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16305427 No.16305427 [Reply] [Original]

>try to start writing 1k words a day
>only make it 13 days before my drinking habit fucks up my schedule
anyone else here want to be a writer but mentally ill af? everything i wrote was sexual and violent...
what's your writing schedule like? does it make sense to set an arbitrary quota of 1k words a day even if i have nothing to say?

>> No.16305439

1k a day is monstrous. I don't even think Stephen King writes that much

>> No.16305463
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i definitely write way more than 1k on an average day, but that's mostly just shitposting on 4chan, not creative writing/fiction. when i did nano i think the most i wrote in one day/sitting was something like 13k words... maybe i should just write some practice novels, 1k a day for 50 days is one novel right? so i could write like 7.3 novels a year... thanks anon, i'm going to give that a try

>> No.16305563

It's not. Take into consideration that most of what you write you will end up rewriting or throwing out.

However, if you can write if you can write 1k/day that is publishable quality, that's really commendable. Whether you write 3k and throw out two-thirds of it, or can get it right on your first try is not important.

>> No.16305648

I suppose what I meant is 1k that is useable for a novel. I think it's better to focus on at least passable quality for the first draft. I've heard of people who make themselves try to meet some arbitrary NaNoWrMo word count goal and write gibberish and ultimately they have to delete it

>> No.16305688
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>Take into consideration that most of what you write you will end up rewriting or throwing out.
Write in your head first when you're doing something else, then just type it out. If your memory is shit make notes, but whatever you do, you can't be an author for just an hour a day. It should be on your mind most of the time.
When you're watching a movie, reading, listening to people talk, whatever - ideas should be popping into your head, you should be thinking of how you could use it all. Note stuff down. It would be even better, if you change your way of thinking completely so that it becomes literary, like a narrator that you want in your book. If you have a certain style (which you should be trying to develop, but you can change it later) it will makes things easier, your field of view will be narrowed and you'll notice just what you need.

>> No.16305707
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>1k a day is monstrous
Bitch please. Are people really this slow at writing?
I average 10k words a day, the most I've done being 16k, and that's maintaining a normal sleep schedule. I can't imagine writing any less than 4k words a day at least as a commissioned writer

>> No.16305710

>commissioned writer
Commissioned by whom? What do you write?

>> No.16305725

90% of it is custom erotic literature for middle-aged women on the internet, or weird fetish fuel, but sometimes people pay to me to ghostwrite their stuff
I make £10 per 1k, and that's before tips and stuff

>> No.16305761

Yeah, I don't want your porn industry job, mr jewish smut author
In your case, it would be better if you could write less rather than more

>> No.16305794

> erotic literature

>> No.16305800

You're just jealous that I make more money than 99% of authors when all I do is rephrase sex scenes for horny single mothers and wine-aunts
>They [x] in the shower
>They [x] in the bed
>They [x] in the library
>They [x] in the "playroom"
>They [x] in the basement
>They [x] in the cupboard
>They [x] in the swimming pool
And so and so on

>> No.16305831

good goyim, spend your time and efforts on making porn :^)

>> No.16305846

What does me being Jewish have to do with writing erotic literature?
I'm not trying to "corrupt the west" or anything, honestly. Stop being such an antisemetic sperg. I'm just trying to make a quick buck for myself, it's not like I'm harming anyone by producing this stuff

>> No.16305858

kek, like pottery

>> No.16305998

Would you churn out 16k words in a day if you were writing something you actually cared about?

>> No.16306002

Post a sample of your work, I'm curious about the level of quality needed to make money at erotica

>> No.16306011

Nah dude, 1k is nothing if you're shitting out some dogshit litrpg webnovel for patreonbux.

