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16309628 No.16309628 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled.
Free will, does it exist or not?

>> No.16309636

Does not

>> No.16309641


>> No.16309644


>> No.16309645


You're free to do whatever you want. Just know that there are consequences to whatever you do.

>> No.16309648

Define “free”.
Might as well define “will”, while you’re at it.

>> No.16309681

Are you calling me stupid?

>> No.16309695

The free will vs determinism is a cringe and I never cared for it. It's such a nonproblem that I never felt the need to take a position on it or think about it in my life.

>> No.16309710

lol no

>> No.16309737

>It's such a nonproblem that I never felt the need to take a position on it or think about it in my life.

This is the best answer. It makes no discernable difference if one or the other is true. It's not a philosophical "problem" worth even thinking about.

>> No.16309747

Dubs confirm truth

>> No.16309779

I actually can't because free will as I understand it would require something metaphysical like a soul to exist.
Is there any evidence for a system that would allow you to choose despite what the chemicals in your brain tell you?
Is there any reason to believe that your choices aren't just an outcome of >>16309695 determinism?
Do we make choices or is it an illusion?

>> No.16309796

is there a way to prove it either way? i don't see how.

>> No.16309856

The idea itself is pretty nonsensical, the fact that no one can even give a satisfactory definition for "free will" when pressed is very telling.
Let alone a further examination which reveals that humans tend to hold contradictory ideas about free will - they believe in it, but also will lapse into thinking (accurately) that human behavior is a causal thing.

>> No.16309875

seems like a huge cope

>> No.16309901

It's literally factually impossible for it to exist. Like not even conceivable to begin the discussion.
But the illusion of it is essential for life.

>> No.16309916

>But the illusion of it is essential for life.
Why? Most of the living beings aren't even self aware

>> No.16309930

Well, I meant human life. Shoudl've specified. We must believe our choices are made according to our preferences, and that we have control over these things.

>> No.16309936

even if you believe undeniably in hard determinism you still have to act within the confines of the illusion of free will. it's ultimately a pointless debate.

>> No.16310570
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Do you think that retarded subhumans like mentally challenged downies or old farts with alzheimer disease are in possession of "free will" and are going to answer before sky daddy for their "sins"?

>> No.16311921

I don't think sky daddy exists but if he did, I think the judgment would be different for everyone

>> No.16311954

I don't find determinism pointless at all. When something shitty happens to me, it can be really comforting to remind myself that it was the only thing that could have happened. It wasn't just an individual expression of chance or free will, it was a direct expression of the state of the entire universe at that point in time, in all its interwoven webs of causality.

>> No.16311966

Sam Harris is cringe, he doesn't know what determinism or free will are

>> No.16311973

No one has ever even pretended to argue that it does without involving magic. It seems as though people assume I have to prove it doesn't exist.

>> No.16311988

Is that what you tell yourself when you get rejected anon

>> No.16312304

The idea that some sort of force or will caused the near infinite number of events required for 4chan to come into existence and millions of people to flock to it, is probably the most depressing thought ever.

>> No.16312307

I've never been rejected. I do the rejecting, to my own detriment.

>> No.16312314

t. anon with autistic fear of intimacy

>> No.16313343

No, but it also doesn't really matter

>> No.16314367

Do you feel in charge?

>> No.16314969

I gave you a small thread...