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File: 126 KB, 998x673, Aristotle_Vienna_Cod._Phil._gr._64-998x673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16307403 No.16307403 [Reply] [Original]

Can I go: Categories > De Anima > Metaphysics? Would Nichomachean Ethics be a good resource later for Metaphysics? Any vital secondary literature before tackling the Metaphysics? I've heard Aryeh Kosman's book on Aristotle's ontology is really good.

>> No.16307492

what's the fucking point?? pray tell ... why would you read this instead of masturbating and watching porn or having sex like a normal person? only reason I can think of is that you are on ADHD meds or antidepressants or are a religious sicko. the fuck is wrong with this site.

>> No.16308008

Wow you just changed my mind, really. I’ll never touch a book again in my life. Thank you anon

>> No.16308076

Is this the logical conclusion of a materialist worldview?

>> No.16309164

you're welcome

>> No.16309191

Someone refute this.

>> No.16309203

No, unless you want to stare at random pages for years without understanding a goddamn thing. Just assume that Aristotle's Metaphysics is harder to read than all the books that are famous for being difficult (Kant's first critique, Hegel's PoS, etc).
Start with the Nichomachean Ethics, then jump to Poetics and Politics. You can read Categories too.

>> No.16309221

Also the same applies to De Anima. People have debated on what the hell do these books mean for thousands of years, they're truly a philological clusterfuck

>> No.16309247

>Why do this one boring thing instead of that other thing that brings immediate pleasure?
Funnily enough Aristotle talks about that in the Nichomachean Ethics. You would know had you read it.

>> No.16309313

Arent they cobbled together notes from his lectures? The actual quite masterful and poetic dialogues he wrote are lost to history

>> No.16309377

i've read excerpts from both and they seemed ok, i know they are not easy to read but the greatest philosophical works generally nourish debate around them. why read plato then? why read anything?

>> No.16309442

What a dry fucking read, I couldn't stand it

>> No.16309482


>> No.16309501

I'm reading

Nichomachean Ethics

In that order, got the whole stack here.

>> No.16309538


>> No.16309544

>not reading physics before metaphysics

>> No.16309549

>reading physics
LOL, talk about a useless read. I

>> No.16309562

i dunno i just liked those topics lmao

I got 50 pages into metaphysics and it didn't seem too bad I didn't read anything i didn't understand, I think

yeah? should I really?

>> No.16309579

Do you have a low sex drive? Very odd that you would waste your time reading anything considering the first post here.

>> No.16309583

Read Physics before Metaphysics.

>> No.16309591


>> No.16309599

Maybe i just want to get thomist aristotelian tradwife (male) to raise a dozen adopted ugandan children with

>> No.16309604

Self contradictory therefore impossible unless you play pretend with someone that's also a schizo.

>> No.16309617

Top 12 key works of Aristotle, in order of philosophical importance:

1) Metaphysics
2) Nichomachean Ethics
3) Physics
4) Posterior Analytics (Organon)
5) Politics
6) Categories (Organon)
7) Topics (Organon)
8) De Anima
9) On Generation and Corruption
10) On Interpretation (Organon)
11) Eudemian Ethics
12) Prior Analytics (Organon)

>> No.16309621

literally pointless, just coom instead.

>> No.16309627

Ok, tell me why someone should read Physics.

>> No.16309630

By this point queers are more femenine than actual women

>> No.16309637

Effeminacy =! Femininity

>> No.16309657

You mean that super epic eviscerating rage post?

Only incels under 25 think chasing casual sex is totally awesome and chad. If you're still chasing casual sex after the age of 25 you have mommy issues

>> No.16309668

Plato is much easier than Aristotle (in fact his dialogues would be a better starting point), insofar as comparably little philology is required to understand him. In the case of Aristotle we've got summarized lecture notes in which terminology is often not consistent, and we also have no chronology of these notes, and they weren't organized by any theme, and also they often employ grammatical constructions that are very hard to translate, and... I mean, at this point I think you get the gist of it. The reader of Aristotle has to put in lots of work to make these texts intellegible in the slightest.

>> No.16309673

Because it contains half of Aristotle's metaphysics.

>> No.16309676

like what?

>> No.16309686

So you do have a low sex drive.

>> No.16309687


>> No.16309694

so you're addicted and submitted to women

>> No.16309696
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 1595539737401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He had to link a site because he's never read it himself and doesn't know how to explain it.

>> No.16309699

Here's the link with all the ideas expanded:

>> No.16309700

its normal to be, incel

>> No.16309706

It's normal to be in a constant state of begging/submission to the gatekeepers of sex?

You realize this is a 20th century phenomenon right

>> No.16309707

behold, the last man

>> No.16309728

ill masturbate 5 or 6 times a day and will fuck a women when having a GF an additional few times so 8 or 9 orgasm a day... you read books because you have a low sex drive. this shit is about as interesting to me as watching paint dry. I don't see why people do it.

>> No.16309743
File: 42 KB, 326x499, 51TLyybRlJL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have been brainwashed by 20th century sex addiction propaganda and i've been brainwashed to be proud of it
Peak good goy

If you read pic related you'd realize you are a mutated gollum creature, but you won't because you're a slave

>> No.16309750

im normal. your the one who is not.

>> No.16309755

A lot of colleges start with aristotles metaphysics it isn't hard obviously you have to look some stuff up like categories but it really isn't difficult. You must've been a lazy fiction reader.

>> No.16309758

>im normal in 2020
that's your problem

>> No.16309762

>browses 4chan
>browses the literature board
>discusses sex in an Aristotle discussion thread

>im normal

>> No.16309764

no, its your problem.

>> No.16309774

its natural philo so it can be enjoyable

>> No.16309781
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, its your problem

>> No.16309789

Well, if you have someone explaining it to you step by step it's a whole different deal. OP is clearly an autodidact, there will be no one explaining to him how, for example, the term "ousia" gets radically different meanings in different books in Metaphysics.

>> No.16309792

>arguing with insects
have some dignity, anon

>> No.16309795

They didn't spoonfeed me I had to do research and at the end they helped.

>> No.16309804

>sex shaming fucktard
let me guess, nofap.

>> No.16309807

Sorry to bust your bubble but aristotles metaphysics isn't hard if you just take time
to research.

>> No.16309869

Why Categories so low and Physics and Posterior An. so high?

>> No.16309879

Why your cock so big but your heart so small?

>> No.16309928

Yes, Plato is relatively easier because of that: his dialogues were produced to be read. This is why it is easier to read but not less difficult to understand them.They were consciously crafted and so in the platonists's exegeses of the dialogues they would find meaning even in what is not said. The dialogues contain difficulties, aporias and intricacies still deeply studied. In any case my point was that theses texts were foundational for western philosophy and they should obviously be read. You're literally saying there is no point in reading them because they are difficult to translate and were not put together by the author himself in a didactic way. This is absurd. There would be no reason to read Homer and other foreign poetry. No reason to read most philosophers who had their writings edited by their students.

>> No.16310086

not him but would rather have my penis than my brain.

>> No.16310140

I'm not saying that there's no point in reading them! In my first post (>>16309203) I just provided a better starting point to get to the Metaphysics. The texts I have suggested are the least philologically controversial, and as such they provide a stable ground to get familiar with Aristotelian terminology.
Yeah, that's what I suggested. Still, even assuming that you're doing your research, claiming that Metaphysics is easy to read is simply laughable.

>> No.16310149

Because some if the main claims of Categories are refuted in Metaphysics (for example, the one for which secondary substances depend on primary substances).
Just a guess

>> No.16310160

I hate this website.