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16282382 No.16282382 [Reply] [Original]

What book will equip me with the ability of defeating a jew in an argument

>> No.16282390
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Matrilineal Semitic heredity

>> No.16282414
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>> No.16282425
File: 138 KB, 1280x521, 1318491966546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even memeing, Hitler provides a good description of pilpul and Jewish argumentative tactics in Mein Kampf. Although the conclusion he reaches is that you can't "defeat" them, as even if you get past their wall of rhetoric they'll just pretend they don't remember the debate the next day, it will at least tell you what to expect.

>> No.16282502

He argued with one jew and decided to use 'they' to refer to the incident. lol

>> No.16282675

1. Cultural sensitivity - appeal to emotion
2. Sacred history - bunch of crypto made up cabal shit
3. Long history - Israel is 50 years old. Jews will say they've had 2000 years of conflict. These dumb kikes expect us to treat their particular history special when all living beings have gone through the same conflict. Jews bleed like you and me but they deserve it.

They really have no excuse. they expect long history to turn you off. Make you look ignorant because you don't know each and every paper cut a kike has received. Tell to fuck off and that you don't care about their history.
They'll also appeal to cultural sensitivity but this is a jew invention precisely to encourage the circular reasoning.

>> No.16282749

"A Jew"?
Socialism. Anti-semites lose

>> No.16283492

It is impossible to win arguments war against someone smarter than you.
He might start cheating at some point mind you, but you won't be able to see through that.
What some Jews are doing to goyim isn't even funny anymore - then can induce them to further their own agenda which they recognize as anti-jew lol.

>> No.16283497

Non the six gorilion wins all arguments.

>> No.16283516

Wow, Hitler predicted /pol/ shitposting tactics.

>> No.16283521

This Egyptian intellectual reckons he has found a way.


>> No.16283536

The Bible

>> No.16283537


>> No.16283558

Btw, they mostly exploit morons who *think* that they're smart. You can defend yourself pretty well if you stick to time-proven moral values (even though you cannot really *understand* their significance)

>> No.16283571
File: 12 KB, 230x346, arguing with god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16283613

No single book
Winning argument or in general debating is a skill you'll gain through training
Read some books about rhetoric and how our brain works then go to your local debating club
Wheb debating in real life a broad base of knowledge is also important
But again it is training training training

And funny that your pic is Ben Shapiro, because his main retoric seems to be talking fast and common sense, he's not winning arguments or convince someone he's just overwhelming them

>> No.16284391

6 milion

>> No.16284417

Nah. My dad's a jew and a lawyer and I can outargue any jews in my circle of acquaintances.

Whatever book makes you really really really good at semantics. So like... books, nigga

>> No.16284427

>yo Moshe, you want mustard on that burger?
>oooyyyyy remember the gorillion goyyyyyyy

>> No.16284454

Who cares? Grow beyond the 'winning arguments' phase and move up to the 'living values' phase.
Maybe 4chan and the internet are keeping you an angry baby forever.

>> No.16284462

He was a half-educated man noticing the way people can be dishonest. He tried to convince some men on a worksite and was told if he didn't cut the shit they'd drop him three storeys into a brick pile.
Could've changed the world, killing one shitposting zombie.

>> No.16284475

>he's not winning arguments or convince someone he's just overwhelming them
Have you watched what passes for debating in the USA right now? For years it's just become a blizzard of points made and tallied up, delivered like a chicken on speed. Quantity over quality.
A really good argument can sweep your whole life into the trash with a t-shirt slogan.

>> No.16284504


I get that you three get some sort of kick out of affirming the current power structure but you're really not making yourself look good by being so overly philosemitic. You don't need to worship Jewish behavior and pretend it isn't prevalent to not also come to the conclusion that every single one of them needs to be turned into a bar of soap.

>> No.16284787

Always answer back with a question

>> No.16284815

Fight pilpul with pilpul, read the Talmud

>> No.16285734

>Read some books about rhetoric and how our brain works then go to your local debating club
Any suggestions?

>> No.16285744

stop posting this thot