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/lit/ - Literature

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16278223 No.16278223 [Reply] [Original]

>Book enters the public domain upon author's death

Would this solve literature?

>> No.16278232

what would this be solving?

>> No.16278298


I'm not sure exactly, but I'd like to see it.

>> No.16278916

Apparently, literature

>> No.16278942

>want book
>don't have money
>murder author
>download book on Project Gutenberg

>> No.16278958

Disney the first company to invent and require immortality for the more profitable authors

>> No.16278961

It would solve everything if it applied to everything

>> No.16279024

It should be a time limit, doesn't matter when you die. Why should it last your entire life? Patents don't, why should a science fiction story about space travel be protected more securely than the design of an actual light-speed engine, should one be invented?

>> No.16279036

Yeah seriously just pirate the fucking books on libgen lmfao

>> No.16279180

Bestselling authors would be hunted down and assassinated just to get their books for free

>> No.16279226


>> No.16279298
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>tfw nobody would bother to kill you

>> No.16279313

Cuz fuck the author's loved ones, right? I do think an authors estate should probably be restricted to close relations though

>> No.16279332

What if the author doesn't want their family to leech off their work?

>> No.16279333

The son getting shekels from Kikan Kiketag's books

>> No.16279834

No, I think books (and other forms of art) should enter the public domain after fifty years. In the United States, only books published before 1925 are in the public domain as of now. So ‘1984‘, for example, was published in 1949, while Orwell died in 1950, but it won’t be public domain till 2044. In most other nations it’s usually 70 years after the death of the author.

It doesn’t really affect me because I buy physical but I still think it’s stupid.

>> No.16279920

I don’t think this would “solve” literature but it would give greater access to it for certain people and encourage further art. For example, certain plays cannot be performed without paying the estate of dead playwrights, so schools and other institutions are stuck with Shakespeare and Ibsen. Many great works of art and entertainment are built off of public domain. Nearly all Disney movies were animated versions of stories they didn’t write, yet they pushed to expand the copyright laws in the United States until everything after 1925 was protected. These laws don’t protect authors but big businesses or a leeching estate.

>> No.16279926

Is she eating a cup of literal shit????

>> No.16279939

Fuck copyright and fuck authors. Copyright is the safety net of the mediocre writer. If they were actually good, then they could attract a wealthy patron and wouldn't need to rely on policemen with guns enforcing a pitiful monopoly on printing their drivel. Literature was fine, even healthier than today before copyright law was invented.

>> No.16279958
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>Why should it last your entire life? Patents don't
Any STEMtard can come up with a patent, but no STEMfag could ever hope to make art.

>> No.16279971 [SPOILER] 
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*Faint kazoos begin to play in the distance, growing into a steady roar as they close in*

>> No.16279980

Nah. If I made a massively best selling book I want the rights to last through the lives of my children. If I built a house or a business I would hope to pass that on to my children or sell it to make their inheritance. If I spend my life creating something, I would want it to benefit them as well.

>> No.16280026

So, the Jews would be allowed to keep 100% of the profits at that point?

>> No.16280186

>no more Jordan Peterson
>no more Zizek
>no more Rupi Kaur
>no more John Green

Sounds good.

>> No.16280344

>but no STEMfag could ever hope to make art.

>Jean-Pierre Luminet (born 3 June 1951) is a French astrophysicist, writer and poet, world-known specialist of black holes and cosmology.

>He has published many articles in the most prestigious journals and reviews in these areas. He has been awarded several prizes for his work in pure science and in science communication (see Honours and Recognition). He also serves on the editorial board of Inference : The International Review of Science.

>Indeed, one of Luminet's greatest efforts has been to make his research work understandable to the non-scientific community. Luminet is also a prominent figure in art and literature. He has produced fifteen popular science books, seven historical novels, TV documentaries, multimedia productions, and six collections of poetry. He is also an artist, an engraver, a sculptor and a musician. He has collaborated with celebrated composers such as Gérard Grisey and Hèctor Parra.