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/lit/ - Literature

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16289204 No.16289204 [Reply] [Original]

Which of the following have you read?
>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Plato's works
>Aristotle's works
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
>The Divine Comedy
>The Canterbury Tales
>Shakespeare's works
>Paradise Lost

>> No.16289213

Only the real good ones in this list ie The Illiad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, the Bible and the Divine Comedy, plus King Lear and Hamlet.

>> No.16289220

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
>The Divine Comedy
>The Canterbury Tales
>Shakespeare's works
>Reading Paradise lost rn

I would read Plato's and Aristotle's works, but I am afraid reading philosophy will make me depressed (I have heard many anons say this). I would like to read philosophy in general, but I don't want to be depressed :(

>> No.16289223

none of them except the ones in school

>> No.16289229

I have read them all but Aristotle. I don't know. I don't like reading bugman shit. When you put faggy science in my philosophy, I suddenly remember I should've been doing something else.

>> No.16289233

Ive only read the bible

>> No.16289237

I've read them all but still feel underread

>> No.16289248

>Some of it
>some of them
>some of them
>some of it
>two of them
>some of them
>some of it
Sorry, I’m trying to do better

>> No.16289254

They're life affirming hop on it

>> No.16289266

>>The Iliad
>>The Odyssey
>>Plato's works
>>Aristotle's works
>>The Aeneid
>>The Bible
>>The Divine Comedy
I didn't read paradisio
>>The Canterbury Tales
>>Shakespeare's works
I stole the complete works from my high school library as my "senior prank"
>>Paradise Lost
It's sitting on my shelf, haven't gotten to it yet though.

>> No.16289272

I've read some plato, but the rest no. The bible is a meme, and shakespeare is for dumbass pseuds.

>> No.16289306

Only niggers and rednecks use "dumbass" and you don't look sound like a redneck to me so that kind of narrows it down.

>> No.16289574

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Plato's works
Trial and Death of Socrates, Republic
>Aristotle's works
Ethics, Parts of Organon, Metaphysics, politics
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
Some of Old Testament, Most of New
>The Divine Comedy
No but planning
>The Canterbury Tales
>Shakespeare's works
>Paradise Lost

>> No.16290026

none and I never will

>> No.16290065

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Plato's works
All of them
>Aristotle's works
Half of them
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
>The Divine Comedy
>The Canterbury Tales
>Shakespeare's works
The sonnets and every play, if you count movies and live theater.
>Paradise Lost

>> No.16290139
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Everything but Plato before I started menses

>> No.16290148

none of them

>> No.16290152

>Herodotus, Histories
>Julius Caesar, The Civil War
>Ab Urbe Condita, Livy
>Plato's more famous dialogues
>Pre-Socratics, what little they wrote.
>The Prince, Machiavelli
>Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet
>Mansfield Park, Jane Austen
>Lord of the Flies
>Heart of Darkness
>To Kill a Mockingbird (it was meh, did it for school)
>The Satyricon
>Baghavad Gita (also meh)
>A Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan
>A Serious Call to a devout life, William Law
Currently I'd like to understand the Hebrew prophets better, but I don't really know where to start.

>> No.16290158

I've read the Iliad and some Plato.

>> No.16290192

Looks like an embarrassing list from wikipedia that incels would read.

>> No.16290205

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Plato's works
The Republic
>Aristotle's works
The Poetics, four times
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
>The Divine Comedy
Only Inferno
>The Canterbury Tales
>Shakespeare's works
>Paradise Lost

>> No.16290271

The Bible and The Divine Comedy.

>> No.16290273

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Plato's works
Only the republic (though I recently got the complete works of Plato)
>Aristotle's works
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
Still reading the Old testament
>The Divine Comedy
>The Canterbury Tales
>Shakespeare's works
>Paradise Lost
Will read it after I've finished reading the bible

>> No.16290298

I've read at least parts of all of them

>> No.16290301

All of these ">yes" are pointless if you can't share (at least one) what you have learned from each book, alongside your ">yes"

>> No.16290312

I don't think Plato and Aristotle will make you depressed.

