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16288867 No.16288867 [Reply] [Original]

What is the philosophical explanation for or behind cancel culture? Is this peak nihilism, or just another cog in the wheel of modernity?

>> No.16288875

Is that a dick?

>> No.16288878


>> No.16288902

a replacement for religious excommunication and a purity spiral that will lead eventually to a power collapse.

>> No.16288914
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White people are overwhelmingly successful, powerful, and beautiful because they have better genetics and develop better cultures than other races. However in America, and increasingly in Europe, whites don't live in isolation from other races. Those groups want power but cant out compete whites because whites are superior. In order to beat the whites they try to create a rigged system that allows them to cheat their way past their superiors (affirmative action, cancel culture, reparations for slavery, shit like that). The main weapon that these minorities have is white sympathy, that is to say they play off the altruism of white liberals. Their tactics have thus far proved fairly effective, although it is starting to create some serious push back. That's the entire explanation.

>> No.16288926

Is being held accountable for your words and actions really that bad?

>> No.16288991

Nietzchean slave morality and ressentiment. The weak cannot compete with the strong, and so their idea of equality is making the strong weak, dragging them down to their level. According to Nietzsche, the more a person is active, strong-willed, and dynamic, the less place and time is left for contemplating all that is done to them, and their reactions (like imagining they are actually better) become less compulsive. It exists as a reactive stance. Having no power or potency themselves, their only value is opposing those who do have these. This goes for most of the left's anti-value systems, victim mentality, etc.

>> No.16289000


>> No.16289007

>What is the philosophical explanation for or behind cancel culture?
It's an aspect of Decolonization: the recognition that straight white male narratives have served as the dominant pole of historical knowing due to suppression of other narratives, and the systematic dismantling of said SWMN to make room for marginalized voices.
>inb4 a half dozen people call me a commie kike
Don't shoot the messenger. This is their philosophical explanation. I am conveying it to you.

>> No.16289014

More or less this.

>> No.16289015

The thing about cancel culture is that it’s mostly a Gen Z thing, targeted primarily at figures whom they have no real “connection” with. For all we know, Billie Eillish will be getting canceled in 20 years for whatever the fuck reason. The only reason Millennials care, generally speaking, is because these same figures getting canceled now are people who the Millennials associate with their teen years/adolescence. For better or for worse, the definition of “offensive” is constantly changing—what is offensive now wasn’t really offensive 10 years ago, new ideas will be considered so in 5 years, and so on—so when Gen Z discovers a controversial take (by modern standards) made by some socialite made however many years ago in the past, they see no issue in de-personing them as their understanding of social issues is hilariously limited (funny then that these are the same people claiming to be “woke”). It’s not really their fault though; more so their parents’ and the education system’s fault for focusing more on the now than on the past. It’s all cyclical.

>> No.16289020

Cancel culture got going when Millenials started coming out of college ten years ago. It's their phenomenon

>> No.16289026

Latent Protestant energies let loose in a secular age.

>> No.16289048

It's just to neutralize freethinkers by creating a climate of fear around going against the grain because they are the real threat to the status quo moving forward.

>> No.16289052

they used to hold witches accountable for their words by raping them and id rather have that than what we have now with this pussy shit

>> No.16289074
File: 124 KB, 750x1084, 1036C2AF-368B-41D5-904D-7569663CA5D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man, I’d rather rape women than have women cancel my cultural icons
Wtf, you wad of snot

>> No.16289077
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I always wonder if people actually think dumb shit like this or if it's all a LARP and you'd yell "it was all satire" if someone hard pressed you irl to defend this shit.
You understand that everything you hold dear was created by Mediterraneans, Hindus and Arabs, right? Including Christianity. Including civilization.
What you propose is so far fetched and absurd I don't understand how you can live with yourself. Are you this dense on purpose? Is it all a joke? Please explain to me.

>> No.16289102

>everything you hold dear was created by Mediterraneans, Hindus and Arabs, right?
Actually it was all created by the sun. Guess we should start worshiping the sun again, according to you. Or, maybe you should realize that the modern West was made by white men specifically.

>> No.16289107

It is! It was. It was a fresh new collective power we used to stab corporations in the shins. Try to saw off a leg. (We didn't.) Then the corporations got wise and the game wasn't fun anymore, but oh no, Rosanne said something fucking stupid on Twitter and what should be done about it?

Boomers were coming online around the same time and posting all sorts of shit with their name and face right over it for all the world to see. Fuck. Some careful steering that I like to think it was handled well. Then 2016 rolled around and someone had a fight with corporate libs and decided not to steer the boat anymore. You fucking handle it. It took a couple years to figure out no one was at the wheel and by the time the ship had ground into an iceburg the captain was off...doing something. Giving up on humanity somewhere.

