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16304661 No.16304661 [Reply] [Original]

Reading books? Feminine trait

>> No.16304683

Masculine: reading non-fiction
Feminine: reading fiction

>> No.16304716

real men just go through it reading the chapters with the coolest titles and speak out of their ass as if they knew the author personally

>> No.16305746

>Female reading old fashioned science fiction
>Female reading Conan or Tolkien

>> No.16305757

Have sex
with me

>> No.16305758

why would anyone read non-fiction if it's not usefull for his job or he doesn't want to pretend being intelligent?

>> No.16305785

Most philosophy, literary fiction, primary source non-fiction
Genre fiction, psychology “non”-fiction, 20th century French “philosophy”, pop-non-fiction (pop-sci and pop-his especially).

>> No.16305851

Because they want to learn something or are just interested in the subject.

>> No.16305885

Feminine: literary fiction, poetry, leftist theory, YA, romance, true crime
Masculine: literary fiction, dense non-fiction, self help, philosophy

>> No.16305891

Women don't read books, they just contemplate a scriptural representation of their inner logorrhoea.

>> No.16305899


>> No.16305902

this is a lost of time and it's boring, isn't it?

>> No.16305909
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>why would anyone read non-fiction if it's not usefull for his job or he doesn't want to pretend being intelligent?

This will be utterly shocking to you, but some people like to learn things.

>> No.16305955

learn useless things?

>> No.16305964


Useless to whom? I am now an expert on Otto von Bismarck. That is sure to liven up a dry dinner conversation.

>> No.16305974

well you made a point, but 99% can't talk about this

>> No.16305979

Women are traditionally illiterate.

>> No.16306198

Why do you read fiction? Its not real and never happened

>> No.16306204

What works would you recommend on him by the way

>> No.16306416

There is nothing more cringe than forcing yourself to read books you don’t like because some faggots on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum say it is not masculine/feminine. If you like books just read them, if you have to justify reading books by “they will make me smart” or “give me skills” that’s fine but some people just read to have fun or are very passionate about a genre. Forcing yourself to read certain genres because you want to be an “ideal” man is cringe and honestly my problem with most self help books.

>> No.16306483
File: 48 KB, 500x625, 518D571E-FDCD-4730-97BB-F6FFD0A1096B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gendering genres
>Fragile balls

>> No.16306525

t. wagie consoomer

>> No.16306549

Historically it's been considered a feminine activity, but that doesn't mean males shouldn't do it.

>> No.16306562

Not aiming for the Hieros Gamos? Dipshit trait

>> No.16306566

it's part real, it's imaginative, everything imaginated are based on real things

>> No.16306570

I don't buy them

>> No.16306594
File: 41 KB, 640x480, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis nigga serious?
>history can be fun
>learning something youre interested in can be fun
like i dont understand. were you baiting? being ironic? genuine retardation?

>> No.16306634

women are still 80% of fiction readers.
the whole 19th and 20th century of commercial literature was based on bourgie women's tastes.

>> No.16306998

I've never met a woman that has read more than percy jackson and harry potter. American btw.

>> No.16307012

>wisdom is not real
>philosophy happened

>> No.16307480

Reading books is woman's thing, that's true, just look at how all the book reviewers on youtube are women (or homosexuals)

>> No.16307483

True, probably why there are so many girls on /lit/.

>> No.16307627

"Better than food" cannot be gay.

>> No.16307635

Women can’t think about the future in terms of morality and the overall good. That’s why they don’t comprehend philosophy but do understand ethics.
Women just do whatever they think it’s right at the moment, which is why they think everything is confusing.
They think in terms of what is going to benefit them in the immediate reality, which is why most of them become nurses and teachers because they have a natural tendency to care for people.
This is also the reason why men are more likely to travel for work than women. Not because men are heartless, but because we know it’s beneficial in the long run but the cunt is always complaining about not having something of social value to brag about to her cunt friends. Women hate each other and it’s hilarious to me when they pretend to like each other.
Men are capable of distancing feelings or status In order to achieve the truth. This is also why feminism spread like wildfire. Not because it makes sense, but because it became the status quo and women only think in terms of herd mentality. That is why I don’t really give a fuck what women think because they only express views that are acceptable. If Hitler had won World War 2, women would be defending nazism right now because of their social status.
Fuck women are so goddamn useless. I can’t wait to take away their right to vote.
That is why they love fiction, not because they like to learn, but because they literally want that to be their reality.
Women are children. Yes there are also men who are children but they are obviously not on this board.
Women don’t have personalities, fuck they’re so goddamn boring.

>> No.16307647

Men are not afraid of being outed as a terrible person as long as he knows he’s searching for the truth. Women ruined society and they all go crazy by 25 if they don’t get pregnant.
I’m so glad to be a man. :)

>> No.16308894
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yes sorry women are brainlets who can't grasp philosophy outside of feminism