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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 36 KB, 293x475, 51MZ5F8R60L[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1631206 No.1631206 [Reply] [Original]

>goto a jazz bar for a quiet drink
>as i'm there reading Naked Lunch a girl sits next to me and says the book cover looks interesting what am i reading
>trying to restrain myself i engage in polite conversation and ask her how she is
>she laughs and said she woke up this morning feeling like a black American rapper or something??? i didn't really get it.
>we go back on the subject of Naked Lunch and she says she loved it
>wow it's one of my favourites too! what did you think?
>oh you know i loved it, like how he just like wrote it and stuff and like how it's like a heroin addicts diary and like stuff? you know?
>i don't fucking know. my head is reeling at her contant use of the word 'like'
>smile politely and tell her i loved the non-linear style, ask her what she thought of it, combined with the 'cut-up' sections
>she says she doesn't know what linear is
>at this monent i begin to heammorage internally and excuse myself to the bathroom
>in the creepy blue neon i try and steady myself but manage to vomit out of sheer disgust.
>wiping my mouth i leave the bathroom and begin talking to her again
>she comments on how Burroughs really pushed the boundaries with his book and she's surprised it still isn't banned and thinks it should be
>i ask her why it should be censored
>she says it's immoral
>i grab an eraser from my pocket and push it into her mouth
>she just keeps chewing and trying to speak, her eyes have a glassy look and the trimmings from the eraser are just getting everywhere
>stand up and go to the dance foor, grab a lonely looking guy and sit him in my place
>she hasn't stopped talking
>sit him there give him my drink and leave
>roam the streets looking to score some heroin but because this jazz bar is in the nice part of town i couldn't get any
>give up and go home

so what do you all think of Naked Lunch?
it's one of my fav's though i haven't read it in a while
Naked Lunch general
pic related it's the book cover i owned

>> No.1631208
File: 99 KB, 464x479, tumblr_li1ppziXle1qbm875o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, it's what she looked like, only she was prettier and less slutty.

>> No.1631209
File: 46 KB, 266x173, steve buscemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading in public

>> No.1631221

I luv it when people say "prettier and less slutty".
I always think of Morgan freeman.

>> No.1631231

I can't think of anything more cliche than reading Naked Lunch in a jazz bar. Wait, were you wearing a beret by any chance?

>> No.1631238
File: 17 KB, 323x320, corncobpipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jazz bar
>quiet drink

>> No.1631239

>hipsters everywhere

>> No.1631240

"score some heroin"
huehuehue that's baby talk.

>> No.1631242

>Well, let's get this straight. I never really wanted to read Naked Lunch in the first place, but it was an assigned reading for my class. There was no choice and I got home from school, plopped down on the couch, and started reading. I never got past the first page. Even now, I can't remember any of the first few sentences or anything about the book. Now, it is two weeks post-assignment and I still haven't even read the back cover of the book. I lost it a while ago, but there is a paper due tomorrow. So, I Googled Naked Lunch, and just clicked the "Feeling Lucky?" button. It directed me to a 4chan page where some guy was telling this story about a book and a girl, but as soon as I started to read it, I started to feel like my brain was being pierced with thousands of tiny nails starting from the insides of my eyeballs and piercing outwards. Computer bursts into flames. I roam the streets looking to score some heroin but because my eyes are bleeding I can't find any. I give up and die in the street.

>> No.1631249
File: 41 KB, 350x218, 1297009316087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jazz bar
Fucking queer.

>> No.1631252

OP gets what OP deserves.

>> No.1631256

i love this thread

>> No.1631262

What's the point in reading if you cannot show everybody how cool and intellectual are you?

>> No.1631263

you should upload a file with all your greentexts somewhere so the public could read EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM.

you know?

>> No.1631267

no please don't be silly
i was wearing my black skinny jeans, my nice shoes with a black t-shirt and a black blazr although i folded the cuffs back to reveal and nacy striped pattern on white fabric.

i looked fly motherfuckers.

saging a literature thread Deep&Edgy? i expected better.


that's just unkind.

>> No.1631272

i have a copy of them all on file because they are so popular and i may be releasing them in the future, maybe in a few months time when i have a book published or something i don't know yet

thanks for your support however

>> No.1631277

I liked OP's story better. Keep trying.

