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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 640x480, 151626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1627965 No.1627965 [Reply] [Original]

>take /lit/'s advice and take more accessible texts with me to a bar last night
>nonchalantly place the books (pic related) on a table before me, casually flicking through
>gypsies, fat neckbeards and uggo's are attracted
>throw the books in the bin, make memo never to listen to /lit/ again
>bring out back up Kindle and go to a nicer bar
>drinking and reading catcher and a girl sits next to me
>asks what i'm reading, she looks at kindle etc
>ice = broken
>says she loved catcher and really identified with Holden
>ask her if she's autistic
>looks annoyed, upset and says no
>oh alright, i just assumed because of the Holden thing is all
>laughs and asks me if i'm always this funny
>tell her i wasn't joking
>ask her what she liked about the book
>identifiable main character, simple coherrent plot, great prose
>make my excuses and snort a lie of a dead romanian child's ashes in the bathroom
>begin to hit my head against the mirror until it cracks and i'm bleeding
>tempted to beat myself unconscious with a toilet seat after hearing what she said but instead go out and make my excuses
>she sees the blood and asks me if i'm alright, i say yes now please don't ever speak again
>she follows me out and asks where i'm going now
>wants me to go out with her to another bar
>wants me to take her number
>puts it in my phone
>'filthy debbie ;) xxxxxx'
>go home and pass out in a pile of my own vomit when thinking back on the recollection of events.

anyways i'm still reading catcher, almost finished, still don't see the appeal, can anyone explain it to me?
pic related its the books i brought to the bar trying to be more like i think /lit/ wanted me to be
it didn't work.

>> No.1627969
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pic related, it's what she looked like, only she was prettier and a little less slutty

>> No.1627970
File: 8 KB, 203x248, Penguin5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a madman


>> No.1627973
File: 19 KB, 325x300, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did the right thing.
Personally I didn't make it past page one of Catcher In The Rye.

>> No.1627975

You poor poor man;.

>> No.1627976

Don't let his troll work.

Please just sage and report!

We might get him banned.

>> No.1627980
File: 26 KB, 437x453, algreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it like a bruva

>> No.1627984


Anonymous is the cancer killing Brownbear's /lit/!

>> No.1627990

Do you know who the girl in this picture is. I keep seeing her and I am in love. Complete and total love.

>> No.1627992
File: 6 KB, 239x211, MOgwai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey mog

>> No.1627996

I'm with you. Thread saged and reported.

>> No.1627997

but what does this mean
>snort a lie of a dead romanian child's ashes in the bathroom
i'm romania and dont speek english veree good

>> No.1628006

should be 'line'

>> No.1628007

These tripfags only ever read the same books assigned to them by their English teachers, or maybe they go the extra mile and brush up on philosophy by reading Wikipedia. You can't expect them to have any creativity or cleverness about them.

>> No.1628009

Interesting thread.

>> No.1628012

I'm actually starting to appreciate these stories now. You should try and get published. You could be the next J.D.Salibger.

>> No.1628013

If I ever get into Catcher in the Rye, I'll make sure to do it at a bar with a kindle.

>> No.1628014

Brownbear, I'm beggining to feel concerned about you. It started out where, in all your stories you were simply quite pompous. But, with each sequential story you seem to be more 'bothered' by the events, true or not. Is it really that you're becoming more alienated and perhaps experiencing depersonalization?

10/10 as always though. Excellent read.

>> No.1628016

Why is it that every time that I'm on /lit/ the first thing I see is a thread where brownbear claims to have been reading at a public place and when a girl hits on him he instantly turns them down?

>> No.1628018

so, thahts what you imperialists scum do with our children? snort them in the bathroom? you make me seek.

>> No.1628020
File: 79 KB, 420x396, algreen (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Fab

Id' Fa your B, if you know what i mean.

>> No.1628028

How are any of you old enough to sit at a bar but you haven't read The Catcher in the Rye?

Anyway, I loved it when I was 16. Upon rereading I wasn't as impressed.