>> No.16306030

I'm not sure I should be posting this on a worksafe board, so I'll censor it a little bit
>Carefully, she moved closer to him, pressing herself up against him until her [x] were touching his chest. Still holding his [x], she removed her other arm and began to feel herself. The water running against her [x] as she moved her fingers against her delicate lips was giving her a feeling she couldn’t describe. With expert precision, she manoeuvred her husband’s [x] until the tip was in line with her opening, and inch by inch she allowed him to enter her.
The wonderful feeling of having her lips being parted by his large [x] was intense. He began to gently thrust against her, the pleasure sending shockwaves up her body and straight into her brain, until she could think about nothing but lust for him. Every time he thrust into her, she subconsciously pulled him into her, like little sparks of pleasure travelling around her body. She could feel the wetness of her juices cling to his [x], so [x] with pleasure that her mind was consumed by the love that he was giving her.
Faster and faster he thrust, grunting powerfully as he held her body against his. The [x] she was feeling became greater and greater, until she could bear it no more. She moaned as an [x] exploded through her body, taking her mind completely to a world of pure bliss, whilst he grunted and filled her with [x] with his strong seed. After an eternity, she returned to reality and felt the hot water against her body. He withdrew from her, and she kissed his lips as a final tinge of pleasure shot through her.

>> No.16306633

>What does me being Jewish have to do with writing erotic literature?
>I'm just trying to make a quick buck for myself
>it's not like I'm harming anyone by producing this stuff


>> No.16306644

Who donates all this money though...? I thought the audience for that were kids, same kids that read fanfiction and watch stuff like re:zero, are they emptying their parents' wallets?

>> No.16306663

I imagine 4chan anons are not the type who'll donate to patreon and will be able to explain it.

>> No.16306707


Stephen King says specifically that you shouldn't even try to write if you can't do 2500 words a day. That's in his book on writing iirc.

Poor example anon

>> No.16306720

>Stephen King

>> No.16306723

Sure, cocaine helps

>> No.16306726

i write thousands upon thousands of words every day for the last 10 years if 4chan counts, most of it i dont even post

>> No.16306734

James Joyce was happy if he could figure out one sentence in a single day. Write at your own pace.

>> No.16307770

This is bad. I’m gonna write erotica and steal your audience

>> No.16307775

>bragging about making 10 euros per 1k words
Slow down there, high roller. I feel like most people would rather work a normal job than make a few bucks writing degenerate erotica

>> No.16307897

The joke just writes itself.

>> No.16307972


>> No.16307989

if you aren't writing for 8 hours straight while chugging coffee like Balzac, ngmi

>> No.16307994

>what does me being Jewish have to do with writing erotic literature?
Lol thanks for the laugh, anon

>> No.16308358
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Quality over quantity

>> No.16308660

1k it's nothing.

I think writing is making me mentally ill as fuck. The more I write, the more I spend my time alone and rely on drinking to keep pushing forward.

It is easier to plan ahead what you will be writing on. Some people just sit and write, and they feel the characters and story gets a life on its own. That approach never worked for me, and I need to have a plan of what will happen from begging to end.

Also consider imitation, it's a fun way to practice writing.

>> No.16308847

Is this really true?

>> No.16308916
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Exercise some of your writing in this thread:


>> No.16309242

Mid 20's nerds with good jobs and the low self esteem necessary to get baited into paying a subscription for mediocre powerfantasy because it makes their penis feel big when the main character dabs on characature villains.

>> No.16309297

>try to start 1k words a day
>My ideas and writing make me cringe and I an't force myself to push forward without feeling like I'm wasting my time writing tripe only I can enjoy
How do I cope my way out of this one?

>> No.16309331

Probably true for a lot of them, but I don't necessarily see anything wrong with supporting writers that you like if they're putting out regular chapters. The problem lies in the fact that many of these people who are raking in patreonbucks barely know how to write and just pump out thousand word chapters in an hour or two. I've only read one chapter from a popular story on royalroad that I thought was decent writing, and even then the premise itself was pretty cringe which ruined it for me

>> No.16309405

I didn't say it was wrong, some people just like to pay to eat shit. It's not wrong to eat that shit, nor is it wrong for the creator to shit on a plate and sell it. It's still shit though.

>> No.16309653

I read that book a few weeks ago and he said no such thing. He writes 2000 words a day himself.

Graham Greene only wrote 500 words a day. I've heard the same about Hemingway.

>> No.16309734

>everything i wrote was sexual and violent...
stop writing, you horny lugbrained ape. it's not for you.

>> No.16309739

nice larp. no one would read erotica written by a virgin.