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/lit/ - Literature

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16280584 No.16280584 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't this board supposed to be for written art? Why is it that it's infested with left-wing theory? whether you're naive or stupid enough to believe in it is irrelevant, it's not art.

>> No.16280595

Ask me how I know you're not actually butterfly

>> No.16280599

Because the real butterfly is a communist tranny?

>> No.16280624
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>> No.16280640


Read Bapлaм Шaлaмoв to get the real gulag experience.

Some of the stories made me stare at a wall or outside my window for hours.

>> No.16280647

It's literally not art though, it's non-fiction sophistry.

>> No.16280674

I mean 'what is art' is a very philosophical question and while this board is called literature it's mainly about books, authors and writing. Now you're ready to seethe.

>> No.16280686

>Anne Frank's diary

>> No.16280718

>a retarded baseless statement you just pulled out of your ass because you think jews rule the world

>> No.16280896
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>Their opinion is wrong so it's not valid literature

>> No.16280903

You need better bait

>> No.16280920

Anne Frank was real man. I visited her house in Amsterdam. Have you ever seen a gulag?

>> No.16280993


>> No.16281510

Is there a good eng translation?

>> No.16281530

incredibly based

>> No.16281543

Based desu, theory of any memekind is not art

>> No.16281795

why are leftoids like this?

>> No.16282079

What left-wing person is talking about Anne Frank in any capacity in 2020?

>> No.16282589
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>What left-wing person is talking about Anne Frank in any capacity in 2020?

Seething on twitter whenever I shitpost pregnant Anne Frank getting fucked by a Confederate soldier




>> No.16282625

This is an unusual yet oddly amusing timeline. For their sakes, I hope none of these guys wander onto /aco/ anytime soon.

>> No.16282637

>Shilling is valid literature if the arguments resonate with me.

>> No.16283362

>Isn't this board supposed to be for written art?
No, is a a board for books that includes leftist theory. Go eat a dick

>> No.16283417
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>> No.16283428

Because anything that pushes forward something “new” is bound to be progressive in one way or another. A lot of people find that defending the new makes life worth living.

>> No.16283624


No idea. Probably, the language he uses isn't that difficult.

>> No.16283780

You think most left wing people don't condemn fucking gulags?

How delusional are you, the 7 tankies on here are not indicative of the left. Go outside

>> No.16283996


>> No.16284025

>gulags werent real communisimp
the left are dangerously stupid and genuinely evil and going outside only confirms that
however that doesnt mean their books should be banned
you start taking away their freedom to speak and thats the first step towards becoming like they are

>> No.16284539
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>> No.16285403

what is "real"?

>> No.16286254

Gulags were literally invented in the Russian Empire, you thick fuck.