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16303762 No.16303762[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does the Bible endorse the Aryan race? Is Nazism & Christianity compatible?

>> No.16303766

No, christianity is universal salvation

>> No.16303771

Nazism and Christianity are compatible as evidenced by the Christian Nazi's, but they're different things and should only be compared in the sense of what they historically are comprised of.

>> No.16303774

The Bible is a racialist book. Read the story of Phinehas.

>> No.16303796
File: 37 KB, 818x818, qigszrzl78d51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus was a jewish socialist arab, seethe /pol/tards

>> No.16303816

>One of the greatest lies you ever invented was that Jesus was a Jew, he was not; he was a Galilean

>> No.16303816,1 [INTERNAL] 

Exactly - Galilee, which was part of Syria at the time, according to the Bible.

There were no Jews in Galilee until the 2nd century AD. Jewish rabbinical records document this. Even after Jews showed up in Galilee, they were not part of the local culture for centuries. They were mostly just individual rabbi settlers who stayed to themselves in the two main cities of Sepphoris and Tiberias.
Reference: Archaeology, History, and Society in Galilee by Richard Horsley

When we attack Syria, we are killing Christ's relatives.

>> No.16304046

This christians... holy shit are they truly a pain in the ass. Any white supremacist that claims to be a Christian is a contridactory motherfucker
If most non-whites are evil, why let them live? What's the point of letting any of them live? Jews are evil, so fuck it, Should God destroy them? When you are asking these questions to any nazi 'Christian', you know well you're asking them to solve why 2 + 2 = 5
What next?
>God hates negroids, pisspanics, yellow-bellies and kikes!
If so, why did God create them?
>He didn't create them you liar!!! They're all from the demons and Cain
If so, why doesn't God doesn't destroy them?
>He will destroy them soon and make them our slaves
If so, why doesn't God do that now?
They're all irrational, like talking to a muslim as to why Allah is not good. Ignore them

>> No.16304089

What a fucking retard. He doesn't even understand the scripture he pretends to defend from da jooz.
/thread, basically
>being an inhabitant of Galilee means that you automatically can't be jewish.

>> No.16304113

Christianity is the ultimate dilemma among white supremacists. The West is essentially Christianity, but Christianity and "the west" is something that's inherently inclusive and globalist.

>> No.16304121

This, both nazism and christianity are retarded when it comes to this discussion though

>> No.16304157

Is there evidence (Relating to the scripture) of Jesus being Jewish?

>> No.16304212

Yes, the genealogy in Matthew on the very first page of the NT. That being said, he's not a Jew in the modern sense

>> No.16304257

Reddit tier strawman. There's plenty of bible verses could be used to justify the genocide of jews, muslims and large swathes of africans(heresy in this case)

>> No.16304260

Naxism or neo-nazism?

>> No.16304272


Jesus Christ is Jewish and Nazis hate Jewish people.

>> No.16304284
File: 86 KB, 476x606, ChristosCulture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is an interesting interplay going on, is even possible to give the argument that with christianity antisemitism was born because theologicaly is a central point that jews rejected the "Logos encarnate", and on a more geopolitical point of view europeans saw their biggest growth and expansion in all their history under christianity, the germans actually went through a "transmutation" from being the barbarians that were part of the decline of rome to form the germanic Holy Roman empire and they continue to be one of the most remarcable people on europe.
is no mistery to anyone that the left hate christianity because it represent "white supremacy" and it represents hierarchy and a kind of order/civilization that they hate with a passion and whish to destroy

even writers that reject christianity like Miguel Serrano considering the story of genesis a story of the "aryans". so theres a lot of arguments as to why you can find things like pic related

all this is such a "real problem" that's why you get this current push to black-wash Jesus (in any case the central point was always the message), the whole of christianity is problematic for this times just as much as nazism

what was the religion of the national socialist? this is not so clear, hitler didn't want full paganism, from what I have studied himmler wanted amost a pagan revival but hitler didn't, he was thinking more of a new religion, but the interplay with christianity was still there for example the Holy Grail was a central concern even for himmler.

>> No.16304301

that's honestly a tough question. On one hand, Jesus was jewish and the while religion was essentially a judaism expansion pack, so rationally, the Nazis must hate it. On the other hand, Nazis and rationality go together mentos and diet coke

>> No.16304330

>religion was essentially a judaism expansion pack
It's not a judaism expansion pack. It's a radical overturn of judaism. That's why the jews hate it so much.

>> No.16304339

>judaism expansion pack
You're thinking of the Talmud, not the New Testament lmao.

>> No.16304346
File: 185 KB, 1200x1200, Globlino Abomination .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe that Adolf Hitler was a prophet sent by God the Father to warn the world about the criminal Jews
Someone give this man his schizo meds fucking hell.

>> No.16304352

>asceticism is the same thing as socialism.

>> No.16304390

He's right and you know it!

>> No.16304399

Not your personal think-tank. Fuck off.

>> No.16304488

fuck off you filthy assmouth nigger dick faggotfucker cockhead cumstain deadbrain dildo douche fatbitch pooface shitlicker twatcunt

>> No.16304498
File: 812 KB, 800x1873, last supper tier list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does the Bible endorse the Aryan race?
Yes. "Love thy neighbor."

>> No.16304574

based painting tier list

>> No.16304608

Go back you impotent incontinent knuckle-dragging pedophilic pederastic psychotic stormnigger cuckold troglodyte.

>> No.16304631

Go back you retarded inconsistent shit-bringer pedo-sympathizing zoophilic homosexual idiotic redditcock riding tribestard

>> No.16304647

>hating medieval art
That's a good indicator of being a soulless individual.

>> No.16304698

Why do people have such a need to be seen as "good"? Just own up to your arguments and feelings, admitting your biases. Don't look for something to hide behind.
>da kikez r behind all da warz
>da kikez r behind all degeneracy
>da kikez are behind every ill of da world
We look back and admire the Conquerors of our nations, that in and of itself is an endorsement of war (when you're part of the victorious group). Whoring is one of the most ancient professions, and degeneracy is everywhere. The CEOs making money off immigration, wars and consumerist culture are not just kikes but Anglos too. And the Anglos were the forefathers of these practises.
>inb4 JIDF
Not my point. I just don't get why a lot of people have this inherent need to be seen as "good". Just admit that you hate niggers, kikes and whatever else because they're an outgroup that is inherently hostile. That's it. Pure biological instict. Yes, there are more reasons. Groids are violent, dumb animals, kikes are subversive, and so on and so forth. But why do you need to assume the stance that
>Jesus totes would endorse these genocides and that's, like, getting us in Heaven
Why? You can use so many other arguments to endorse a culling, Hell, even with Religion. Thomas Aquinas' "Rightful Hate" arguement can easily be used. But why do you feel the need to believe in some Divine purpose for the removal of your enemies? Just accept the inherent hate for the enemy. I hardly doubt that if you got rid of every shitskin you'd then have some Utopia where nobody steals, lies, cheats, creates some form of degeneracy, etc. It's human nature. But the outgroup, the enemy, represents a bigger threat, the loss of identity and the theft of your ingroup's future. Thus, it has to be destroyed. That's it. Why can't people accept that?