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File: 144 KB, 274x500, guenon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16285569 No.16285569 [Reply] [Original]

The Return #2 Edition

I feel I owe it to all those who have submitted for volume 2 to just be patient and look for a few more submissions so I can finally finish this.

Volume 1: https://www.docdroid.net/qD1kL4v/guenonmag1.pdf

This is for discussion of volume 1 and submissions for volume 2.

Please submit any work to guenonmag@protonmail.com

>> No.16285583

Someone submitted some translations from that so there actually is going to be some translation work from those journals in the next edition.

>> No.16285598

Can anyone explain to /lit/ how Seraphim Rose was influenced by Guenon?

>> No.16285622

cool, thanks for answering guenonposter

>> No.16285627
File: 18 KB, 220x349, 220px-Fr._Serpahim_Rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was into new age shit and an acolyte to Alan Watts for starters. He actually respected Guenon after his tonsure and talks about him in this letter, which says all that's needed to say.

>> No.16285888

Rene Guenon (edbuh (eternal damnation be upon him))

>> No.16285908


>> No.16286130
File: 783 KB, 647x656, 1580443150155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some shame, brother. One should not joke in such a frivolous manner about our great teacher. May his shining intellect illuminate our souls.

>> No.16286531

Not really into guenon these days, but dropped by to say that after my long journey of seeking the truth and finding guenon to finally becoming orthodox, I am joining monastery tomorrow. Goodbye.

>> No.16287021

Godspeed anon

>> No.16287111
File: 12 KB, 239x211, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading a Coomaraswamy article
>the footnotes are longer than the text
>despite being printed much smaller
>the mediocrity of my Latin and Greek level is painfully rubbed in my face
>citations from some random German philologist whose work I can only find in the university library which is currently closed
>now know what Meister Eckhart's terminology would be if translated into Sanskrit
Every time

>> No.16287126

>tfw you were very pissed off about Guenonposting back in the days but looking at the current state of this board you wish it would make a comeback
Anyone else?

>> No.16287294

What makes Guenon so much important than literally the thousands of other high-ranking spiritual teachers out there?

>> No.16287296

I always liked the authentic guenonposting, but the pseudo-guenonfag vs strawman-buddhist shitposting was a plague

>> No.16287446


>> No.16287569

Guenonfag was the pseudo-guenonfag posting, he was the one trying to have the same e-fight forever. Real guenonposting was just people talking about Guenon.

>> No.16287597

I am yet to read Geunon, so excuse my ignorance, but would anyone explain me why he didn't choose Christian rather than Islam.

I know he stood sort of between Islam and Hinduism, but chose Islam since it can work with the Western life, but why was never Christianity in question? Isn't that too, from the perennialist perspective, an orthodox religion that should at the end give you the same as orthodox hinudism or islam?

>> No.16287652

Religion is not historical for perennialists, it is metaphysical. Christianity and Judaism believe in historical revelation, God intervening in history directly, in Christianity especially since Jesus is the Son of God and was born into temporal history. Perennialists generally prefer a relationship between creator/created of emanation and dependence, manifest particular reality being dependent upon the absolute original One, which is self-causing. For the One to be personified or interact with its "creations" doesn't jive well with that.

It's not just them though, even Christians, Jews, and Muslims have problems with the historical aspects of their faith when they try to reconcile them with a perennial metaphysics, so they do odd things like the Trinity or eternal reality of the Quran (which then starts controversies over whether this is "polytheistic").

But there are many different kinds of perennialists so it's hard to paint with too broad a brush. This is just a general tendency. Many of them want Parmenides plus mysticism, not personal loving gods intervening in history, or human free will having much of a role to play.

>> No.16288044

>You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.
The gayest line I have read in a while!

General kudos for doing/assembling this work though.