>> No.1631289

I preferred the Tesco Sandwich period of these fictions. I feel the later work has last its way and that the introduction of frankly ridiculous jazz clubs and bars serves to undermine the whole edifice brownhole has striven to create.

1/10 for this one, because the girlpic is a big of a dog.

>> No.1631294

"im smarter than a girl" - brownbare, 2011

>> No.1631297

I saw Naked Lunch and started reading the greentext instinctively. About half way through I realized it was you. Beautiful prose, as always, BB.

>> No.1631300
File: 31 KB, 500x317, howard_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BB's absurd stories are just a way to stimulate conversation about literature, you shouldn't take them so seriously.

Anyway, I loved Naked Lunch, I like how it attacked the death penalty. Have you seen the film yet? Is it any good?

>> No.1631305

See it, that's one of my favourite movies ever.

>> No.1631308
File: 15 KB, 250x337, Lenny Henry's Threatening Stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently it's not actually the novel, it's the making of the novel kinda thing.
yeah the death penalty line in the intro was pretty good, i really enjoyed the parts inbetween the twio doctor parts. the one with the sailor sticks in my mind the most


you are one of my new favourite people and i hope you know this.

>> No.1631310


It's pretty neat. It's the bare bones of the book, but it's spliced with elements of Burroughs' life.

It's pretty good, you should watch it.

>> No.1631321
File: 25 KB, 400x291, simps_nakedlunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I know it's rated R, and that Nelson found two things wrong with the title.

>> No.1631325

it's like i'm hanging out with lame english majors all over again

thanks for the college memories brownbore

>> No.1631326
File: 134 KB, 588x603, Emo cowboy looks disgruntled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna download it, hopefully it'll be alright

mfw Mick Jagger was set to star in a musical version of Naked Lunch on Broadway

>> No.1631330
File: 12 KB, 300x171, 300px-Vince_noir_in_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science teachers and the mentally ill, that’s all these threads are for.

>> No.1631333
File: 76 KB, 519x600, Batman laughing face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copying D&E's nicknames for people
ever gonna do something original brah?
or you just gonna live in the shadow of we glorious tripfags?

>> No.1631354
File: 151 KB, 790x474, gits_cute_major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1631385

>goto a jazz bar for a quiet drink
>read a book
>at this monent i begin to heammorage internally and excuse myself to the bathroom

See, I know you're just trolling, but you're still getting me going.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you, sir.

>> No.1631398
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1297114801901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goto a jazz bar for a quiet drink
>as i'm there reading Naked Lunch a girl sits next to me and says the book cover looks interesting what am i reading
>i feel awkward and shift away
>she laughs and said she woke up this morning feeling like a black American rapper or something??? i didn't really get it
>she says she loved Naked Lunch
>i become depersonalized and stare eyes twich
>oh you know i loved it, like how he just like wrote it and stuff and like how it's like a heroin addicts diary and like stuff? you know?
>i feign social consciousness and tell her i like the linear narrative split between the disjointed sections
>she says she doesn't know what linear is
>i have an aneurysm

>> No.1631402

So, how is Naked Lunch?

I found On the road to be the biggest disappointment since... I have no idea when, so I don't think I'll read any more beat stuff in a while.

>> No.1631412

>didn't read the 50th anniversary version
ahahahaha casual
It's nothing like anything Kerouac has ever written.

>> No.1631421

That's pretty much what I was hoping for. And atleast Burroughs wasn't portrayed as an unlikeable cunt like Ginsberg seemed to be.

I guess Naked Lunch goes at the top of the beat pile then, not that I have any idea of when I'll get there, but still.

>> No.1631430

As much as Kerouac tried to paint Cassidy as a cool guy, it was pretty obvious he wasn't. At all.
All the guys Kerouac ragged on only seemed raise themselves in my eyes whilst reading On the Road.

>> No.1631460

Bit of a pointless post this, but I couldn't agree more.

>> No.1631468

I assumed at this point we were just making small talk regarding the beats

>> No.1631472

Ah, I meant that my response was a bit pointless. I blame the fact that it's half past three in the morning over here.

