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16286586 No.16286586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The totality of philosophy is cope. All of it is just COPE. Take any philosophy and you will see that its foundation rests on cope. Philosophy is what intelligent men occupy all their mental energy with when they instinctively realize that it's over for them. What do they all want? Sexual pleasure and romance, coping with old age = lack of virility and young love. All roads lead to this.

And you can make all kinds of objections, but in reality this is what it all boils down to. Some layer their philosophy with enough mumbo jumbo to muddle this fact and others are less ashamed to profess to the world what they truly yearn. I challenge any of you to prove me wrong, the only philosopher worth his salt is he who is not afraid to admit that I'm right.

I can't believe I was determined to get baptized a few months ago. You want to solve philosophy? Answer me. Sexual and romantic frustration, what's the solution to THIS question? Name me a philosopher who deals with this head on without retreating like a coward to asceticism or other elaborate forms of cope. You are all charlatans and swindlers, make-believe! Do you even believe in your own lies? How many people have you shamelessly deceived.

>> No.16286603

So what are we supposed to do? Why is
a bad thing if it helps in this regard?

>> No.16286606

This post is 50% cope, 50% projection and 100% cringe.

>> No.16286613

>So what are we supposed to do? Why is
Because it doesn't admit to the underlying issue head on. We should deal with the problems of society head on, but we have to admit to them first. Society is headed towards a cliff.

>> No.16286622

>Answer me. Sexual and romantic frustration, what's the solution to THIS question?
Unironically: Have sex.

Of course once you do you'll realize there's still more problems to life. In fact, cultivating romantic and sexual experiences will bring you a host of problems you could never foresee in your previous incel miserable life, and you'll finally understand just how much time you wasted worrying about this shit.

Philosophy is indeed a cope, but not with sexual desire. It's a cope with the fact that life is miserable. The solution is philosophical pessimism, being lucky not to suffer more than you can handle in life, and hope that after you die there is nothingness.

>> No.16286625

Your post screams cope. Try refuting me instead, I'm convinced that you can't even with the full force of all of western philosophy behind your back. Go on, you have the whole Internet at your disposal, refute me, make a fool out of me


>> No.16286635

I don’t think we have to discard the entirety of philosophy in order to be able to solve current problems.

>> No.16286637

You have clearly only fucked and hanged out with ugly post-wall women.

>> No.16286649
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>reddit spacing

>> No.16286651

>be me
>have lots of sex AND study philosophy
Looks like you're an idiot OP, and that I win AGAIN lmao

>> No.16286653

>Sex is the end all be all
What is wrong with you lmao
Science, literature, art, spirituality, exercise, sports, etc. aren't copes, they are worthwhile experiences in and of themselves. If you are truly horny, there is an endless amount of porn and erotica, enough for anyone. Live your best life :)

>> No.16286654

'All philosophy is cope' is also a cope.
'Cope is bad' is a meme.
The most successful and happy are those who cope the best.

>> No.16286658

>Sexual and romantic frustration, what's the solution to THIS question?

God you really asked for it.

>> No.16286668

>have sex
but I’m not married

>> No.16286680

Why should I have to cope when people who get women don't? What's the philosophical answer to this question? Happiness and sexual satisfaction is not distributed equally amongst the population. Traditional Christianity managed to curb this by enforcing monogamy, but not any more

>> No.16286681

Have you considered having sex?

>> No.16286687

lmao literally just have sex, it's no big deal

>> No.16286694



>> No.16286697

If your only problem in life is literally not fucking enough, and fucking women literally solves everything for you and makes you a whole person, you're lucky beyond your imagination.
Although of course you must either be a coddled fuck, an incel, or a larper... or all of them.

>> No.16286702

>Traditional Christianity managed to curb this by enforcing monogamy, but not any more
lmao historical cope, it was just people getting cucked while married then, positive eugenics has always been a thing or we wouldn't be here

>> No.16286703

>Happiness and sexual satisfaction is not distributed equally amongst the population.
Happiness does not come from sex and romance desu, that is a Disney meme.

>> No.16286709

also incels were sent to serve the church or into crusades

>> No.16286713

>Traditional Christianity managed to curb this by enforcing monogamy
there's your answer you stupid faggot, that's the reason this board shills Christian philosophy this much

>> No.16286718

>Sexual and romantic frustration, what's the solution to THIS question?
Having sex lmao. I didn’t start caring about the higher mysteries until I was nutting inside warm pussies regularly. You’re coping because through your virginity you’ve been unable to reach the maturity you need to truly understand reality

>> No.16286720

You meme, but I do think a solution to depressed incels is some sort of consuming personal or group project. This will give a sense of accomplishment and purpose, which such populations often lack.

>> No.16286724

>cope cope cope cope cope
Take some time away from this shithole and clear your head.

