to reflect this. As far as I know (I haven't used Twitter in a while) there isn't a way to just "favorite" a Tweet anymore.

I suppose you partially fix Reddit's problem by disabling upvotes, and leaving only downvotes: if content gets enough downvotes it gets hidden. But you'd still have to figure out a way to promote good content, and the metrics like how many people clicked/replied on it are more likely to expose "controversial" content, rather than "good" content.

Then again, StackOverflow and its sister sites have up/downvotes too, but they're used as intended, and users sometimes explain why they voted in a certain manner. But that's more likely due to the technical nature of the site, which in itself enforces objectivity. This attitude carries over to other sites where answers are necessarily more on the subjective side, such as the Writing Stack Exchange. Their FAQ states:

>You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. Chatty, open-ended questions diminish the usefulness of our site and push other questions off the front page.
>Some subjective questions are allowed, but “subjective” does not mean “anything goes”. All subjective questions are expected to be constructive. What does that mean? Constructive subjective questions:
>tend to have long, not short, answers;
>have a constructive, fair, and impartial tone;
>invite sharing experiences over opinions;
>insist that opinion be backed up with facts and references


I feel like the internet is becoming more self-aware of Reddit, and derogatory memes like "Reddit moment" and "basedboy" are slowly entering the mainstream. However, I'm not sure whether they'll be enough to affect things. If you call someone a "simp", will they stop being paypigs? If you call someone a "boomer", will they stop thinking they're always right?

In the best case, you're just shitposting/seething (depending on how ironic you are). In the worst case, your insults reinforce their self-image/group identity, and your resistance only makes them stronger. Either way, you're not likely to make a lasting effect. You can only hope that Reddit eventually dies off, like a lot of social media sites did before them. I suppose a few scandals about them being owned by Chinese companies, and data being leaked (see Facebook), would help speed up the process.

>> No.16318067

>I suppose you partially fix Reddit's problem by disabling upvotes, and leaving only downvotes: if content gets enough downvotes it gets hidden.
I always felt the opposite would be better. One of the worst things about reddit is that unpopular opinions get buried. (Compare that to 4chan, where having an unpopular opinion often gets you *more* attention).

One thing I think that could work is only being allowed to upvote a conversation (as in you upvote the reply that is direct to the OP) and then all child comments are sorted chronologically. That way you can't censor an unpopular reply to a popular comment AND you have to actually read comments to figure out if you agree with them or not. Hiding scores could also help, since people will subconsciously view a post more favorably if they see 1000 other people liked it.

>> No.16318146

Hasn't been like that for ages, not since /pol/ also used to support Ron Paul, nowadays it's basically Twitter.

>> No.16318241
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I think there are certainly interesting and useful content to be had in reddit, even if they are to be considered casual/normal. I've taken a liking to r/neutralpolitics, r/polandball, r/math, r/askhistorians, and many other hobby related subreddits. Are they casual, but that casual nature could certainly be beneficial. I even had a few questions answered on some subreddits.
I think there needs to be a way for users to fight back against the mods. The removeddit site should just be the norm except users 25% proportional to the total thread views should be able to vote on being able to at least see removed comments. Also, remove the karma gatekeeping thing where some subreddits require a certain amount of karma to cut down the spam. Perhaps, comments should also have BOTH upvotes and downvotes be shown instead of a single balanced number (though I'm sure this doesn't fix anything). How about allowing users to limit the amount of subreddits a person can moderate as well.

>> No.16318299

I fully agree with you.
I tried going to the OC "gone wild" subs for a while, it's all the same shit all the fucking time. Some ok looking girl posts a pic of her tits, and that's it. 90% of the time they don't even ever show their face, which is actually important for me. The the post titles are fucking horrible, they lower my IQ more than actually cooming. It's ALWAYS variations of "hey y'all what about y'all cuddle in bed with(F) me i just woke up(F) y'all out of the shower i might(F) de(F)let(F)e this pic in 5(F) minutes feeling so sel(FFF)conscious right now".

>> No.16318318

132 of those were just me messing around with my new VPN, sorry

>> No.16318849

ummm yes? this meemee? good content... uboat deliverd my dear sir...oh you're a female? I see then, I hope you'll accept this reddit gold m'layd... OH? you're le underage transgirl??? oh narwal I see... methinks I might need to break out le reddit platinum for this one... so brave....

>> No.16318895

Don’t autists on here tout the exact same opinions though (minus the non-western focus)? For every criticism brought up Ive seen countless anons beat newfags into shape in the same way. “Muh not enough greeks” - half this board is “start with the greeks”, for fucks sake. This person sounds like someone who would read a book summary and sperg out over it.

>> No.16318931
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~9000 posts per day. Up from ~5500 in February, and ~4000 a few years ago. It was probably ~2000 pre 2016 but there isn't any data on that. I would guess somewhere between 800-2500 daily posters.

>> No.16318938
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Guess I'll that the number of lurkers who don't post is unknowable

>> No.16318945

>calling out /lit/ reading lists as hipster garbage is destroying /lit/
By that measure /lit/ self destructs several times a day.

>> No.16318966

no that's all me

>> No.16318975

Man that's actually sad how desperate this guy is without actually understanding anything he wants to make sound bad.

>> No.16318980

>GR being higher than Mason & Dixon.
that's not surprising at all

>> No.16318987
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If anyone wants a laugh they should go to the Islam stack exchange. Stack exchange is actually shit-tier 90% of the time nowadays and I suspect it has been overrun by Indians just like quora. Though considering how many ESLs were in that IQ test thread, I'm worried /lit/ is too. You better all be from Continental Europe or Japan.

>> No.16318993
File: 182 KB, 400x500, 1595218368061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've taken a liking to r/neutralpolitics, r/polandball, r/math, r/askhistorians, and many other hobby related subreddits.
You have to go back.

>> No.16319002
