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16282989 No.16282989 [Reply] [Original]

What books did you read in high school? They force me to read the following:
>Catcher in the rye
>Animal farm
>Diary of part time indian
>The Giver
>The Outsiders
>A fraction of Beowulf and don Quixote.
>An anthology from the world(don't remember the name). Contained satre, borges, and less known authors.

>> No.16282992

No one can force you to read, retard. Grow up and stop being a manchild.

>> No.16283005

Also forgot to say to kill a mockingbird and they allowed me in certain occasions to pick any books that I wanted. I selected brave new world and some shitty ya novel

>> No.16283017

I needed to read them because they were part of the class dumb nigger. I just want to know what kind of books did other anons read in high school.

>> No.16283024

Eurofag here.How popular is to kill a mockingbird in north american high schools?

>> No.16283329

>Excerpts from Works and Days, Theogony, Iliad, Odyssey
>Selections from Roman poetry
>Excerpts from the Bible
>Excerpts from Augustine's Confessions
>Dante's Inferno
>Selections from the Decameron
>Voltaire's Candide
>Hoffman's Golden Pot
>Sorrows of the Young Werther
>Selections from English romantic poetry (both triads)
>Pushkin's Evgeny Onegin
>The Wild Duck by Ibsen
>Crime and Punishment
>The Death of Ivan Ilich
>Chekhov's The Seagull and his short story The Death of the Chinovnik
>Selections from avant-garde poetry
>The Metamorphosis
>Mario and the Wizard
>Myth of Sisyphus by Camus

Sadly we didn't have time to properly get to the end of the curriculum because of the pandemic and the exams.
(And of course this doesn't include all the national works we've read.)

>> No.16283489
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They made us read 1984 but the teacher didn't even seem interested in the book. We also didn't finish it because we spent more time on trivial worksheets than the actual book. Then we watched the movie.
What the fuck country is this?

>> No.16283510

Only popular in the US, not in all North American countries.

>> No.16283562

Mostly a bunch of rural priests you have never heard off and I hope you never will.

>> No.16283678

I am not him, but it looks like Russia, Belarus, or possibly Ukraine, based on some of the required readings. It also features a decent amount of Greco-Roman, French, and English literature, as well, but it does not seem too out of place for what might be expected for Russians to know concerning foreign and historical literature, for instance.

>> No.16283724

9th Grade
>To Kill A Mockingbird
>Lord of the Flies

10th grade:
>Nineteen Eighty Four
>The House on Mango Street (wokeshit)
>A Separate Peace

11th grade:
>Great Gatsby

12th grade:
>Scarlet Letter

can't remember which grade:
>Fahrenheit 451

There's a few others I'm sure I'm missing but those are the ones that left enough of an imprint

>> No.16283775

I only read 1984, it was a bit shit. The rest I just made shit up about based on contextual clues in the questions and the sorts of things the teacher had talked about.

>> No.16283823

pretty good but no greek tragedies, no shakespare, and no americans?

>> No.16283885

crime and punishment, the doll (prus), street of crocodiles, the plague (camus), many poems, and big focus on /lit/ stuff from interwar period in Poland

Probably many more books but I dont remember much at this point

>> No.16283918

Argentinian here.
Saki, Poe, Don Quixote, many plays (i.e. La Nona), El Lazarillo de Tormes, Martín Fierro, I Am Legend, Prince Caspian, Los Días del Venado, Buenos Aires es Leyenda 2, Los Vecinos Mueren en las Novelas, El Beso de la Mujer Araña, My Sweet Orange Tree, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, etc, etc, etc, even a comic-book: El Eternauta.

>> No.16283928
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I found this picture of the shelf where I left most of the books I read in highschool.

>> No.16284027

I forgot about those.
The Greek tragedy that we read was Oedipus Rex (though one of my teachers recommended Philoktetes, which I consider a superior work), the Shakespeare play was Romeo and Juliet (though last year in people who were preparing for the advanced level exams also had to read one extra, for me that was Hamlet.)
Now Americans. We on read Mask of the Red Death by Poe and a single Whitman poem, but we collectively agreed that he's a hack and he was never mentioned again.

