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File: 54 KB, 864x480, Sartre-e-Camus-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16292934 No.16292934 [Reply] [Original]

Who was right?

>> No.16292942

Camus, Sartre was a spastic

>> No.16292974
File: 37 KB, 709x432, DD9375BF-5D89-46DD-A1E1-82D928900222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept forming in the back of my head.

Camus as Harry Potter. Sartre as Ron and Simone as Hermione. The teachers are various other philosophers.

>> No.16292983
File: 158 KB, 1027x1500, Georges_Bataille_vers_1943 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were both wrong.

>> No.16292993

Clearly Merleau-Ponty was the best Existentialist
Bataille having a little feud with Sartre cause Sartre was being a fag is always fun to think about

>> No.16293042

>women can act as women OR as human beings
So is she saying women are not human beings?

>> No.16293058

What she’s saying is that women when acting as women are seen as a second-class being compared to the proper being which is man. She’s saying that we only view men as being human beings, and not-men as not being human beings

>> No.16293120

>when women act like women, they are accused of being inferior
So women in their most natural state are inferior
>When women act like human beings, they are accused of behaving like men
So men are human beings, and women are not

>> No.16293123

No, read that again

>> No.16293129

Based and coompilled

>> No.16293139
File: 88 KB, 185x255, 03983189-B2E4-492F-8C55-C3C8607CBF73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man made social constrictions are not a natural state.
Women, *traditionally* haven’t been allowed to be human, only livestock for breeding.

Have a read.

>> No.16293149

>tranny brain instantly thinks of YA burgeouise mythology

>> No.16293174

Sartre is miles above camus. L'existentialisme est un humanisme alone trumps everything camus ever did except fucking maria casares

>> No.16293183

It’s a silly idea for humors sake, shitferbrains

>> No.16293198

Nonentities, mean nothing to me.

>> No.16293215

>I have just swung by to to tell you all how much *I* don’t care one little bit for either of them. Consider that!

>select all the squares with mountains or hills
>One hill. One angle shot. One large tree

>> No.16293223
File: 24 KB, 400x400, At-The-Existentialist-Cafe-Freedom-Being-and-Apricot-Cocktails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone read this? is it worth it?

>> No.16293232
File: 16 KB, 500x375, 1599293123070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.16293244

I will never get over how much pissing there is in SotE.

>> No.16293261

I read it. Honestly pretty good and provides a nice overview of existentialist writers’ lives and ideas, decently fair enough to each writer. It’s light and surprisingly funny, not bad at all.

>> No.16293266

i read it twice. it's a fun scene setting biography of an age. not too deep.

>> No.16293287

>>16293266 >>16293261
i didn't really care for the bio of montaigne tho. have you read any of her other work that might be worth checking out? feel like the existentialist book may have been a one-off.

>> No.16293307

The existentialists were the dullest franchise in philosophical history.

>> No.16293313

Tbh from what I know, ‘Existentialist Cage’ and the Montaigne book are her only two major publications. She’s had two books before, but I think they’re just academic. So it’s really just that.

>> No.16293319

Sartre for smoking a pipe like a true intellectual.

>> No.16293333

>select all the squares with mountains or hills
>One hill. One angle shot. One large tree
The designer of the mountain captchas is from Kansas.

>> No.16293367

sartre used to fuck 14 year olds with simone and was constantly high on mescaline, so I think I'll give him the victory

>> No.16295046
File: 648 KB, 2048x1275, celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16295103


>> No.16295249

>only livestock for breeding.
And that was a good thing