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16297484 No.16297484 [Reply] [Original]

I know it's only indirectly related to /lit/ due to him being a writer among things, but how did this lunatic end up being taken so serious in some parts of the west as influential thinker, even though he is a meme and joke to most Russians?

>> No.16297487

as an influential thinker*

>> No.16297492

He isn't. The media is just pushing him as some sort of scary Rasputin figure.

>> No.16297504

Because the internet in the US and the UK is stupid but also it has lots of people on it.

Dugin is not influential. Neither is Richard Spencer. These jokers and clowns. Land is probably the most influential "weird right-wing" guy and even HE is not terribly influential, in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.16298047

btw does anyone know where the video of him saying "based" is from?

>> No.16298213

>meme and joke to most Russians?
this line is a literal psyop for non-russians who don't know his writings are used as textbooks for russian military and that he has a direct line to putin
4pt and multipolarity are the foil to global anglo-american liberalism that putin hints at occasionally

>> No.16298239

Who thinks he is a joke, just filtered.
>t. russian

>> No.16298252
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Better question how did they not know this guy was a faggot?

>> No.16298258

I read some of his stuff in Russian and it's ok. I prefer his interviews on radio talk shows, you can find them on his telegram chanell.

I mean, he's been an active philosopher in Russia for a long while, that's why he's influential, more than necessarily due to any one idea. If you asked me who's such a figure in say Germany, really I wouldn't know the answer, but with Dugin it's clear.

>> No.16298275

>a meme and joke to most Russians

I see this repeated everywhere. Are the people saying it actually Russian? Would "most Russians" even be aware of him? I doubt it.

>> No.16298283

Every country has fringe right-wingers who have a bigger influence than anyone would like to admit.

>> No.16298301

>even though he is a meme and joke to most Russians?
You wanted to say "to most Russians brainwashed by liberal media", right?

>> No.16299729


>> No.16299933


no Russian would dismiss a thinker

>> No.16300129

desu some of the points given in the Foundations of Geopolitics have become true (kinda):

The United Kingdom, merely described as an "extraterritorial floating base of the U.S.", should be cut off from Europe.[9] (Brexit happened)
France should be encouraged to form a bloc with Germany, as they both have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition".[9] (a consequence of Brexit)
Georgia should be dismembered. Abkhazia and "United Ossetia" (which includes Georgia's South Ossetia) will be incorporated into Russia. Georgia's independent policies are unacceptable.[9] (2008 events)
Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9] (BLM, alt-right, Trump etc.)