>> No.16284080

Great Gatsby and Hamlet. That's it. I'm not joking.

>> No.16284197

It's been many years since I graduated and we were required to read around 20 (mostly boring) books per year, so majority of the titles are now lost from my memory, but I'll try and list some I still remember...
>Iliad and Odyssey
>parts from the Bible
>Dante's Inferno
>Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky
>Ana Karenina by Tolstoy
>Don Quixote by Cervantes
>Hamlet by Shakespeare
>Sorrows of the Young Werther
>The Stranger by Camus
>Nora by Ibsen
>The Metamorphosis by Kafka
>Mother Courage and her children (originally a play, this was a transcript)
Since I'm Croatian, there were of course some local works:
>U Registraturi by Ante Kovačić
>Zlatarevo zlato by August Šenoa
>Duga by Dinko Šimunović
>Povratak Filipa Latinovicza by Miroslav Krleža
>Grička vještica by Marija Jurić Zagorka
That last one is huge, separated into 4-7 novels (depending on edition), so we only read the first one, but I owned them all and it was one of the best novels I've read. Shame it was never translated into English.

>> No.16284255

Do teachers unironically think kids want to read something like To Kill A Mockingbird and the Great Gatsby?

>> No.16284960
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I had to read most of that sans Macbeth, Diary of, Outsiders, Beowulf, Quixote, etc
I quite enjoyed the Steinbeck stuff we read early on like The Pearl and Of Mice but I fucking hated Grapes of Wrath for some reason.

>> No.16285026
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The former isn't a terrible choice but I agree with you on Gatsby; I like the book but no fucking 17 year old is going to sympathize with a narrator who has seen wartime and is depressed about turning 30.
>10th grade:
>>Nineteen Eighty Four
>>The House on Mango Street (wokeshit)
>>A Separate Peace
You say that as if ASP isn't gay as fuck desu

>> No.16285041
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Fuck me, I didn't know I lived so close to the girl who would incarnate one of my favorite mutants.

>> No.16285062

Ameritard here. If I remember correctly we read
>Animal Farm
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Go Set a Watchman
>Lord of the Flies
>The Great Gatsby
>Heart of Darkness
>One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
>The Alchemist
I remember loving Lord of the Flies and absolutely despising anything by Lee. Still pretty much holds true.

>> No.16285077
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>Lord of the Flies
lmao this is on my list to read since the class 1 year ahead of me in middle school bitched so much about that book that the teacher took it off the curriculum permanently

>> No.16285104

It’s definitely worth the read. I thought it was a neat exploration into human instincts, littered with symbols and metaphors. Granted, I was 14 when I read it so it’s probably pretty juvenile compared to most of the other books /lit/ is obsessed about.

>> No.16285120

9th Grade
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Pride and Prejudice
>Lord of the Flies
>Fahrenheit 451
>The Odyssey
>Romeo and Juliet
10th Grade
>Unbroken (biography of a ww2 vet who survives pow camps in Japan)
>The Great Gatsby
>Into the Wild
>The Crucible
>Ellen Foster
>The Kite Runner
11th Grade
>Brave New World
>Heart of Darkness
>King Leopold's Ghost (biography of King Leopold II, context for Heart of Darkness)
>The Black Dog of Fate (some obscure memoir about a guy discovering his Armenian past)
12th Grade
>How to Read Literature Like a Professor: a Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines
>Life of Pi
>The Things They Carried (fiction set in Vietnam if I remember correctly)
>Oedipus Rex
>The Tempest

>> No.16285163

Thank God I wasn't born in this shithole.
I was assigned a few of those books. I was too averse to reading to actually read any of them or other assigned books fully besides catcher in the rye (audiobook). Some books like Beloved, Great Gatsby, and Heart of Darkness I only read a few pages of when we were supposed to read it all.