>> No.1631477

Ahh, don't worry about it. If you're ever in Edmonton I'll totally buy you a beer.

>> No.1631490

BB confirmed for mugwump

>> No.1631537

and if he was wearing a beret, add smoking a Gitanes

>> No.1631797


>> No.1631805

>smile politely and tell her i loved the non-linear style, ask her what she thought of it, combined with the 'cut-up' sections
This is where I give up. Naked Lunch was not a cut-up. That was later. You know nothing.

>> No.1631809

Oh shit
I may actually have to buy someone a beer for once

>> No.1631815

Naked Lunch, hands down, is my favorite book.
Also, I think, probably one of the most misunderstood.

Usually, even on this board it seems, it just gets written off as mindless smut written for pure shock-value.

Its one of my two favorite books to keep in the bathroom, since you can pretty much pick it up, flip to a random page... and read from anywhere. The non-linear style of his is pure genius.

The other book I keep in my bathroom? The Complete Works of Charles Forte

>> No.1631818


>> No.1631821

He made an inductive leap and jumped a bit too far. Its easy to see how he could do that, considering the way Naked Lunch is written.

>> No.1631838

I only have to be mean because I am obsessed with that old boy-loving centipede faggot.

>> No.1631850

Dude why do you make these posts all the time? It just sounds really conceited of you because it is always about turning down a girl due to her book tastes. That itself is a bit conceited.

>> No.1631859

Jesus dude, you know none of this is real right? All these are troll threads, and hilarious ones too. They're all basically "Personal stories about how I was reading, got hit on by some hot girl, and turned her down because she's not elite enough; gee, I don't understand this, anyone let's talk about the book I was holding." They're really well done.

>> No.1631869


Personally, I find BB obnoxious, but I cant really find the energy to get upset about his green-text threads. They are obvious trolls though.

>one time I was reading in public
>someone was dumb enough to take the bait and engage me
>I crushed them under the weight of my mighty intellect
>I posted about it here and someone was dumb enough to take the bait
>so I crushed them under the weight of my mighty intellect
>fear me and my brain cock

>> No.1631878


>> No.1631879

No, dude! You're missing the part that makes it brilliant! The person who comes up to him is always a hot girl, and she nearly always hits on him and offers to suck his cock or whatever. And then he always acts baffled and crushes her intellectually while ignoring the comeon. So it combines the intellectual superiority stuff with "I could get pussy all the time if I wanted it losers" and stuff like that. And the bewildered attitude is the twist that makes it perfect because he's NOT boasting or bragging or insulting us he's just presenting it as is and then moving on to book discussion like some innocent naif. Like I say it's well done.

>> No.1631888

I suppose there is a little bit of finesse to his trolling, especially since virtually none of these threads actually result in book discussion.

Usually it ends up either being tripfag vs anon, or tripfag circle jerk.

>> No.1632072

fell asleep last night pretty early.
bumping this now and i will reply properly later on in the day i think

>> No.1632179

eh, so so. tbth, burroughs kinda sucks.

>> No.1632186

shut the fuck up

>> No.1632196

"The Job" a book that is just interviews with Burroughs is very interesting. I'm more interested in his thoughts than in his writing style. Check it out if you haven't already.
Also "the third mind" written with Brion Gysin.

>> No.1632206

I love 'prettier and less slutty'. I'm sure that the women who want to sleep with you are more fantastical than fantasy. I'm sure that is true.

>> No.1632218

Your story is bullshit.

You're a faggot.

Fuck you.

>> No.1632224

Every Brownbore thread is a troll.

You all niggas got trolled. Hard.

>> No.1632236
File: 94 KB, 730x925, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cruise down to the watering hole with my copy of 'Independent People'
>a girl with pretty impressive plumage comes up and asks me what I'm reading
>I hold the book up in front of her face
>as she peers in for a closer look I jokingly whap her forehead with it
>she starts flipping out, squawking and molting
>I mull about looking for small stones to ingest so so as to aid my stomach in grinding down and digesting grass
>the girl doesn't relent, she struts up beside me and asks me if I'm also interested in literature from countries that are marginalized or generally slighted in terms of global recognition
>I look at her with general incomprehension and chew some cud
>She asks me if I like Orhan Pamuk
>A velociraptor stalks up and bites her by the neck, mangling and shaking her body violently

>> No.1632240

you should check again the meaning of "trolling"

>> No.1632243


"n Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

Her de der de derrrr-urr-urrrrp! That's what he's doing! Wow!