>> No.16290365

I want to read the bible, but I’m not sure how to tackle it. Should I just read it from cover to cover, or should I read certain books before others?

>> No.16290381

Yup, these niggers read but don't comprehend

>> No.16290899

Why bother reading Aristotle when you only read two Plato dialogues.

One must assume you understood little of the Aristotle you read.

>> No.16291134

None of them but Shakespeare's sonnets. I'm a romantic bitch.

>> No.16291136
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All of them

>> No.16291161

All of it, twice

>> No.16291198

Plato will give you bliss.

>> No.16291232

I think i read the illiad. and the bible

>> No.16292687

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>The Aeneid
Read a kid's version in school
>The Bible
Only excerpts in catechism

>> No.16293005

Ancient Greeks had a very different attitude towards life than modern people. I actually found their takes pretty reaffirming. They look at things in a very simple way comparatively speaking.

>> No.16293024


I've read all of those. Shakespeare > Plato > Aristotle > Odyssey > Illiad > Paradise Lost > Canterbury > Aeneid > da bibble.

>> No.16293044

>>The Iliad
>>The Odyssey
>>Plato's works
>>Aristotle's works
>>The Aeneid
>>The Bible
>>The Divine Comedy
>>The Canterbury Tales
>>Shakespeare's works
About half
>>Paradise Lost

>> No.16293144

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Plato's works
>Aristotle's works
a fraction
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
>The Divine Comedy
>The Canterbury Tales
>Shakespeare's works
>Paradise Lost

>> No.16293171

greek philosophy is outdated anyways and mostly serves as a stepping stone for people to A. think critically and B. understand the continious development of philosophy. A lot of greek philosophy is either political or using their limited access to knowledge to try to explain natural phenomena, with a bit of existential questions and paradoxes thrown in
It really shouldn't make you depressed at all

>> No.16293173

I literally haven't read any of that lmao. Am I really missing something important by not reading them or are they just a meme like "100 movies u have to see before u die"?

>> No.16293187

You're missing out in the sense that so much of the Western literary tradition is built around them. As for the quality of the works themselves, it depends. Aristotle is genuinely some of the most boring stuff ever written, Plato is hit or miss but when he hits it's amazing, the Odyssey is pretty much solid gold throughout, Shakespeare has some of the greatest English passages ever written but the plots, characters, etc. are stupid.

>> No.16293291

>The Illiad
>The Odyssey
>The Aeneid
>Some of Shakespeare's sonets
>Read Paradise Lost translated, still have to read it in English
I intend to read Plato and Aristotle, but I've decided to start from the Presocratics, just to be safe I don't miss anything important.

>> No.16293371
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>>The Iliad
Read in full
>>The Odyssey
Read in full
>>Plato's works
Working through a translation at the moment
>>Aristotle's works
Read a small amount, wanted to wait until I had finished Plato
>>The Aeneid
Read in full for highschool
>>The Bible
No, I’ve been meaning to read it but I keep putting it off because of length and jewishness.
>>The Divine Comedy
Haven’t read
>>The Canterbury Tales
Almost none of, the millers tale but nothing else
>>Shakespeare's works
Read all plays (and seen many of them)
I haven’t read all of his sonnets
>>Paradise Lost
Read in full
I’m fairly pleb but working on it, at least I read the classical epics in original language.
>I would read Plato's and Aristotle's works, but I am afraid reading philosophy will make me depressed
Only shitty post-enlightenment philosophers will do this to you. Most philosophers between Plato and Leibniz are very life affirming.
Science is a subsection of philosophy. Liking only science is for bugmen, ignoring science totally is for retards who are afraid of getting ideas from physically outside of themselves. It’s not philosophy and science, science is a smaller part within the whole of philosophy which cannot be reasonably ignored.

