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/lit/ - Literature

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16315304 No.16315304 [Reply] [Original]

Are you really expected to read the entirety of both Plato and Aristotle before moving onto more recent philosophical thinkers?

>> No.16315310

No need to read all of Aristotle.

>> No.16315315

Naw. Just cut to Epicurus.
Unless you want to be a philosopher someday, that is.

>> No.16315324

No one expects anything from you, you're just some random retard. But if you don't want to be a retard in philosophical discussions, you should read them.

>> No.16315326

All philosophy is merely footnotes to Plato

>> No.16315332

You can skip recent philosophers and stay with Plato and Aristotle.

>> No.16315334

No just a few of each. Gorgias and theatetus is good if you like those then the republic as well. For aristotle nichomachean ethics, metaphysics and politics/physics if you're interested in his ideology.

>> No.16315338


With Plato, you'll want to. With Aristotle you can pick and choose.

>> No.16315417

Plato you probably should but if you’re only interested in philosophy you can skip a lot of Aristotle. I’m a med student and biology graduate so I find his zoological works interesting but you probably wouldn’t.

>> No.16315424


>> No.16315438
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>2 years later
>still on the Greeks
for fuck sake guys I just want to start reading Spinoza and Kant that are sitting on my shelf

>> No.16315443

Aristotle wrote about plants and shit, you skip those parts. But really why do you need anything other than Rhetoric?

>> No.16315465

Just go straight to Neech and Evola desu.

>> No.16315467

Then do, you absolute mongoloid. What are you afraid of? That you won't understand everything? You probably wouldn't regardless. Besides, you still can go back to them for a second reading later on.

>> No.16315493
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my g-d are people still interested in this shit?

>> No.16315517
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Seeing as how trad Christianity is dead, yeah. Use the force, Luke.

>> No.16315533

>still no good critical edition of the Organon

>> No.16315651

Kys tranny

>> No.16315667

Aristotle was the last Western philosopher worth reading. Why do you need to go further?

>> No.16315680

Not really. Just read Republic and Aristunkies Metafunkies

>> No.16315691

just read Descartes before Spinoza and you'll be fine

>> No.16315715

We've got no text by Epicurus, you goddamn pleb

>> No.16315861

honestly just kys butters, Epicurus would endorse it, nothing to fear

>> No.16315919

Damn I was so close! Now I have to read some other fucking guy too before I can begin.

>> No.16315929


>> No.16315950

you don't have to read everything Descartes wrote, just at the very least read Meditations on First Philosophy

>> No.16315956

STOP TRIPFAGGING on this FUCKING board. I don’t even care what you have to say because I see that stupid ass butterfly and know there will be nothing of value because you have no respect for the rules and culture of this website.

>> No.16316001

Your attention keeps her motivated. Stop responding to her and she’ll stop posting. It’s that simple.

>> No.16316065


>> No.16316135

My natura naturans are abrahamics still seething this hard about being btfo by him?

>> No.16316163

Epicurus really has shaped you

>> No.16316175

I'm only Abrahamic ironically and it is just rather pointless to read him.

>> No.16316210

Spinoza is irrelevant and boring. How about Descartes and Kant. That seems well-balanced.

>> No.16316266


>> No.16316309

No just read Dostoevsky he's a good start. Learn what a world looked like with God in it before and compare it to now.

>> No.16316321

Of course not OP, I'm sure Plato wouldn't have wanted anyone to read everything. I have asserted this arbitrary heuristic before and I'll contend it again. Only 40% of Plato is relevant. Of course, the other 60 percent is equally as relevant, you figure that one out. Aristotle is more mechanically relevant, I suppose, he's more physically robust and precise. You can just read Feynman's lectures and acquire all things that deal with the natural world, more easily and more thoroughly than pursuing it from an Aristotelian angle. I would maintain then that there is a certain paradox revolving around the immediate relevancy between Plato and Aristotle. Neither more pragmatic nor functional than the other and both equally as disposable, though having the knowledge 'under your belt' may not seem to benefit your academic status or tighten your scholastic posture, what the fuck is relevant, then? Fuck it OP, read them or don't. All philosophy is just spinning the hands of a clock. Faster... Slower... Faster... Backward... Forwards... Slower... Slower...holding the hands still... etc etc.

>> No.16316336
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No, you're expected to read the entirety of both Plato, Aristotle and Xenophon and then NOT move on to more recent philosophic thinkers because nobody born after 1596 should even be on your list. Maybe Marx, if only to learn how NOT to do historical analysis correctly.

>Try to design a system of scientific history
>Oh whoops it's all unfalsifiable a-priori bullshit

Epicurus was a fucking retard. Jump straight to Seneca the Younger, whose school of thought, unlike Epicurus's, was actually useful for something more than making arbitrary moral tautologies.