>> No.1628033

transcribing real events needs creativity?

do you really think so?
i think i could be better than him
it's not hard to polish a turd

i suggest it

i think i'm just becoming intrinsically linked with /lit/
i feel like a Zimbado guard, no longer sure of who i am, instead i'm linked with a common goal i'm not sure about, i was an individual, now i'm just a member of a hate mob which no longer knows why it's there.

help me? ;_;

>> No.1628031
File: 10 KB, 194x260, CheckityHovity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well aren't you just the blooming intellectual

>> No.1628032
File: 43 KB, 470x358, Al Green-AAG-000248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hello fabuu

>> No.1628045

You know, this is going to sound like a silly recommendation, but Existential texts really helped my through that phase. Sure, Nausea worsened my mental state, but Kierkegaard's 'The Present Age' really got me thinking.

>> No.1628050

me* Among other discrepancies of grammar.

>> No.1628053 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 210840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am 18 years old.

i paid good money for it

i didn't 'turn her down'
i still have her number

>> No.1628055

Try to stay on topic, Fab.

>> No.1628061
File: 6 KB, 264x191, ChhekHoov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not up to that challenge

maybe i can try to balance a spoon on my nose or something

>> No.1628066


i haven't read any philosophical texts, is this one a difficult read for a person new to it?
or is it more 'entry-level'
i will pick it up if it's the latter, thank you

>> No.1628069

Keirkegaard can be really out there at times. Perhaps you should start with some Existential Fiction. Kafka, Sartre, Dosoevsky, and I think Kierkegaard and a few others have some stories. From there, once you think you have a grasp on 'Existence', just read the shortest works you can find with a more treatise spin, and work your way up to 'Being and Nothingness' length-d texts.

Actually, The Count of Monte Cristo follows the same ideals, but doesn't pay any lip service to the philosophy.

>> No.1628084

brownbear, have you ever actually had a girl approach you while reading? I genuinely want to know, bullshit aside. If you have, I'm happy for you, even if you told her / them to go away because their hair parting was on the wrong side.

>> No.1628091

he's around here somewhere

>> No.1628089

I miss tybrax ;_;

>> No.1628094

I haven't seen him today.

>> No.1628099


Also, who are you guys!?

does everyone have a trip now?!

>> No.1628104

where did Tom Harper and Isabelle Huppert go, by the way?

>> No.1628109

Tom died in a car accident and Isabelle is busy.

>> No.1628113


okay i have read The Trial by Kafka, and im gonna read Dsotoveksy after Naked Lunch, i'll read some Camus and stuff after then work my way onto non-fic!


yes Sunhawk, bullshit aside, it happens quite often, i'm apparently a very approachable fellow

>> No.1628114
File: 387 KB, 351x498, 1298608788124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually serious

>zeniciao Lonely

>> No.1628115

>implying youre not a new tripfaggot

tom is beefy

>> No.1628116
File: 151 KB, 790x474, gits_cute_major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1628117


Take a wild fucking guess, mongo.

>> No.1628121
File: 24 KB, 195x240, 53mgc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is her LJ

I think she has a bf though

>> No.1628120

tom actually did die unfortunately
however those of us who actually know him more personally decided not to say it
so shut the fuck up fab

>> No.1628123

at least let them beleive...


he's still here

>> No.1628127
File: 137 KB, 462x613, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Harper was a fucking faggot, who never contributed shit to this site. Good riddance.

>> No.1628125
File: 16 KB, 413x567, umm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with what she said?

>> No.1628136

have you read Catcher in the Rye?

>> No.1628143

Nothing. It's called trolling. Or maybe retardation. I don't know if Brownbore understands what an opinion is.

>> No.1628146

i'm sorry but please refrain from trolling in this thread
either contribute or do not post please and thank you

>> No.1628155

Every time I see that I just straight up think 'Edward Norton'

>> No.1628156

These are pretty sad threads brownbear, I'm sorry you actually take the time to write all that crap

>> No.1628157

HAHA same.

