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16300402 No.16300402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>have to read 70 pages of anti-Trump propaganda by Tuesday

>> No.16300474


>> No.16300493

If you were truly "apolitical", reading anti-Trump stuff wouldn't bother you. The removal of political bias from schools (I'm assuming that's what this is about), is a matter of regulating a public institution, and thus political. If you were truly apolitical, you would have no preference about worldly affairs whatsoever.

>> No.16300508

It's an ethics class and the professor is a retard
I don't like how people make EVERYTHING about politics nowadays, especially their hated politician de jure.

>> No.16300517

whats the book

>> No.16300519

What’s wrong with anti-Trump propaganda?

>> No.16300521

low iq post

>> No.16300539

Seconded. What's the text?

>> No.16300549
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>> No.16300562

they put that in schools???

>> No.16300595

>de jure.

>> No.16300597

Trump is quite unethical though, I really can't think of a way not to criticize him within the framework of this course, maybe you shoudn't have enrolled in it if you're "apolitical" (that is to say, far right libertarian who's so far up his own ass he doesn't understand the sheer intricate network of privileges he benefits from daily) ?

>> No.16300614


>> No.16300617

70 isn't shit.

>> No.16300627

>this triggers the MAGApede

>> No.16300634

Anon its an unfortunate reality academia is filled to the brim with these retards. Just write what they want to hear, get an A, and then write an op-ed on some newspaper calling them out after you finish their class and they can't touch you. The more academia is exposed the better.

>> No.16300637

Perfect chance to spread apolitical prop

>> No.16300639


>> No.16300649


>> No.16300654

Was the test successful ? Let us know how it went in your best prose fellow r/literature denizen !

>> No.16300659

Trump is unironically a better president than Obama.

>> No.16300663

that is not who i am!

>> No.16301079

what was your score?

>> No.16301104


>> No.16301109

people say this about professors, that you just have to write what the want to hear, but I have literally never had professor like this. I think the people who say that about about professors just can't form their own argument so they have to rely on the one they hear their professor spoutin

>> No.16301144

Don't do it anon. Like fuck a media pundit can comment on ethics when they are enablers and grifters of propaganda.

Or read it and eviscerate the teacher for thinking CNN isn't complicit

>> No.16301157

Yeah, I don't get this either. Just follow the syllabus and write a good paper and you'll be fine.

My English 101 professor would play Family Guy clips constantly during class. My final paper (we could choose any topic) was about how Family Guy was lazy, unfunny, and stole material. Still got an A and he loved it, despite it "going after him".

>> No.16301169

>studying the ethics of a politician during an election year when absurd lies are put out by the minute

>> No.16301204
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>the sheer intricate network of privileges he benefits from daily
The what?

>> No.16301207

What I don't understand about Trump is why he always lies. He calls out the Dems on their lies which is great and he says all sorts of politically incorrect things, which many find refreshing, but why does he simply replace the Dem's false narrative with his own? If he was truthful he would gain way more followers but he lies even more than his opposition. The only difference is that he lies openly and brazenly while the Dems try to be more artful and discreet.

>> No.16301225

Are you studying journalism? No way would that be on the syllabus of any serious academic discipline.

>> No.16301234

>the sheer intricate network of privileges he benefits from daily

It's probably not easy being this retarded.

>> No.16301242
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You are pathetic

>> No.16301246

I'm a Maths/Comp Sci major. My school requires us to take classes which meet 8 gen ed requirements. Two of those are "humanities" and "diversity".

This ethics class hits both of those so I took it instead of something retarded like African American literature

>> No.16301266


You don't fool me or anyone else here.
What lies of the Democrats? To date Trump has told 20000 (source the NYT, WP, Atlantic...) , Name one, let alone 20000 that the democrats have told. list sources.

See. You make up that the democrats are lying but then hide it in how you wish Trump would not lie in response and think that we will just ignore that you lied about the democrats lying.

This board is not not political, but it is also not stupid. Lit requires critical thinking and valid critique of instinct and emotional presentation of the authors we share. Your toddler level sophistry is not welcome.

>> No.16301269

What department teaches it?

>> No.16301273

listen here retard politics are in every facet of your life. "things are too political" welcome to the real world einstein

>> No.16301315


>> No.16301327

The absolute state

>> No.16301331
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>> No.16301336

What other department would teach an Ethics course?

>> No.16301340

Is this a community college or something? Putting a book like that anywhere near a philosophy syllabus is absolutely abominable.

>> No.16301345

Just read Manufacturing Consent and report on that, even if you get a failing grade on it.

>> No.16301351

I see you're very new to politics.

Politicians lie. Right, Left, Center -- they lie. Who cares if it's "discreet", it's still a lie. Don't excuse a lie because it's hidden.

>> No.16301357

Idno I didn’t read the whole thread so I though it would’ve been like journalistic ethics or smthng like that

>> No.16301358

Lots of departments have applied "ethics" classes -- business ethics, journalistic ethics, medical ethics, etc. The Stelter book might be appropriate for a journalistic ethics class, but certainly not for a real ethics class taught by a philosopher. Something is deeply fucked up.

>> No.16301364

so basically you're a moron

>> No.16301365

That's what you get for being a humanitiesfag

>> No.16301371

I wasn't excusing their lies, just describing the difference. At the moment I couldn't in good conscience support either party.

>> No.16301383

Oh, no. This is just a basic level Ethics course. Not geared towards any particular discipline.
We have to take humanities so we'll be "well rounded" and not autism

>> No.16301409

Sometimes the university-wide "general requirement" classes are taught at a different level (i.e., dumbed down). That's the only defense I can think of. But even then, they're usually not so retarded as to include pop trash books from journalists.

>> No.16301433

Do you genuinely believe that the democrats, a whole party of politicans in league with the media do not lie?

>> No.16301444

>author is married to a jew and plans to raise his kids jewish

>> No.16301455

Wait, are you telling me Stelter is not a Jew himself?

>> No.16301466

Facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.16301474

He looks like a jew but claims not to be.
>Stelter was raised Methodist, and is non-religious.