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/lit/ - Literature

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16304174 No.16304174 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna see some coot bookshelves.

>> No.16304179

Nice seeing somebody with some Bataille.

>> No.16304292
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Did you say cat?

>> No.16304300
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Solid shelf OP. Here is a couple of my books, too lazy to get the rest out of the closet to show off

>> No.16304317

nice machen you have there

hey cool, spiritual emergency, i've been meaning to get that

>> No.16304446
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>All look untouched except crime and punishment.

>> No.16304459

>if your books aren't torn in half at the spine you haven't read them

>> No.16304467

You can read a book and not fuck it up. I read The republic several times and it still looks brand new. You just gotta learn to be gentle.

>> No.16304497

confirmed blind. Look at the white edges

>> No.16304577
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You got all the smart guy books. Read Will to Power and ATP next.

>> No.16304580 [DELETED] 
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fucking phoneposters.

>> No.16304584

bro how the fuck are the books floating on the right

>> No.16304588
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magic I learned from Hegel

>> No.16304623

White edges are from moving around books, not reading them.
It's impossible to read a long Penguin version and not crack the spine.

>> No.16304807
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finally got the swords up tonight

>> No.16304967
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Nice rocks.

>> No.16305001
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I don't have enough for a shelf

>> No.16306031

>all those fantasy books
>Orgo chem at the top of the shelf

>> No.16306044

you're a mechanical engineer arent you? I also took strength of materials. I scored a 16 on the first test

>> No.16306053

OP still has the best shelf

>> No.16306059

They're not rocks. They're minerals.

>> No.16306306
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>> No.16306321
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>> No.16306329
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>> No.16306336
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I need a new shelf

>> No.16306344
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>> No.16306350
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>> No.16306413

cool collection

>> No.16306418
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I need a bigger shelf

>> No.16306421

I really like Kawabata, which of those books by Mishima do you recommend first?

>> No.16306428
File: 2.44 MB, 3225x3024, IMG_20200907_162614_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also have the following being delivered at the moment:

Library of Greek Mythology
Theogony and Work and Days
Jason and the Golden Fleece
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Poetic Edda
Prose Edda
Complete Works of Plato
The Housekeeper and the Professor
And Then
In Ghostly Japan
Legends of the Egyptian Gods

>> No.16306468

You can start anywhere with Mishima other than the books that come after Spring Snow. Start with anyone of them that sounds the coolest desu. I started with Confessions of a Mask and that one is still my favorite. The works I was least impressed with was Sailor and Sun & Steel. Still need to get to Runaway Horses heard that one is his best from a lot of people..

>> No.16306490

>Technological Slavery

Very nice.

Now you just need Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How.

>> No.16306500

So many unread lol look the PoS and Metamorphoses.

>> No.16306531

What book includes the manifesto?
The Technological Slavery or Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How?

>> No.16306608

It's litcherally the book directly above

>> No.16306674

How much of this did you read anon?

>> No.16306699

too much philosophy. read more fiction and poetry.

>> No.16306710

kek. ur right. my bad.

>> No.16306717

Technological Slavery includes the manifesto.

>> No.16306763
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>> No.16306773

okay thanks

>> No.16306774
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>> No.16306810

you guys motivated me to buy a new desk
current one is full and books arent even standing, theyre just laying on each other because the shelf itself is low

>> No.16307061

welp that's unreadable. I should have foreseen, that anons.

>> No.16307072

there is no way you read Euclid

at least booktuber hoes read their YA trash

>> No.16307144
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You can't really read it like you read a book, it's more like a phat text book describing and proving a shit ton of propositions.

>> No.16307157

what is that red and blue book that says Greek on them next to the Odyssey? Greek plays?

>> No.16307164

Greek Tragedies 1 and 3 I wanna get the second edition next paycheck.

>> No.16307171
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I got them on Amazon for like 12 dollars each it's a great buy.

>> No.16307186

What tragedy, I just ordered Sophocles I which looks similar to these books but is only Sophocles.

>> No.16307204

The ones he has are used in survey classes because you only need to have the students buy 1 book and you can have them read all 3 tragedy writers. The ones you got are probably the Grene & Lattimore ones from UChicago Press, and they're better in every way.

>> No.16307205

Each book in the set has three tragedies, one by Aeschylus, one by Sophocles and one by Euripides, they display the names of the tragedies on the cover, which I posted.

>> No.16307212
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>> No.16307228
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What am I lacking

>> No.16307233

this but unironically.

>> No.16307241

Nothing bb it's beautiful

>> No.16307242

a personality

>> No.16307246

show your annotations anon, or your notebokes

>> No.16307267

Out of curiosity, in regard to reading overall, have you found that the Greek plays have been helpful in understanding references or making interesting connections? I can't really say I have with the Iliad and Odyssey past some references in Plato so far.