>> No.1632246

Confirmed for a total fucking moron.

>> No.1632248

>so what do you all think of Naked Lunch?
>it's one of my fav's though i haven't read it in a while
>Naked Lunch general
>pic related it's the book cover i owned

These are all from >>1631206

These are all completely on-topic and the people calling troll are just upset because they can't understand the novel.

>> No.1632249

Nice dropped trip.

>> No.1632254


Nice >implications

>> No.1632266

>inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages
>desired emotional response
>disrupting normal on-topic discussion

>so what do you all think of Naked Lunch?
Yep. Exactly. Did you feel butthurt about the jazz bar story? Mayne you think that was a bad joke. But if you think anyone can take it seriously you're stupid. That was a short story posted on a literature board OH WAIT! TROOOLL!
Also...I don't think I was trolled for posting here (talking about Burroughs) Thje funny part is when fucktards ignore the topic and start the "tripfagsruningmahboard" shit lol

>> No.1632274

>bring my unabridged a la recherche du temps perdu to the organic greengrocer, as usual
>cornered by hottie rocking hornrims in nutritional yeast aisle
>she pronounces his name to rhyme with "joust"
>laugh witheringly, pat her on the head
>say i want to dip my madeleine in her tea, if she knows what i mean
>follow her out to her prius
>get pepper sprayed
>eyes still swollen but got new thread to post on /lit/

>> No.1632276
File: 3 KB, 299x54, the casual captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was my favourite section of the book, the part with the sailor i mean.
i wish i was a mugwump ;_;

it's one of my favourites too, one of these days i need to read it starting at any page and just flicking back and forth i think

i don't think this really happened did it 3rd?

i am not a man-child, i take responsiblilty for my posts and don't need to cower behind the façade of 'anonymous' to hide my failings.

real men use tripcodes and take responsibility for the things they post.

so no sir, i did not drop trip. sometimes people agree with each other, i think you need to understand this.

>> No.1632278

>don't need to cower behind the façade of 'anonymous'
>because I cower behind the façade of a tripcode
If you're a real man use your real name and post your facebook account and address.
Tripcodes are used for attentionwhoring purposes only.

>> No.1632280

using an identifiable name and tripcode is taking more responsibility than posting as anonymous.

you're a retard for thinking otherwise

>> No.1632281


>Implying BB is a real man and not an androgynous metrosexual.

>> No.1632282

You're still anonymous because you can say whatever you want and get away with it, your false bravery doesn't impress me. You still don't take responsibility for nothing. I don't need a tripcode to feed my ego and I don't need to take responsibility online.

>> No.1632286
File: 26 KB, 300x375, Carlton fresh prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're still anonymous
>still anonymous

but if i'm still anonymous why do you hate me because of my tripcode?

>> No.1632290

I don't hate you and I don't give a fuck about tripcodes. My point was that you're not heroic for using a pseudonym, post your real info I've you're so brave. You're anonymous, I don't know who you are. You can change your name whenever you want. This board's purpose is literature discussion, not responsibility for anything or gaining popularity. Fuck subjectivity, we're just instincts...

>> No.1632291


heaven forfend we should post irresponsibly on 4chan

>> No.1632292

>i don't give a fuck about tripcodes

yet in your prior post:
>I don't need a tripcode to feed my ego

you seem confused about where you stand

>> No.1632295
File: 6 KB, 219x230, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need a tripcode to feed my ego because I don't give a fuck about tripcodes.

Do you want a picture to help you understand?