>> No.16286735

I was gonna edit your post by swapping sex and philosophy but halfway through I realized that this has to be a shitpost

>> No.16286738

yes, but sending them to fight mexicans is not allowed now, maybe we can send them to mars but we don't have the technology yet, maybe that's Musk's endgame

>> No.16286747

nice philosophy incell. litterally all you are saying is philosophy, only that you are saying
>my philosophy is right and real and based, all other philosophy is wrong and mumbo jumbo and cringe.

why are you an idiot OP?

>> No.16286752
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But sometimes I think that every man who writes
every man who paints or composes, deep soul or symphonies
it makes no difference, all those men are only making do with substitutes:
Solomon, Confucius, Franz Kafka
they'd never have done it if they'd been as beautiful as you
sitting cross-legged there with gentle music
lapping around a promise, there where your thighs meet
of fertility a million artists couldn't compete with

Ooo, it's true:
Girl, I'm only doing it to be closer to you

>> No.16286765

How do you do this? Nobody outside the philosophy department or the humanities cares jack shit about studying philosophy. It’s more like a turn-off in my experience, cause every girl I talk to in bars or something is visinbly unimpressed if I mention that I study philosophy. Sometimes I lie and say I study business, and most if not all girls show more interest than before mentioning that. And girls in the humanities are not at all attractive, some are lesbians, some fat feminists with short hair, and small portion that are relatively cute are in a stable relationship with some older business guy. I never thought before entering university that things would be this simple in the social field: if you are not in business, you don’t matter.

>> No.16286772

>why are you an idiot OP?
I'm saying that all philosophy has its foundation grounded on the yearning for romance and sex, are you mentally deficient? Didin't the OP make it clear for you?

>> No.16286790

>I'm saying that all philosophy has its foundation grounded on the yearning for romance and sex
you are wrong though. so wrong. just jerk off and you'll see. your head is all clogged up with cum so you think about everything in terms of sex. delusional cumbrain

>> No.16286804

I study philosophy to become smart and laugh about people like you.

>> No.16286870

>attempting to pick up chicks by saying you're majoring in philosophy
>in a bar
Go to places where the kind of woman you want meet will be. Do you want to meet a woman who hangs out in bars? Would you expect the kind of woman who cares about philosophy to hang out in bars? No? So stop looking for women interested in philosophy in bars.

Enforced Monogamy was to stop people from having too much sex, not to give desperate losers GFs you dumbfuck. It was a means of putting an end to bastardry and shotgun weddings.

Also, I'm just going to head this off here: the reason for the decline is that women "riding the cock carousel" only get laid like once a month now, and the women who aren't riding the cock carousel are femcels who don't get laid at all. The fact that YOU can't get your dick wet is part of a larger problem.

>> No.16286892
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I just want to have (non prostitute) sex and get a cute gf so I can stop obsessing over this tedious fucking shit.

>> No.16286899

>Go to places where the kind of woman you want meet will be. Do you want to meet a woman who hangs out in bars? Would you expect the kind of woman who cares about philosophy to hang out in bars? No? So stop looking for women interested in philosophy in bars
There are literally no other places to meet people than Tinder or bars. Like that’s it. Of course you might get invited to parties every once in a while, but they almost never amount to anything. My point is that the demographic that is impressed or at least not unimpressed by men who study philosophy is the humanities .And I am not trying to impress anyone because I know it’s mostly pointless, people are generally impressed with money and power, not intellectual pursuits

>> No.16286910

At this point, why don't you ask your friends or family to help set you up on dates? Sure, it might be awkward, but it beats being sad about your love life.

>> No.16286931

I was thinking more of some modern day equivalent to making illuminated Bibles or something.

>> No.16286946

That’s a viable option, thanks. I’m just curious, where exactly do you meet women?

>> No.16286962

>people are generally impressed with money and power, not intellectual pursuits
People have been complaining about this for a very long time.

This is also what I meant when I said that this is part of a larger problem: Tinder and barhopping is THE way to get women, because no one does anything. Go join a book club, or hang around a university. Hell, become an e-celeb, no matter how minor, and drop hints that you're open.

This is what that "Traditional Christianity" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean) did when it was "enforcing monogamy", by the way. The pastor would ask all of the ladies in church who they'd like to see you with (women LOVE playing matchmaker), and then he'd decide which lady's opinion would be best for his personal political career (being a cleric is an inherently political position), and then he'd set you up.

And if she had a harelip, or was mentally retarded, or didn't wash her vagina, you were shit out of luck because the pastor wouldn't help you after you spurned him the first time.

>> No.16286976

When I was in the dating game, I mostly used A) apps (not recommended), or B) dated friends of friends (recommended). That said, an experience I had convinced me I was not in the right state of mind to date seriously yet, so I've been volcel for about a year to work on myself.