>> No.16285179

>9th Grade
To Kill A Mockingbird
Romeo and Juliet
Choice between Ender's Game or one of the Harry Potter books (yes, really)

>10th grade
A seperate Peace
The Pearl (steinbeck)
Julius Caesar
Animal Farm
The once and future king

>11th grade
The Great Gatsby
Tuesdays with Morrie (yes, really)
Of Mice and Men
Faggenheit 451

>12th grade

I'm sure I'm forgetting one or two but that's the bulk of it

>> No.16285201

>The Outsiders
>The Giver
That's middle school lit.
>Fraction of Beowulf
A fraction?? You can read the whole thing in one day. Do they really think verse is that hard?

your English class sounds pretty shit

>> No.16285220

>a single Whitman poem,
>but we collectively agreed that he's a hack
Uh-oh, you didn't read a short poem did you? His long ones are the best.

>> No.16285288

Let me see what I remember in no particular order.

Romeo and Juliet
Julius Caesar
Lord of the Flies
A Separate Peace
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Scarlet Letter
The Great Gatsby
The Crucible
Parts of the Canterbury Tales
The Return of the Native
A Tale of Two Cities
Things Fall Apart
Death of a Salesman
The Things They Carried

It's been nearly twenty years since I graduated, so there are plenty I'm forgetting.

>> No.16286590

>if ASP isn't gay as fuck desu
Oh, it is. I give it a pass because my brother had to read ASP in HS in ~2000 but probably not minority writers for the sake of them being minority-written.

I knew I was forgetting a few things. Hamlet (12th grade), Romeo & Juliet (9th), Julius Caesar (10th), Animal Farm (unknown), Of Mice and Men (11th--it was actually nearly canned as curriculum because a student at the school committed suicide and the profound impact of his death had on people)

More of what I forgot. Crucible was 9th, Canterbury Tales was 11th, I believe, Tale of Two Cities was 12th, and 10th had 12 Angry Men, too. Heart of Darkness was 12th. Odyssey was 9th, at least parts of it.

>> No.16287457

The giver and outsiders were in grade 9. They were meh though
>Fraction of Beowulf
We had the option to read it all. However teacher was interested in very specific parts.
>your English class sounds pretty shit
Yep, I think they could have a done a better job. However, that anthology from writers from around the world was great. It introduced me to satre,borges and it was quite diverse:
>Eastern europe
>North America
>Latin America
>Even Africa

>> No.16287461

Forgot western europe

>> No.16287622
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>> No.16287651

>They made us read 1984 but the teacher didn't even seem interested in the book.

Your teacher might have been a crypto-commie who secretly hated the book. I remember in high school history, we could bring in a tissue box decorated with info about a historical figure for extra credit. I needed the extra credit so I made a Josef Stalin tissue box to be edgy. But the teacher wasn't offended, he loved it and I became one of his favorite students after that. All I could think was, "Damn, I guess I should have done Hitler instead"

Wasn't until many years later that I realized he was probably a tankie

>> No.16287675

I always figured that Gatsby was to show kids that a book can be enjoyable for reasons besides that plot. The prose is what left an impression on me and most of my classmates. I don't think many of us really understood the book.

Personally hated TKAM. I just couldn't bring myself to care about any of the characters no matter how hard I tried.

>> No.16287695

Not alot , in no particular order

Julius Caesar
Romeo and Juliet
To kill a mocking bird
Great Gatsby
Great Expectations
De architectura

a bunch of other crap too insubstantial to list
fun fact. the school library had a copy of camp of the saints

>> No.16287762

>Tale of Two Cities
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Julius Ceaser
>Fahrenheit 451
>Animal Farm
>The Prince
>Catcher in the Rye
>The Bean Trees (Barbra Kingsolver)
>Sherman Alexie's steaming pile of shit printed on white paper
>Wide Sargasso Sea
>Their Eyes were Watching God
>Friday Night Lights
>Passage to India
>Jane Eyre
>Into the Wild
>Life of Pi
most of them were pretty bad and almost all of them were about social justice and how awful white people are.