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16296103 No.16296103 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/frens I just ordered this book and its coming in a couple of days. Any of you guys read it? Any thoughts and critiques about it.
I really am excited to read it.

>> No.16296113

You should read it first and come back to give us your perspective.

>> No.16296127


>> No.16296148


I will don't worry m8. The thing is that I just restarted College and I might not have time to finish this 800ish pages book in a week if the book dosen't arrive soon.

Any other book from this author that should be read? I ordered Libido Dominandi. Seen it often here has one of the most noFap book to read about the domination used on the people since the French Revolution.

>> No.16296220

scan the book with a scan app and i'll convert it to epub with OCR detection then put it up for the secret lit discord jk

>> No.16296249

Will I get in trouble for that?

>> No.16296270

Yes, the FBI will come to your home and cook mustard gas.

>> No.16296280
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yes. the CIA and the ADL will join against the cause for EMJ piracy

>> No.16296282

Well even if I am not on the American Continent?

>> No.16296292


>> No.16296294

Will the CIA and the ADL work for him or against him on that issue of distributing the book for free?

>> No.16296297

Sir I do believe the FBI dosen't give 2 shits about him and book scanning. Geez no one read nowadays

>> No.16296301

As long as you don't sell it it's fine. They are trying to get zlibrary not you.

>> No.16296315

I assure you that cracking down on book scanning which goes against the wishes and consent of both author and copyright-holding publisher is of the utmost importance to the FBI (Finterational Bagency of Ibooks). They do not tolerate any dissidents when it comes to these matters, and OP may be in grave danger for even conversing with the scoundrels and rogues inhabiting 4channel.org.

>> No.16296319
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if YOU downloaded a book
you are already in the interpol list

>> No.16296333
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tfw you've actually purchased or legally loaned all of your books, and are safe from the Archival Gestapo secret society

>> No.16296343

Well Mister FBI its the 4Channel person that made me do it, And I agree book-scanning is one the most horrid crime an individual could commit. I will never partake in such activity ever again.
Will the Finterational Bagency of Ibooks still be on my back now anon?

>> No.16296364

Just as knowledge is eternal, so too are crimes immortal.

>> No.16296371

ok now I am spooked anon. You successfully spooked me.

>> No.16296374

This is unironically a good question.

>> No.16296418

E. “Hitler was a gay prostitute” Michael Jones

>> No.16296431

No one is actually talking about the OP? I actually am shaking my head RIGHT NOW senpaitachi.
Got any Sauce on that Champ?

>> No.16296469

One of the biggest questions, in my opinion, related to current world politics and the future of humanity is this: How pozzed is the FBI & CIA?

I suspect they are both pozzed but that there are factions within both organizations that know who the real enemy is.

>> No.16296489

It’s in Libido Dominandi. E. Michael Jones is dog shit. If you want reactionary Catholic thinkers, you can do a million times better than this third-rate polemicist.

>> No.16296492

You think too small, little man. Here is the query which guides us toward the truth, now be prepared to peer beyond the firmament:
Between the FBI and CIA, which is pre-fap and which is post-fap?

>> No.16296512
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>If you want reactionary Catholic thinkers
Got any suggestion? I quite like Dr Taylor Marshall. I would love having a thread about him on here, but I guess people won't be too into it. He wrote some books. I don't know the quality of them because I read none of them yet, and I would be surprise if an anon on here could give us a critique.

>> No.16296569

No I’m thinking people that aren’t YouTube brainlet shit. Pope John Paul II, Elizabeth Anscombe, Alasdair Macintyre, Pitrim Sorokin, George Grant, Patrick Deneen, Chantal Delsol, John Lukacs.

>> No.16296609

hillaire belloc, pitirim sorokin as anon above said, etienne gilson, henri daniel-rops, romano guardini, jean danielou

>> No.16296614

>Pope John Paul II
And no Saint-Thomas of Aquinas. Mate you hmmmm...

>> No.16296646
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Great idea!

>> No.16296751

Quick guide to E. Michael Jones opinions:

Any non-catholic historical figure? They are bad because I dug up or fabricated one thing wrong from their past that negates anything else they have done. As it says in the bible: "Let he who is without sin only into heaven and stone the rest."

And catholic historical figure? Anything bad they did is forgiven because of divine grace. As long as you get a baptism/confession, it doesn't matter what you did. Nobody's perfect after all. Sweep it under the rug.

People talk about Deleuze being Obscurantist but Obscurantist philosophy is nothing compared to Obscurantist history. Want to have an opinion on Newtonian physics? Better have a full knowledge of John Dee's influence of alchemy on the British academy off science, as well as full knowledge of the Kabbalah. Win any debate by referencing obscure unrelated points and insisting your opponent is illiterate if they don't know about them!

The man is a mile wide, inch deep puddle. You can guess what his opinion on anything will be before reading any of his arguments. You don't need 2000 pages of evidence to convince people of the truth. The only good of it is as a shield for his disingenuous reasoning.

>> No.16296758

I assumed we were talking about people who have something to say about modernity.

>> No.16296821

Sorry you actually said reactionnary catholic thinker and thue Saint-Thomas of Aquinas wouldn't of fell in that category. Do you think the reactionnary catholics still has something going for them? The anti-statu-quo extreme left seems to have more ("public") steam going for them than other vision.

>> No.16296827

stop posting this thot

>> No.16296847

Hard to say. I think intellectually Catholics like MArxists and so on have carved out a sizeable niche. Besides apparently demographically religion is going to come back in a big way

>> No.16296905
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I got up to chapter 4, and had gotten into the swing of it, after the beginning I feel was a little too full of atheist-criticizing (instead of starting off by building theistic positions first). It was getting comfy going through history, but when it gets to Medieval times, Jones jumps right into full-fledged Metaphysics and loses me.

What's the point of building the history of philosophy slowly, when you skip over the entire beginning of post-Roman metaphysics, just assuming all these positions about essence and accident and substance.

Building up the energy to eventually get back into it.

>> No.16296980

thanks for your room temperature IQ take

>> No.16297003

Leczek Kolakowski, Nicolas Gomez Davila

>> No.16297010

The masses of pentecostals and muslims and a minority of moderate Catholics (who will retain the fruits of the Enlightenment just like the monastics of the dark ages), can't wait.

>> No.16297823

Is it a real worthwhile theological development or just an attempt at recapping in the context of Catholicism along with the rest of history?