>> No.16293412

All but the Canterbury Tales, the Bible and paradise lost, not read all of Aristotle or Shakespeare but feel I’ve gone through the main bits

>> No.16293458

>>The Iliad
One of my favorite books
>>The Odyssey
Same as above
>>Plato's works
Most of them but will finish all eventually
>>Aristotle's works
Several of them and will finish all eventually
>>The Aeneid
Of course
>>The Bible
>>The Divine Comedy
>>The Canterbury Tales
Haven't finished it yet
>>Shakespeare's works
Not all of them, but will probably do
>>Paradise Lost
Yes and I love Milton

>> No.16293475
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>learning things from books
I'm not a pseud

>> No.16293547

>reading other people's opinions and fantasies makes u smarterer

the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.16293562

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Plato's works
>Aristotle's works
A few, the big ones
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
N, and no thanks
>The Divine Comedy
N, and no thanks
>The Canterbury Tales
Some of them
>Shakespeare's works
Some of them
>Paradise Lost
N, and no thanks l

>> No.16293683

But these are very basic books everyone should've read before really pursuing any cultural or literary interest

>> No.16293751

>because of length and jewishness.
Based but you still have to read it faggot

>> No.16293777

>I've read them all but still feel underread
You probably are--OP's stuff is just foundational stuff

>> No.16294332

I know, I will.
Do you have a personal recommendation of which edition? It’s got to be an English language one because I may read classics but I’m not reading that entire thing in Greek. I’ve heard KJV is nice in language but not the best for meaning.

>> No.16294487

Philosophy doesn't need more than greek philosphy. Everything else is nitpicking

>> No.16294520

Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Symposium, Phaedrus, Timaeus
The General Prologue, The Pardoner's Tale
Much Ado About Nothing, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Titus Andronicus, Love's Labours Lost, Richard II, The Merchant of Venice
Books I and II

>> No.16294538

>Twice prose and verse
>Once prose
>Republic & 3 books on Socrates
>Once prose
>Most of

>> No.16294804

why are you reading them in prose lol there's plenty of good poetry translations

>> No.16295564

Reading the iliad now , read The Republic, Shakespeare works in school, but quite a few bible books

>> No.16296290

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Plato's works
Most of it
>Aristotle's works
Most of it
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
Only the book of job
>The Divine Comedy
Only a part of "Inferno", can't remember why I dropped the book (I was young when I was reading it)
>The Canterbury Tales
>Shakespeare's works
Hamlet and Macbeth only
>Paradise Lost

What's the verdict, /lit/?

>> No.16296300

Plato and Aristotle are great for self-knowledge, which is the first step toward virtue. You will not regret spending time with them.

>> No.16296325

How to get into Aristotle or Plato? U anons make me encouraged but don’t know where to start

>> No.16296353

Read the Illiad, Oddessy, Aeneid, the divine comedy and some of Shakespeare’s stuff

>> No.16296365

>>The Iliad
>>The Odyssey
Yes to both
>>Plato's works
>>Aristotle's works
>>The Aeneid
>>The Bible
>>The Divine Comedy
>>The Canterbury Tales
I tried but it was too early English for me
>>Shakespeare's works
A few
>>Paradise Lost

>> No.16296867
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mfw poorly read but I'm still trying

>> No.16297216


>> No.16297565

What you read in school doesn't count you have to read them again by yourself in your 20s or later

>> No.16297824

All except the Aeneid desu

>> No.16297842

Why would you skip that

>> No.16297846

The same way you start with literature: Hesiod, Homer, Herodotus, Thucydides, Greek tragedians, Plato, Aristotle

>> No.16297848

>all anglocentric rubbish

>> No.16298457

>>The Iliad
I have read all of this
>>The Odyssey
I have read all of this
>>Plato's works
I have read most of this
>>Aristotle's works
I have read most of this
>>The Aeneid
I have read all of this
>>The Bible
I have read most of this
>>The Divine Comedy
I have read all of this
>>The Canterbury Tales
I have read all of this
>>Shakespeare's works
I have read most of this
>>Paradise Lost
I have read all of this.

