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16281231 No.16281231 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some rare/unknown/unusual books that will change my perspective on life.

>> No.16281253
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Read it if you can find it

>> No.16281307

Thanks anon, that looks like a good one

>> No.16281377
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Don't know about rare, but here's some that gave me a whole new perspective on something.
This one has a fascinating theory about how ancient people had a fundamentally different state of consciousness than we do

>> No.16281408
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A radically different theory of chronic pain that applies to so many health issues. Also tells how to apply the theory and cured my 5 year case of tendinitis that was plaguing my joints

>> No.16281425 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16281432

The Decline and Fall of Western Art

>> No.16281433

>cured my 5 year case of tendinitis that was plaguing my joints
Please redpill me on how you did this. I have issues with my shoulder/arm/wrist that have been slowing me down for almost 6 years now.

>> No.16281442
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The most comprehensive exploration of what you can do with lucid dreams. Includes experiments with 'out there' phenomena including OBEs, contacting the dead, and talking directly to your subconscious and having it respond intelligently

>> No.16281534 [SPOILER] 
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1 second ago









>> No.16281553

The gist of it is that your brain causes physical pain to distract from psychological issues, and that it stops when that strategy stops working. Sounds silly, I know. There are 2 basic steps:

1. You have to believe that the injury is caused by your brain fucking with your body. The book gives a believable explanation that helps with this.
2. You have to give your brain a reason to stop it. This includes ignoring the pain, which requires mental discipline. It also includes bringing attention to the psychological junk your brain is trying to distract from.

I don't know if the book is 100% on the details, but it worked and I've been RSI free for years now after having severe Achilles tendinitis, armpit tendinitis, and tennis elbow for years.

>> No.16281648
File: 58 KB, 491x640, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ending is about changing your perspective of reality and includes an interesting theory about how the present can effect the past and what to do about it.

>> No.16281649

I'm not >>16281433 but still thank you i'm gonna check the book. Both my wrists are fucked even after years of therapy.

>> No.16281706

Pic unrelated?

>> No.16281716


I'd be willing to try it, but jeez, what if you have a real problem and end up screwing your joints even more? Is it some kind of last hope/hail mary?

>> No.16281783

You just described what happens in physical therapy. When I was in PT before reading the book (I only read it after everything else failed, though PT gave about 20% improvement), they had me do motions that I was afraid of doing because there is that feeling that you're going to hurt yourself. You can ease into it though, it's not as dangerous as it sounds but it is necessary.

>> No.16281855

>This includes ignoring the pain
This sounds unbearable. I do desk work for 9 hours a day and my shoulder/arm/wrist gets so painful I can't concentrate on anything else. How long did it take you to get rid of the pain?

>> No.16282011

I read the book in 2 days and symptoms started going away for brief moments before I finished. Those moments of relief got longer and more complete over 3 weeks, which is when they were pretty much gone. Didn't take long after that to not need deliberate mental focus to keep the pain away. The speed is what really shocked me, though I haven't looked up how long it took other people.

>> No.16282650
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This used to be extremely rare, but Mystery Grove Publishing started printing it again lately. I highly recommend it.

>> No.16284000

The New Testament

>> No.16284175
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>> No.16284652

This one is very interesting