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16299726 No.16299726 [Reply] [Original]

Are The Wheel of Time books actually worthwhile?

>> No.16299754

Not unless you're in prison with no other reading material.

>> No.16299794

But I need a new fantasy world to autistically obsess over. What else would you recommend? Why does TWoT suck?

>> No.16299845

The Gormenghast Trilogy
Book of the New Sun
Lyonesse Trilogy
The Sarantine Mosaic

>> No.16299944

It's a long but comfy journey, which explores the arthurian myth and some other cool concepts, quite ambitious but overall not that impressive. Quite repetitive at times and the lack of an editor shows, some intolerable characters, some badly written ones too. Having said that, I had fun taking my time and reading the series. It starts as and appears to be a Tolkien clone for around the first third of the first book and after that it starts coming to its own (around the time it got published, this style of fantasy books were what sold, so it starts like that on purpose; compare the beginning of the Eye of the World to the Dragon Reborn or Lord of Chaos for example.) It also has a semi-conclusive ending (he didn't know if he'd get a deal for continuing the series so he wanted to wrap a few things up, so you can try the 1st book and see how you like it.) As for the good things, it's a long adventure with a well-thought world, some interesting concepts and ideas, plenty of characters and locations to flesh the world out etc. The first 3 books are a setup for the whole series but are also ending with closure (they're the part of the series that's similar to the arthurian myth.) The first 6 books are considered the best in the series and also are in a way episodic; what changed after that and made plenty of readers to view this series more unfavourably is that several plotlines were introduced but didn't get resolved by the end of each book, instead dragged out for the next or even the book after that. This, along with longer breaks between publishing slowed the pace down a lot and made books 7-8-9 feel like a slog. That's not the case now as you have access to all 3 of them and if you reach that point in the series you've more or less committed to finish it, so yeah. Overall it's a series that I enjoyed, a long and comfy adventure with some cool characters. Can I recommend reading it? Not really, I mean it's 13+1 books so it's a big time, space and money investment. But if you like epic fantasy you could try the first book or the first 3 books and see how you like it.

>> No.16300057

Gormenghast is exceptional

>> No.16300061

I haven't read them but a friend of mine recommended it to me

>> No.16300073

It's YA dreck for dumb people and children.

>> No.16300386

Sperg-tastic post

>> No.16300394

>Book of the New Sun
Overwritten trad catch fantasy by a crusty ass dude with a pornstache? I'll pass!

>> No.16300404

catch? cath

>> No.16300415

A foul stench enters my nostrils, is this a shitpost? The Gormenghast? The fuck?

>> No.16300453

Come again?

>> No.16300471

Is this a shitpost? All those books are terrible, with the exception of Book of the New Sun which is... better than most genre fiction but it aims at being more than genre fiction while being terrible at it, being neither entertaining escapism nor worthwhile lit.

>> No.16300507

Explain why you think Norstrilia and Gormenghast are "terrible". Compared to WoT they are literary masterworks.

>> No.16300542

I'm just not interested in Titu's groans inside the shitter

>> No.16300965

But Wikipedia said it's among the greatest fantasy works of all time.

>> No.16300990

"Greatest" in the sense of "longest".

>> No.16301097

I really like the ASOIAF books are these ones similar? How would you compare them?

>> No.16301173

stewart lee called game of thrones, "peter stringfellow's lotr"

>> No.16301180

What about the diskworld series? Is pratchet any good? Is it like Douglas adams but fantasy?

>> No.16301189
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>he doesn't want to read about chad torturers fucking bitches across Urth while exploring faith

>> No.16301507

It's too long, even if you account for the vastness of the world, story, and number of characters involved. The pacing is off, the writing is mediocre at best, it suffers from character resurrection and dead characters replaced by another samey character, etc...

If you're willing to get past that, it's the epitome of that type of fantasy, because of its scale and attention to detail. It has some great moments in between hundreds of pages of build up and boring descriptions.

>> No.16301553

Robert Jordan’s the Waste of Time

>> No.16301566

Sorry, I don’t follow D-list celeb gossip, so this post conveys literally zero meaning to me.

>> No.16301570
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>Prosaic genre-fiction
>But I need a new fantasy world to autistically obsess over
Try growing up instead lol.
Based and redpilled

>> No.16301759


>> No.16301761

>But I need a new fantasy world to autistically obsess over.
You sound like a soulless empty husk of a man not gonna lie. Go read up on Elder Scrolls lore or something you autists would like.

>> No.16301772

>fucking bitches
A manchild made this post.

>> No.16301773

greatest as in best-seller.
do you also believed that ready player one is the greatest scifi novel?

>> No.16301785

mario if he real

>> No.16303086

The first 3 or 4 books are enjoyable pulp fantasy fiction, I started to lose interest after those books, he really should have capped the series to a trilogy.

>> No.16303150
File: 149 KB, 477x438, pssst you want some moon sugar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh lore
Absolute moron

>> No.16303493


>> No.16303498

Anyone got an answer to this?

>> No.16303541

Douglas Adams but fantasy is pretty apt. Honestly, I have never read them, but my Dad is obsessed with those books so I have pretty solid secondhand knowledge. They're pretty reddit but undeniably fun and with a goofball sense of humour. Not as smart as readers like to think. Essential public sector working, IT project managing, prog-rock loving, British Dadcore.

>> No.16303576

as far as the fantasy genre goes wheel of time is one of the best but thats really not saying much
it has really great moments that will stick with you but the slog between those moments is almost unreadable at times
the characters are fun but they develop at a snails pace and they all pretend to hate each other for no reason
i enjoyed it but when i reread the series i tend to skip entire chapters
and book 10

>> No.16303589

It's probably not bad, it has pretty good ratings. My rec would be to check out John Ringo's There will be Dragons

>> No.16304303


>> No.16304376

I read 3 or 4 books and then dropped it, I found it extremely generic and not very interesting.

>> No.16304402

>Lyonesse Trilogy
is there anything else super similar to them (besides other vance)? they seem to be the only fantasy books that i truly, truly cherish, even more than lotr.

>> No.16305343

Not really, WoT is more of an epic adventure in a high fantasy setting. There's politics and intrigue and in certain plotlines it becomes the main focus but I wouldn't say they're similar.

>> No.16305441

The closest thing I've read, and it is by no means close, is Curse of Chalion.

>> No.16306681

Yep, good one too, would recommend.