Looks like I'm doing OK. Might end up making it after all.

>> No.16298828
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>> No.16298836

Are there any other works on this level of importance?

>> No.16298860


There are second-tier (still very important) works such as greek tragedies, descartes, goethe, tolstoy, and some others, but they're a tier below OP's

>> No.16298884

>I would read Plato's and Aristotle's works, but I am afraid reading philosophy will make me depressed (I have heard many anons say this). I would like to read philosophy in general, but I don't want to be depressed :(
Plato will literally do the opposite. When I’m in a bad mood and sick of reading depressing literature I look forward to reading Plato because his work is so life-affirming and uplifting.

>> No.16298893

Imagine being so delusional that you think Paradise Lost and Canterbury Tales are more important than the greek tragedies, descartes, tolstoy etc.

>> No.16298915

>Plato's works
A bit of this

>The Bible
And all of this. Reading it again though.

>> No.16298923

>The Illiad
>The Odyssey
>Some of Plato
>The Aeneid in Latin
>NT and letters of Paul
>Inferno and some of Purgatorio
>Some sections of Chaucer
>Lots of Shakespeare
>No Milton but someday

>> No.16298928

Maybe if the tragedies were written by only one person, but it's three persons and they're all in the shadow of Homer. Descartes doesn't have enough literary merit to take a top spot unless it's centred on philosophy, and Tolstoy is too recent to be as influential.

>> No.16298934

I wasn't talking about Homer, you retard. Can't you even read a post properly? Let me spell it out for you this time:
>Paradise Lost and Canterbury Tales
These are the works I was referring to.

>> No.16298942

>Chaucer and Milton more important than the Tragedians and Goethe
die anglo

>> No.16298971

All of them, obviously

>> No.16298972

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Aristotle a gay and a homo
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
>The Divine Comedy
>Never even heard of this
>Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Titus Andronicus
>haven't finished yet
You need to slap Aesop on there and drop the philosofags, they are of little importance.

>> No.16298974

They absolutely are lol, have you even read Chaucer?

>> No.16298985

>has never even heard of The Canterbury Tales
what does being an actual moron feel like?

>> No.16298993

I'm not even an anglo. What the fuck would I care?

>> No.16299022

For the same reason I think Boccaccio and Dante are important, even though I’m not Italian, or why I think Goethe and Schelling are important, even though I’m not German. How can you even pretend to be well-read when your bibliography is so woefully cloistered?

>> No.16299048

I've read plenty of classics that weren't mentioned by OP. Not having been raised in an english setting, I have never, not once in my life, even heard passing mention of "The Canterbury Tales". At a glance, I guess it's a sort of anglo Aesop, or One Thousand and One Nights type deal. Might be interesting but honestly doesn't seem like it has much of an impact on a global scale like the others on the list.

>> No.16299076

He's actually right about The Canterbury Tales, just because you haven't hear anyone around you mention it doesn't mean it didn't have an important effect on the picaresque, short stories and novels in which stories are told in general. He is pretty delusional about Paradise Lost, though.

>> No.16299094

Yeah honestly I wouldn't have put Paradise Lost on that list. Could have put some Goethe or some Schiller. Lack of Germanic lit.

>> No.16299110

Shithead is the patrician's choice.

>> No.16299119

If your instinctual go-to is anything but "fagass" you are sub 200 IQ.

>> No.16299565
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arigatou gozaimasu

>> No.16300203

>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>Plato's works
Select works but not all
>Aristotle's works
Select works but not all
>The Aeneid
>The Bible
>The Divine Comedy
>The Canterbury Tales
No but I own it
>Shakespeare's works
Select works but not all
>Paradise Lost
Reading now