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File: 234 KB, 784x572, Screenshot from 2020-09-05 00-18-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16289753 No.16289753 [Reply] [Original]

I need help /lit/ bros.
I'm writing a 40K fan fiction of an imperial pleasure world based on Marquis de Sade's writing.

What is the most messed up stuff you can do to xenos for pleasure without falling to slaneesh.

One thing I'm thinking is a primaris psycher making an eldar and human mentally retarded and doing eachother while the Commissar laughs with glee.

They basically edge themselves to the brink of slaneshi corruption without going deep enough to get warped

>> No.16289785

I didn't make up "Imperial pleasure worlds", it's canon

>> No.16289789

I doubt there is much room for that kind of stuff before Slaanesh actually steps in. The inquisition is paranoid, but for a reason.

But you could probably mimic Sade's own scenes and spice them up with some xeno interbreeding.

>> No.16291550
File: 3.24 MB, 1500x1091, mouthful.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vivisection of a footsexual to determine the origins of their paraphilia

>> No.16291624


>> No.16292634

Futas. Definitely needs futas. That much I know for sure.

>> No.16293181

Basically it's the entire leadership of humanity minus the entire Astartes and most Inquisition.

The leaders don''t all go at once, they take turns so one from each camp from the top brass.

Inqusitor leaders do it too because it's based on how the Bishop in 120 days is a sick pervert and a hypocrite. The loyal fanatics or the empire don't even realize all their leaders are heretics.

The only ones that aren't like this; Astartes and the inuqisition (minus the leaders).
I figured Space Marine leadership wouldn't be sick perverts

>> No.16293233


The pleasure world you describe needs a writer to watch all the hedonistic, perverse and hypocritical shit and record everything(without practicing any of it) and put it into prose that is titillating and puerile and spurs the audience to commit more acts of hedonistic, perverse and hypocritical shit which then makes it out to the rest of the Empire.

>> No.16293238


You might want to go here for more Marquis de Sade stuff: >>>/d/catalog

>> No.16293500

I want it to show a grim dark ending where it turns out the human leaders have more in common with Dark Eldar and Chaos then they do with the Emporer's Light, which makes it even more disparaging that the only true Empire left is the Golden Throne of Terra and the Astartes while everyone else follows hypicrits "for the Emporer".