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/lit/ - Literature

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16298008 No.16298008 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some Dutch literature.

>> No.16298017

De trein der traagheid
De Leeuw van Vlaanderen

>> No.16298048

You cannot write great literature in a ugly language. Even if you can, the translation is going to trump the original.

>> No.16298052

That's irrelevant to the current topic then

>> No.16298105

>Recommend me some Dutch literature.
Translated or untranslated?
Modern Dutch or older?
Fiction or Non-Fiction?

Give us something to work with.

>> No.16298120

English might be the most simple and inelegant language i know, yet there is great literature written in it.

>> No.16298121

De faag ist oop

>> No.16298126

i think he means untranslated fiction of any time

>> No.16298129

Max Havelaar

>> No.16298130

OP is een flikker.

>> No.16298132

The best book ever written in the Low Countries was written in Latin by a former Jew

>> No.16298137
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thou art deceived

>> No.16298143

>The best book ever written in the Low Countries was written in Latin by a former Jew
Actually if we are talking on that level its De Jure Belli ac Pacis by Hugo Grotius.

>> No.16298153

I wrote a whole essay on why Dutch literature sucks

>> No.16298154

>Translated or untranslated?
>Modern Dutch or older?
>Fiction or Non-Fiction?
Also both

>> No.16298158

Why does it suck?

>> No.16298166

Alright, De Ystroom, a poem praising and describing Amsterdam and her river from 1671.


>> No.16298269

a beautiful young wife by tommy wieringa

>> No.16298376

>songs, recipes, biographies, or encyclopedic compilations of information such as mathematical, [...] correspondence.

>> No.16298385

You must not know many languages.

>> No.16298395

Kellendonk, Mystiek lichaam

>> No.16299327

except for Zuid-Afrikaans i don't know of a simpler and clumsier language than English

>> No.16299630

de tandeloze tijd - a.f.th. van der heijden
de zondvloed - jeroen brouwers
pier en oceaan - oek de jong
de verhalen - hubert lampo
raadsels van het rund - j.f. vogelaar

>> No.16299646

I am Dutch and I have never read a Dutch book that I enjoyed.

>> No.16299753


>> No.16299787

I read Praise of Folly by Erasmus and it wasnt the best thing ever just okay, but a fairly interesting read. Best parts are where he just critiques church specifically

>> No.16300199

great book
>raadsels van het rund - j.f. vogelaar
is that even in print
Horrible Tango by Wolkers must appeal to you though, but only because it's all about big juicy black dicks

>> No.16300226

-Jacob van Lennep, Roos van Dekama
-Jacob van Lennep, Lotgevallen van Ferdinand Huyck
-Frederik van Eeden, Van de koele meren des doods
-Marcellus Emants, Een nagelaten bekentenis
-Multatuli, Max Havelaar
-Louis Couperus, De stille kracht
-Lodewijk van Deyssel, Een liefde
-Arthur van Schendel, Waterman
-WF Hermans, Nooit meer slapen
-Mulisch, De ontdekking van de Hemel

>> No.16300235

Then post it, fggt

>> No.16300283

>Mulisch, De ontdekking van de Hemel
what did I just tell you in the other thread you motherfucker

>> No.16300322

had to read De Aanslag from him after a jewish librarian handed it to me and it was alright.
what makes De ontdekking van de Hemel so bad

>> No.16300338

>what makes De ontdekking van de Hemel so bad
It's not so bad, just way overrated (best Dutch novel ever my ass). It always turns up in these lists but Mulisch has better stuff.
>had to read De Aanslag from him after a jewish librarian handed it to me and it was alright.
Yeah it's pretty good, you should read Het stenen bruidsbed as well.

>> No.16300379

>best Dutch novel ever my ass
what do you think is the best then
>you should read Het stenen bruidsbed as well.
will put it on my to read list

>> No.16300398
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>Bij verschijning in mei 1986 schreef de recensent Aad Nuis een recensie waarin hij het boek antisemitisch noemde. Dit veroorzaakte een discussie die voornamelijk in kranten plaatsvond.

Maybe ill give it a try

>> No.16300513

>shit on jews just a tiny little bit (and it's funny)
>journalists get totally assmad
lmao what a surprise!

>> No.16301004

some books I actually really liked instead of just being interesting:

> fiction:
- Taal der liefde, Opweg naar het einde - Gerard Reve
- Mystiek lichaam - Kellendonk
- Rituelen - Cees Nooteboom

> poetry
- Hans Lodeizen
- Maarten van der Graaf (there's also a novel i liked)
- Hannah van Binsbergen (again, also a decent novel)

> non fiction
- Dag uit het leven van een reuzekoekoek, Luisteraars! - Karel van het Reve

>> No.16301043

> reading boekenweekgeschenk

>> No.16301152

I didn't even know that tukker cuck had written one

>> No.16301154

Dutch literature is just fucking garbe. Think about it. The "le big le three" consists of Reve, Mulisch and Hermans. A flaming homosexual, a Jewish hack, and a neurotic pseud. They all suck, obviously. And if we go to the classics, the same thing. Multatuli the faggot (but spiritually), Spinoza the hack, and Erasmus the pseud. Spinoza really is worthless, the only reason /lit/ discusses him is because post-emancipation kikes clung onto him, him an excommunicated pariah to the Jews of his time, having been the only man of his race to bring some meagre accomplishment to break centuries of irrelevance.

>> No.16301163

save it for your column, Eus

>> No.16301238

Not sure if you can speak Dutch, but my two personal favourites atm are Miquel Bulnes and A. Den Doolaard.

>> No.16301311


Here is my essay on why Dutch lit sucks, or the Netherlands suck for that matter.


>> No.16301376

eeuhm, gebaseerd?

>> No.16301494

Some 21st century fiction that's actually alright:

Philip Huff - Niemand in de stad
Dimitri Verhulst - Helaasheid der dingen
Peter Buwalda - Bonita avenue
Stephan Enter - Grip
Lize Spit - Het smelt
Pepijn Lanen - Sjeumig

Don't expect mind-blowing lit but I found them enjoyable enough.

>> No.16301498

your only arguments against Vondel and Hooft are that you couldn't read the original because the Dutch actually uniformed and updated their spelling? There is an argument that the Dutch don't care for their writers, but that is no argument against the writers themselves.

In the contemporary age you seem to like american post-modern writers (you name none), but the latest ones writing in German or French are also pre-war. I would say Grunberg is a Dutch postmodernist and he sells more german translations of his work than Dutch books.

very edgy stuff and all, but 4/10

Also, Reve never wrote lot's about WWII.

>> No.16301521
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What >>16298048 said.

>> No.16301544

the letters of van gogh are supposed to be good

>> No.16301561

>t. Borges

>> No.16301574

I love how english monoliguals always think that english is the best at everything. It is the least poetic language objectively (due to the lack of internal coherency and rhymes, just look to case based languages like latin and greek esp where nearly every word rhymes) also i had one stemtadd say “whatever english is the modt efficient language anyways” nevermind he had nothing to base that on and its a blatant falsehood since latin exists. Also people that think german cant be beautiful are fucking morons and need to listen to shubert lieder

>> No.16301744


>> No.16301780

Now write an essay how you're a brainlet.

>> No.16301997

I think the point is that Vondel and Hooft are basically forgotten because they're nearly incomprehensible. Even Max Havelaar that was only written 150 years ago is somewhat difficult to get used to. You can't build a cultural legacy if your culture changes that rapidly. I don't think any other (European) culture can relate.

>> No.16302182

Can this guy actually write?

>> No.16302337

Congo, david van reybrouck