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File: 357 KB, 451x630, Screenshot_20200904-010610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16282946 No.16282946 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomer into leftist theory here, Such a fun read so far, are there any others like it?

>> No.16282959

klaus theweleit - male fantasies

>> No.16282962
File: 57 KB, 324x500, 9EF93958-EFBA-4E02-8834-76E78EA092C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also short and sweet

>> No.16282984

I don't read books I watch YouTube, check out this channel:

>> No.16282995

also if you read michel foucault - discipline & punish and henri lefebvre - the production of space - you will be better informed than 90% of leftoids about what they mean when they start spouting off about 'bodies' and 'spaces'

>> No.16283029

Read Gramsci's Prison Notebooks. Parenti loves him.

>> No.16283088

Not really 'leftist theory' but Killing Hope by William Blum is a great read I think you would like. Killing Hope and Blackshirts and Reds were the books that turned me into a teenage communist edgelord.

>> No.16283165

>what is to be done
>little red book
>manufacturing consent
>capitalist realism
>a peoples history of the united states
>the sublime object of ideology
>simulacra and simulation
>Capitalism and Schizophrenia
>The Society of the Spectacle
>On Anarchism
>Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War

>> No.16283265
File: 57 KB, 287x428, 7E8171AD-C287-406D-91A7-530316E32185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theory only goes so far. Here’s a book for action.

>> No.16283932

Dilate, faggot.

>> No.16283980

>leftist demagogue
>watches YouTube sophistry instead of reading

>> No.16284490

Please please please please please be a joke.

>> No.16284493

you lost me at democratic

>> No.16284651

You’re not a true socialist, son.

>> No.16285596


>> No.16285643

>calling someone else not a real communist
>while pretending to be a namefag

>> No.16285943
File: 189 KB, 720x871, 9C6EBD70-9FC6-4C61-935E-7FB7252E826F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be a namefag

>> No.16286002

why do you save a bunch of pics of average looking women

>> No.16286641

Not even the same tranny. Also your tripcode is wrong.

>> No.16286661

no that is her trip she got a new one

>> No.16287788

I just saw the old trip yesterday. Also this new trip's politics are stupid in a different way than before.

>> No.16287825

yeah someone stole her old one that is not her

>> No.16287826

I can put the old one on if you really need to see it.
I've been an anarchist for a quite a while now

She's gorgeous, but posted here for the expression