Hell awaits.

>> No.16289109
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I assure you it's not satire. And no I would not say it was all a satire. I stand by my beliefs because I'm not a faggot. Anyways, OP asked what the origin of cancel culture is, and I explained what the origins are. Simple as that. You've not refuted my central thesis: that racial minorities (and women) in the U.S. use cancel culture in order to get a leg up because they can't win by playing by the rules. And I don't care what Greeks and Arabs were doing 2500 years ago. I'm talking about America in the year 2020.

>> No.16289127

It used to be a matter of reaching Twitter trending status of "#so-and-so is over party." A few days went by and most people forgot about the issue. Nowadays, it is a matter of permanence—permanently de-personing whoever has demonstrated behavior that doesn't meet modern standards and removing them from any position of influence, regardless of how much time has passed. In other words, the concept has evolved and taken a new form; the modern form belongs to Gen Z.

>> No.16289132

Look up communist struggle sessions.

>> No.16289150

It used to be fun to do to celebrities, but now it’s trickled down into regular society of people living paycheck to paycheck. I’m on the fence as to whether that’s a good thing or not.

>> No.16289158


You don't see Mediterraneans, Arabs, Asians, etc, constantly sperging about enabling renaissance, the great sea explorations and whatnot because they understand they all had great moments and low moments in history. They built great empires and saw them fall, they built great cultures and saw them fall. They understand these are cycles.
Then you get people like you, incomprehensibly narrow minded, who claim shit like "whites are superior to everyone which explains their success" as if America is some kind of scandinavian viking white bastion that is gonna last forever as the greatest empire. It's so ridiculous, I can't believe you actually live in this LARP.
"Oh but living in Norway is better than living in India".
Of course maintaining good services in a tiny fucking country with a tiny fucking population is easier than mantaining 1 billion people in a tropical climate with god knows how many tropical diseases. Yet Indian culture sends more ripples throughout the world than viking Larping does, and India by all metrics is more of a world player than the scandinavians. Bear in mind Sweden was once a moderately great empire and god absolutely rekt by people you deem inferior.
Anyway, you're free to live whatever LARP you want, I just wanted to understand if you were being sincere and if it was stupidity, and you confirmed both.

>> No.16289166

Its elite and celebrity spectacle nothing more nothing less. Just makes small libs feel like they actually matter and impact things

>> No.16289198

>I’m on the fence
I hope you get fired, blacklisted and hates by your family for some minor you did or something you didn't even do.
Let's see if you're a fence sitter after that. No one will come to help you though.

>> No.16289206

You might be right. My impression is more that millenials have gotten into more positions of power where they can actually muzzle people, and that their ideology has filtered up to boomers who can do the same. Zoomers seem to be narced out doing tik tok dances while the world collapses around them.

>> No.16289263

By and large, Boomers don't understand cancel culture yet; in all seriousness, they're still figuring out how memes work, and will be dead by the time they figure it out—figuring out cancel culture isn't even on the table for them. Cancel culture belongs strictly to Gen Z and the Millennials (kind of). The Millennials will never do anything about it because they figure they are impervious (now), but we'll see what happens. God knows that maybe there will be a counter-movement where "cancel culture" is, itself, "cancelable," and Gen Z'ers end up getting canceled for their behavior now. The whole thing is fucked and there doesn't seem to be any semblance of direction, purpose, or matter of outcome—it's digital anarchy for anarchy's sake.

>> No.16289271

No, it has gotten bad. It's had a real chilling effect on our national conversation. It's out of control. Why don't you just admit you lack the leadership ability to make a single good judgement in the people's favor? You don't have that skillset. You never did.

You dumb zoomer, boomers would rather reanimate their corpse than give a single position of power to a millennial. Name a single fucking millennial in a position of power within a traditional institution who isn't sucking boomer dick (that rules out Zuckerberg). Beware, boomers do see your youthful naivete as an edge in their favor.

>> No.16289281

What I'm trying to say is that it takes power to 'cancel' someone. When someone gets fired for a post that's usually a boomer firing them. Boomers run the unis and corporations.

>> No.16289286

Ethnic replacement causes bubbles of ideology causes conviction to destroy and replace all systems

>> No.16289289

>You dumb zoomer, boomers would rather reanimate their corpse than give a single position of power to a millennial. Name a single fucking millennial in a position of power[...]
You totally misread my post, calm down. I'm a millenial btw.

>> No.16289301


can you name a time where "cancel culture" didnt exist?

I cant think of one. It actually gets worse and worse the farther back you get in time....