>> No.16286979

Not at all, I never studied philosophy and theology in my youth to avoid the world or cope with virility or sexual frustrations, I did it at a young age and do it now because I love God and I love Knowledge, it was never an existential crisis and it was never sexual angst.

Growing up i was above average in looks, girls would try to flirt with me but I would ignore them and turn them down as my only interest was in studying knowledge of god and the world, and now I am married (and my marriage was via arranged marriage so I did not even need to expand any effort to seek her out) I still hunger for more knowledge of god and to know his mind, and to know his mind is to know the being and structure of this world.

Not everyone has your own virtues, opinions, valuations and drives and will, perhaps you only ever had an interest to cope, but many men and I assume many here have gotten into these because we genuinely desire to know, we truly feel wonder at the world. To this day if I gain some philosophical realization I consider of significant value to myself, I will cry tears of joy at the gain. The problem is not that everyone is coping, the problem is that your values And will amount to hunger for sex and angst.

>> No.16286985

>Sexual and romantic frustration, what's the solution to THIS question?
A) Have sex
B) Become a monk and stop caring about cooming
C) Kill yourself

>> No.16286997

Did you read philosophy of your faith alone? Or do you read say Ancient Greek philosophy as well?

Well, I would hope things nowadays are more relaxed than that! Still, you raise a valid point in that things are more awkward this way, especially if it doesn't work out.

>> No.16287020

You clearly:
1) Never had sex
2) Read any philosophy book

Consider killing yourself

>> No.16287042

I thought this too when I was exclusively reading 19th century French novels and poetry. Those degenerates give you a false picture of life

>> No.16287057

Its just biological programming and yet retards on this board will try to convince you you are somehow enlightened if you manage to mentally castrate yourself into thinking its not important

>> No.16287072

Sex is the ultimate cope. Sex is a cope for death. It's literally an attempt to leave a genetic legacy on earth after you're gone. It's an animal mechanism.

>> No.16287096
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I don't understand
Why would the powers that be socially engineer society such that we ahve a large group of sex-starved, disaffected, angry, violent young men?
What use could we possibly have for such a large group of aggressive males?
Why is this happening in every single global superpower?

Can someone explain this confusing and apparently pointless situation to me?

>> No.16287130
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Whether it’s Neoplatonism and Hellenic myth, hindu tantra (especially kaula, krama and trika) German myth, Hebrew and Islamic philosophy, theology and occultism, Buddhism (whether Theravada to Shingon to Vajrayana to rinzai zen and some forth, hell even the tachikawa-ryu) to yazidi, Yoruba, ekpe, santeria, Jainism, temple of set, thelema, to mandaeanism and so on and so on, I read and consume and integrate what I consider valuable and of worth. If it’s a semi-known religion with translated texts I’ve probably read a couple of its works and a couple theological texts relating to it no matter what it is.

Pic related is my favorites in the three major fields, there’s obviously a lot of other high quality folks who didn’t make the cut in the above list so it isn’t systematic by any measure.

For mystics/philosophers agripp, boehme, iamblichus, gikatila, abulafia, linji, ge hong, abhinavagupta, Dee, grant and Bertiaux.

For poets, king David, William Blake, li-he, Al-hallaj, angelus, Baudelaire, Swinburne, Verlaine and Poe.

For fiction, Dunsany, huysman, Balzac, ligotti, Thomas brown, algernon black, Borges, Dante and kafka.

Imo poetry and even fiction themselves have psychological, philosophical and even theological value.

>> No.16287133

is it really that bad? people are always very quick to say that it's just incel hysteria and a relative non issue, but a lot of guys i know as well as some of my friends often complain about the same thing. it does seems unreasonably hard to get laid these days.

>> No.16287171

Nice taste. What should I read by Dunsany and Balzac?

>> No.16287185

>Sexual and romantic frustration, what's the solution to THIS question? Name me a philosopher who deals with this head

Stirner. Just rape em lol. Nice thread OP, now fuck off.

>> No.16287202


I really like Gods of pegana and time and the gods, you might also enjoy the sword of welleran. Idle days on The river yann and chu-bu and sheemish are also incredibly enjoyable.

As for Balzac, my favorite work of his is without a doubt Seraphita which is heavily swedenborgian. But pretty much all of Balzac is great, I particularly like La Fille aux yeux d'or/girl with the golden eyes but La Comédie humaine is peak as a whole.

>> No.16287208

the average man of today is worthless shit. i don't blame women for not wanting to fuck them. all you need to do to get laid is not be a lazy entitled boring self loathing piece of shit. leaving the house helps too. unfortunately, this is a great challenge for many men.

>> No.16287217

They want a spiritual awakening

>> No.16287222

>another "incel is overly preoccupied with sex" post
Very tiring, anon.