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/lit/ - Literature

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16308952 No.16308952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should writing and philosophy be reserved for the high class like in the old times?

>> No.16308967

The best writers of all time were never kings or princes.

>> No.16308975

I feel these extremely online black chicks just go looking for obscure articles they can "clap back" to.
Why do they feel so obligated to maintain this weird image of snapping fingers in z formation head with lateral movement keeping it realness?
It's a stupid affectation and fools nobody.
Like when that YA author clearly searched her own name to clap back at some undergrad who panned her work in the student newspaper. Constantly on the search for opportunities to maintain an image.

>> No.16308976

No, but they were almost always well off

>> No.16308978
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>implying the """high class""" still exists

>> No.16308987

No copyright law should be abolished. Mediocre commercial writers would have to get real jobs, but the true authors would find patronage.

>> No.16308988

Yes, they were mystics and wise men writing FOR kings and princes.

>> No.16308992

>writing and philosophy
Don't group them together. They have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.16308993

We should just rip capitalism out root and branch.

Most writing just takes imagination. Travel/experiences are good, but not necessary

>> No.16308999

How is travel accessible only to the underprivledged? We live in times of low-cost air travel (RyanAir, WizzAir, EasyJet, etc.) and cheap vacation rental apartments (AirBNB, hostels, etc.), if you plan your expenses well and are frugal with your spending you can pretty much travel to most locations worth visiting every other couple of months or so.

>> No.16309008

A "writer" will just like a painter will paint, a photographer will take photographs and so on. None of this shit matters once your hobby become your obsession.

>> No.16309012

It's not outer travel that's necessary, but inner travel. For what is literature but the expression of one's own inner life? One who hasn't gone deep into himself can never produce great literature.

>> No.16309047

nothing will ever be good enough or re-pur-ayyyy-shuns enough for blacks

>> No.16309053

It does, but it exists outside economic factors.

>> No.16309117

Are you fucking kidding me? Basically all great authors were part of the 1% of whatever society they lived in

>> No.16309146

being alive should be reserved for white people

>> No.16309151

Most of the greatest writers were upper class or in the last few centuries upper middle class, usually extensively travelled. I ironically there should be stronger barrier to entry based on class, removing them is what opened the floodgates of genre-crap.

>> No.16309165

This. Fuck OPs post.

>> No.16309199
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OPs post is referring to people who can't even afford a bus ticket. But, those types of people have too many problems to deal with than writing a book. Stupid bitch in the post is virtue signaling.

>> No.16309213

Yes ideally but that would exclude you OP

>> No.16309215
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>> No.16309271

Just the opposite. What do you really have to say if you never left a bubble?

It's like sending out a colony on the moon and leaving it up to them to write for humans on earth … and they would probably still do a better job than richfags since they have to fight for survival.

>> No.16309285

I don't trust any philosopher who never worked a day's labor

>> No.16309286

>this is your brain on white privilege

>> No.16309316

We're entering a weird turning point in society. Whites have this weird masochistic urge, and Blacks have low-IQ induced sadism, so they make the perfect pair. Whites want to be whipped and get off on being belittled, a puritanical urge for penitence and purification. Blacks get off on seeing others in pain, but are too dumb to actually form organizations to enact mass sadism. It's the perfect relationship.

But as Liberalism marches on, Blacks are being replaced. What will happen to the middle-aged Lutheran seeking social approval when they can no longer get some obese femcel to bitch at them for some fictitious sin? Will they just replace them with Brahmins?

>> No.16309433

>What To Be a Fantasy Writer?

>> No.16309435


>> No.16309441

Don't you fags do the same thing but on a Mongolian basket weaving forum? Jesus people here are such hypocrites.

>> No.16309459

based chantards are the epitome of self delusion. Just in another thread I was watching /pol/tards who failed at life cope how the IQ test "caps at 120". It's because they have absolutely nothing else going for them and built their identity on being the "NEET topwit" but when reality showed them they're all around 95-118 IQ

>> No.16309461

Name 12

>> No.16309473

The noble class wasn't just kings or princes.

>> No.16309478

Are you suggesting I need to save money and not eat out 3 times a day and buy the latest iPhone every few months on credit? Are you a fucking fascist? Fuck you. This is why we need to kill all white people and create communism.

>> No.16309486

Your larping needs work.

>> No.16309496

Yes, we should begin by killing everyone who uses or reposts mind poz from twitter. There is no lower underclass than that in the would be word, not even 5 year old Viet sweatshop workers with half their fingers in tact working for pennies per day are comparable to that scum.