Tom is dead?

>> No.1628176
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 210840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not here Mog

jealous of my awesome bitchin' life?

>> No.1628181
File: 20 KB, 335x496, Brown_bear_rearing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1628219


>> No.1628228

Yeah Brownbear, you should compile these stories. I like them.

>> No.1628237

Does /lit/ even have any moderators? This thread has nothing to do with literature and the fuckhead of an OP ough to be banned. He's also boring and stupid.

>> No.1628244


>> No.1628248


>> No.1628250


Did you even bother to report? Or is your whining just as feckless as your brianpower?

>> No.1628265


i have a copy of all my greentext stories sorted by date posted

>boring and stupid
>54 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.1628270

>52 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Fuck this place forever.

>> No.1628273



Why do you need so many trips?

>> No.1628274

You are now aware this is mostly samefagging.

Yes, the guy has no life.

>> No.1628282

jealous of my life
why would i samefag with a sage?
you retard

i post on a lot of boards, be happy that you have me here as Brownbear

>> No.1628299

The question is, why can't the Brownbear post pics unless he is indeed the White Whale /fit/ has been hunting for?

>> No.1628308



>> No.1628320

Don't know about the rest of you, but these threads and the discussions which ensue are an entertaining feature on an otherwise stagnant board.

>> No.1628330

Nice dropped trip, BB.

>> No.1628335

It's a board about books, what do you expect. We're not running at a pace comparable to /b/.
Anyways you're a faggot so go die in a fire.

>> No.1628348

Implying I was talking about the speed of the board. Come on, the same books gets discussed over and over and over again on here, there's a thread about an ereader once every couple of days and a homework help thread every day.
At least threads like these generate interest if nothing else.

>> No.1628349

I love you and everything you stand for

>> No.1628364

Go cry over some doughnuts oBesebear.

>> No.1628389

i do post pics on /fit/
however that board is for health and fitness and so everyone can be mirin my abs.
this board is for literature
so i do not post pictuese of myself

thank you

>> No.1628401

Well you still haven't posted an pics in the /fit/ thread, whale boy.

>> No.1628404

why arent all you faggots banned yet is the mod such a douche he likes you or are one of you faggots mods?? i mean seriously do you guys ever even leave /lit/?

>> No.1628409

why would i post pics so you guys can save them and repost them?
ask any of the other trips if i'm fat
post a pic of yourself topless bro
wanna see dat fat

>> No.1628433

>wanna see dat fat
Go look in the mirror, blubber boy. I've done more squatz and oatz than you've had hot dinners, and that is saying something. The thread in /fit/ is still alive, if you want to prove me wrong.

>> No.1628442

forever alone, so much faggotry i think ill never come to 4chan again

>> No.1628443
File: 12 KB, 275x183, BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at that obese fuck

>> No.1628456

lololol of course bro
try SS instead of just squatz and oatz faggot, help you lose the blubber and gain some muscle?

>> No.1628469

i wish this thread wasnt

>> No.1628486

Haha, SS. I do interval training, and have been for a few years now. Get with it. Now I don't believe you go on fit at all. What shitty advice.

>> No.1628523

>saging because you didn't want me to see the reply
interval training?
are you a runner or just a fat ass?

and if i was to give advice to anyone who wanted to lose weight and gain muscle
eat less, move more, SS.
come back in 3 months.

>> No.1628599

catcher in the rye?

>> No.1628606

So I read it when I was like 15, do you think I should go and have another read of it BB? Will I get anything out of it now that I'm the overman?

>> No.1628621

>saging because this is not fit
The only people who do ss primarily are runners, for marathons and things. SS will get rid of as much muscle as fat, interval training will actually build muscle, which will also increase your calorie consumption. So bad bad advice. Not to say there isn't a place for ss, but it's not something to focus on. Don't believe me? Go ask fit, though they'll be pissed you couldn't be bothered to read the sticky.