>> No.1632315

if you didn't give a fuck you would not acknowledge them in your posts bro

>> No.1632317

someone needs to kill this thread

>> No.1632319

if you didn't give a fuck about Twilight you would not acknowledge it

>> No.1632320
File: 7 KB, 222x227, 404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cause ignorance=indifference

>> No.1632339

>i don't need an ego to feed my ego
this implies that you think i use my tripcode to feed my ego, an action which you take as a negative thing.
As you associate these two things it can be decuded that you do give a fuck about tripcodes, you have a bias against them and what can only be described as fundamentally flawed reasoning for disliking them.
I deduce that you do, as a matter of fact, give a fuck about tripcodes, hence your on going contribution to this debate

>> No.1632341
File: 242 KB, 661x716, 1234567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1632343

Sage Pork Chops

By: Tiffany Nixon
"These chops are so easy to make, but they taste like you've slaved over them for hours! Serve with roasted red potatoes and vegetables, if desired."
Rate/Review | Read Reviews (667)
16,519 people have saved this | 10 custom versions
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Kitchen-friendly View
Prep Time:
30 Min Cook Time:
1 Hr Ready In:
1 Hr 30 Min
Servings (Help)


Original Recipe Yield 6 servings

2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon dried sage
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
6 center cut bone-in pork chops
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup water
2 cubes beef bouillon

Combine the salt, sage and black pepper in a small bowl and rub on both sides of the chops. Melt the butter or margarine in a large skillet over medium high heat and saute the chops for 5 minutes per side, or until well browned.
Meanwhile, in a separate small saucepan over high heat, combine the water and the bouillon and stir until bouillon dissolves. Add this to the chops, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer chops for 45 minutes.
Nutritional Information

Amount Per Serving Calories: 159 | Total Fat: 7.8g | Cholesterol: 75mg

>> No.1632352


>> No.1632355

okay i lol'd
also fucking SAVED

>> No.1632371

I was just trying to say that using a tripcode doesn't make you a brave and responsible faggot. I don't fucking care about your shitty tripcodes and your bullshit. I was just pointing that you're cowering under a tripcode as others cower behind anonymity. I see now that you just don't want to understand. "Flawed reasoning"... lol

>> No.1632400
File: 20 KB, 395x493, algreenphoto[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covering behind a sage

time to grow up baby

>> No.1632404

That's not the point and you know it. But fuck it. This is like talking to a wall. Hope you enjoyed someone giving you attention, even if it was just to help you understand that sometimes you say stupidities.

>> No.1632418

>she just keeps chewing and trying to speak, her eyes have a glassy look and the trimmings from the eraser are just getting everywhere

Made me laugh. The bit about the glassy look, and adding the word 'just' make it great.

Still, I don't think this happened.

>> No.1632427


>> No.1632439

Sage Biscuits Recipe
posted by Annie B. Bond Jul 20, 2004 3:40 am
filed under: Food & Recipes, Desserts
Add to FavoritesTell a FriendSharePrint
Adapted from The Tassajara Recipe Book, by Edward Espe Brown (Shambhala, 2000).

These tender biscuits are lovely with just about any soup or stew you care to name. With their hint of sage and the ease of their preparation, Sage Biscuits make a welcome addition to any autumn or winter meal.

You don’t even need a biscuit-cutter to make them! Get the easy directions and get ready for warm, meltingly-good biscuits, with or without butter:


2 cups unbleached flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup oil or butter, melted
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup fresh sage, minced

1. Preheat oven to 475F. Sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt, and place in mixing bowl. Combine oil, egg, milk, and sage in a separate bowl. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add the wet ones. Combine with a fork, just until mixed.

2. Cover a baking sheet with parchment or grease it lightly. Spoon dough onto baking sheet or roll out on a lightly floured countertop and cut into rounds with a biscuit cutter or floured glass.

3. Bake 8 to 12 minutes on top rack of even, until the bottoms are nicely browned.

Makes 12 modest-sized biscuits.

More on Desserts (386 articles available)
More from Annie B. Bond (3236 articles available)


Read more: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/sage-biscuits-recipe.html#ixzz1GgfRtTU1

>> No.1632446

This part that he quotes seems so fucking familiar. I've read it somewhere. Where?!

>> No.1632450

He used it, or something similar, in another story. Such as these stories are.

>> No.1632470

I hated these at first, but they are getting funnier.

>> No.1632490

Well, this thread went to shit.
Was it really going to do anything else?