>> No.16309502

>tfw this is unironically what the majority of 18-24 western zoomers believe

>> No.16309513

>Constantly on the search for opportunities to maintain an image.
Holy shit, you mean literature is a business?

>> No.16309520
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>Nehehe I get it! I get it! U pweten to be a wefist! Thas funni!

>> No.16309525

>we need to kill all white people and create communism

>> No.16309594

Mutually exclusive statements.
White people are the only net tax contributors to society, if you kill them your communism just collapses faster.

>> No.16309605

At least the whitoids would be gone, nigga.

>> No.16309609

>hahaha stupid right wingers create stupid parodies
>they become reality in the ever left dominated overton window
can't make this shit up

>> No.16309618
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fo' sho'

>> No.16309654

Indeed, now go back getting oppressed somewhere else.

>> No.16309682

Except he is making this shit up retard

>> No.16309697

I would say no, for the simple fact that my favorite writers (Celine, DH Lawrence, Hamsun) were all poor or working class to begin with, and died relatively in the same class. I much prefer them to some wealthy fuck writer from Kensington.

>> No.16309708

How was celine working class later in life

>> No.16309711

4chan belongs to the oppressed, I was here first, you're the one that can go.

>> No.16309714

Meh, high class is in the eyes of the beholder. Read what's worth reading and mogg the rest like the supreme gentleman you are.

>> No.16309716

>maybe if I ignore all of history and call him mean words it will make the truth something else
Lefty seethe is hilarious

>> No.16309720

yeah sure, 'aristocrat of the soul'

>> No.16309721

>here, take a picture of me holding up an old ice axe so it looks like I climbed this mountain
Couldn't even be bothered to wear the proper gear to make it look believable

>> No.16309723

>I was here first
And should go back to "your" board.

>> No.16309725

Latinx will take charge

>> No.16309772

I agree.
JK Rowling literally had to copy each manuscript by hand for her editors because she didn't had money to print more copies.

>> No.16309784

Didn't she also write it in a fucking cafe? Even a cheap cup would allow to make like 10 copies.

>> No.16309840

The irony of this overwhelming coming from you as you just endlessly shit up this and likely all threads.

>> No.16309852
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But I digress, tfw mass mediocrity and leftist politicizing are the modern equivalent to viking rape and plunder.

>> No.16309861

We are living through a new dark age, the important thing is it to keep alive the few pockets of light and make sure the true legacy of mankind isn't lost.

>> No.16309882

>trustfund baby virgin bitching about chads who take what they need

>> No.16309905

The same can be said about 4channers and going out of their way to find something to be outraged about. How could you be so hypocritical?

>> No.16309908

Yeah but you should still go back, buddy.

>> No.16310035

>Should writing and philosophy be reserved for the high class like in the old times?
Yes, one need look no further for strong arguments to this effect than the retarded trannies in this thread.

>> No.16310098

You're a retard. The only factor that connects great artists, and I mean the ONLY factor, is homosexuality.
It is impossible to name a single great artist who wasn't addicted to choking down fat cocks and slamming fembois.

>> No.16310270

You could say that but you can also take into consideration that despite the hypocrisy, 4chan(nel) doesn't uphold a pretense of kindness. Everyone who posts here or has lurked for the requisite about of time knows that this place is a cesspool of hate and general intolerance of both the stupid and the ignorant.

>> No.16310356

>general intolerance of both the stupid and the ignorant
Lolwat. Since when?

>> No.16310405

>The nobility is just the king and the heir
Ok wat tyler

>> No.16310416

>All 3 are fascists

>> No.16310420

It shouldn't, just like your car *shouldn't* be robbed if you leave it unlocked in a bad neighborhood, or a woman shouldn't be raped for wearing skimpy clothing, but that's just the way it is.

Impossible to devote the appropriate time to writing as long as you have a day job. The exceptions are rare (as exceptions tend to be). The internet is a real blessing for the working man just in the sheer density and summation of information that we can take in which previously would be limited to books. But there's still no beating good old fashioned leisure time.

>> No.16311350

You're fucking retarded then

>> No.16311403

Yes, I wish that.

>> No.16312866

Some people struggle to even make the ends meet, but everyone can afford even those 'cheap' ways to travel.

>> No.16313354

I would say Celine died relatively upper middle class, he had a number of assets (a house in Meudon, an apartment in Paris), but he was far from the days of dining in the German embassy with Nazi officials. He was nothing like the wealthy Bourgeoisie of his time though.

>> No.16313378

Reddit's that-a-way, man! >>