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/lit/ - Literature

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16315570 No.16315570 [Reply] [Original]

How're your Light Novels coming along, /lit/? Two days have passed, and the deadline is Sunday.

Oh, myself? About a chapter in, and shit is getting wild. I love how media is currently so saturated with deconstructions and parodies, that to write something earnestly serves as a deconstruction of the deconstruction.

The catch is, it also loses that (false) sense of maturity that ironic detachment lends a story.

For all who are new to this thread, we've basically started a little group of people writing LN's as fast as possible. The goal is to get done with a succinct Light Novel by this Sunday, and share it with your /lit/ bros. Feel free to join in, since there's still quite a bit of time left. Happy writing!

>> No.16315594

What is a light novel?

>> No.16315602

Like YA but somehow even more poorly written and the people who read them are even more pathetic.

>> No.16315835


Yeah, they're pretty much YA with edgier sensibilities, but them seeming poorly written is usually due to translation from Japanese.

How pathetic you are is dependent on which ones you're reading. ::)

>> No.16315899


>> No.16316141

oh sounds fun. I'm not an author so I'll just read the results. hope there'll be more submissions than one though. have fun writing!

>> No.16316242

Nah, the Japanese books are just as poorly written. You only say that, because you don't actually speak Japanese, and want to sound like you do. But if you actually did, and would've actually read an LN in your life, you would sure as fuck know, that they are all trash; by definition. Anything "LN" that is not trash, is not LN by definition. You faggot

>> No.16316262
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