>> No.16307310
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>> No.16307318

science is the most fantastic story of them all

>> No.16307323

Yes that's why I bought them, I felt like when I read plato I was reading a bunch of marvel nerds so I decided to find out wtf they were on about.

>> No.16308242
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>> No.16308254
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>> No.16308653

Why do phoneposters refuse to learn how to phonepost.

>> No.16309049

Get a better bookshelf. I see serious sagging and already.

>> No.16309099


>> No.16309108
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>> No.16309347


>> No.16309937

Is that a 4-D chess set?

>> No.16309970


Also, is 'Killing Commadatore' worth a read?

>> No.16310036


>> No.16310210

yes, the same kind Trump uses when he does anything.

>> No.16310377

I saw a set in 'Legends of the Galactic Heroes', but I didn't think it really existed. How do you play?

>> No.16310667

I don't remember exactly, it's been years since I played and the only person who ever tried to play with me was a kid in the middle school chess club I was coaching at the time (who is now 20-something an a national master). I have a printout with the rules I can try to find. All the online hits look like Star Trek chess rules which is different.

>> No.16310754
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Only for ones published a few years ago. Newer ones are less stiff. Both of these have been read.

>> No.16310812

>no weebshit anywhere

>> No.16310864

Nichijou second shelf from the bottom, mid right

>> No.16310947
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I got my deerskull in

>> No.16311003

> Keeping a pile of lighters underneath your books.

>> No.16311017


It's because my dad always loses his and made me keep all of them so he has to ask me for one

>> No.16311726

It's ok. I personally enjoyed it, the atmosphere in Murakami's books always makes them enjoyable for me. But it's nothing special compared to his others.

I am planning to learn Japanese. But only because my girlfriend is Japanese/Taiwanese. So I'm starting with mandarin and then will move onto Japanese when I'm done.

>> No.16311774

That's a lot of money for books you'll never read

>> No.16312011

>poor anon can't afford a few paperbacks
>gets jealous
>b-b-but you'll never read them

cope more

>> No.16312079

I bought books for around $1000 last year, but I've also read two thirds of them by now. We all know you won't read any of that, or very little.

>> No.16312432


>> No.16312842

a girlfriend

>> No.16313634

The intelligence to not own a Bertrand Russell book

>> No.16313659
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can't keep it organized

>> No.16313684

>one secondary lit book
>it's Pinkard not Beiser
nooo anon

>> No.16313738


>> No.16313797

best itt

>> No.16313975


>> No.16314182

Real coffee shop energy here

>> No.16314408
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>> No.16314461

why is the iliad upside down?

>> No.16314489

Stupid prot

>> No.16314604

nice landmark collection

>> No.16314724
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>> No.16314783


>> No.16315261

Everyone puts Confederacy of Dunces on their special shelf.

Gentlepersons of comedy in this thread.

>> No.16315433


>> No.16315548

Nice dude
They're minerals, I'm divorcing you to start my own brand of mineral beer. Also I'm making meth with my ex brother in law so I can get that boat you never let me have. Bitch.

>> No.16315974

What does that mean.

>> No.16316411

Nice collection. Do you own any non-fiction?

>> No.16316425

>Infinite Jest

>> No.16316449
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why are sickos like this able to publish this filth? free speech has limits, these pedos need to be locked up forever

>> No.16316455

>Light in August
lol I have the same one. It's from a box set, and the pictures on the spine combine into Faulkner's face, but by itself you just have a random ear.

>> No.16316524

I'm dumb, I know. I have 2 other copies.

>> No.16317164

Very nice indeed. A fine library.

>> No.16317362

are you hot anon

>> No.16317814

Barely, unfortunately. I know what I like in fiction and so I've been able to build up a pretty decent collection, but I feel like I don't even know where to begin with interesting non-fiction.

Yeah this always makes me laugh a bit. I bought it at a thrift shop (most stuff here is thrifted actually) and I've been trying to thrift the other two ever since.

Hope so

>> No.16317857


>> No.16317897

party going???? this shelf rips bro lmao

>> No.16317926

That's an old man's shelf

That is lit asf

Are you a writer anon?

>> No.16317933

yes the action figures of geology

>> No.16317962

Why anon?

>> No.16317992

>writer anon?
gross, why would you ask them that.

>> No.16318093
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Shhhh... She's asleep.

>> No.16319054 [SPOILER] 
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pssh... nothing personnel kid.

>> No.16320319

I like this cat

Do you like that Hackett complete works of Plato collection? I've been wanting to buy something similar but wasn't sure which to go for.

>> No.16320367

This thread confirms to me that /lit/ is all just pseuds who are all about the style but not about the substance

>> No.16320383

Not him, but I have it and I've liked it so far. The translations are all good, but usually not the best as people say. I've read multiple translations only of Republic and can attest to it being true in this case.

>> No.16320462


>> No.16320465

Came here just to say this and gawk at all the unread, pristine penguin paperbacks that people buy. My penguin copy of City it God looks demolished.