>> No.16289308


>> No.16289311

The entire 19th century in America

>> No.16289331

Right, but the Boomer firing them is seeing it through the lens they saw it decades ago: go down the street, get another job. In cancel culture, there is no getting another job, period. You are essentially on your own to figure out how you will sustain yourself, ostracized by society at large, etc.

>> No.16289356

For everyone in this thread that does not understand what this is, or wants to know more, I strongly encourage you all to look into this.
Yuri Bezmonov talked about his work as a KGB propagandist back in the 80s. He established propaganda in India and other places during the 60s. Why is that relevant? India was where the affluent flower children and hippies went to find themselves. Eventually he realized the lies of communism and disguised himself as a hippie. This allowed him to escape. I strongly suggest anyone unfamiliar with him to watch this full video. He talks about targeting social justice issues, as they are the weakest point. Yes, he's posted on /pol/, no, that doesn't invalidate him. He's an extremely valuable resource. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9TviIuXPSE&t=23s&ab_channel=AmitSengupta

Struggle sessions:
>A struggle session was a form of public humiliation and torture that was used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) at various times in the Mao era, particularly years immediately before and after the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and during the Cultural Revolution
In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until he or she confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused, but they were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was well-known.
Struggle sessions developed from similar ideas of criticism and self-criticism in the Soviet Union from the 1920s. The term refers to class struggle; the session is held, ostensibly, to benefit the target, by eliminating all traces of counterrevolutionary, reactionary thinking. Chinese communists resisted this at first, because struggle sessions conflicted with the Chinese concept of saving face, but struggle sessions became commonplace at Communist Party meetings during the 1930s due to public popularity.

We know this has happened throughout the US since the 60s, especially in cults. The most famous of which was Jonestown, where the leaders of People's Temple would hold struggle sessions throughout the entire night most nights. https://www.martyrmade.com/martyrmade-podcast-16-gods-socialist-pt-6-no-driver-at-the-wheel/

It's purification of ideas through ritual sacrifice. Sometimes symbolic, sometimes quite physical. This is the logical progression of affluent society being infected with USSR propaganda during the cold war. Notice how the only people who actually are harmed are normally working middle class. This is because the Bourgeoisie uses it to stoke the hatred of the lumpen-proles against the proletariat.

>> No.16289364

It's like most things on the internet, white women want to feel powerful, and social pressure is their best weapon.

>> No.16289386

But at the same time, how long until the modern audience isn't satisfied with digital cancelation anymore and demands physical/public cancelation instead? You already have far-left LARPers memeing about guillotines for fuck sake.

>> No.16289404

This>>16289007 is the mainstream explanation but this>>16288914 this is the actual explanation.

>> No.16289413

That's why I posted multiple resources. Look at what they are and what they lead to. Learn about the natural progression of this movement.
>You already have far-left LARPers memeing about guillotines for fuck sake
Don't call them larpers. Some may be, but some are the real deal. Mocking things as larps does nothing but make you even more unprepared for the actual event, see 2016 election.
I beg you to watch and listen to the resources I posted. This is a very serious thing that is becoming manifest all around us.

>> No.16289423

Grief hardens into hatred. Neighbors become enemies. The populace wants to have a meaningful conversation but is woefully unprepared and undeveloped for such a task. Their ignorance only serves to salt the wound. Things are bad.

Cancel culture isn't that coordinated. The Feds have seen to that.

You think tracking and silencing organizers means the protests will go away, but then riots happen. The difference between a protest and a riot is a strong network of principled organizers and you hunted them into nonexistence, but the rage lives on.

>> No.16289494

>You think tracking and silencing organizers means the protests will go away
I absolutely don't. That's fucking retarded.
>but then riots happen. The difference between a protest and a riot is a strong network of principled organizers and you hunted them into nonexistence, but the rage lives on.
Yeah, no fucking shit. Protests are a healthy means to identify and deal with issues in society. Protests exist to stop riots.
I have no problem with the protests. I think that BLM protests are retarded, but I have no issue with them.

These ideas are rampant in our society and only by having laser focus against them and deconstructing them will we overcome this. They don't need to be coordinated. They're naturally occurring in multiple places. I wish it were coordinated because then you could lop off the head of the snake. This is a natural progression of an ideological strain made popular in affluent circles.

>> No.16289531

lol, whites aren't even close to dying out and other races aren't even close to surpassing us. Nice attempt though.

>> No.16289543

I don't care what you do. I don't care what they do either. You are all profound disappointments in my book.

>> No.16289554

>Protests exist to stop riots.
>I think that BLM protests are retarded, but I have no issue with them.
So are BLM riots justified then? BLM has no central figurehead to identify the difference between riot and protest, so do I believe the peaceful protester or the violent rioter?