You know, I don't have a problem with tripfags necessarily, but I strongly resent the implication that they're somehow more mature than anon because they have a pseudonym. Until one of them balls up and posts personal info on the board for all to see, they're just as anon as anon.

... but given how obnoxious some of them are, that would also be pretty stupid.

>> No.1632763

We're tripfriends, not tripfags.

I'm still trying to get on a picture of tripfriends. That's my life goal now.

>> No.1632776

brownbear sounds gayer than me guys

also he's pretty fat

like 200 lbs +

>> No.1632779

ProtipL Theyre trolling.

>> No.1632793
File: 716 KB, 654x497, Make_A_Wish_Foundation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die peacefully.

>> No.1632795

Seriously look at this shit.

No human being honestly posts/acts like this.

Its all trolling. And off topic trolling at that.

They should have all been permabanned a long time ago.

>> No.1632797

actually you're a tripfag

stag makes the rules around here

so don't bitch to me about it

>> No.1632803

the amount of tripcodes in /lit/ is alot higher than th other boards

havnt really got an opinion on that, it does make this board seem a lot more pretentious tho

i guess that was kind of an opinion

>> No.1632810

having said that i did enjoy th OP

>> No.1632811
File: 8 KB, 259x194, CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the amount of tripcodes in /lit/ is alot higher than th other boards
are you for fuckin srs?

>> No.1632814


> implying i will ever die

>> No.1632818

percentage wise ye

apart from those faggy anime boards
but everyone knows they dont really count

>> No.1632823

i dont see whats so outrageous here. his post is easily the type of kidding around done on facebook all the time.

>> No.1632825


>> No.1632828

As a kitchen herb, sage has a slight peppery flavor. In British cooking, it is used for flavoring fatty meats

>> No.1632850

ITT: Tripfags and idiots who don't know when to stop posting.

>> No.1632854

>posting on 4chan like its facebook
>doesnt see...

oh wait, I didnt notice that you were Tybrax for a second.

>> No.1632855


ITT: people who think sage actually does something

>> No.1632858

>she says she loved it
>she says it's immoral

I'm beginning to think this whole story is made up, OP.

>> No.1632955
File: 66 KB, 680x760, what sagers believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1632996 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 107x204, 1284966062535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where did that get that photo?

>> No.1633001
File: 713 KB, 1092x1536, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously though, where did you get that photo?

>> No.1633056

>saging a literature thread Deep&Edgy? i expected better.
You're right brownbear that was bad form on my part, have a bump

>> No.1633066

ITT: brownbear strokes his e-penis

>> No.1633069

ITT: people who can't be bothered to report dickshit, even though it takes--literally--10 seconds.


>> No.1633082

ITT: unknown tripfag tries to get recognition

>> No.1633105

thanks mate

>> No.1633155

Brownturd, you are trolling /lit/. Just why? What is wrong with your fucking brain? You could go to any other fucking 4chan board for this. Why here? No one wants to read your bullshit. Please take a break from posting.

>> No.1633165

Shit, the first time i fell for one of these brownbear threads, but upon reading a second brownbear thread. Some respect was gained.

I don't know why, but it's respect.

>> No.1633166

how do you faggots not find BrownBear's green text absolutely hilarious? It's just a joke, I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.1633169

Sage is a uterine stimulant, so it should be avoided in therapeutic doses during pregnancy. It is safe to use in cooking however. It may also decrease milk production so nursing mothers be aware of that. Gargling or swishing the tea without swallowing should not lead to this effect.

>> No.1633182

maybe bb is a little bit mentally handicapped, but I wouldn't call his OP trolling (that was said like over 9000 posts above). That's a Burroughs thread with a little joke to make it more interesting, that's all. There's no need to feel so butthurt.

>> No.1633201

mfw only one person understands this

>> No.1633241

mfw you think this dumb unfunny shit's funny

>> No.1633243

mfw u mad cause he styled on u

>> No.1633248

mfw fabulous posting

>> No.1633265
File: 24 KB, 560x400, 1297289268025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1633303
File: 73 KB, 468x702, 1291120985351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1633387

bump for my glorious comrades to join in on the fun

>> No.1633398