>> No.16316349
File: 46 KB, 850x400, quote-organized-money-hates-me-and-i-welcome-their-hatred-franklin-d-roosevelt-36-14-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like to be the FDR of /lit/

>> No.16316359

Good, because it all begins and ends with the Greeks. Everything after them is pseudo-philosophy. That's the true meaning of "Start with the Greeks".

>> No.16316377

Not mine

>> No.16316406

Nah just read a few to get the overall vibe and terminology

>> No.16316416

For most peoples needs its honestly fine to read some secondary literature on plato and aristotle and just start with Descartes. If your not trying to get too deep into logic I'd say starting with descartes is fine for your average autodidact.

>> No.16316419

Bacon and Hume birthed Newton and Kant single-handedly gave rise to Einstein. Their psuedo-philosophies were merely meagre attempts at unraveling the true Form of the Universe (which according to Russell doesn't exist anyway), thus all philosophy after the beginning is an organization of variables, elaboration of definition, fine-tuning of equations, and reclassification of our overarching matrix. Rinse, wash, repeat. So I wouldn't say circular anon, but perhaps wavelike in its capacity to proliferate and widen fundamental theories of understanding.

>> No.16316436
File: 160 KB, 640x514, E0582AF4-6B32-4EB3-8032-B321D2E651E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good.

>> No.16316457

>Kant single-handedly gave rise to Einstein.
Kants whole project happens on both a transcendent and empirical level. Kant can influence science but ultimately hes reaching beyond sciences bounds.

>> No.16316459

And what has Einstein given us that is good?

>> No.16316486

If you don’t WANT to spend an uncertain and likely very long amount of time with the Greeks, then you’re already not gonna make it. Which means no, it’s doesn’t matter what you do. For your purposes skipping around will suit you just fine

>> No.16316523

Those who want to be philosophers would do best to skip anything written before 1950 until they learn the craft.

>> No.16316600

he said he wanted to read Spinoza AND Kant, not one or the other
all I said was he should read Dcartes before Spinz

>> No.16316621

he says nothing original except, it's just reductive stoic determinism and basic bitch monism entirely disproven by Plotinus and Proclus

>> No.16316686

A clearer picture of what it is we are looking at. A mathematical explanation for all the constituent parts that make up this fishbowl. Now, that must be appreciated as an ontological, epistemological, and philosophical advancement for our species, agreeable on some level? We mustn't forget that Philosophy and Science are inextricably connected and mutually synonymous in this pursuit of understanding. And also microwave burritos. I'm sure in some form or fashion Einstein helped with those kickass snacks.

>> No.16316694

yeah, sorry just read that. Still, Spinoza sucks. He's like a creepy preacher boogeyman. If I wanted to read fantastical fictitious accounts I'd read Tolkien again.

>> No.16316711

Please don't drop out of college, companies need code monkeys and I'm bored of listening to the government every year saying the same old "we need more IT/STEM monkeys".

>> No.16316804

>read Plato
>realize I could have skipped literally all of him and missed nothing important


>> No.16316952

>Oh whoops it's all unfalsifiable a-priori bullshit
based retard

>> No.16316965

Take your meds.

>> No.16316971

>Are you really expected to read the entirety of both Plato and Aristotle before moving onto more recent philosophical thinkers?

yes, i´m doing that lol

>> No.16316974

>And also microwave burritos. I'm sure in some form or fashion Einstein helped with those kickass snacks
Take your meds.

>> No.16316999

I think you pick up some dialectical tricks. Which may ironically sandbag a well-adjusted complex of personality. Socrates is more akin to Hamlet than Falstaff. Certainly garner greater insights than having not read him... It's all a fickle dynamic that can be self-subverted on a whim. As Emerson said, which has gifted unto me a great spiritual freedom:
>“Speak what you think today in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradicts everything you said today.”
I dunno maaaaan, take it or leave it, maaaan. It's all the saaaaame, maaaaaan.

>> No.16317006

Sorry. I'm on a strict /fit/ diet. I dream incessantly about donuts and microwave trash pockets. It seeps out sometimes.

>> No.16317020

Philosophy is retarded. Read Plato and Aristotle out of interest in history and classics rather than being a philosofag

>> No.16317340


>My natura naturans


>> No.16317390

flat earther misogynist

>> No.16317474

Just read all of Socrates and you'll be alright

>> No.16318725

what do you mean by birthed? Hume was 10 years old when Newton died

>> No.16318728

16 yo *

>> No.16318730

>read the Republic after Theaetetus
You mad bruv?

>> No.16318949

No, just skip to Kant

>> No.16319446

I've never read him so how is that possible? Or is this just a veiled No True Scotsman?

>> No.16319477

We all live in the mind of an Ancient Greek student listening to one of Plato’s lecture in his Academy whether we are aware of it or not.

>> No.16319759


you should be somewhat humble in approaching philosophy, if it takes you 5 years to read the greeks, whatever. we don't need more shitposters who haven't heard the arguments to basic questions

>> No.16319976

Nah, just read Thomas Aquinas, basically

>> No.16320033

based and breadpilled

>> No.16320378

Take your meds.